What's everybody doing today?

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Easy and relaxing day at home while waiting to go back to work full time. Still a productive day taking care of few things as a homeowner.

Highlight of the day was went grocery shopping while it was raining, hoping the store wouldn't be busy and I was right. WooHoo!

Sometimes it's the simply things in life.... :D
Picked up my favorite cousin and her daughter and they helped me clear out mom's room at the nursing home. Had an appt at the mortuary for mom's stuff, that took awhile. Back home with a million phone calls to return. My favorite cousin and her daughter want to do the family dinner at our place the night before the funeral, they are too sweet. Two of our amish neighbors and their families came over this evening and did all the mowing, weed whacking, trimming of our main yard area, that was incredible. One cousin said she'll be making all the pies for after the funeral. My mother in law in California said she'd be sending all the flowers. Everyone is pretty wonderful except for two of my sisters. One got into it with my Florida sis because she wants money now. Florida sis is the executor. Then she told me to get death certificates today, and was pretty ticked when I told her they take up to a month to get, and then all mom's accounts need to be settled. Luckily nothing is in that sister's name, so no access, but she still is awful.
Picked up my favorite cousin and her daughter and they helped me clear out mom's room at the nursing home. Had an appt at the mortuary for mom's stuff, that took awhile. Back home with a million phone calls to return. My favorite cousin and her daughter want to do the family dinner at our place the night before the funeral, they are too sweet. Two of our amish neighbors and their families came over this evening and did all the mowing, weed whacking, trimming of our main yard area, that was incredible. One cousin said she'll be making all the pies for after the funeral. My mother in law in California said she'd be sending all the flowers. Everyone is pretty wonderful except for two of my sisters. One got into it with my Florida sis because she wants money now. Florida sis is the executor. Then she told me to get death certificates today, and was pretty ticked when I told her they take up to a month to get, and then all mom's accounts need to be settled. Luckily nothing is in that sister's name, so no access, but she still is awful.
Is it good your sister is executor?

Less on your plate?

Super busy day!! Two cleaning jobs, last one the lady had her heat on😮😧, it was 74° today! Ran by a small grocery store and then Walmart for a few things. Came home, finally got lunch at 3pm🙄 Hubby was home already, splitting wood! Brushed the cats and Bear, then tackled Buddy's muddy hair, he's really shedding! Did a bunch of push mowing too! Got Hubby straightened out on the valve issue with his John Deere!😉 Why can't guys listen the first time, save themselves time!!
Yep, Ben, it's good she's executor. I was the health person. Sis was the finance, although sometimes my responsibilities crossed with hers. So she's getting yelled at, and she's as fierce as a "mom defender" as a lion. Seriously, her and I have spent the last many years protecting mom's health and assets from the other two. I reminded her, that now we don't have to protect mom, she's passed. And if those two get out of hand, they can now go fly a kite. They're just bugging for bucks, now. And one was already paid off by mom years ago. They're city folks. So coming in to my territory is going to throw them off a whole lot. Little granddaughter is giggling about that. I told her to not hype it up too much. Ha.
Just Settling for another Night, Good Night to All Here and May Your 2morrow 🐝 a Good One...!!!
Amish Heart, family members dying can bring out the worst in some members. I'm glad you have at least one sensible sister to handle things.

I didn't get as much rest as I'd wanted. Mom took 30 units of insulin with her food and then when her sugar didn't come down in like 5 minutes or so she took 30 more. So her sugar started dropping to dangerous levels again and I had to keep getting her sugary stuff to eat and drink. My brother told her to stop taking too much insulin and we both told her she needed to be patient and that the insulin she takes will keep bringing her sugar down long after she's taken it so she needs to use less of it. But I had to keep checking on her and couldn't get rested. When I finally did get comfortable and started to rest she wanted food again. I also had to put a new dexcom sensor on her and in a few minutes I'll need to go set it up. There's a "trick" where you put the new sensor on during the grace period for the old sensor so the new sensor is more acclimated and can activate faster once the old one is removed. I'm about to see if she wants me to go switch it over in the receiver now.
Picked up my favorite cousin and her daughter and they helped me clear out mom's room at the nursing home. Had an appt at the mortuary for mom's stuff, that took awhile. Back home with a million phone calls to return. My favorite cousin and her daughter want to do the family dinner at our place the night before the funeral, they are too sweet. Two of our amish neighbors and their families came over this evening and did all the mowing, weed whacking, trimming of our main yard area, that was incredible. One cousin said she'll be making all the pies for after the funeral. My mother in law in California said she'd be sending all the flowers. Everyone is pretty wonderful except for two of my sisters. One got into it with my Florida sis because she wants money now. Florida sis is the executor. Then she told me to get death certificates today, and was pretty ticked when I told her they take up to a month to get, and then all mom's accounts need to be settled. Luckily nothing is in that sister's name, so no access, but she still is awful.
it's nice to have so many people help out
You are lucky to have such a big family around you but sorry about the greedy sister. I know how that goes sometimes. When my godmother died a very long time ago, I will never forget this, some of the relatives and even some friends of hers were going through her stuff to see what they could take the day after she died, and this was a poor woman living on a farm with very little.
We have fun times with husband's Dexcom, too, but you're right, Zannej....not too much sugar, and not too much insulin, either.
Woke up and saw the weirdest text from our school electrician/part time minister from New Mexico, that I haven't seen or talked to in years since we moved from there. He had an apocalyptic dream and described it. So there's that, this morning. Our whole town is shut down today for a wedding...one of our neighbor's sisters. This wedding is going to be huge. So no amish school driving today, that's even closed, and I just need to drive little granddaughter. Animal chores afterwards, and then husband needs to go in for another midline, and that'll take awhile. Picking up a check from the credit union for the mortuary, and need to take it to them. And also going to the pharmacy for husband's meds pick up. I'll be doing every six hours infusion meds for him starting today them. Hoping to keep him from having to be admitted to the hospital. Looks like it'll be a long day, but determined not to get takeout again.
it absolutely poured yesterday evening, wonder if our water is dirty today. You can really see it when you fill up buckets for the animals
more rain and wind today

Son helped yesterday to clean barn and take care of animals so I could rest my back and husband not have to do it all on his own. So my back feels ok again now. Son has school today so no helping. So far all the goat kids seem ok, even the little tiny one is still alive. I saw him pee yesterday so he is getting some milk hope he makes it. Only bad thing we won't have goat milk for a while since she is feeding 4 kids. I don't want to have 4 more bottle babies plus it is cheaper to buy store milk for us than buy milk replacers for those 4
2 more weeks and the bottle lambs are going down to 2 bottles a day and then 1 until they are weaned

today we have to do some grocery shopping, out of a lot of stuff especially since I have been cooking freezer meals. I want to go to Aldi but debating if I want to drive that far today
I slept halfway decent last night, once I finally fell asleep. Woke up about 6:30am and hoped to get a bit more sleep but that wasn't happening. About 7:30am the accountant sent a text that my taxes were done so now I am waiting to hear back on when I can meet him tonight or tomorrow to pay him and find out how much I get to send the government goons.
Heading to work soon. Should be an easy day, I hope. I have a few shirt jobs I need to work on this evening. I have been putting them off for far too long due to tax prep headaches. I am only a week or two away from trying to run with growing the promotional products business. I am hopeful I can get some work and make it grow. I decided it will either grow this year or I will give up. We shall see what happens.
Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful day but I don't think I will be ready for the farmers market so unless the accountant gives me an early morning appointment I hope to sleep in a bit tomorrow.
Our church is starting to get prepped and painted tomorrow. I volunteered to make lunch for 17+ workers. I’ll be bring about 50 hot dogs and buns so they can all have two. Bought a humongous can (7 lbs) of baked beans but will be making home made Cole slaw ( bought bagged shredded cabbage mix) and home made potato salad. I can’t stand the store bought potato salad and Cole slaw.
Today is surprisingly good, as was half of yesterday. You see we met with my family's cardiac doctor Monday & he gave us the word on my Step Father. The word was that he has 3 life threatening problems. Two of them there's a 50-50 chance of fixing them, somewhere else, he won't touch them. The third problem, no treatment & no fix. My SF is 92 & was there when the doctor explained everything but I didn't know what he understood or didn't understand. So we waited until yesterday & went over it with me. I honestly expected a lot of drama & probably trips to a major medical center for a couple of procedures that may or may not work. He picked the option of just living out his days (I would have picked it too). Then I had to call the only 2 relatives that he stays in contact with & tell them. Wonder of wonders they agreed with what he chose to do & thanked me for the call.
10:00-10:52 Studying my online business course.
11:30-12:22 Online high school.
12:45-1:37 C# Programming practice.
1:54-2:30 Lunch
3:00-4:00 Gym
4:00-4:30 Hypnosis files, clean room and shower,
4:30-6:30 write, taking breaks.
6:30- 7:30 Read.
7:30-9:30 Work on my aim in TF2.
9:30-10:30 Rewrite classics by reading and typing them up so as to better have the habit of writing like them
10:30 Episode of Hazbin Hotel.
11:00 Prepare for bed by reading occult books in bed on my kindle.

Part of my new routine I'm going to do this 4 days a week
Mom passed this morning
I'm so sorry, Amish!
Hoping to keep him from having to be admitted to the hospital.
We just turned a sputum cup in to the hospital lab, yesterday. Pulmonology appt in a week or so. We hope to keep him out of the hospital, also. He's not too bad yet and we are trying to stay ahead of this.

That sounds like a great new schedule @AMC!

We have been really busy, lately. Still walking, of course. We adopted a Chihuahua/ Feist male dog, yesterday. From a shelter in Brookhaven. Looks a little like Oreo, but much smaller and wonderful disposition!
Still intend to spray weeds this afternoon. That will take a while!
10:00-10:52 Studying my online business course.
11:30-12:22 Online high school.
12:45-1:37 C# Programming practice.
1:54-2:30 Lunch
3:00-4:00 Gym
4:00-4:30 Hypnosis files, clean room and shower,
4:30-6:30 write, taking breaks.
6:30- 7:30 Read.
7:30-9:30 Work on my aim in TF2.
9:30-10:30 Rewrite classics by reading and typing them up so as to better have the habit of writing like them
10:30 Episode of Hazbin Hotel.
11:00 Prepare for bed by reading occult books in bed on my kindle.

Part of my new routine I'm going to do this 4 days a week
wow tough schedule, that would involve way too much sitting for me....well good luck hope it works out for you!
I am happy the shopping is done. Filled up 2 carts since we were out of stuff ( including large bags of dog food)
Water was dirty, had to hike up to the spring intake and open the cleanout
Raining again now, but took dog for a walk before when I went to spring and animals are all in the barn. Thankfully we have enough hay this year to feed them inside on rain days but they were out earlier. I want to build up some grass in some of the pastures so we can start rotating them around

Made a double batch of Thai curry , half went in the freezer. I think I have about 24 individually meals now. Tomorrow is going to be bake day, going to make freezer pizzas and some breads

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