What's everybody doing today?

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So Hubby and I went to dinner. I’m stuffed! It was an Italian restaurant and we sat outside (gorgeous day). They had bamboo and a Japanese maple planted. I said I was surprised they didn’t have a cypress planted. Hubby said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen one of those.” I said, “We have one in the kitchen window and one by the back door.” Straight faced he said “Like I said, I’ve never seen one.” We cracked up 😂
Wow, Ben...the oldest is 15? I remember you posting baby photos on the other forum.
Lots of phone calls today, one I was putting off to an old friend of moms in California. I grew up around this lady, and really liked her. She's still kicking. Living in the same lovely home by herself, she's 97, and still makes sense when you talk to her. Glad I called, though, and she always makes me laugh, even though it wasn't good news. Also, bit the bullet and called the mean sis that is coming in for the funeral, the one I haven't spoken to in so many years. So we talked, and that's done. She'll be coming to family dinner at our place the night before. She is starting to suffer from dementia and isn't remembering well, so her son is bringing her.
Got the potatoes finally planted. And more peppers upplanted. A new blister from using the hoe.
I went to church this morning and went to a charity function at church for a needy family at 5:00 PM

About an hour ago I saw a sad, needy person, so I stopped to talk with him. He's homeless so I gave him a $20 bill. He started crying and couldn't thank me enough. That sure made his day and the money went to better use than to donate it to a national charity where 90% of the money goes to the CEO.
Talking with someone is SO important!! The acknowledgement! The "I mattered to someone today" thing is important! Thank you Lenny!!
I'm glad to see Magus back.
Been absolutely exhausted the past few days. Yesterday I was in absolute sloth mode. My body felt heavy and slow. I lumbered around and couldn't get much done. I just had to keep sleeping.
Today was not much better, but I made a grocery run and brought in the cases of water. Dogs knocked the trash over and I still need to pick that up but my back is not cooperating with me.
Thankfully Mom was happy with eating leftovers from the Chinese place. I get enough that they can last awhile.
Started having weird little twinges/minor muscle spasms out of nowhere. The other day it was in my left bicep and then it started in my right bicep. Now it happened in my left hand near the thumb. They don't last too long and are not painful, but they are annoying.
Haven't been taking my vitamins so that may be part of the issue.
My brother is going to be off work for a couple of weeks since they don't have any tasks that are "light duty" to keep him off his feet and his boss wants his achilles tendon to heal properly.
I'm about to take my evening meds and get some sleep.
Just Sprang up, ate a late evening meal about 9:30p ate too much and did not need to go to bed at 11p but did.

Still stuffed this morning gotta walk a mile or so to start the process.

I never try to eat much after 7p, it just dont work for me.

Got some of the stuff at house #1 garage cleaned and sorted, Got to have a complete clear out and redo, then start on #2 I think living in a 1 room log cabin with an outhouse is looks really appealing right now, a little sevin for the spiders and some cedar chips, man now that is a great place.

A good big barn and a few animals, no more than 6 besides Chickens and Guinea will do the trick with a stocked pond.

The more stuff you have the less time you have to live life.
Nothing exciting here, regular Monday job. Storms later today and this evening. Hubby is off today. He's working on a John Deere 280LX riding mower he got really cheap. Has some vibration in the motor. One of the pistons won't move. So he'll be in his shop tearing apart the Kawasaki motor!! Not sure what I'll be getting into later, I'll try my best to avoid his shop!😉😃
Talking with someone is SO important!! The acknowledgement! The "I mattered to someone today" thing is important! Thank you Lenny!!
You're right and you're welcome.

I'm going to a charity place in town to discuss it with the guy who runs it to see if there is anything he can do for that guy and I have some suggestions too. He is also on the city council.
I was up pretty much all night. Brain wouldn't let me sleep. Probably will take a nap soon. I may have to run to the store again to get oranges because I forgot to get them last time.

My brother apparently couldn't be bothered to google how to retrieve his 2022 AGI so I did it and sent him the link on the IRS page. He retrieved the info and now his taxes are filed. I feel better knowing that and that I don't have to worry about it. I can get a nap now.
Shivering and sweating so far. What have I done to myself?!
Please go to a doctor. I had an episode of that a couple years ago and it was endocarditis, which could have killed me. I had a chunk of bacteria flapping around on a heart valve that could have let loose at any moment and cause a stroke or other serious damage. Fortunately, the antibiotics worked and I was okay but that was a very scary time for me.
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Attempting to Seize the Day...!!! So far it is elusive...!! Expecting a parcel from the USPS and Now I just found out that it has been thru Atlanta, then Birmingham and is Now in Ybor, Fl...! Some Heads need a :waiting:
I have had that happen before I had something "delivered" that never made it to the P.O. and they never could track it down the shipper sent another.
A lot of times it is some contractor the uspo uses that loses it.
Their way of routing makes me wonder who reads their map.

Fed Ex lost an entire pallet of my flooring from Wayfair one time It was a contract carrier for Fed Ex and they sent it from Memphis Tennessee to Birmingham, to McDonough Georgia and Rivers bend is just 100 or so miles east of Memphis., 70 or so north of Tupelo so they went 2 1/2 times the distance PAST our area and then lost it.
Magus, are you able to make it to an urgent care place or anywhere to get help?

12icemaker, that sounds about like Fedex. Sometimes I think they purposely misdeliver or "lose" stuff so they can use it themselves or sell it to someone. Fedex sucks.

My attempt to get a nap was thwarted. H&R Block servers are down and have been down since yesterday. For the first 12 hours they wouldn't admit anything was wrong and then they were saying it would be up in an hour and then said it would be up by noon CST. Servers are still down and no one can file and people are enraged. They are also charging every time people attempt to file so there may be a class action lawsuit out of this.

Mom woke me up a few minutes ago asking me to check on the tax status and then started griping at me about stuff and I told her that its on my brother because he didn't make an effort to get the info to her until last minute and he can deal with it now.

Cat just puked on my leg...
A surprise this morning when doing animal chores...went into the milkhouse to feed the baby junior chicks that are in there, off the heatlamp, and I have a cleaned out cage in there, five feet square, that I keep ready for whatever. Opened the door, and there was Angel the cat, and her new babies. So brought her food and water in there. A great places to have her kittens. She must of snuck in last night when I did last rounds. Two appts today for husband. Time for chores in the house, but after some coffee. The mechanic should be by anytime with a new battery for our extra truck.
On my morning songs playlist. Also:

That's not a laughing at you, it just struck me as funny. I like peace in the mornings. If I had to listen to some sort of music, it might be that relaxing w/ nature sounds stuff. I can't imagine listening to a musical. 😊
PS, I also don't like lights first thing in the morning. I light a candle until coffee is consumed :coffee:

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