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If that sputum sample showed pseudomonas was sensitive to that antibiotic, then that's why (probably). Can't get rid of pseudomonas, it doesn't go away. The antibiotic is to keep it from colonizing and putting him in the hospital. Husband is at the point where we're pretty much on an IV 90 percent of the time. He goes off for a couple of weeks, and it gets bad again. Hope your husband can see an Infectious Disease doc, Snappy. They're more of an expert than the pulmonologist.
Going to take him to the hospital for the new midline in a bit, then just got called that mom's death certificates are in at the mortuary, so I'll pick those up, too. Husband's meds for the next few weeks that I need for his IV just arrived on the doorstep.
It's the first so have that fun stuff to do. I was pretty well prepared, and it's not on a Monday so that's helpful also.
Stormed pretty good last night. Hopefully that's over so my plants can have a little bit of a reprieve. We had one gentle spring rain about a week ago which was perfect and much preferred to the blustery poundings we've had in the past day or two.
Got some new toys for the rabbits. They like the balls with bells made for cats. In one of the meat rabbit groups another breeder had her bun pictured with a larger one and I ad to ask where she got it and ordered a bunch. I will rotate them in once we do our weekly cage clean. Got to keep the buns stimulated or they get moody and don't want to breed.

I need to run to the feed store soon and hopefully we can stop having to run errands on weekends so we can just stay home.
If that sputum sample showed pseudomonas was sensitive to that antibiotic, then that's why (probably). Can't get rid of pseudomonas, it doesn't go away. The antibiotic is to keep it from colonizing and putting him in the hospital. Husband is at the point where we're pretty much on an IV 90 percent of the time. He goes off for a couple of weeks, and it gets bad again. Hope your husband can see an Infectious Disease doc, Snappy. They're more of an expert than the pulmonologist.
Going to take him to the hospital for the new midline in a bit, then just got called that mom's death certificates are in at the mortuary, so I'll pick those up, too. Husband's meds for the next few weeks that I need for his IV just arrived on the doorstep.
Went better than expected. He will get IV antibiotics at home instead of an infusion every day at hospital for 3 weeks. And we will be getting a referral for infectious disease doctor. Not sure when it will get started, but the process is underway!
We're expecting rain here, again. Went to look over the site for tomorrow's work and the tracks were in a mud hole, with standing water up to the bottom of the rails. Can't weld in those conditions, so we went to work with picks and shovels and the boom truck grapple to drain the water out of there. The grapple did most of the hard work. It was a mess, but if it rains more the water shouldn't get above the bottom of the ties. The local guys really need to get out there and undercut that area, but they have so many other fires to put out that I don't expect it will get done until a derailment wipes out the tracks.

Tomorrow is go home day. I think I'll stop at the nursing home on the way and see mom and pops, if I'm not too wore out. Saturday is my daughter's senior prom so I'll need to see her off to that event. I'm not sure what all else is happening this weekend. Hopefully not much. I'm running out of energy and motivation...
I have regular thimbles. This one is a specially designed one for quilters. The maker retired so they are now scarce. Also, they are not a US product so even more scarce around here.
Mowed the neighbors Front Yard that is next to Me Front Yard on the South-side of the Homestead...!!! Did the North-side of Me Front yard also... Stopped and got Hydrated and a snack then got into the Back yard and Finished it all about an hour ago...!! Glad it is done, now Rain is expected by Friday so I had to water a bit also...! Time to relax a bit... Have A Good Evening Everybody... ☃️

Ran my errand earlier today.
Will cook tomorrow, out of leftovers.
Crocheting, iced tea.
Waiting on the next batch of rain to start tonight.
Someone had posted a recipe for old fashion apple butter.
I can't remember who or when, but I got apples that need used up.
Estelle could be a horse trader, I am thinking.......
She traded me 2 Oreo cookies for 4 apples.....
Haven't had Oreo cookies in years.
Mowed the neighbors Front Yard that is next to Me Front Yard on the South-side of the Homestead...!!! Did the North-side of Me Front yard also... Stopped and got Hydrated and a snack then got into the Back yard and Finished it all about an hour ago...!! Glad it is done, now Rain is expected by Friday so I had to water a bit also...! Time to relax a bit... Have A Good Evening Everybody... ☃️

Hubby and I both mowed...THE WHOLE PLACE! A lot of rain coming! 🙄
so I had a perfectly crappy day yesterday from start to finish, I think the stress of trying to get ready for the trip is getting to me too, didn't sleep well last night despite all the work and a gummi.

First we put the mommas and baby goats in the new fence and the little ones just ran right through one section. The only section husband did right next to the house. It was not tight enough and he used a bad charge controller that only works some of the time. The bucks already know the tape is hot, these little guys don't. So we had a bunch of little goats running all over. The mommas got upset and ran through the fence despite getting shocked and we spent a few hours getting them all back into their regular pasture. The mommas follow the goat pellets, but the babies don't follow the mommas. They have to learn first.

Then, husband was going to set the clock on the Ranger, and forgot to turn it off, so the battery died. I don't know how he will take care of everything while I am gone, he is sometimes so careless with everything. It is making me very stressed thinking about it

Then I discovered some dead broccoli and cabbages in the garden, no visible bugs at first and I have been watering them. Pulled them up and they have root maggots. This is very hard to get rid of , looked it up. They eat seeds too which would explain why almost no peas have started growing. OUt of a whole pack only 5 came up

Then I called the doctor to see if he can give me some better medication for sleeping than the stuff he gave me which doesn't work, made me tired and made my heart skip. He is on vacation and won't be back in time before the trip, not that I have time for another appointment . So I will probably take a few gummies and take my chance in Ireland. I will just claim I am a senile old lady with lots of supplements and pills and forgot to remove them and show them me medical license and hope the worst they will do is take it away

ONe more thing: it is supposed to rain all day Saturday , so the market will probably get rained out but it is the only one this month we are going to so I really wanted to. But debating if it is worth the trouble
We'll be in the bigger town for husband's medical stuff around noontime. My sis sent me a list of go to's and to do's with mom's death certificates. So far, three places to go with them, and a number of faxes to be sent. I have to see who has a fax machine. So, I'll get started on this when we're in town, but can see this taking a few days.
Looks like we had a nice rain last night. Not too little, not too much.
every dog I ever had didn;t like thunderstorms

Otto tried to bite the weedeater a few days ago he really hates that thing
Bear is not really afraid, he just wants to go sit the storms out in the den!🤔🙄 I'm awake for severe weather anyway, so to the den we go!
Just getting a Start on the Day, Hope All Here Have A Goodn...!!!
I have to ask...what exactly are you going to do with this thing?! Just curious
I love hand quilting! (As opposed to machine quilting) When hand quilting, the needle is most often worked towards yourself. When the quilt is in a frame, it isn't possible to just rotate the quilt like if it was in a hoop so there are occasions when it's necessary to push the needle away from you. In this case, the thumb is used to control the needle & the thumb thimble becomes a need. There are chinksy versions that work (often used in beadwork), but this particular one was designed by a quilter for this purpose. 😊 It's kinda the right tool for the job scenario.
I will say, my usual thimble I purchased as a "treat" since it was expensive - that was probably 30 years ago and it is still in perfect condition and is the one I use regularly to this day. (I do have a couple cheapo emergency thimbles as back-ups)

Probably more than you ever wanted to know about quilting 🥴
I love hand quilting! (As opposed to machine quilting) When hand quilting, the needle is most often worked towards yourself. When the quilt is in a frame, it isn't possible to just rotate the quilt like if it was in a hoop so there are occasions when it's necessary to push the needle away from you. In this case, the thumb is used to control the needle & the thumb thimble becomes a need. There are chinksy versions that work (often used in beadwork), but this particular one was designed by a quilter for this purpose. 😊 It's kinda the right tool for the job scenario.
I will say, my usual thimble I purchased as a "treat" since it was expensive - that was probably 30 years ago and it is still in perfect condition and is the one I use regularly to this day. (I do have a couple cheapo emergency thimbles as back-ups)

Probably more than you ever wanted to know about quilting 🥴
no it's actually interesting since that is something I don't know anything about. We have some really nice quilts husband's relatives in Colombia made and gave us when they came for a visit . They just collect old clothes and cut them out and sewed them together with a blanket material on the other side. I would never have the patience for that in a million years
Got to keep the buns stimulated or they get moody and don't want to breed.
I don’t think I ever heard of a rabbit they doesn’t want to breed. 😁
no it's actually interesting since that is something I don't know anything about. We have some really nice quilts husband's relatives in Colombia made and gave us when they came for a visit . They just collect old clothes and cut them out and sewed them together with a blanket material on the other side. I would never have the patience for that in a million years
I don’t think I’d have the patience to quilt. And the precision needed to match all the squares up would be beyond my skill level, too.
That thimble has a raised catch for the needle it must take a little use to always hit the spot but once you get used to it, it gives you some room that just a normal thimble wouldn't.

I used to watch my grandmother patch quilt, do needlepoint and Knit when we stayed there after school.

Not to mention it is a FANCY THING hehehehe.

Getting ready to fall into a run of stuff before the week + of rain noi way to get it half done with just one tractor going and BIL has other stuff to do, sonny is busy too.
I ended up using the snowblower to remove the slush from the deck , where it flopped off the roof, never build a deck under the eves in snow country.
Ugh. Went to mom's bank and closed it out. Money dispersed to me and sisters. Then to the credit union with her death certificate and money dispersed. Had to call the greedy PIA sis in Oregon for info for her share. She is losing her mind excited about finally getting "her share". Said she feels like she won the lottery. I'd rather have mom back. She should see the money transfers tomorrow. Doubt that I'll hear from her again, and that's fine. Took husband for his bandage change on his midline, then stopped and we had frozen custard at Freddies in town. All that's left is a trip to the social security office tomorrow. I am brain dead for the day.
I don’t think I ever heard of a rabbit they doesn’t want to breed. 😁

I don’t think I’d have the patience to quilt. And the precision needed to match all the squares up would be beyond my skill level, too.
Does will castrate a buck if they don't want to breed. Plus they can get fat (mostly around their organs) if they get lazy.

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