What's everybody doing today?

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Going to the bank today and open another CD. Interest rate is only 4.22% but better than regular bank rates, plus it's only for 5 months. After we get home I want to start framing the new building. Got some 3/4" plywood to dig out of the snow and put up on the back wall. I need to call the lumber yard and see if the 1×12's I ordered last week are in.
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It's been a long day and it's only like half over! The bathtub faucet drama continues. One of the kids is sick. A little bit ago I got a call, "you want a baby goat?" Heck yes I want a baby goat. Soo.... now I have another goat in my house. This little guy is in rough shape, but we'll see what I can do. I just gave him colostrum via stomach tube, thankfully he was reasonably warm when I got to him.
I need to restock on animal feed today at some point. Dragging sick kid with me everywhere is exhausting.
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It's been a long day and it's only like half over! The bathtub faucet drama continues. One of the kids is sick. A little bit ago I got a call, "you want a baby goat?" Heck yes I want a baby goat. Soo.... now I have another goat in my house. This little guy is in rough shape, but we'll see what I can do. I just gave him colostrum via stomach tube, thankfully he was reasonably warm when I got to him.
I need to restock on animal feed today at some point. Dragging sick kid with me everywhere is exhausting.
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Keep us updated!!
Did next to nothing today. Only thing of note was take the garbage bin down to the highway for pickup this morning. I had 4 extra 39g lawn and leaf bags filled with renovation debris to go out. I carefully balanced them on top of the bin. I saw the truck when it stopped, they all made it, yea! The truck has one of those auto-pickup and dump mechanisms, wasn’t sure they’d all make the ride. 🤣
Keep us updated!!
So far he's still not up, I'll give him some selenium and feed him again in a few minutes. I'm starting to wonder in he has a thiamine deficiency, but i'd say selenium is more likely given his age. I'm not sure exactly when he was born, it's possible he didn't get colostrum soon enough even though it was the very first thing I did. When I was at the feed store a few minutes ago I looked for B complex for him but they were out of the injectable and I feel like he's too small for the liquid. 😔 I may have to call around.
So far he's still not up, I'll give him some selenium and feed him again in a few minutes. I'm starting to wonder in he has a thiamine deficiency, but i'd say selenium is more likely given his age. I'm not sure exactly when he was born, it's possible he didn't get colostrum soon enough even though it was the very first thing I did. When I was at the feed store a few minutes ago I looked for B complex for him but they were out of the injectable and I feel like he's too small for the liquid. 😔 I may have to call around.
Is there a vet clinic that will sell you a bottle, or even a “ranch n home” type store, or some pet stores for that matter? Just trying to help from many miles away and helpless 🥴
Finished cleaning all the drawers and dividers for my 60 drawer small parts cabinet last night. Today the tedious work began. Got all my stranded wire connectors sorted by size and type along with lugs. Sorted the solid wire twist connectors then finished fuses for home, auto and systems. Working on switches and bulbs when I called it a day. Have to decide what I want stored in the bottom half of the cabinet.

Watching tv tonight.

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You mean you don't just dump them in an old coffee can? ;)
So far he's still not up, I'll give him some selenium and feed him again in a few minutes. I'm starting to wonder in he has a thiamine deficiency, but i'd say selenium is more likely given his age. I'm not sure exactly when he was born, it's possible he didn't get colostrum soon enough even though it was the very first thing I did. When I was at the feed store a few minutes ago I looked for B complex for him but they were out of the injectable and I feel like he's too small for the liquid. 😔 I may have to call around.
That little baby is fortunate to have you!❤️
Monday December 23rd 2024

Light snow ..now 9f
Fire is going..feels nice

I feel tired ..did not go out
Dane Girl went for her business ..I did wipe and dry her
She had a bit of snow on her back and I did wipe her feet too :)
Then I gave her a treat...she was cuddly..then went to bed

Have a nice night

Festive month ..Christmas and Hanukkah


A little thought 🥰
For all of the ones who lost loved some
and now are up there watching over us
They are not really gone ... they are by our side
Daughter & son in law are out of town for Christmas, so we had Christas dinner yesterday,
I had a doctor appointment today; back pain is less but not gone completely.
I was told to take Wheat Germ oil to lower the lactic acid in my back when I raise in the morning.
Flax seed oil will do the same AND has Omega 3's!!
Well. He's more talkative. He's sitting up a little, but hasn't stood yet. He pooped-- a lot! He's been tubed every 2-3 hours, getting plenty of colostrum and nutrition. He's got a heater by him to keep him toasty warm... I tried him on a bottle and he has no suckle reflex. That's not good!!! 😵 His neck isn't twisted around the way it was when I brought him home, so maybe there's hope. Still not looking good... I'll tube him again around 11pm before I crash and hope He's up and starving in the morning. There's not much else I can do.

But... He's not dead yet, and I don't see anything obviously wrong with him, so I'll keep trying.20241223_195726.jpg
Well. He's more talkative. He's sitting up a little, but hasn't stood yet. He pooped-- a lot! He's been tubed every 2-3 hours, getting plenty of colostrum and nutrition. He's got a heater by him to keep him toasty warm... I tried him on a bottle and he has no suckle reflex. That's not good!!! 😵 His neck isn't twisted around the way it was when I brought him home, so maybe there's hope. Still not looking good... I'll tube him again around 11pm before I crash and hope He's up and starving in the morning. There's not much else I can do.

But... He's not dead yet, and I don't see anything obviously wrong with him, so I'll keep trying.View attachment 170541

I wish you luck, I've brought a few calves back from deaths door and have also failed. It comes down to their will to live sometimes. Hope he's not to far gone...
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Today: toast the bread cubes for the stuffing, find a temporary place for the gingerbread houses, have an employee interview to attend at work (Hubby’s not great at interviewing folks to get the info he wants), call re. storage unit and bring turkey in the house to finish defrosting- will see what else.
Interview or interrogation??
Got up, worked out, ran an extra mile on the treadmill for the cookies I ate yesterday, went for a swim with the lady, got in some hot tub time, came upstairs and cleaned up, watched the lady try on 5-6 different outfits, then change 10 min later, played a couple games on my iPad, did the dishes, made some coffee, watched the lady and her daughter head out to attend some mother-daughter breakfast thing she told me about but I have already lost in my head because I was only half paying attention, looked at a pile of gun parts I am going to switching/swapping/installing today but instead decided to grab my laptop and turn on some classic 80's music before hitting the interwebz.
You are OFFICIALLY married, "I was only paying half attention", how sweet!!
Well...I think Subie died tonight...

I'm probably 2 or 3 miles from home...it's pushing 1am n I feel hear a strain..lurchy feeling then a slow drain of power..all lights blinking danger..thrusters crap out and I barely make it to the side if the road. Headlights work, blinkers on but Subie is DOA..
I get out..look under Subie ..clean..no drips gushes or hanging parts...I have battery power but no engine...nada..
So I start collecting items in subie I don't want to leave behind...kinda wrapping my mind around that this is probably the end of Subie..I'm going to have to hike home ..do I leave groceries in or ..I try calling my roadside service and get a answering machine after a 10 minute phone tree..3rd attempt..
I decide to start hiking home..call the SO to tell them it's not a abandoned car ..at the moment n keep trying roadside. .
...a coworker ..one of two who lives past me stops and offers his assistance. He is a decent homemade machanic and is guessing I blew my timing belt possibly..he offers me a ride home n helps me load my crap. The 5th try on roadside service now at 2am is a fail but he gets me in contact with the local new towing guy he used once. So it's now 4am..Subie is home..I met the new towing guy who was great..I had to pay him outright..but he did everything in the paperwork to reflect I attempted to call for service.
At this point I really don't care...small potatoes compared to having to replace Subie most likely...
I have my truck still ..
Well...I think Subie died tonight...

I'm probably 2 or 3 miles from home...it's pushing 1am n I feel hear a strain..lurchy feeling then a slow drain of power..all lights blinking danger..thrusters crap out and I barely make it to the side if the road. Headlights work, blinkers on but Subie is DOA..
I get out..look under Subie ..clean..no drips gushes or hanging parts...I have battery power but no engine...nada..
So I start collecting items in subie I don't want to leave behind...kinda wrapping my mind around that this is probably the end of Subie..I'm going to have to hike home ..do I leave groceries in or ..I try calling my roadside service and get a answering machine after a 10 minute phone tree..3rd attempt..
I decide to start hiking home..call the SO to tell them it's not a abandoned car ..at the moment n keep trying roadside. .
...a coworker ..one of two who lives past me stops and offers his assistance. He is a decent homemade machanic and is guessing I blew my timing belt possibly..he offers me a ride home n helps me load my crap. The 5th try on roadside service now at 2am is a fail but he gets me in contact with the local new towing guy he used once. So it's now 4am..Subie is home..I met the new towing guy who was great..I had to pay him outright..but he did everything in the paperwork to reflect I attempted to call for service.
At this point I really don't care...small potatoes compared to having to replace Subie most likely...
I have my truck still ..

so sorry, glad your coworker helped you out. Can't imagine being stuck miles from home in the middle of the night with broken vehicle. That sucks bad. Hope it can be fixed. We have 4 old vehicles including son's, it could happen to us any time. Drove the yukon to the store yesterday and husband stayed in it and we left it running so we wouldn't be stuck there if it didn't start again . It made it back home
Well. He's more talkative. He's sitting up a little, but hasn't stood yet. He pooped-- a lot! He's been tubed every 2-3 hours, getting plenty of colostrum and nutrition. He's got a heater by him to keep him toasty warm... I tried him on a bottle and he has no suckle reflex. That's not good!!! 😵 His neck isn't twisted around the way it was when I brought him home, so maybe there's hope. Still not looking good... I'll tube him again around 11pm before I crash and hope He's up and starving in the morning. There's not much else I can do.

But... He's not dead yet, and I don't see anything obviously wrong with him, so I'll keep trying.View attachment 170541
awww poor baby!! I hope he makes it. You are doing everything I would have done, I wonder if he just got too cold. Is it cold where you are? You might try .25 ml each of Bo se and vitamin B if you have any.
So far he's still not up, I'll give him some selenium and feed him again in a few minutes. I'm starting to wonder in he has a thiamine deficiency, but i'd say selenium is more likely given his age. I'm not sure exactly when he was born, it's possible he didn't get colostrum soon enough even though it was the very first thing I did. When I was at the feed store a few minutes ago I looked for B complex for him but they were out of the injectable and I feel like he's too small for the liquid. 😔 I may have to call around.
Hope he made it till today and you find some
I am out of bo se also, need to get some before ours are due ( not till March) , you have to get the injectable selenium from the vet here
I'm taking a page out of Magus' book today. NOTHING. I survived Christmas dinner yesterday. SIL and BIL that I really love were there, so we sat together and had a very nice time. Spent the afternoon trying to get a (wild) bird out of the house. We chased it around, and don't see or hear it anymore, so we hope it found its way outside.

KP is done. Time for breakfast. I will listen to Christmas carols, and hope one of the versions of A Christmas Carol that I enjoy most (either the 1938 or 1951) will be on TV tonight. Probably make either Brandy Alexanders or Brown Squirrels for my wife tonight. I will have the brandy neat. Everything is wrapped and under the tree.

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night. :flyingaway:

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