What's everybody doing today?

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We've been at the gun club. There's an ATA tourney going on, all 5 fields were popping. I renewed our membership for '25 so my gate code didn't expire. They are having a Christmas ham dinner for ten bucks. We might do that instead of cooking our duck. It's come a long way. 15 years ago we had one berm. Now we have 4 rifle/pistol ranges, 5 skeet/trap fields, 5 stand, archery. Lots of steel and several plate racks. A club house and separate training trailer/classroom, even internet, even a working bowling ball cannon. The whole thing is built and run by volunteers.

I gotta shoot more. My wife cleaned my clock on the plate rack. She was shooting her ported Canik "Shark" (CZ75 clone) and I was shooting my edc Glock 19. Her first rack was 6 of 6. Six inch steel at 15 yds. We start by shooting it cold. Just draw and shoot. You learn a lot that way. I mashed the atrocious trigger on my Glock and hit halfway up the berm twice on my first rack, sheesh, leaving me at 6 plates with 9 rounds. When we left we were both nailing the 50 yard gongs. But way too slow. New Year's resolution, shoot at least once a week until summer!
Helped my best friend today. Hauled a ladder for him in my truck, helped him take off a door and let him use my handheld planer to chamfer/bevel the door edge to make it fit (he had to scab a piece on to repair it & it was too thick to fit with the door stops and door stops started breaking when he tried to pull them up). Gave him some cardboard to use to protect other stuff while he spray painted Killz on to the trimmed edges, helped him re-mount the door, helped him mount another door. Handed him tools, shingles, and roofing nails to clean up and patch the roof on the workshop. While he was up there removing remnants from a cruddy addition, I was down picking up debris and moving burnable stuff to the burn pile and non-burnable stuff into trash bags I brought. I got some contractor bags and we filled a few up. Helped him move the chicken nesting boxes into the barn and helped trying to clean up a huge pile of debris (mostly old shingles). At one point he had the dust catcher on the planer on the wrong side (or rather, forgot to flip the switch) so it blew dust all over me while I was holding the door still. I laughed the entire time it was happening.

Discovered there was more damage to my truck from the deer than I'd originally noticed. Cracks can't be fixed but hoping the fog light can be.

Friend loaded up my gorilla cart into the truck, I went to Walmart for food, cooked for Mom when I got home and am currently resting.
Time is flying like a Jet ! ✈️

Sunday December 22th 2024
-5f right now ❄️☃️

Another week starting...and soon Christmas

Then we hit *New Year --- 2025* 😮

Most of day was care of cats and Dane Girl
Had ( 3 ) phone calls : :)
Friend *George --my *sister-- and my friend *Lisa

Fire going and .........
yes I sleep with my hair dryer is my best friend when I am cold
as well as my merino wool socks - my flannel long night dress
and my very loose long hooded cardigan with long sleeves
but I will be warm with my wool blankets

Stay warm and cozy
Have a great night 🥰

Very busy the last few days.
Today is Church, cut up and vacuum seal ham that was cooked yesterday. Prep for tomorrow at the hospital in Jackson. DH will have blood work, CT of lungs, pulmonary function test (he passed out last time), then a bronchoscopy and wash out his lungs. Long day! Hope transport shows up on time! I have a friend feeding the dogs and cat. I will try to update. Please pray for a successful outcome!
Prayers for both of you snap 🙏
We were <1 hr from heading out with gingerbread houses to decorate when niece called and said they were sick so change of plans- we’ll try for Thursday. Since our day was freed up, I went to church. There weren’t very many people there today but I think it was one of my favorite services. Pastor kept getting sidetracked- too funny.
Got Ma’s gift finished and was wrapping it when they showed up 😬 whew! Tomorrow I will toast bread cubes for stuffing.
Also still dealing with fire stuff- will need a storage unit for a period of time so hoping to take care of that tomorrow also.
Finished cleaning all the drawers and dividers for my 60 drawer small parts cabinet last night. Today the tedious work began. Got all my stranded wire connectors sorted by size and type along with lugs. Sorted the solid wire twist connectors then finished fuses for home, auto and systems. Working on switches and bulbs when I called it a day. Have to decide what I want stored in the bottom half of the cabinet.

Watching tv tonight.

Very busy the last few days.
Today is Church, cut up and vacuum seal ham that was cooked yesterday. Prep for tomorrow at the hospital in Jackson. DH will have blood work, CT of lungs, pulmonary function test (he passed out last time), then a bronchoscopy and wash out his lungs. Long day! Hope transport shows up on time! I have a friend feeding the dogs and cat. I will try to update. Please pray for a successful outcome!
Prayers for you and your husband tomorrow, Snappy. Hoping they check his O2 while he does the pulmonary function test so he doesn't pass out. And hoping his bronch wash does ok. Husband has had a few of those, but he developed a "floppy lung" problem after the third one, and can't do them anymore. But I think they did help at first. Hope it all goes well!
Prayers for you and your husband tomorrow, Snappy. Hoping they check his O2 while he does the pulmonary function test so he doesn't pass out. And hoping his bronch wash does ok. Husband has had a few of those, but he developed a "floppy lung" problem after the third one, and can't do them anymore. But I think they did help at first. Hope it all goes well!
Thank goodness for you being here to help/support her!!💖
Finished cleaning all the drawers and dividers for my 60 drawer small parts cabinet last night. Today the tedious work began. Got all my stranded wire connectors sorted by size and type along with lugs. Sorted the solid wire twist connectors then finished fuses for home, auto and systems. Working on switches and bulbs when I called it a day. Have to decide what I want stored in the bottom half of the cabinet.

Watching tv tonight.

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I have terminal sorting envy :). Mine are dumped in a box, from a friend who inherited them from his dad.
Prayers for you and your husband tomorrow, Snappy. Hoping they check his O2 while he does the pulmonary function test so he doesn't pass out. And hoping his bronch wash does ok. Husband has had a few of those, but he developed a "floppy lung" problem after the third one, and can't do them anymore. But I think they did help at first. Hope it all goes well!
I will make sure to say something about the 02. I am hopeful that the wash will be helpful!
it's just as cold as it was yesterday but winter JUST started wow
we are going to pick up another hay bale on Thursday, don't know if and when we will get more wood delivered but the guys cut some more so we are not out, just low, but worst case there are a lot of trees down in the woods, we just have to go get them ( Ranger or ATV)
The hard part is cutting them up
Animal care first, then I am going to drive the Yukon to the Amish store to get some cookie supplies like lemon extract. Husband will just sit in the car and wait so I can leave it running
Then I am going to make a batch of cookies and dough for my gingerbread cookies that has to sit overnight. So I will limit us to 2 types of cookies this year. Or maybe I will make half a batch of the gingerbreads and something else too, like macarones
It's MONDAY!! One of the cat threw up BEHIND the wood stove! At least there's no fire this morning (54° outside) and I fit behind it to clean it up, and it was on brick, better than the carpet!!🙄🙁 Regular work day and regular ol' list of things to do later!
I hate cleaning up animal puke...groce....
Hope your cat feels better
It's MONDAY!! One of the cat threw up BEHIND the wood stove! At least there's no fire this morning (54° outside) and I fit behind it to clean it up, and it was on brick, better than the carpet!!🙄🙁 Regular work day and regular ol' list of things to do later!

What a way to start the day? 😲

Today is the (dreaded for me) family Christmas dinner. Meeting my wife's family around lunch time at a restarant. I am hoping one BIL will be there, but not sure if they are coming. He and that SIL are the only two I can stand.
The dog having gas is bad. He clears a room that way. If our cats puke, then it's outside anyway.
Son and gf arrived about 2 am, when the dog heard them and barked. I see a pair of shoes and a coat over a chair, and the truck back, so I can't wait to see them. Not sure what all is on the agenda today, but I do know that gf wants to see our small town. A few things might be open today, but doubtful the rest of the week, so maybe we'll go do that. This evening is our Christmas light tradition in a neighboring town. Called Pennington Road lights, it's really a spectacular drive thru. Then we go to Braums for dinner. Husband has not walked into a restaurant in I don't know how long, we usually can only do takeout, so this will be fun. Son can help me load the big wheelchair and we will go in to eat. It's only burgers and ice cream, not fancy.
I'll be at the flea market today, ensuring security for the festive season. I'll be there from Monday to Wednesday, a period that presents an excellent opportunity to meet other farmers and establish connections that could be mutually beneficial. The main reason for taking on this role is to expand my network. I've made it clear to the manager, Bobby, that I can only commit to these three days due to my farm responsibilities.
What a way to start the day? 😲

Today is the (dreaded for me) family Christmas dinner. Meeting my wife's family around lunch time at a restarant. I am hoping one BIL will be there, but not sure if they are coming. He and that SIL are the only two I can stand.
I'd rather clean up cat puke!!!
Got up, worked out, ran an extra mile on the treadmill for the cookies I ate yesterday, went for a swim with the lady, got in some hot tub time, came upstairs and cleaned up, watched the lady try on 5-6 different outfits, then change 10 min later, played a couple games on my iPad, did the dishes, made some coffee, watched the lady and her daughter head out to attend some mother-daughter breakfast thing she told me about but I have already lost in my head because I was only half paying attention, looked at a pile of gun parts I am going to switching/swapping/installing today but instead decided to grab my laptop and turn on some classic 80's music before hitting the interwebz.

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