What's everybody doing today?

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Bad tired, should still be resting from last saturday. Instead I added 2 more full days this week. At lunch bacon and eggs seemed to complicated so I went to the meat n 3 down the road. Its thursday which means fried pork chops, cheesy potatoes and cornbread. Good lunch.

Determined to do something constructive today… I drove through a big hollow after lunch checking for yellowroot. Checked part of the area last week. After studying the maps some more i decided there was another creek I missed. Just a 5min walk.

It was a bust but I got something done. And, on the drive home I happened to see a sign. A place I’ve never checked for medicinal plants. For some unfathomable reason it never occurred to me to look there. It has very high potential… maybe next week? :)
Meeting with my dissertation supervisor later today- so I've done the chores and checked my garden with dismay. Two days ago it was boiling hot; yesterday it blew a gale and lashed rain. So bad all my lupins and flowers have broken or bent. My potatoes are happy though! Made up anti-mice bags from a Pinterest recipe to leave in certain places. I sprinkled peppermint oil next to the feed bins and it seemed to work also. I have enough cats that they don't seem to get into the house.
Off to hunt for somewhere selling onions - I began lifting mine as I planted them early, and decided I'll get another lot down this year in the polytunnel. Starting to lift garlic also.
This is my 3 day weekend since I worked Sunday. Dropped my truck off at the dealer last night—finally getting the speedometer, gas gauge and oil pressure gauge taken care of (hopefully). No wheels mean a day of doing all the home stuff. Planning on tackling garage cleaning and general decluttering.

Weather was beautiful overnight and it’s currently 65*.
Husband wanted scones so I made a batch and it’s in the oven now. Cranberry if you were wondering. Coffee is brewing. Younger menfolk are still sound asleep. Cat is cuddling with the husband and they are cruising through YouTube getting snippets about the debate reactions. I’m waiting for the coffee maker to finish before commuting to the sunroom to sit in my office and try to figure out how to function for work today. Working only till 9 and then off to grandmas house I go to work on tile floor layout.
About to watch the scones magically disappear once they cool off enough to touch
Got up, worked out, checked the property, grabbed the laptop and now I am just sitting around waiting for that brown eyed girl to wake up. Then we are going to go on a hike. Planning on throwing on the weighted pack just to add to the difficulty and benefit. Then after getting cleaned up I am going to hit some of those roadside stands another thread has me thinking about.
Recliner or bed on and off for a few days, pulled a right internal & external obliques and they are tight tight as scrooge.

Walking and stretching till I have to give it up then R or B for a bit till I cannot STAND it URRRRRRR!!

Do it again, usually takes three to six days of W&S then back to regular work.

Need to be cutting grass all day for an 8 day week.

Have a good day all At least the debate will go off of every channel soon and I can stand to watch a few snips of local news.,,,,. maybe not where's Gene Autry or maybe Hoppy????
debating on what bread to bake after lunch, options : Challah ( braided egg bread) , Turkish bread ( flat breads with seeds on top) , regular white sandwich bread, oatmeal bread

which one of those would you buy if you had to pick ? ( I have already sourdough stuff and foccaccia so don't ask for that)

oh, Bluedanube: your scones look really good!! I make some sometimes, but don't sell them since there are already some other people there that do
You can do it!! You'll have an adrenaline RUSH posting the questions!!
My questions are ready.
Just not sure you will be ready for them?
My questions suit me.
But not overly sure others will enjoy my questions...
I guess we will see?
As for rushing for anyone anymore.....
Nope, I am retired.
Scored a clearance sale at the Merrell shoes outlet and got my daughter two pairs of Merrell hiking shoes for $112. It seems like a lot but with shoes you get what you pay for and those shoes were over $100 a pair before they were discontinued. They are much more durable than most shoes that college kids wear too so I think it's a pretty good value...
My questions are ready.
Just not sure you will be ready for them?
My questions suit me.
But not overly sure others will enjoy my questions...
I guess we will see?
As for rushing for anyone anymore.....
Nope, I am retired.
Your questions are fine, whatever they are :)
My questions are ready.
Just not sure you will be ready for them?
My questions suit me.
But not overly sure others will enjoy my questions...
I guess we will see?
As for rushing for anyone anymore.....
Nope, I am retired.
My questions are up?
Hope you enjoy them?
Most of my answers are scattered through the forums.
There are a few easy questions.
Some not so much.
Some will make you think.
Oh, by the way...
You should be very glad I didn't ask questions about autopsies from school questions.
My questions are up?
Hope you enjoy them?
Most of my answers are scattered through the forums.
There are a few easy questions.
Some not so much.
Some will make you think.
Oh, by the way...
You should be very glad I didn't ask questions about autopsies from school questions.
They put me under during operations cause I kept answering the questions the surgeon was asking his intern :p
They put me under during operations cause I kept answering the questions the surgeon was asking his intern :p
I always tell them to put me out quick and keep me quiet coming back because I was the class clown and may say something stupid to embarrass us all. HEHEHEH.

Stiff and walking 1/4 mile at a time trying to get 2 miles today.
I fed kitties-- had to open a new cat food bag. Called doctor's office to ask them to expedite approval on a refill of Mom's BP meds. Called pharmacy a few hours later but they had not heard from doctor's office. Going to call a bit later to find out if it got approved.
Brought in a ladder and tried to look into the attic to see if I could spot where the water is coming from in the kitchen ceiling. Couldn't see past the ductwork. Will have to climb up there to look around. Not enough space to stand up so will have to crawl. Hope I can fit under the ductwork to get close enough. It's going to suck. I should take a measuring tape up and measure the ceiling joist span. There are some sort of panels that are designed specifically for attics that can be put over the joists for people to walk on or crawl on or store stuff on. Might get some of those and install them at some point.

I should also check the roof to see if I can find the source of the leak. I wonder if its near the fireplace and is running down a beam or something. But weird that it only seems to be leaking in one spot. might have to go up and tighten some of the bolts down better-- although, my roof crawling days are in the past. I can't stand on the incline as well since I messed up my ankles.

Mewlatto is clinging to me while I am reading stuff on the internet.
Just got back from picking my truck up from the dealer service department. I took it in for an estimate on some work. It needs a new instrument cluster. For about a year and a half I’ve been using an app on my phone as my speedometer, getting gas when I’ve got 100 miles on the tripometer, but the oil pressure stopped working and, we’ll, there’s no app for that. It also needs a new fuel pump with corresponding hardware. That’s actually going to cost me more than the instrument panel. Altogether it’s probably going to run me about $2500. Sure beats a car payment though. So they’re ordering my 20 year old parts and it should probably be fixed while I’m on vacation.
Picked up little granddaughter from the farmer's mkt early. It was hitting 101 already. Ugh. She called and said she sold out of dreamcatchers (2) that she made and paintings she did (3). And of course, the kitten got taken. Just gave all the chickens cold, fresh water, and also dumped water on their feet to cool them off.
Another day of errands instead of rest. Trip to the little town then another to the big town. I’m sooo tired… Dad’s doctor called me when I got home. Said his mri was clean aside from the fact he’s 90yrs old. Said his blood work was better than hers. But, there’s more prescriptions to pick up tomorrow. How did I know... 😒

While at the big town I bought a good yellow watermelon at my favorite produce stand. I gutted it, got melon chilling in the fridge for a late snack tonight.
Made a wheel of long process cheddar and a batch of ricotta from the whey. Also put extra “runners” on some shelves for my jars. I’ve had the boards cut for ages but pre drilling annoys me so I procrastinated. It’s now done ✅. Made a small batch of shortbread cookies- ate a couple and the rest are in the freezer. Might head up to the mountains tomorrow 😍

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