What's everybody doing today?

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Going into the bigger town with little granddaughter to Hobby Lobby to get her material and supplies for her 3 upcoming sewing class projects. She loves that store, we'll be in there awhile. Then a quick stop in to Walmart for some random items that Aldi doesn't have. Only getting in the high 80's today, so outdoor work this morning was not bad at all.
Today its brushing and manicure for the cats...some of them
So far *Kurt* and *Leo* were good boys 👍
I did few this week ...
Have to do *Samou and *DobyDoby later

Edit: I did clean their ears too with

Always with this ..we used it at Vet clinic

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This work week felt longer since I could only get a good 3 to 5 hours sleep at night.
It's been hot here and the tin can I live in retains all the heat well into the evening.
It will be most welcomed when I build my earthship home .nice n cool in summer..warm n cozy in winter.
I slept in way longer today than I wanted but I guess I was pretty wiped out.
It's beautiful outside , I think I will take the pups for a nice hike and then I will mow the boneyard so it's done before next week.
I need coffee now..
This work week felt longer since I could only get a good 3 to 5 hours sleep at night.
It's been hot here and the tin can I live in retains all the heat well into the evening.
It will be most welcomed when I build my earthship home .nice n cool in summer..warm n cozy in winter.
I slept in way longer today than I wanted but I guess I was pretty wiped out.
It's beautiful outside , I think I will take the pups for a nice hike and then I will mow the boneyard so it's done before next week.
I need coffee now..
I gots a Couple of these, well, not exactly these, but Mine are still Holmes :


My right eye is bound and determined to go blind on me, it's been trying for a few years now. First I had a stroke in it which took about 9 monthly injections in it to clear it up. Then a year or so later there was another issue which took 2 laser surgeries and 6 more monthly injections. I found out today there's another issue which is going to take another laser surgery and at least 6 more monthly injection. It's getting very very annoying and expensive.
My Step Father is going through much the same thing. He's blind in one eye & they are trying to save the other. The new eye doctor has total faith in Laser Surgery so he went through that & then we made another appointment for a check up. I'm not saying that the surgery didn't work but between the L. Surgery & his appointment his eye sight went down hill FAST. Two days ago we went back for the 2nd appointment & I "hinted" that the shots worked & it doesn't appear that the L. Surgery worked as well & since he can only see out of one eye I would be very "unhappy" if he lost vision in that eye. So he got the shot & 2 days later there has been an improvement. We will see how it goes in the future but I will say that I'm going to be more aggressive on treatment & less reliant on what the eye doctor says.
Got up and went to the hospital to be with wife for some testing. Came home hours later to take care of the pooch. Went back to the hosipital to pick her up since she got released. Some good news some not so good. No blockages around her heart. Does have some fluid gathering there though. Change of meds and diet in order. Overall though good news, no surguries needed. Praise the Lord
We got home and passed out. I slept about 3 hours, shes still out.
I did get the beds watered
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Got up and went to the hospital to be with with for some testing. Came home hours later to take care of the pooch. Went back to the hosipital to pick her up since she got released. Some good news some not so good. No blockages around her heart. Does have some fluid gathering there though. Change of meds and diet in order. Overall though good news, no surguries needed. Praise the Lord
We got home and passed out. I slept about 3 hours, shes still out.
I did get the beds watered
Good news on finding out what is wrong and what to do.
Got breakfast for Mom. Argued with her about the insulin pump and the app on my phone. Tried to get into the attic but it was too hot and my brother wouldn't hold the ladder steady enough and he wouldn't stop griping the entire time. Will have to resume with my friend here to help. Found that the kneepads just got in the way.
Currently looking up how to change the canula for Mom's infusion set. The cartridge is still good, but the canula and tubing are due for a change.
the videos I'm finding are all for changing the cartridge or for after the old infusion set has been removed.
Ordered some things to hold the infusion sets so we can have some kits made up for when its time to change stuff-- will have alcohol swabs, syringe, cartridge, and Autosoft 90. Will have to see if dexcom applicators can fit.
Been one long week. Work of course. Then I had a test ran Wed morning, that afternoon took wife to ER and sat there till sometime that night. Today I had another Dr viisit and more tests. While I was there wife had an appt of her own. They sent her back to ER. Shes been there since 3 and they are admitting her. Haven't even told her why yet. I came home after my appt and picking up groceries and took care of the animals. Ran up to see the wife for a while. then came back home.
Prayer B. Hopefully as I continue reading, I will read that all is fine and you’re both home 💕🙏
Got back in this morning, it was a good trip but now it's back to dealing with life. Did my walk around water/inspection tour, plants did better than expected. My rain water collector is down, I don't know how it came down (natural or man type help), but it has to be repaired soon. Have unloaded my bags at the laundry station, so the will give me something to do tonight. Tomorrow is a range day so I need to decide what I'm taking out and load the truck up. The yard needs mowing and my plum tree had dropped about half its fruit.
Glad you had a good trip and a safe return.
Today its brushing and manicure for the cats...some of them
So far *Kurt* and *Leo* were good boys 👍
I did few this week ...
Have to do *Samou and *DobyDoby later

Edit: I did clean their ears too with

Always with this ..we used it at Vet clinic

View attachment 156337
We were in the mountains all day. I think I need brushing and a manicure 💅 and probably my ears cleaned too 😂

@Bacpacker that is good news 🙏
Saturday June 29th 2024

9.20 pm

Right now 64f / 14mph wind
But rains on and off

It was a kind of easy going rainy day
Dane Girl and kitties love and care

My whole body aches still since yesterday from
overdoing lot of mowing..and brush cutting
Oh! well it keeps me in shape.....I guess :):(
Just took BP .... 99-72-52

Tomorrow another day of thundershowers
More cats brushing and manicures 🐱

Dont know if I should have a drink
just stay up until my face fall on the desk lol


Relax and sleep well
Good night whenever !

Went for a nice little walk..picked up 2 handfuls of brass too..
The pups got to dip in their fav creek and the apple trees out here have wonderful smelling big blossoms on them..
It is hot out but clouds rolled in..so I won't bake while I'm mowing.
I wanted to do it eariler..I like my weekend evenings for myself to paint or relax..but..it was too hot.


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busy yesterday, had market. It was very hot but a lot of people bought meat. But the strange thing was I came home with 5 breads. That has not happened before except once when we got rained out. There was only 1 other bread vendor there and she still had a lot too. The pastry couple did not do well at all, and decided they are not coming back until it cools down some, their stuff was literally melting
But overall we did ok because of the meat sale plus sold all our eggs at regular price
Some guy wanted to trade me some ammo for a bread LOL. I would totally do it, but you never know where this ammo came from or how old it was so I declined
but made me think for future reference. Knowing how to bake good bread is a useful skill I am starting to think

we were supposed to get some storms yesterday too but they went around us, more of that today, wonder if we will get any rain

today not sure yet, depends on the weather. We might go to Rural King and buy a new tent, ours is starting to stick ( the legs) and some of the fabric is starting to have a few small holes in it ( for the market)
Debating on a RK tent or one for around the same price I saw on Temu. Temu would mean I don't have to drive 2 hours, but not sure what we will get or when
Cleaned my building yesterday! Going to groom an elderly dog. It's in bad shape, the owner is elderly too. The daughter told me she is taking the dog to have it put down soon. The owner still wants him to get a haircut and a bath. I can do that right at her house with no stress on the dog! Critter and pool time here later. Laundry and vacuuming must happen too!

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