What's everybody doing today?

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Avenida 12 Poniente 10, Centro Histórico, 72000 Puebla, Pue., Mexico
Always I wake up too early in my opinion. Hang out here on the forum, contemplate the animals’ condition (at my place, not here on the forum). Yesterday before I left for work, I fed the cat like usual and she yarked. Cleaned that up. Later when I got home from work, I fed the dog and she also yarked. I cleaned that up then I felt nauseous for several hours. Not normal, the cat yarks once in a while. 🤮
I don’t like to say what I’m going to do, bad karma for me.
It will be too hot to be outside later.
Always I wake up too early in my opinion. Hang out here on the forum, contemplate the animals’ condition (at my place, not here on the forum). Yesterday before I left for work, I fed the cat like usual and she yarked. Cleaned that up. Later when I got home from work, I fed the dog and she also yarked. I cleaned that up then I felt nauseous for several hours. Not normal, the cat yarks once in a while. 🤮
I don’t like to say what I’m going to do, bad karma for me.
It will be too hot to be outside later.
Yep, Time 4 a Change in Schedule...!!! :comp bullet
Mowed, dealt with pitch, made it to church, went and had lunch with Hubby, got a couple groceries (no apricots), came home and weed eated (that can’t possibly be a word). Hubby made it home so came in to cool off for a minute. Might run and see the folks in a few minutes.
Nice out- mid 80s warm in the sun but a nice breeze so not bad in the shade. Was pulling weeds and have water going. It must be summer 🌞
Sunday June 30th 2024

A friend did hurt himself badly.. prayers would be very sweet 😟

I feel like a fly I was always in stairs today up down up down
Now I sit with a Samuel Adams and try to relax 🥱

Tomorrow later when sun will go down I will mow grass in the driveway
but I never stop doing things..I just cant doing nothing lol

An average day ...my body still aches a bit from working outside yesterday

I will go to bed soon or later...

Hey just relax guys !!!
Have a great night !!
Empty your minds..just for tonight 👍

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Mowed, dealt with pitch, made it to church, went and had lunch with Hubby, got a couple groceries (no apricots), came home and weed eated (that can’t possibly be a word). Hubby made it home so came in to cool off for a minute. Might run and see the folks in a few minutes.
Nice out- mid 80s warm in the sun but a nice breeze so not bad in the shade. Was pulling weeds and have water going. It must be summer 🌞
What do you do with pitch?
I woke up, took a shower, dressed, sipped some coffee and went to church. As I was sitting in church, I started to get itchy welts all over me. I left church early, took two Benedryl and slept all afternoon. I was rashy and itchy all over. Back, chest, neck, head, arms, thighs. I have no idea why. I didn’t eat anything different or change any laundry items.
Finished mowing the boneyard.
Now I want to mow behind the barn next in case someone starts a fire next week.
Took the pups for a walk again n found a small amount of brass..not much but it all adds up.
Made myself shrimp pasta salad for the work week. Cool and well herded. I've been feeling extra tired lately so maybe I need a few carbs to pick me up. I'll be on nights anyways and I'm working my butt off on this red fir run so the extra carbs won't matter much. It's only 3 days this week too.
I'm totally enjoying the evening tonight.
I chatted with my bestie gal pal..
I painted my toenails...
I'm in my sundress in the shade with a nice cool breeze blowing.
I love the sound the wind makes as it sweeps n sways my black walnut tree and grassy field..
My chickens n turkeys are settling in for the night. They got their fav treat eariler..tortillas.
I tear them up in little peices and call the flock In my redneck girly serenade voice I reserve just for their treat time.
My neighbors..if they can see..probably have a good laugh..but about 25 birds come half running half flying to mama..for their torts.
My two old goats got their apples..
And I get my adult beverage to sippy into this summer night, in my cool sundress, blowing in the wind
I had to pick another prescription for dad yesterday. I got some supplies while in town. Odds n ends that were needed but didn’t have time the last 10 days for anything but essentials.

Finally, a day of rest. Didn't get out of my chair unless i had too. I was happy to take the garbage bin to the road for pickup tomorrow. It stunk, I missed the truck last week, busy with dad.

Just playin some music tonight.
Hey @Pearl was play with pine pitch so used acetone to get it off my hands and now my nails 💅 are naked 😲. Think I’ll do red white and blue next 😍
I have NO nail polish on either 😮😮😮 GREAT minds think alike!! I just wore mine off, rough week!! I'll do red, white, and blue too!!💗😉

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