What's everybody doing today?

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Yawning yawning...... Tomorrow on the road
food shopping for myself and fur babies 👍

Yup, did the driveway mowing today = done
some more lillies started to open slowwwly ;)

Everybody are sleeping now ..except me
but it will happen ..soon

Sleep well

Mr Raccoon is back LOL

Yesterday I gave the kids a bunch of traps to practice with. Last night hey set some for ground squirrels and caught 2 today.
Last night we had a red fox on the front porch.



I have a fox den and a couple of Ground hogs in the 3.5 acres of my yard.

The hogs are in the road bank, and the fox den is under a huge 5 foot thick felled oak cut to about 8 feet long.

I am deciding how to deal with my neighbors adjoining overgrowth of Kudzu, it is trying to infiltrate my yard. It goes to the power lines 200 yards away so I don't think I can burn it off and I do not know about using chemicals on someone's property.

I am thinking of buying it if she will sell, her husband died a year or so ago.

The rest going back about another 300 yards is Land management so I may call the owner and buy the whole hill.

Have to be cutting grass for the next few days and putting out about 40 flags for friends and family.
Oof @zannej they should’ve given one of those already! The insulated carry case…
Maybe your inner ear crystals are out of balance. Not kidding, it’s a thing. Safe travels to ya
She used to have one but I have no idea where it is now. I'll have to look for a pretty blue carrying case for the insulin for her.
I wish I could paint my fingernails..I grow nice strong nails..but I break them all the time throwing lumber around.
I just broke my thumbnail beyond the quick last week when a 2x10 slipped outta my gloved hand n bent my nail back on it's way down..
Mom had stopped biting her nails for over a decade but she started up again last year, but only on one hand. She's always complaining about her nails splitting. She had been polishing them but she stopped. I've been biting my nails ever since I had teeth (learned the habit from Mom) so I have never painted my nails. I used to paint rocks with nail polish though.

Took Mom to her appointment and let the NP see how stubborn she is. Mom was yelling at me and spazzing out about something completely unrelated to what we'd been discussing. NP winked at me and then calmed her down. She's still not seeming to understand though. I don't think its a memory problem, I think its that she won't listen.

Boo is now on my lap talking to me. I think it's canned-food-o'clock.
sitting in bed drinking coffee trying to figure out what to prioritize

daughter is supposed to come for the 4th, she has 4 days off , so I need to get her and grandbabies room ready plus figure out if I can somehow kid proof this house ( probably not) , plus I need to clean
garden needs more weeds pulled
fencing needs work in some areas
rest of sheep area in the barn needs to be cleared out ( I have been shoveling 2 wheelbarrows full every day, husband dumps them but it's going slow with just 2 a day) , there is about 2 feet of old bedding/muck
goat hoofs
pay bills
husband needs to get sawdust ( for barn) , we are not using much right now, but it will rain again soon and then we need it because our animals are spoiled and want to not get wet ....
I have to make a doctor appointment to get my blood pressure meds refilled
need to make a trip to Sams to stock up on various stuff I get there plus use up my credit
This morning started off sucking. I woke up at my usual time, 2:30. Also usual I laid there & tried to fall back asleep, nope. So up by 3am & turned on the coffee. At 3:40 our oldest female dachshund showed up & by 3:41 the other 2 of them showed up (the male like to lay in bed so he didn't get up). I got breakfast for them & let them out. Violet alerted on something on the other side of our back fence. That could be a possum, skunk or fox. Either way they all joined in for a bark fest & I'm sure that made my neighbors happy. They didn't want to come in so I wasted 5 minutes trying to get them to come in. I finally got them in & then sorted out who was going to stay up & who was going back to bed. Finally, after another 10 minutes everyone settles in. Quiet time.....for maybe 6 minutes & Badger show up & he of course opened the bedroom door. He rushes out, quickly followed by the other 3 & another bark fest. Silence didn't descend on the house for about 30 minutes until everyone got settled in. Now a little peace.

At 7 my day starts. Breakfast for my SF, then off to Lowe's for a toilet part & return & fix the toilet. At 9 I have to wake up my wife, not looking forward to that. Yesterday she snapped at me (very rare btw) & caught me in a bad mood so I snapped back. Haven't exchanged a word since. At 10 I have to have my car at the dealership for a 15,000 check up so I'll be without a car for part/most of the day. Chest, arms & back are stiff & sore today from pushing/stacking boxes under our stairs. Not only do I not fit in there but I don't even fit in the little door getting under there without laying on my side with just my head & shoulders stuck in. Fun trying to adjust boxes while laying down on your side with limited movement. Yes, today sucks already & I doubt that it will improve.
This morning started off sucking. I woke up at my usual time, 2:30. Also usual I laid there & tried to fall back asleep, nope. So up by 3am & turned on the coffee. At 3:40 our oldest female dachshund showed up & by 3:41 the other 2 of them showed up (the male like to lay in bed so he didn't get up). I got breakfast for them & let them out. Violet alerted on something on the other side of our back fence. That could be a possum, skunk or fox. Either way they all joined in for a bark fest & I'm sure that made my neighbors happy. They didn't want to come in so I wasted 5 minutes trying to get them to come in. I finally got them in & then sorted out who was going to stay up & who was going back to bed. Finally, after another 10 minutes everyone settles in. Quiet time.....for maybe 6 minutes & Badger show up & he of course opened the bedroom door. He rushes out, quickly followed by the other 3 & another bark fest. Silence didn't descend on the house for about 30 minutes until everyone got settled in. Now a little peace.

At 7 my day starts. Breakfast for my SF, then off to Lowe's for a toilet part & return & fix the toilet. At 9 I have to wake up my wife, not looking forward to that. Yesterday she snapped at me (very rare btw) & caught me in a bad mood so I snapped back. Haven't exchanged a word since. At 10 I have to have my car at the dealership for a 15,000 check up so I'll be without a car for part/most of the day. Chest, arms & back are stiff & sore today from pushing/stacking boxes under our stairs. Not only do I not fit in there but I don't even fit in the little door getting under there without laying on my side with just my head & shoulders stuck in. Fun trying to adjust boxes while laying down on your side with limited movement. Yes, today sucks already & I doubt that it will improve.
"Going there too , just not with you!!😉"

Doggone,,, Snowman, that's too bad, HEHEHEHEH.

Maybe we will get a pool picture sooner or later!!!! HEHEHEHEH.:cool:

Up since 4:30 a

Got more to do than the still a little stiff but much better back wants me too but I am going for it.

Need my twice a year haircut from my neighbor, her husband was one of my best ever friends, they are more than family he has been gone for nearly two years.

She lives alone in their house and when I saw her the other day to give her her granddaughters Graduation Gift she looked like she was really sad deep in her heart.

She was always the happiest most bubbly person I knew and was very glad my friend had found her for his second marriage. She saved his life, he was on a downward drug alchy and and crazy train till she grabbed him up and showed him life again.

I wish she could find someone to do that for her.
Doggone,,, Snowman, that's too bad, HEHEHEHEH.

Maybe we will get a pool picture sooner or later!!!! HEHEHEHEH.:cool:

Up since 4:30 a

Got more to do than the still a little stiff but much better back wants me too but I am going for it.

Need my twice a year haircut from my neighbor, her husband was one of my best ever friends, they are more than family he has been gone for nearly two years.

She lives alone in their house and when I saw her the other day to give her her granddaughters Graduation Gift she looked like she was really sad deep in her heart.

She was always the happiest most bubbly person I knew and was very glad my friend had found her for his second marriage. She saved his life, he was on a downward drug alchy and and crazy train till she grabbed him up and showed him life again.

I wish she could find someone to do that for her.
No it isn't, Me bed partner has left the building and I firmly believe that there will Never 🐝 Another One...

20230813_084605.jpg beside, No Person can Purr like She could/does...!!! 3 Months Today, I still get choked up just Thinking about Her...!!
No way to replace the best my friend.
The type of love the two of you had is a forever thing.
You never get over losing them.
Thats the same way as my haircut sister.
She lost her husband,
You lost Bushie, I wish I could help both of you my friend but only God can give solace to those who suffer such a deep loss.
Do you still have the Florida picture of Bushie coming from the chain link toward you.
I think that was the first time I ever saw her and she looked like she was coming to you at a dance.
I always think of that picture when she comes to mind.
Good one!!! She is Coming to get you!!!! Thanks I will save them all.

I will try all of the ones I have saved on the older hard drives, that had to be at least 4 or 5 years ago, Time has zipped by like a rocket.

I try to save them on dvd data discs and large HDs too but a lot of times will lose some in transfer someway no matter what program you use to do it.

I had a lot of movies from before Hollywood got their government friends to stop people from saving the movies they watched and the hd laser quit.

If I find it I will shoot it to you.
taking a break waiting for washer to finish, washed the bedstuff in the extra bedroom. It was already washed but since nobody is in there it smelled funny so I washed it again

before that I washed the goat/floor towels
got done paying bills
sprayed thistles in the pasture nobody is in today , we keep trying to get rid of them and the blow over from the neighbors pasture, so they grow along the fence or near it

need to make lunch next

nothing ever goes to plan , this afternoon I have to give son a ride back from the car repair, he needs tires and shocks to pass inspection , he needs to get a job....( he is studying for the EIT exam, wants to pass that before getting a job, I told him he needs to start applying regardless)
Going to drill some holes for the deck extension with my new hammer drill. I'll fill the holes with water to soften the ground, then I can dig the rest of the way with the tractor. Going to order a truck load of 3/4 minus gravel today that will make the base for our new fire pit. Then I'll build the forms to pour concrete for the BBQ pit. Next week I'll go down and pick up a pallet of pavers, cement blocks, concrete and sand.
Beauty here so far. Supposed to be a high of 82.
Coffee time now ..
I had ahard time getting up today.
Yesterday at work , the motor that drives the outfeed rolls would only roll in reverse. The other two forward.
So for over a hour the millwright was trying to fix the photo eyes, wiring, cables..to get the last motor to flow forward..
Still not working.
The other millwright just told him to switch the wires on the motor so it flows forward and let the electrician figure it out in the am.
So now I'm behind but it was a nice evening..cool breeze and me n the forklift driver figured out a nice routine to get units out the door.
We both got worked tho since I could no longer control the chains from my panel. We had to run them with the other control panel..on the other end of the outfeed.
We both got alot of walking last night.
Hopefully they got it fixed this am.
Otherwise same ol same o here..
Overcast all day here- started out early on the road as daughter had driving lesson, mowed lawns, weeded, watered, cooked. Parmesan Chicken in case you are interested, served with pasta and garlic bread. Edited my now 60 page dissertation and hoovered the car.
I really wish I could tell you I did something more exciting than chores 😂
I am going to a concert tomorrow night though! And staying in the city for the night - as daughter is working down there the next day, and I'm going to wander with a coffee....

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