What's everybody doing today?

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Mom woke me up around 4am spazzing out because she took her dexcom sensor off prematurely instead of putting the new one on first and giving it at least an hour to acclimate. Had to put the new one on her. Found a sensor that she'd tried to put on before but it wouldn't deploy, the mechanism jammed, but I had an idea to get it to work. It did. She's lost some weight so her fat is very soft and moves around too much and isn't firm enough to depress the plastic ring to make the applicator deploy. So I had to put my fingers on the ring to push it up and then hit the release button. That worked and she has a new sensor. I then had to go through the menu to start a new sensor session for her pump.

A few minutes ago I had to fill a new cartridge, take the old one out, and put the new one on her insulin pump. I hope I get more practiced with it so it doesn't take so long in the future. I'm so slow at it. I'm starting to get a little less irked by needles. I couldn't even look at them before.

I'm probably going to take a nap soon.
Regular doc took awhile, then got me in to the rheumatologist right then. So, three shots to the hip. Hope it helps the pain and swelling go down. He called in a muscle relaxer, but I hate them, so I doubt I'll even pick it up. If I do, it'll go in the drawer of extra meds and not in my mouth. I don't care to be loopy. Husband came along for the ride, and I felt bad he had to wait so long, but he did bring his kindle. We stopped in at Aldi afterwards and got some smore stuff and other things that looked good. Ha Ha some smore stuff. Say that, ten times fast. Just had an incredible rain storm and wind, thunder, lightning...lasted 20 minutes then poof! It was gone.
Amish, what muscle relaxer did he give you? What dose?
I have a script for 800mf Skelaxin to take when my back is acting up. Just about the only thing that has worked. I can do any work I need to with them, that my back will allow. I've never noticed any fuzzy mental issues from it. Had it for 15 plus years now. Typically ill have a couple for a couple days, maybe one a day for a few more days. May be months in between
I don't know, I knew Walgreens wouldn't have it ready yet, so I didn't even bother to pick up. I was still reeling from the exam. Finding all the spots where the pain was going, the poking...made me yell pretty loud. Have problems in my feet and hands which he spotted, but they don't bother me so much. I'll probably pick it up, read about it, and then call youngest daughter (a pharmacist) about it. He was concerned that I wasn't sleeping well with the pain. Arthritis runs bad in our family. Two of my sisters have rheumatoid arthritis. I guess I am fortunate with just osteo, but the osteo I have is pretty bad in some areas. I really hate some of these meds, knowing what husband takes for all his med problems. I never go to the doc unless I'm screaming. But hey, the numbing stuff they used before the shots is still working, and I feel pretty good right now.
How's everybody doing today? I've got a cold that is totally kicking my azz but I'm attacking it with zinc and decongestants. So far my nose has stayed open well enough that I can breathe, and I'm still able to cough stuff up pretty easy, so hopefully I'll be mostly over it by Thursday night.

I've alternated between napping and searching for a specific used car on the internet today. I'm looking for a 2009-2012 Toyota Rav4 with a V6 engine. I drive long distances on western interstates a lot, and wimpy 4 cylinders aren't really up to the task of going 80 MPH for 10 hours straight. I might still end up with a 4 banger though, just because the V6 is hard to find.
Mom woke me up around 4am spazzing out because she took her dexcom sensor off prematurely instead of putting the new one on first and giving it at least an hour to acclimate. Had to put the new one on her. Found a sensor that she'd tried to put on before but it wouldn't deploy, the mechanism jammed, but I had an idea to get it to work. It did. She's lost some weight so her fat is very soft and moves around too much and isn't firm enough to depress the plastic ring to make the applicator deploy. So I had to put my fingers on the ring to push it up and then hit the release button. That worked and she has a new sensor. I then had to go through the menu to start a new sensor session for her pump.

A few minutes ago I had to fill a new cartridge, take the old one out, and put the new one on her insulin pump. I hope I get more practiced with it so it doesn't take so long in the future. I'm so slow at it. I'm starting to get a little less irked by needles. I couldn't even look at them before.

I'm probably going to take a nap soon.
Your mom really needs to learn to do all that for herself. She's a grown woman, and part of learning to live well with insulin dependent diabetes is learning total independence. It's a hard mental game sometimes.
Finally got my appointment for the "deep hip injection shot" have to have driver. So I guess that means sedation. My wife scares me, bad driving. I don't think I could handle another injection where they had to bump the bone with the needle like the last one. I know and Dr knows hip needs to be replaced but insurance requires this first. Don't know if is insurance or Dr increasing revenue stream. I just want the pain to go away. Set on my ice at work (pun) and then keep it iced most of the night. Won't take the pain killers just make you not care you are in pain.
Your mom really needs to learn to do all that for herself. She's a grown woman, and part of learning to live well with insulin dependent diabetes is learning total independence. It's a hard mental game sometimes.
I don’t know how old zannej is or her Mom but as we get older, sometimes we aren’t able to take care of ourselves totally due to physical limitations or cognitive limitations.
I don’t know how old zannej is or her Mom but as we get older, sometimes we aren’t able to take care of ourselves totally due to physical limitations or cognitive limitations.
Insulin dependent diabetes generally doesn't work like that. The only physical limitation would be loss of use of both hands. Mentally, something such as Alzheimer's would definitely pose severe challenges. But probably 99.9 percent of the time, diabetes is simply a game of willpower and willingness to work at it. I was never given a choice when I was younger - I had to learn to do everything for myself, or die. My parents supported me in a myriad of ways, but that wasn't one of them. And I'm grateful for that, because now being insulin dependent doesn't stop me and it rarely requires anything from those around me. Zannej has a huge burden taking care of her mom and brother and it's not fair to her.
Finally got an important repair taken care of on my car but still do not have sufficient (i.e. basically non-existent) AC. Some of us do not have sufficient 💸💴 either. Anyway, that will be seen to next. I mean otherwise, i could have lost control of my car and had a terrible accident with fully functioning AC. The mechanic wouldn't fix the ac problem and it is what I knew it was, I just don't know how to fix it.
@Pearl usually i hate riding along with no ac, it was over 100, the black car was hot, no ac, wearing tight jeans, and I can say it wasn't too bad.
:Dancing Chicken:
Got home, watered the birds, threw some seed. Thinking about dinner and apocalyptic scenarios.
How's everybody doing today? I've got a cold that is totally kicking my azz but I'm attacking it with zinc and decongestants. So far my nose has stayed open well enough that I can breathe, and I'm still able to cough stuff up pretty easy, so hopefully I'll be mostly over it by Thursday night.

I've alternated between napping and searching for a specific used car on the internet today. I'm looking for a 2009-2012 Toyota Rav4 with a V6 engine. I drive long distances on western interstates a lot, and wimpy 4 cylinders aren't really up to the task of going 80 MPH for 10 hours straight. I might still end up with a 4 banger though, just because the V6 is hard to find.

Your mom really needs to learn to do all that for herself. She's a grown woman, and part of learning to live well with insulin dependent diabetes is learning total independence. It's a hard mental game sometimes.
I'm hoping she will learn with time, but she's bad with technology, and her brain took a hit with the ketoacidosis. She has a much harder time understanding things now. She's always been stubborn and not good with technology, but the past several months she's really struggled with basic concepts that she used to be able to understand and she gets angry if anyone says something that contradicts her perception/misconception. Her hands have gotten a bit shakier too so she has a harder time physically with things.
My job is to be her caregiver, although we need o make arrangements for payment to be official so it can be logged with taxes and maybe I can qualify for Medicaid or something, but I have no idea how to go about that. I wish her insurance would pay for me to be her caregiver. They do in some states, but I don't think they do it here.
I don’t know how old zannej is or her Mom but as we get older, sometimes we aren’t able to take care of ourselves totally due to physical limitations or cognitive limitations.
She has physical and mental limitations. She doesn't understand how to do things and has unsteady hands now. There is a bit of weaponized incompetence involved but I think she's also afraid to do something wrong and have the messup be her fault. She always wants to have someone else to blame when something goes wrong. She's also adjusting to not being able to lie about having low blood sugar and isn't happy that I can now call her out on it. She still occasionally does her exaggerated panting/heavy breathing if her blood sugar is a little bit lower than usual, but she never does that when her blood sugar is actually low so I know she's faking. She's 74 now and I'm trying to get her to see a physical therapist because she's having trouble with her knees and back from being so sedentary for so long.

I'm resting and will be getting up to check on the location of at least one fire extinguisher. I have an idea where one is at least.

Changed the HVAC filter and swept away the excess fur and lint that was stuck inside and outside of the grate.
Yesterday I gave the kids a bunch of traps to practice with. Last night hey set some for ground squirrels and caught 2 today.
Last night we had a red fox on the front porch.
How is Mrs trapper’s eye?
I don't know, I knew Walgreens wouldn't have it ready yet, so I didn't even bother to pick up. I was still reeling from the exam. Finding all the spots where the pain was going, the poking...made me yell pretty loud. Have problems in my feet and hands which he spotted, but they don't bother me so much. I'll probably pick it up, read about it, and then call youngest daughter (a pharmacist) about it. He was concerned that I wasn't sleeping well with the pain. Arthritis runs bad in our family. Two of my sisters have rheumatoid arthritis. I guess I am fortunate with just osteo, but the osteo I have is pretty bad in some areas. I really hate some of these meds, knowing what husband takes for all his med problems. I never go to the doc unless I'm screaming. But hey, the numbing stuff they used before the shots is still working, and I feel pretty good right now.
might consider looking into a chiropractor that is also a neurologist- no meds but often simple exercises that can help tremendously.
Wow P if you ever get time, you’re going to sleep for 3 days straight just to make up for all the going.

Came home from work to discover that the back door didn’t latch when I left for work 😑 The door was open about 6-8” and I just knew what I was about to see. Entered and yep - sure ‘nuf, the chickens were in the house 😖. I had fortunately closed the back bathroom door and the door from the kitchen to the back entry so didn’t have too much to clean up. Shooed them out and went on about the evening just like I was a normal person 😂
I got the holes dug for the deck extension today, and took off the redwood skirting from the "old" deck. Now I have a pile of 24" long redwood 2×6's. May use them to build planters or raised beds.
Had a high temp of 72 degs today. We're just sitting out on the back deck watching cow dramas. A cow went through the fence behind the barn in to our 10 acre calving yard. Her calf didn't follow her so now they are both standing around bawling for each other. They'll figure it out.
Yesterday the grandkids saw a red fox on our front porch. He may have been eating the dogs food.
Wow P if you ever get time, you’re going to sleep for 3 days straight just to make up for all the going.

Came home from work to discover that the back door didn’t latch when I left for work 😑 The door was open about 6-8” and I just knew what I was about to see. Entered and yep - sure ‘nuf, the chickens were in the house 😖. I had fortunately closed the back bathroom door and the door from the kitchen to the back entry so didn’t have too much to clean up. Shooed them out and went on about the evening just like I was a normal person 😂
When we picked up our meat chickens from the post office last week, the crazy wife insisted that they go in to the upstairs bath tub. She said it was too cold for them to be outside. Last year she kept some in the closet under the stairs. Whenever I say anything she reminds me of the times when I'd bring new born calves inside to warm up in front of the wood stove.
You had chickens in the house lady L ...we had a muddy dog in. We had put the pup out, and we've horse fenced off a good area out the back door for him. He barks when he wants to go out. After a bit we heard him at another door, and we had a good rain earlier. He had gotten out (we don't know how yet) and rolled in the mud puddles, came in the door when we opened it, jumped on the couch, rolled on that, all over the carpet....husband yelling...it was chaos. So he got a second bath today with the hose outside. Didn't like it one bit.
Mt Trapper...I'm with your wife on this one. I use a large rubbermaid tub with a heat lamp and they stay in the house till they can do without the heat lamp.
When we picked up our meat chickens from the post office last week, the crazy wife insisted that they go in to the upstairs bath tub. She said it was too cold for them to be outside. Last year she kept some in the closet under the stairs. Whenever I say anything she reminds me of the times when I'd bring new born calves inside to warm up in front of the wood stove.
I’m afraid to hit the like button- I will simply observe from a safe distance 😂

You had chickens in the house lady L ...we had a muddy dog in. We had put the pup out, and we've horse fenced off a good area out the back door for him. He barks when he wants to go out. After a bit we heard him at another door, and we had a good rain earlier. He had gotten out (we don't know how yet) and rolled in the mud puddles, came in the door when we opened it, jumped on the couch, rolled on that, all over the carpet....husband yelling...it was chaos. So he got a second bath today with the hose outside. Didn't like it one bit.
Mt Trapper...I'm with your wife on this one. I use a large rubbermaid tub with a heat lamp and they stay in the house till they can do without the heat lamp.
Oh no! I’m really not a critter in the house person with the exception of a cat on occasion because I prefer them over mice. And this is from someone who has had calves in the house, chickens 🙄, lambs, the horse once when I was little (that was funny), dogs, cats, chicks, parakeets, finch, and fish off the top of my head.
Picking more blueberries, I get a gallon or a gallon & a half before it gets hot very day.
My brother stopped by yesterday to tell me, I could have some of his berries, because he had more than he could use.
I am way behind on picking my berries, so I may not get to his.
I planted blueberries at my father house forty years a go & they are still producing, well the plant are, not sure , it maybe grown suckers replacing the mother plants. So we have three patches of blue berries on the farm & the wild dwarf blueberries are all still green, so I may have berries in August.
Finally got an important repair taken care of on my car but still do not have sufficient (i.e. basically non-existent) AC. Some of us do not have sufficient 💸💴 either. Anyway, that will be seen to next. I mean otherwise, i could have lost control of my car and had a terrible accident with fully functioning AC. The mechanic wouldn't fix the ac problem and it is what I knew it was, I just don't know how to fix it.
@Pearl usually i hate riding along with no ac, it was over 100, the black car was hot, no ac, wearing tight jeans, and I can say it wasn't too bad.
:Dancing Chicken:
Got home, watered the birds, threw some seed. Thinking about dinner and apocalyptic scenarios.
Lori's Impreza doesn't have AC anymore either, 2300 bucks to fix a 1000$ car. In Ohio, it's good 9-10 months of the year, and I lived for decades with 2/55 AC (Windows)

Down south is a lot different, naturally.
When we picked up our meat chickens from the post office last week, the crazy wife insisted that they go in to the upstairs bath tub. She said it was too cold for them to be outside. Last year she kept some in the closet under the stairs. Whenever I say anything she reminds me of the times when I'd bring new born calves inside to warm up in front of the wood stove.
we have an extra building we put ours in until they no longer need the heat lamp. They are in these wooden boxes you can stack that were here when we got here with a window screen on top with a block holding it in place so nothing can eat them when they are tiny

ours just went out yesterday to the chicken tractor, and husband promptly left the gate open and the dogs escaped....
( the livestock dogs, they do that if a door is left open) . Son found them at the neighbors and put them back in
not starting good
one of our goats was stuck in the fence that means I need to fix that section of fence. It's one of the old sections that has cattle fencing which has big enough squares for the goats to stick their heads through and get stuck. I fixed it by putting chicken wire along the bottom but eventually that has to be put back up or replaced because they step on it

I really don't have time for this today, daughter is supposed to come tomorrow and I need to clean and bake a cake
I hope she gets here ok, first time she is driving that far with the baby in the truck and without the husband. She is thinking about driving at night so little granddaughter sleeps and doesn't cry the whole way ( she hates sitting in the car seat)

then husband can't find his sticker and registration for the truck, so I need to call DMV and see if they even sent it. The check cleared in May I did pay it.

still have not gotten the medicine for the sheep either, it's being shipped, why is it these things always happen around holidays? There seem to be an aweful lot of them . LOL I used to love holidays , now they are just a nuisance mostly
Finally got an important repair taken care of on my car but still do not have sufficient (i.e. basically non-existent) AC. Some of us do not have sufficient 💸💴 either. Anyway, that will be seen to next. I mean otherwise, i could have lost control of my car and had a terrible accident with fully functioning AC. The mechanic wouldn't fix the ac problem and it is what I knew it was, I just don't know how to fix it.
@Pearl usually i hate riding along with no ac, it was over 100, the black car was hot, no ac, wearing tight jeans, and I can say it wasn't too bad.
:Dancing Chicken:
Got home, watered the birds, threw some seed. Thinking about dinner and apocalyptic scenarios.
Window tinting has been around almost as long as radial tires. The 1958 Chevrolet Impala was one of the first cars with factory installed tinted windows. 3M introduced window tinting as we know it in 1966, but it wasn’t very good. Instead of reflecting light, it trapped heat in vehicles, bubbled and turned purple.

Second-generation window tinting films, introduced in the early 1990s, absorbed heat better and reflected more harmful UV and IR, making it far superior to the original versions.

Today’s modern window tinting can reduce interior heat up to 60 percent, block up to 99 percent of ultraviolet radiation (UV) rays and filter 90 percent of the sun’s infrared radiation (IR). The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends reducing exposure to UV rays to defend against UV radiation, a leading cause of skin cancer.


If you plan to install window tint yourself, you’ve got options. Most types of window tint is available in pre-cut kits costing between $60 to $350. Window tint also comes in rolls. You can purchase a 100-foot-long by 24-inch-wide roll of 50 percent VLT film for less than $80 You’ll need a hair dryer and a few inexpensive specialty tools if you take this on as a DIY project.

Window tinting has been around almost as long as radial tires. The 1958 Chevrolet Impala was one of the first cars with factory installed tinted windows. 3M introduced window tinting as we know it in 1966, but it wasn’t very good. Instead of reflecting light, it trapped heat in vehicles, bubbled and turned purple.

Second-generation window tinting films, introduced in the early 1990s, absorbed heat better and reflected more harmful UV and IR, making it far superior to the original versions.

Today’s modern window tinting can reduce interior heat up to 60 percent, block up to 99 percent of ultraviolet radiation (UV) rays and filter 90 percent of the sun’s infrared radiation (IR). The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends reducing exposure to UV rays to defend against UV radiation, a leading cause of skin cancer.


If you plan to install window tint yourself, you’ve got options. Most types of window tint is available in pre-cut kits costing between $60 to $350. Window tint also comes in rolls. You can purchase a 100-foot-long by 24-inch-wide roll of 50 percent VLT film for less than $80 You’ll need a hair dryer and a few inexpensive specialty tools if you take this on as a DIY project.

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Just be sure to check that your tint complies with laws in your state. I've been in multiple vehicles that got pulled over and ticketed for the tint being too dark. In my state, rear passenger windows and the rear deck window may be any tint, but front passenger windows and the windshield must transmit more than 70% of available light through them. Laws can vary by state...

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