About 3 stings just in the ankle n a few hours later..my foot n ankle are poofed out.
At least It isn't broken again n just the Rath of yellow jackets..
It get better at the end. Humming " I wish I was an Oscar Myer weiner" while wiring up the high voltage transformer ...Lol! That will be me tomorrow..will be putting on my running shoes but I'll hit them tonight and when it's cooler..I need more cans..
I know that baking soda mixed with a little water into a paste really helps bug bites for me. They can be stinging and itching until I put some on and then they don't bother me any more. I wonder if that would help with these stings?About 3 stings just in the ankle n a few hours later..my foot n ankle are poofed out.
At least It isn't broken again n just the Rath of yellow jackets..
but your toe nails look greatAbout 3 stings just in the ankle n a few hours later..my foot n ankle are poofed out.
At least It isn't broken again n just the Rath of yellow jackets..
Chew some tobacco and rub the spit on it soon after it happens. Itll draw the venom/sting out of it. Sounds nasty but it worksI know that baking soda mixed with a little water into a paste really helps bug bites for me. They can be stinging and itching until I put some on and then they don't bother me any more. I wonder if that would help with these stings?
Do they provide loaners while your vehicle is in the shop? Car trouble can be so difficult and frustrating, especially when you are just waiting with no transportation. They need a new appraiser.Had a call from my car insurance company this morning. I hit a deer with my truck on May 17. The repair process was initiated with insurance by midnight that evening. It took a few days to get everything in order and my truck was transported to the local Chevy dealer's collision shop 6 days after the accident.
It has been at the shop since then. Every communication begins with "We found some more damages and need more parts". They just now discovered that the radiator was damaged, after originally telling me it was fine. I could see it was damaged on the night of the accident! The damn deer went all the way through the front of the truck and struck it, flattening the cooling fins and leaving chunks of deer on it. Now they have to wait for a new radiator to be delivered.
The dealership's sales manager is an old friend of mine from my college days. I was reluctant to get him involved since this isn't his department, but I finally called and asked him to lean on the repair manager. If there are any more issues I'm going to the owner and to Chevrolet corporate. There's no reason for there to be undiscovered damage after 5 weeks in the shop. I am livid...
We have a separate brooder house too, but we use heat plates. They don't do as good as heat lamps, but take far less electric.we have an extra building we put ours in until they no longer need the heat lamp. They are in these wooden boxes you can stack that were here when we got here with a window screen on top with a block holding it in place so nothing can eat them when they are tiny
ours just went out yesterday to the chicken tractor, and husband promptly left the gate open and the dogs escaped....
( the livestock dogs, they do that if a door is left open) . Son found them at the neighbors and put them back in
As a Kid back on the Farm, used to make Mud patty's and cover the Stings, worked berry berry well...!!!About 3 stings just in the ankle n a few hours later..my foot n ankle are poofed out.
At least It isn't broken again n just the Rath of yellow jackets..
After the accident I discovered that unfortunately my insurance policy, which is through Progressive, does not cover a rental during repairs if the claim is a "Comp" claim. If it had been a collision claim, they would. Deer strikes are considered Comp claims. The dealership does not offer loaners during repairs.Do they provide loaners while your vehicle is in the shop? Car trouble can be so difficult and frustrating, especially when you are just waiting with no transportation. They need a new appraiser.
I needed the gear in my KitchenAid replaced. First it was one thing, then another. Eventually, it was $300 to replace a plastic gear that was about the size of a quarter. I was not happy! I told the shop owner that I could have bought a new one for that price!! He tried to tell me it would be $600 to buy a new one! NO it wouldn't! I've told everyone I know not to take anything there to get repaired.
Soak it in tepid epsom salt water pleaseAbout 3 stings just in the ankle n a few hours later..my foot n ankle are poofed out.
At least It isn't broken again n just the Rath of yellow jackets..
I'll try it!I know that baking soda mixed with a little water into a paste really helps bug bites for me. They can be stinging and itching until I put some on and then they don't bother me any more. I wonder if that would help with these stings?
Can't do tobacco...but thanks!Chew some tobacco and rub the spit on it soon after it happens. Itll draw the venom/sting out of it. Sounds nasty but it works
I used to do this as well..it worksAs a Kid back on the Farm, used to make Mud patty's and cover the Stings, worked berry berry well...!!!![]()
I'll try that too..Soak it in tepid epsom salt water please![]()
Talk about being PREPARED!! Hooch was ready for foot pic!! Much nicer than looking at my socks last October after my snakebite!! Hope it feels better soon Hooch!!but your toe nails look great
Neosporin works Grrrrr8 on Mosquito Stings/Bites or what-ever theyI'll try that too..
funny you mention that, it is what I am doing right now. I was on my feet too much today and not wearing shoes and now my foot with the huge scar hurts ( the scar part). It happens sometimes and that is what I doSoak it in tepid epsom salt water please![]()
I feel that way EVERY time I go to walmartI'm pretty sure I deserve some sort of medal of valor or something. I could have died this morning. I had to go to WmartI go before work so there are fewer morons. When I go, I have a list and go from point A to point B and leave ASAP. This morning I entered the gates of that H311 to discover they are rearranging the whole store so moving shelves and widening isles. There was stuff on carts all over. One of the items I needed was a memory foam for the trailer. In my haste to escape the labyrinth, I forgot to try to find it. After I made it to work and realized it, I looked online and the magic computer showed that Marshall's had them. I have never been in that store but figured it couldn't possibly be worse than Wmart so decided to go there. They only had twin sized. So I went to Ross which is right next to it (they are sorta the same thing - weird). No luck there either. So I braved up and went back to Wmart and got the last queen sized one they had and left. I have smelled more stinky perfumes and waited for more meanderers than I care to mention. I'm pretty sure I deserve the next 4 days off to recuperate
Have a great Independence Day y'all.
NO MORE VACATIONS...last time you took one you nearly died multiple times....lost money...got c-19 and was sick for weeks.....oh and gained 5 pounds god forbid....vacation shouldnt be in your vocabulary now....you get the next one after you hit 70....roflmaoDid too much again today. I need a vacation
that wasn't a vacation that did NOT count!!! That was visiting relatives LOLNO MORE VACATIONS...last time you took one you nearly died multiple times....lost money...got c-19 and was sick for weeks.....oh and gained 5 pounds god forbid....vacation shouldnt be in your vocabulary now....you get the next one after you hit 70....roflmao