What's everybody doing today?

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Today going to take a poop sample of a lamb to the vet to see if it has coccidia. Doing some grocery shopping in that town while there even if all they have is a walmart that I don't like but you can get some basics there .
Need to call the dentist and ask why my tooth with the new crown still hurts chewing on it. I have had many fillings before, and it's normal for some of the back ones to hurt for a few days to a week but this has been weeks and it is not getting better
How annoying! All that money I spent on that crown and now it is worse than before , didn't hurt even with the broken tooth

Ended up doing laundry yesterday , and that was a sure way to get some rain LOL. Just as soon as I hung up the last load, it started looking black outside and thundering. We put the momma goats and little ones in the barn, and the sheep in the area with shelter and it started absolutely pouring like a Florida downpour for about half hour. It's ok we needed the rain, but the little goat bucks got soaked since they only have a small shelter and the rain was going right in it. We put them in the barn overnight.
I had just put some anti rabbit stuff on some plants also, which probably washed away, plus our road washed out a lot. So lots of things to deal with today
Got the weeding done, animals done, husband is good to go. Now to make lunch. Then coffee. Then to the bigger town so husband can go into Walmart to order his glasses, go to two pharmacies for pickup, and to take little granddaughter to the fireworks stand so we can get a bunch of stuff to blow up on Thursday night. Neighbor boy Levi is already starting. Heard it while we were weeding this morning. I think he's putting fire crackers in cans.
Got the windows tinted on my new truck today.

Hi @hashbrown
I can’t get the copper color nail polish off my toe nails. @Pearl
@ClemKadiddlehopper you have just about been absent. Glad you’re back and was happy to hear of all the trouble you were causing with the schools about the poor conditions of the buses. Is it busses or buses?
Busy stuff today. Still hot.
Dog hurt her foot again. She takes off out the door like a youngster to chase the backyard tree rats. She’s 12 or so.
Not doing much of anything. Was going to take another crack at trying to look in the attic but my friend's leg is giving him trouble and my coordination is terrible today. I keep losing my balance for no apparent reason and having to grab on to things. Not trusting myself on a ladder if I'm falling over on flat ground. Going to turn the truck around in a bit to take Mom to her appointment. Might be time to change her insulin cartridge so I can bring some insulin along. I need to get a cooling carrying case for her insulin vials.
My Step Father is going through much the same thing. He's blind in one eye & they are trying to save the other. The new eye doctor has total faith in Laser Surgery so he went through that & then we made another appointment for a check up. I'm not saying that the surgery didn't work but between the L. Surgery & his appointment his eye sight went down hill FAST. Two days ago we went back for the 2nd appointment & I "hinted" that the shots worked & it doesn't appear that the L. Surgery worked as well & since he can only see out of one eye I would be very "unhappy" if he lost vision in that eye. So he got the shot & 2 days later there has been an improvement. We will see how it goes in the future but I will say that I'm going to be more aggressive on treatment & less reliant on what the eye doctor says.
I hope all goes well for him. From what they say the shots in the eye is a fairly new procedure where in the past you'd go blind,so I'm thankful they do it,even though the money and time is monotonous.
i think Hooch beat you 2 to it she painted her toenails 5 posts ago
I wish I could paint my fingernails..I grow nice strong nails..but I break them all the time throwing lumber around.
I just broke my thumbnail beyond the quick last week when a 2x10 slipped outta my gloved hand n bent my nail back on it's way down..
Hi @hashbrown
I can’t get the copper color nail polish off my toe nails. @Pearl
@ClemKadiddlehopper you have just about been absent. Glad you’re back and was happy to hear of all the trouble you were causing with the schools about the poor conditions of the buses. Is it busses or buses?
Busy stuff today. Still hot.
Dog hurt her foot again. She takes off out the door like a youngster to chase the backyard tree rats. She’s 12 or so.
If it's a gel metallic nail polish GOOD LUCK!! You will need to Dremel it off or wait about 6 months until your toenails grow enough that it will be gone!! That's Pearl's beauty tip for the day!!😉🙄
I wish I could paint my fingernails..I grow nice strong nails..but I break them all the time throwing lumber around.
I just broke my thumbnail beyond the quick last week when a 2x10 slipped outta my gloved hand n bent my nail back on it's way down..
ouch and double ouch
I wish I could paint my fingernails..I grow nice strong nails..but I break them all the time throwing lumber around.
I just broke my thumbnail beyond the quick last week when a 2x10 slipped outta my gloved hand n bent my nail back on it's way down..
Don't let Patchouli paint your toenails!!!😮🤣🤣
Yesterday was Church and set up my vitamins for the month. I try and stay off the laptop on Sundays.

This morning, Bo and I walked.
DH and I went to Thrift home care for more 25 ft. hose for oxygen line. Bought 6. We can't keep cat from chewing them up.
Dollar General for DH treats.
Tractor Supply to pick up generator.
now home and have 2nd load of laundry going.
Still need to set up DH's pills for the month.
Collect documents to renew DL's tomorrow morning.
That should be enough for a Monday.
I just about finished up planting the row of blackberry bushes today. The area where they are being planted has a history. The miners used to keep the mules in a structure there. Later cars were parked there. So the is at least 10" of gravel I have to dig through. Slow go with a shovel.

Turns out digging holes for the bushes went faster and easier using a long chisel and ball peen hammer. Loosen up the gravel then separated out the 1" and larger gravel. The loose dirt was amended and used for the bottom of the hole. Packed in a leaf compost and mushroom manure mix around the bush roots.

Feels good to have that done.

so the lambs have coccidia, ordered some meds for this ( prescription stuff, corrid doesn't work well on sheep)
It should get here in a few days , hope they will be ok till then but probably. They are already half a year and pretty decent size. Vet found some other parasites also so I am going to deworm them too

did buy a tent...at stupid walmart. The RK had no more of those I wanted in stock locally and it would have been another drive somewhere else. I don't want to end up with no functioning tent next market

going to take dog for a hike in a minute here, first day it is below 80 in the afternoon

this is really all we need for the market , it's what we have now but it's getting old
Oops I was thinking camping tent. 🥴
Got the weeding done, animals done, husband is good to go. Now to make lunch. Then coffee. Then to the bigger town so husband can go into Walmart to order his glasses, go to two pharmacies for pickup, and to take little granddaughter to the fireworks stand so we can get a bunch of stuff to blow up on Thursday night. Neighbor boy Levi is already starting. Heard it while we were weeding this morning. I think he's putting fire crackers in cans.
I don't understand this phrase. Can you explain how this phenomena is scientifically possible please?
I gotta get ready for work..blah..but here is a pretty sunrise from last week looking northeast about 6am ish..
Ohh pretty..pinky peachy purple sunrise..love it
You should get polish that color 😊

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