Busy today in the mountain cottage.
Started the morning with hanging DH's load of washing on the clothes line as he was mowing and whipper snippering our neighbours home for which he gets paid. Last night I also found out that our online chemist was having a 5% off everything promotion so decided to order our years supply of iron tablets, arnica and peroxide. Just the arnica cream is $6 per tube dearer in our local pharmacies and each packet of iron tablets is $4 dearer per box

. This will make it easier and give us some breathing room when we move into our new home.
Then we went and took Tabatha to the vet for her yearly injection and teeth check, went and got a hose clamp for the ride on lawn mower to stop the deck sliding across and finally our cheap local independant service station got their bowser repaired so we filled up 3 jerry cans of fuel filled with E10 for the cars. That makes 2 more jerry cans of fuel we have built up our fuel stockpile with. This afternoon I ordered another brushcutter helmet with ear muffs, hard hat, visor and neck protection flap and a years worth of flea and tick drops for Tabatha for when we move as we will be near a creek where ticks will abound unlike here. Tabatha has now put on .89 kg since she turned up here as a stray and the veterinary clinic is really happy with her condition

Back home again where we packed up most of one large pantry with paper plates, cups, bowls, plastic utensils and vinegar and bicarb in it. Then I packed all of the saved jam jars and a glass serving tray into boxes and that is 2 more boxes packed. We have now packed up 3/4's of the house in boxes

. Starting now to get rather muscle sore but it will all be worth it when we move on December the 12th.
DH is making pancakes and we are having cream and or butter, golden syrup and homemade strawberry jam for dinner.