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Im really liking the stories about exploding wine...lol!!
My friends kid was found safe last night...big relief..Her and her boyfriend were waiting for her mother to pick them up to evac. Her mother never made it due to the fire chaos..
So once her neighborhood was on fire, they scrambled and took shelter in either the rec room or utility room on the apartment complex. It turned out that was the ONLY building that did not burn down. They ride it out all night watching the fire burn everything else to the ground. The next day the mill around, not sure what to do and someone saw them and offered them a ride to a shelter. Once at the shelter, they were bounced around all weekend to different shelters, not properly checked in so no one could find them. Last night someone finally helped connect them to the right people who were able to contact their parents..
at least they are alive and safe..so many able minded folks didn't make it out. wild...
otherwise, I worked today and now catching up on news..and you all..
Oh, wow, Hooch. That is a story, but glad they are safe. My sister in law and family live in Chico and so far haven't had to evacuate, but are on watch. Half of Chico is gone.
The exploding wine is still not cleaned up, but son made some headway today. He looked at me today and said not to put anything back in the closet yet (as if I would, ha) because he's still working on the ceiling in there and the seeds and slime are still coming down. I did go upstairs today and took a look at the carboy. He has it sitting in one of the more gigantic cooking pots and it's still oozing and bubbling. But no top on the carboy, so no danger of it erupting to the ceiling again. We do have a wine bucket, where you run a hose from the carboy to the bucket hole, and have about a gallon of water in it. But no...… he got his info from the internet.
I got a big section of food storage cleaned and organized today, but still have a lot to do. Made dinner, had a shower. Anybody ever notice that everyone on the Andy Griffin show is single, and Gunsmoke, too. At least the main characters are. Weird.
Thankful for your good news, @Hooch ! Incredible. I haven't looked at the news about this fire much. Thanks for everything you do to help others.

That's weird, @Amish Heart about those tv programs. I may have noticed that but didn't take my thinking any further. I was just thinking about the Zuckers (Green Acres). At least they were married, as were the Douglases. LOL
Maybe they were trying to psychologically prepare our culture to show us that good law-abiding citizens can be single parents. In the 60s is when things started changing so much, wasn't it?
Wow, that was quite a mess! Does it smell funny?
I hope your extended family can stay home and be safe. I don't know which I would fear more...flooding or fire.
Started off the morning with DH and I doing a load of washing each and hanging it on the clothes line to dry. Then out to meet a friend who offered us a log holder for free but we were after a log turner but thanked him anyway. They have moved into suburbia from our area a while ago and would need the money to get things done in their own home much more and are generous to the core bless them. We then went to drop off our scooter to another friend for him to have a look at and turns out he got it going pretty quickly after draining the fluids out of it as it had been sitting for a number of years. He asked us to come over as he told us that he had someone interested in buying it and it turned out it was his wife and it is now sold for $500 which we will put into other needed things for our new home.

Back home again and DH and I packed 2 more food cupboards in the kitchen into 3 moving boxes and sorted out what we need and don't until we move. Then into town for DH's dental appointment and after that we banked some money that DH had earned for gardening work at the bank.

Relaxing now and dinner was spam and egg toasted sandwiches.
I should be doing stuff but I'm sitting in the church coffee shop having some good black brew brew from El Salvador. Procrastinating never tasted so good!
you have dimples spike! :D

Got my errands finished this morning. We're all set for Thanksgiving dinner now since I got the ham and some potatoes and onions.
Cleaned out 2 shelves in the fridge. I don't know how stuff gets pushed to the back when I make it a point to use up the leftovers :confused:
Bought 2 pumpkin rolls and will freeze one for the hubby later on when they're not making them at the bakery. $4 is a great price for one I think.
Snow sleet and freezing rain will be here very early in the morning so I need to check the dog's feeder and see if it needs topped off today some time. No sense in slipping on ice when I have to feed them so I'll make sure they have enough. They eat a lot more when its cold outside since they're Pit Bulls and have shorter coats.
That mess is supposed to be gone by late friday when it all turns to rain. Just hope hubby will take it easy getting home from work
Got my turkey soup started. It's close to being done. Then the enjoyment of canning it.my babygirl (dog) not only knows when i start cooking something. She also knows when i go in there to stir it.only living creature i know of.that can eat more then me.and she's a pomeranian.
Got my turkey soup started. It's close to being done. Then the enjoyment of canning it.my babygirl (dog) not only knows when i start cooking something. She also knows when i go in there to stir it.only living creature i know of.that can eat more then me.and she's a pomeranian.
Aren't you a little early with your turkey?
Burnt off a brush pile early this morning before the wind picked up. Took a couple of dozen eggs to the neighbor and visited with him some, then came home to find out the grandchild encountered a bobcat on the fence lines during her early afternoon stroll within about 20 feet of her. The LGD was going off all last night so I'm wondering if the bobcat is starting to probe my goat pens. Game gets short this time of year for some predators. Grandchild said it seemed the cat was hunting birds in the overgrown areas of the fence lines. She said birds flushed then she saw it's legs in the brush. It was not spooked by her presence. She slowly backed out of the area. She said she knew not to run. Put up a game cam on the closest fence line leading towards the goat pens. We'll see.
I've already cooked a turkey. Froze the cooked meat in qt sized ziplocks to use in weekday dinners after work. Got another one this morning. 47 cents a lb if you buy groceries. The one we will eat on Thanksgiving is still breathing. But won't be after Saturday.
My grandmother used to raise a bunch of turkeys. They took them to the bigger town, 50 miles away and had the butcher shop butcher, clean and sell them.
All the new flooring is down and all major furniture items in place. The only bump in the road was having to trim the bottom of a few doors. My great nephew's part is over.

It'll take me a month to get all the smaller items in place. I'm going to take this opportunity to do some reorganization. A bunch of stuff needs to be thrown away.

I'm exhausted but the floors look nice for the first time in years!:)
That's great you have new floors, Peanut!
I can't imagine having 50 turkeys. We have 4 to butcher and 2 offspring we hatched that we'll keep...too young to butcher. We'll keep the two Toms for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Son's girlfriends family get a hen, and a friend of mine and customer is buying the last hen. We have a couple of "newbies to butchering" coming to "help". One is a single mom with two girls (age 13 and 10). She's a teacher at my school. The other is the lady getting the last hen. None of them have seen butchering. It should go quick, though, our son is quick with the catching, killing, and stringing them up. Grandkids are expert pluckers. We have a clean picnic table nearby with a large cutting board to do the innards quickly. I'm the organizer, plucker, cleaner and wrapper of the turkeys. And the lunch lady.
I think it is more than that now..this fire destroyed another town just north of Paradise. It is truly amazing that they survived. I have a friend who is on that fire who sent me all the latest info and then some . it seems ..at the time the info was sent ..that water and power infrastructure were threatened at that time..with events as they are the last few days along with the governor saying close to the effect that infrastructure for the communities are in ruins and it will take years to rebuild if that is possible..Im kinda thinking at least Paradise is no more..
just one community of about 27000..it all just kinda blows my mind but I guess it hits home because it is not too far from my hometown and I know folks who have live/ lived there, and have been there myself a long time ago. kinda wild..

dimples... :)

Hooch, so glad that turned out okay. I heard at one point that more than 200 people unaccounted for. That was a few days ago. I wonder if the cell towers are out? I would imagine they would be, so no cell service, or limited cell service.

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