What's everybody doing today?

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Went grocery shopping again! Yes, just went the other day! Yet we managed to buy a sh*tload of stuff ... mostly produce and frozen things, and a few other items.

Decided I wanted Tuna Salad for dinner, so I whipped up a batch. Will have it on toast for dinner here soon.

Chess, the male pup, is digging in his bed here in the kitchen. No idea why he is so into doing it! But he is very happy doing it!!! He does it all the time. He then rolls around in it, growling and barking. Kudos to the manufacturer for making a bed that has survived a hundred digging episodes with no damage - YET!
I finally heard from my daughter today, just two short messages. My son talked to her yesterday and said that she's in pretty bad shape. I know I should head up right now to see her, but I've got a doctor appointment on Thursday that I've had to wait 3 months to get. Her husband is staying home with the kids so they're OK.
OMG, what is wrong with her?
Today was an interesting day. Two of my wife's friends both had doctor appointments today & they couldn't drive to them. (One's car is dead because she was operated on & hasn't used it in a month, the other had a scope operation scheduled). I drove one to her appointment while my wife was with the other one. At the end of the day my wife picked up one & took her home & picked up burgers on the way back. She got 1 bite & got a briefing on the other one. She couldn't be alone tonight, can't drive for a week, no lifting over 15 lbs & clear liquids for a week. So the wife is spending the night over at her house. Nothing but fun.

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