Well today my son's suppose to come over and bring a flash drive and USB cord and maybe I can finally get Mrs. Squirrelhunter's laptop to boot up
,if not I'll have to.call them tomorrow.

Spent all morning on the phone with Home Depot and citi bank. Someone charged $3700 to our account. The most disturbing part was that they sent rebate info from my junk email account that isn't tied to our HD acct and had the order # from a purchase we made on Wed. Citi bank canceled the card and sent the info to their fraud for. If I hadn't found those emails in my SENT folder we wouldn't have known until we got the bill in Dec.
What a headache!
YEP! My identity was stolen 3 years back. Talk about a nightmare. They were trying to open home equity lines of credit on our house and as many credit cards online as they could. Every day I dreaded going to the mail box to see how many letters from CC companies and banks were in there. And I would have to spend time calling and straightening it out
Had to inform the Treasury Dept., had to make out a police report at the State Police barracks, had to inform the IRS because they had my SS# and its tied to EVERYTHING ya know, had to inform the Credit Score folks and put a temporary stop on all credit lines for me so it would stop them in their tracks. Now we have LifeLock and they've stopped 3 different times our names and SS#'s were on the "dark" web for sale. Its worth the $40 a month for both of us.
Hubby's SS# was being used at the IRS so now he has to have them send him a PIN# for our taxes every year.
Know what tripped them up? They used our old land line phone number on the applications but we got rid of it the year before. Some people are disgusting. Seriously.
Looks delicious. Guess that hunting blind (aka "hot tub") works? I may have to copy it.Spent the day making deer jerky.
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We actually had the bank pay someone else's Car payment of $1600.00 from our account. At the time it depleted everything we had. We went through a month of headaches for a mistake a bank person made!Spent all morning on the phone with Home Depot and citi bank. Someone charged $3700 to our account. The most disturbing part was that they sent rebate info from my junk email account that isn't tied to our HD acct and had the order # from a purchase we made on Wed. Citi bank canceled the card and sent the info to their fraud dpt. If I hadn't found those emails in my SENT folder we wouldn't have known until we got the bill in Dec.
What a headache!
You should be proud of Jake @hasbrown he is growing into a really responsible young man who will be self sufficient and handy as you and your wife are.
I really hope he is a good man. I catch myself getting frustrated with him sometimes while we are working then I remember he's 10 years old not 20.
My husband has the same problem. I have to keep reminding him that they aren't one of his men.