What's everybody doing today?

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How sweet......:D
I refer to mine as NH (nice husband).
So many acronyms. I learned AFAK today. Away from a keyboard.

Worked today. Came home. Stood on my head which was pretty impressive considering I haven't done it in a very long time. Supervising pie baking, cranberry relish prep. Shortly will eat something. Make dressing.
I'm missing a large bowl.
I refer to mine as NH (nice husband).
So many acronyms. I learned AFAK today. Away from a keyboard.

Worked today. Came home. Stood on my head which was pretty impressive considering I haven't done it in a very long time. Supervising pie baking, cranberry relish prep. Shortly will eat something. Make dressing.
I'm missing a large bowl.
I call my wife HB....honeybun......
Went to my new doctor's office in the morning. They couldn't draw blood (couldn't find veins?) Tuesday night, I made cornbread for dressing, a sugar free pumpkin pie and almost sugar free cranberry sauce (had to add a little honey).

This morning I went back to docs. Still couldn't draw blood and they sent me to hospital for lab work. At hospital, she got it first stick and said it's right there, don't know why they couldn't get it. So apparently, the 8th stick is the charm with me. Feel like a pin cushion! Came home and pressure canned 23 pints of vegetable soup from the free veggies I was given plus a few potatoes and jalapenos. I just tried to order online for Walmart's black Friday deal and their site is down as far as ordering anyway. Couldn't even get to my cart so I found a good deal on eBay and ordered from there instead.

I need a second set of weights as I have two pressure canners and just one set. Next on my list...
Round 1 of today is that I went and visited my friend in the aged care facility with another friend. She is doing well and looking much better than she was which is good.

Back home again where we packed up another pantry in the kitchen and the garden seeds and now we only have the absolute necessities out until we move. Still have to move quite a lot of things from the shed out to the property between now and settlement day. We organised with the real estate agent to ring the current owners of the property we are purchasing for them to ring council to get some bins delivered from the council. It appears both have been stolen since they last rented it out 18 months ago so they should be there by the time of settlement.

Now just relaxing for a while. My ankle and foot are still sore and I thought they were healed but apparently not so more arnica cream and I have strapped it up.
Nothing going on here today.
Gonna watch some tv
Listen to music
Read some
Have hubby's work clothes to wash sometime for when he goes back to work on the 3rd.
Just have a simple easy supper for us to make this evening
Not sure what time hubby is getting up to go to Lowes for their black friday event tomorrow. As long as he doesn't wake me up we're good lol That stuff is silliness
Wanted to spend some of my pocket money saturday morning but we're looking at an ice event that morning so we're going on sunday instead
Happy Thanksgiving to all the Americans on the board! lol
Dressing made, green beans ready to cook, will put turkey in around noon and then run to Dollar General with DH, I'm not sure why. LOL Making mashed potatoes for DH from my home canned potatoes (so much faster, easier and better)!

We'll probably find a movie to watch later. And of course, get the turkey meat into freezer bags.
Went deer hunting and like I figured,didn't see a thing. I need a better hunting spot.

Monday was the first day of gun deer hunting here and boy were they going off all morning. The check-in station was a busy place. Saw one fella that had 2 in the back of his truck but I'm pretty sure the second one was someone elses.

Just 2 weeks ago I had a herd of about 15 of them run across in front of me on our dirt lane
Round 2 of today is that we are making another double batch of coconut Queen Biscuits to last us the week and we are about half way through cooking them. The sugary treats are doing us the world of good while packing as we are wearing off so much energy.

Tonight's dinner will be left over beef roast from yesterday with salad.
I purchased ingredients to make some!! thanks again..
had a late night making home made pumpkin tapioca pie's , and fun chatting on the phone until it died. That never happened to me before.. :)
Today, I slept in!! yes!!
then got up, fed critters
Took Hooch for his run
Finished my run on the tready
now, wishing you all a great day...
Time to shower, drop off the pies to my neighbors and head to my friends for a meal.
My buddie said she bought good wine, luckily her and her husband live just down the hill from me. Another neighbor gal will be over so its only just us 3 gal buddies and one husband and from what it sound like way to many bottles of good wine . I really want to go run tomorrow again , so Ill have to employ some willpower
However, I don't get opportunity to sippy on the good stuff much ,
I apologize now if I drunk type later on here..haahaa!! actually I don't get drunk..but tipsy is ok and I can still get up and go run tomorrow..
cheers everyone!
Shame on you. Life is too short to keep the "good" china in a cabinet. We use the "good" china all the time.
You are worth the good stuff!

My wife has a huge set of fine china as well a real crystal glass set and nice silverware.
None of it ever gets used it just sits in a china cabinet to look at.
I bought it all when I was in the Navy in Japan in 1973 and paid $125 for all of it including shipping to Seattle.
I go to estate sales and look on Craigslist for china.
We currently eat off a set of fine china I bought for $25.
Some woman's Grandma had it and when she died they didn't want it so I got a good deal.
One day that is probably what will happen to my wife's dishes.:(
@backlash My china was my mom's, a pattern she loved back in the ...50s? 60s? The glasses are way cool. More like goblets, clear blue glass. I have enough children that someone will want it.
It's true that the upcoming generations don't care about the best china for dinners. I think it's cool. Makes it even more special feeling.

One of the girls said she'd do clean up of the china this time, she wants to use it that bad. ;)
@Hooch enjoy your biscuits and recipe and it is a really old recipe from a book called The Schauer Australian Cookery Book which was printed in the 1940 -50's and all the recipes are divine and work beautifully. It has been reprinted over the years with revised editions with the last edition coming out in the early 1990's and my book is so well used that the covers have fallen off it but I managed to find another one second hand as a back up one.

I remember the imperial measurements as I started my school life in imperial and mid way through primary school we changed to metric here in Australia.
Round 2 from yesterday and had a bit of a meltdown with my ankle last night with pain and started shaking. Been on it non stop since it was bulldozed by the log and been on my feet packing items in the house for the move and taking firewood, manures and garden equipment out to the farm. The high ankle work boots tied tighter to support my ankle and foot held it together somewhat but now I am feeling it. Last night's dinner was smoked oysters on crackers with cheese and or sour cream.

If it is no better by later today I will go to the hospital and have it x-rayed to see if anything is fractured or broken. I have an extremely high tolerance to pain and have many times in the past walked with fractured knees and bones in my feet for weeks on end so this is a possibility. Panadol has just been taken and after showers more arnica cream and ankle strapping.
Today we started off the morning with both DH and myself putting on a load of washing each and hanging it on the clothes line. DH then did the vacuuming of the whole house and I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week.

DH insisted I go to the hospital and have my ankle checked out and they took some x-rays and nothing is broken or fractured but it is just badly bruised which is good news as I didn't need to be on crutches whilst we are getting things ready to move. While we were in town we also opened up our house loan transaction account for when we get our loan settlement money put in from us borrowing to pay for the house.

Shortly we will fold up a couple of loads of washing and put it away and make the bed with clean sheets.
Hope that you at least have a ace bandage on the ankle

Today we started off the morning with both DH and myself putting on a load of washing each and hanging it on the clothes line. DH then did the vacuuming of the whole house and I deep cleaned the bathroom and toilet for the week.

DH insisted I go to the hospital and have my ankle checked out and they took some x-rays and nothing is broken or fractured but it is just badly bruised which is good news as I didn't need to be on crutches whilst we are getting things ready to move. While we were in town we also opened up our house loan transaction account for when we get our loan settlement money put in from us borrowing to pay for the house.

Shortly we will fold up a couple of loads of washing and put it away and make the bed with clean sheets.

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