What's everybody doing today?

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Have work and the cooking starts. We have our Thanksgiving meal at the school tomorrow for the students and family at noon, so today we start cooking. Planning on getting the pies and bread rolls done today. Bringing the 2nd turkey home to cook tonight, to free up oven space for more cooking at the school tomorrow morning. There's usually about 50 in attendance. Unfortunately, I also planned this afternoon to bring a live young turkey for show and tell for the students, so after lunch I'll be zooming home, catching our smallest one, and bringing her in. Hopefully she will cooperate and sit on my lap while we discuss turkeys. Tonight is Boy Scout Court of Honor, and we are meeting for a potluck supper. I was assigned to bring lots of cornbread, so I think I better cook it this morning before work, since Turkey #2 is going in the oven while we are gone.
Round 1 of today is that I put on a load of washing for DH and he filled up both cars using 3 jerry cans of fuel. He put fuel preservative in them and we will take them down with us to the farm today to fill at the little local store as his fuel is really cheap compared to here. While he was doing that I picked some carrots from the gardens and washed them and DH juiced them when he came in with some beetroot we had in the fridge for a lovely beetroot and carrot juice. He also hung a load of washing on the clothes line and brought it back in.

Then into the kitchen where we packed 3 more boxes and labelled them, sorted house paperwork in the lounge room and boxes in the lounge, dressing and kitchen. We can now walk around without tripping on things yay !. The spare boxes are now on the veranda ready to use and or food storage boxes ready to pack.

DH is about to pick up a friend with a tractor who is coming over to level our garden beds for us now we have harvested everything ready for our move and he will load our manures into a trailer we borrowed from a friend. This afternoon heading to the farm with DH towing the manures and our trailer will be on the back of my car with hay and all the bits of garden equipment in them to load into the sheds on the farm.
I have a celestron 114eq. I used it a lot about 10 years ago. Winter is the best time to see the stars, low humidity. I'd set it up in late afternoon so the telescope could adjust to the temperature for a few hours. I'd go up about 10pm to observe. It helps if you have a target in mind and develop a good plan. There is lots of good software out there to help you find your target.

Once I actually got to see Saturn and its rings, fuzzy but could still make out the rings. Jupiter is easy to see. Its about 400 million miles away... saturn is about 800 million miles away.
Mine is a Celestron EQ80. I didn't get to it Saturday. Got home to late and had other stuff to do. I will get it together and used this weekend. Planets are top on my list right now and the moon. Mars is easy right now for me until 10-11pm. But I do need to take a look at the skymap and timing to make a plan for the next few weeks. One thing I am set on doing this winter is to do some photography of the milky way. Using a scope on it should be pretty cool to, but a much different view.
Last August I drove an hour or so from here and set up right on the center line for the eclipse on the sun. We had a full 3 minutes of totality. I did a bunch of research on it and got what extra gear I needed and shot pics for a good while before during and after totality. Mostly they turned out. About the only thing I missed was when totality exactly hit. but I did get it coming out.
All good plans get waylaid when little person(Estelle) shows up this morning.
Mom got called in, for emergency(she's RN at Oncology floor) at Children's Hospital.
Or so she told my son when he picked up Estelle.
First thing she done is climb into bed with me.
Next lets big ole man size fart, giggles at Granny(me).
Pats my cheek, climbs back down off my bed leaving me gagging.
She lets Strawberry out of her room, she crawls in kennel, shuts door.
Yells for dad to let her out of kennel, all the while holding the door shut.
Then she decided to go potty with Granny(no privacy in my house anymore).
Gets her diaper loose, doesn't lift potty chair lid, pees all over my bathroom rug.
Can't get mad at her, but trying not to laugh either.
Get bathroom mess cleaned up finally.
Get her rediapered which is a tussle these days.
Let Strawberry out finally, she barely makes it off sidewalk.
Visited with my parents at their house for an hour.
She shakes that little finger at my dad, gives him talking to about giving her hard cookie.
She spits out raisins on table.
Calmly picks them up gives them to my mom.
No laundry got sorted, no dishes done,was sure glad when Estelle went home at 1 pm.
Looked at wreck of house, shrugged shoulders took 2 hour nap instead.
Hope everyone else had a good day.
Doing my cooking for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Have Estelle all day Wednesday and Thursday.
Santa is bringing Estelle training pants at Granny's house.
She only takes a bottle when she goes to sleep now.
Thinking Pull ups to start then switching to training pants.
Good thing bathroom rug is washable...lol..lol...
Round 2 of today and @MoBookworm1957 yep totally relate it all went pear shaped here today for us too.

DH went to pick up the tractor with friend but the car trailer plug stopped working so they had to go and get a new trailer plug from the auto store and our friend wired it up for us. They got back here quite late but the manures are in the trailer ready to go to the farm tomorrow. We will also load the trailer on the back on my car early tomorrow morning too.

While DH was away I worked out a mud map for our new budget for when we get into our new home and it looks like we will easily be able to pay an extra $400 a month off the mortgage over and above the minimum payment and we will still be able to save :) the equivalent of a mortgage payment a month too. If we keep to this plan it will save us 9 years worth of mortgage repayments and save about $22 000 in interest.

Just finished lunch which was leftover roast beef sandwiches with cheese and a side of sultanas.
Best laid plans went bust again.
You guessed had Estelle again today.
Have her all day tomorrow, half day on Thursday, all day on Friday.
But got Veterans building rental straighten out again, picked up key for Thursday(family reunion dinner).
Got back to my house, Estelle was agging Strawberry on, vice versa.
Had help sorting laundry, some little person threw tizzy fit when Granny left without her.
But all happy when Granny came back in. Till was time to switch laundry around to dryer.
Estelle finally went home. Granny went got laundry out of drier, Strawberry howled when she couldn't go.
1 load of laundry washed, dried, and will be hung up in a minute.
Got whole chicken out of freezer, defrosting will throw in oven tomorrow along with green bean casserole ,homemade bread for my supper the rest of the week.
Mom came over to visit this morning, that was also a surprise.
I just crochet on daughter in laws Christmas gift for little while while waiting on laundry.
Finally ate lunch.
Hopefully get a nap before bingo tonight.
Everybody have a good day, evening,night.
Told son today, beings Estelle will be at my house pretty much all week.
even though he will be here part of the time, he has to sleep sometime.
Might have to start charging Estelle's mom again for babysitting.
She drops Estelle off so she can sleep(both work overnights).
She was working days, but abruptly went back to overnights, no warning to anyone.
Hate to be mean, but I'm not the only one upset her sister is madder than I am.
She has her all night, I have her all day, mom has her 3 hours evenings.
Son has her in mornings till 10 am he has to sleep too. I have her the rest of the time.
What do you all think? Frustration building......
Hate to penalize son but frustration building.
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We went to the metal recycling place today. Made 4 digits for the load. That goes in the bank for bills since hubby is taking 2 weeks off and only getting 40hr wk pay for each of them. We're working on getting the loan for the Kawasaki Mule paid off as soon as we can. We make double payments. plus hubby's CC gets extra paid on it each month.
Cleaned up after breakfast before we went. Came back and did a load of laundry. Next up is the sheets and towels.
Had an A10 fly so low over our place today that we could see the pilot. Man was he moving fast! Silly pups were chasing it in the yard lol Bella just kept watching it until she couldn't see it anymore. She watches the helicopters when they go over also. lol She musta been a pilot in another life :D

Have to remember to take the spiral ham slices out of the freezer tomorrow so they thaw. Made the cranberry sauce the other day with pineapple and its really good

made one of my favorite meals for supper. its a quick marinara sauce with loads of onions, sweet peppers, garlic,black olives and diced tomatoes and cavatavi pasta. no meat in it at all. had some nice warm crusty bread to go with. SO good. Hubby isn't crazy about it so I don't make it often but I sure do love it.
I make sautéed onions and peppers for on my sandwiches all the time. I also add them to my scrambled eggs. I guess I have a thing for them :heart:
@WVDragonlady we could see A10 pilots too when we lived in a certain location. They seemed to know we got a charge out of it and would . . . Never mind. Lol. We enjoyed A10s too.

@MoBookworm1957 unfair. No consideration for you. No warnings of schedule changes. 3 or 4 days a week. But it sounds like you do a lot more than that.
Maybe they need to be told, these are the times I'm available: (You set the pace). Good luck.
Told son today, beings Estelle will be at my house pretty much all week.
even though he will be here part of the time, he has to sleep sometime.
Might have to start charging Estelle's mom again for babysitting.
She drops Estelle of so she can sleep(both work overnights).
She was working days, but abruptly went back to overnights, no warning to anyone.
Hate to be mean, but I'm not the only one upset her sister is madder than I am.
She has her all night, I have her all day, mom has her 3 hours evenings.
Son has her in mornings till 10 am he has to sleep too. I have her the rest of the time.
What do you all think? Frustration building......
Hate to penalize son but frustration building.
Interesting that you mention this. I was reading all the posts on this page and see how often you have Estelle.

This is what I did. I've already shared that my daughter's ridgeback has health issues and takes lots of medications and medications that are diuretics, making her have to go out frequently to take care of business. Daughter has FOMO, fear of missing out. She goes, goes, goes. When the vet told daughter that her dog would probably not live to be a year old, I told daughter that I would be there for the dog, rather than the dog spending all its time in a crate. Dog just turned three years old. I had a week where they were gone every evening. They work every day. I finally told daughter, I would do one evening a week. I will still do work days. If they want to go out more, they can do doggy day care. This helps them to prioritize their outings and gets me off the hook. They can go more if they want, it is just not on me to be there.

That would be my suggestion Mo. Either charge, or limit the hours you have Estelle. There are other people who can babysit, and if mom has to pay, she will slow down and stop taking advantage of you and the good thing she has going with you watching Estelle. If mom is an R.N., she is making good money. There may be some lack of honesty going on as well. Having to pay for all the running may slow it down. It is also good for some alternatives to be in place. What if you were to get the horrible flu that is going around? Who would watch baby then?
Another pear shaped day :) .

DH had a trailer load of manure on a borrowed trailer and decided to put the black plastic over the top instead of the tarp which I told him wasn't a good idea. Carrying on regardless he strapped it down. I then put on all the hay, garden pots, garden stakes, vehicle ramps and compost bins on our trailer and strapped it down with ocky straps and put a cargo net on it.

Off we go and DH who is in front of me with his black plastic covering the load has it blow up like a balloon with the wind and it comes uncovered and I behind is getting showered in manure on my car. Trying to pull him over by getting in his rear view mirror site and pumping my horn at him but to no avail so I overtook him and indicated him to get off the road. He is both deaf and even with driving glasses on can only see a short distance and I suppose having multiple ordinances blow up around you does this. This continued a couple more times with me telling him to put the tarp on until he finally did :rolleyes: , after all what would an ex truck driver like myself know . Lo and behold it stayed there and no manure being spread from pillar to post. Needless to say the trip took forever to get there but better on the way home.

Got home and we pressure cleaned our friend's trailer he gave us and took it back and picked up our medical supply order delivery we were not home for from the post office. Now sitting down and relaxing and dinner tonight will be bacon and eggs sandwiches.
We got our internet bill today and they have jacked it up 20 dollars a month. So ,unless I can find it cheaper ,I'm going to shut it off.

Ask for the customer retention dept. at your internet company. Explain that you will have to turn it off and see if they will do anything. They usually will do something to keep a customer!
Had a aha moment yesterday when I realized I am not as quick or young as I once was. Got hit by a cow when I was feeding out cubes. I walk them out every day. Anyway I regrouped and finished feeding. When I got to house I hooked the cuber up to my truck and put 1200 pounds of bulk cubes in it this morning. That will see me into next week and I don't have to worry about someone having to look for me laying out in pasture after not talking to me for 24 hours and starting a man hunt. I am okay. It just scared me a little and got my attention.
Had a aha moment yesterday when I realized I am not as quick or young as I once was. Got hit by a cow when I was feeding out cubes. I walk them out every day. Anyway I regrouped and finished feeding. When I got to house I hooked the cuber up to my truck and put 1200 pounds of bulk cubes in it this morning. That will see me into next week and I don't have to worry about someone having to look for me laying out in pasture after not talking to me for 24 hours and starting a man hunt. I am okay. It just scared me a little and got my attention.

Glad you are okay, and fixed it where it will work better tomorrow.
Round 1 of today is that I put on a load of washing for DH and he filled up both cars using 3 jerry cans of fuel. He put fuel preservative in them and we will take them down with us to the farm today to fill at the little local store as his fuel is really cheap compared to here. While he was doing that I picked some carrots from the gardens and washed them and DH juiced them when he came in with some beetroot we had in the fridge for a lovely beetroot and carrot juice. He also hung a load of washing on the clothes line and brought it back in.

Then into the kitchen where we packed 3 more boxes and labelled them, sorted house paperwork in the lounge room and boxes in the lounge, dressing and kitchen. We can now walk around without tripping on things yay !. The spare boxes are now on the veranda ready to use and or food storage boxes ready to pack.

DH is about to pick up a friend with a tractor who is coming over to level our garden beds for us now we have harvested everything ready for our move and he will load our manures into a trailer we borrowed from a friend. This afternoon heading to the farm with DH towing the manures and our trailer will be on the back of my car with hay and all the bits of garden equipment in them to load into the sheds on the farm.
I'm sorry if I sound clueless but what is DH?
Did a load of laundry, washed, dried and put away before son showed up with Estelle.
She was Granny's little helper or hinderance today.
She dusted furniture(meaning everything and I mean everything came off the coffee table), son caught plant before it went flying.
She fed Strawberry one piece of food at a time.
She finally got a bite of it, didn't like it.
She used the feather duster as a broom in the bathroom.
She and dad emptied the toy basket several times meaning she emptied it and they picked up the toys.
Put away groceries or tried to with my little helper.
She finally got put in high chair to color, so Granny could make up macaroni salad.
She had mini corn dogs, macaroni elbows for lunch.
She ate 2 of each,fed Strawberry 1 mini corn dog.
Still got to put together fruit tray then my contributions to Thanksgiving dinner are done.
Bathroom got recleaned after Estelle left today.
Still got to take out trash.
Granny is pooped.
Salad, fruit,soup is supper.
Hopefully I will be in bed by 8 pm tonight.
0330 hour wake up calls are for the birds.
Have had several weeks of those.
I won at bingo last night.
Mom came too, she seemed to have a good time.
Everybody have a good night,day,evening.
Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Helped load up the last of the recycling to take in. Cleaned up a little then hit the road. We got 3 digits for the load we took in so thats spending money for us both. Hubby plans on hitting the black friday at lowes. I stay home! lol
Washed the sheets and dried them but they're still in the dryer. Eh, ain't like they're going anywhere.
We had leftovers from yesterday. Yum.
I've been awake since 3am and I could hit the sack right now but I have to load the dishwasher and set the coffee maker and change into pj's. So I'll try to make it to 7pm hopefully.
Loading the recycling and getting it ready to load tires me out lol
Supposed to be bitter cold tomorrow so I'll be inside all day. Good thing I like to read lol
I am getting some work done in the shop today. I helped the neighbor with a new doghouse and I need to clean the sawdust up. I may even do some welding that I have been putting off for too long. I finished my cartridge case annealer but I need to tune the feed magazine so it doesn't jam.
Tomorrow I get up early to cook the ham for thanksgiving dinner at my sons. I get to meet some new in-laws so it should be fun.

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