Cleaning the kitchen ... I'm still not finished with the dishes, pots, pans, containers, etc.
How the frack do 2 people create so many dirty things????
Then I'm off to finish my laundry.
I feel you on the dishes. Another issue is they go missing. Probably in my brother's room. We have been using paper plates and bowls for years now because I can never find the regular plates and bowls. I do sometimes find things scattered in various parts of the house and my brother will dump some of his stuff in the sink without rinsing it. If he uses something to cook he either leaves it there or it gets knocked on the floor and broken or stuff is piling up in the sink. He uses so many dishes to make stuff but doesn't clean up after himself. Every time he uses a frying pan it takes forever for me to get the crud out of it bc he burns stuff into the pan.
A buggy accident on our road this morning. At the end of the road was church this morning, so lots of buggies going past our house. A neighbor on the way there has a huge dog named Otis that likes to chase wheels and horses, and we're pretty much used to him, but he ran out in front of a horse not used to him. Tipped the buggy. Very pregnant wife is ok, husband has a broken collar bone. Both at the ER in the bigger town. Otis is a problem.
Sounds like the problem is Otis' owner(s). He's a dog doing dog things, but the owners need to be held accountable and keep him under control/contained. Someone could have been killed and the neighbor would have been liable for it. If anyone contacted Animal Control they might take him away and/or fine the owner. Glad the people in the buggy survived, but that can't have been good for either of them and certainly was't healthy for the horses. Otis' owner(s) better hope the couple isn't litigious. Owner owes them for any medical bills & damage to the buggy.
I found some awesome rocks..
I think mahogany obsidian or some kind of jasper..the light brown is super smooth and glass like just like obsidian
it has drusy crystals all over parts of it..the pics don't do it justice but it's beautiful!
This I'd the dog washing station ..for now it will go on the porch in case the fat one has another skunk encounter..
She got sprayed in the mouth again last week..
I love collecting rocks! My dad used to collect tons of them when we traveled. Large and small. Fossils, crystals, weird minerals, etc. Sometimes crystallized fossils. A lot of them got scattered about in the yard and buried (tenants took them out of where we had them stored in an area that was supposed to be off limits to them- and dumped them outside). One of these days I'll have to get pictures of at least some of them.
When I first looked at the pic I thought it resembled the Nazi symbol.
I did
not see that.
I was sick for a bit. Headache, lightheaded, nausea, chills alternating with overheating & profuse sweating.
Took Mom to an appointment with diabetes specialist. She's worried about Mom's kidneys.
Got some cleaning done in the kitchen before I got sick-- kinda wonder if its why I got sick.
Insulated around the back door (backer rod and door & window spray foam).
Rupert has been running around the house chasing me. He still falls over very easily and keeps getting under people's feet, but he's been more vocal so a lot of the times he lets us know when he's near or when we step on him (or when he walks under our feet when we are stepping).
Got a letter from a development company wanting to buy our land for an insultingly low price. They want to buy 31+ acres for less than the current value of the front 18acres and waaaay less than we paid for even just the front 18acres back in the 80s. They can pound sand. Don't know if we should just ignore them or if we should respond and tell them "No".
Going to take Mom to the assessor's office tomorrow and drop off her mail-in ballot.
Oh, I voted (early voting). Man there were a lot of people running for president with weird parties I'd never heard of before. I noticed that at least one of them had dropped out and endorsed another candidate but was still on the ballot.
Currently sitting here under a pile of cats.