What's everybody doing today?

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Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work for a bit, started in on the lady's task list, got distracted at the gun shop, got back to the list, accidentally went to the liquor store for demerara syrup and MM 46 bourbon, got back to the list, went home and made a salad, got on the laptop in furtherance of the list but ended up here instead.
Spent some not so quality time at the local bus shop. Friday night I dropped off all the paper work for this shop at the main shop 1.5 hrs away. It came back this morning with a new temp driver. The fax machine is not
Working so i had to photo message all the naughty kid bus reports and call IT to come fix all the electronics and reset the wifi so we have a password. IT is next province over and will take awhile to get here. They sent a new extra duty cell phone to test on buses that drive in areas without cell or radio contact. They can send a emergency text only. They sent it uncharged without a charging cable. No one here has the right cable. We are in no man's land so I will have to drive 1.5 hours to get one.
I heard the backup generator running early this morning. Looks like I may have gotten the right stove oil to diesel ratio figured out.
Yesterday I got the Starlink mounted on a pole. It's about 8 feet high and still working.
I highly recommend getting a cooling fan for under the starlink modem. I use https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R659J8Z/
The modem tends to heat up so cooling it off can help.

Stomach is bugging me today. Waiting for my brother to finish his gaming so we can go meet my friend at the house he's buying. He needs to get it fixed so it can pass inspection. I'm hoping this one won't fall through too. I've encouraged him to NOT tell his mother the address and that if she's going to babysit for him that she can meet him at a nearby business or something-- like the vet's office. Because if she sees how much storage space he has with the workshop and barn she will be constantly dumping stuff there.
I highly recommend getting a cooling fan for under the starlink modem. I use https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R659J8Z/
The modem tends to heat up so cooling it off can help.

Stomach is bugging me today. Waiting for my brother to finish his gaming so we can go meet my friend at the house he's buying. He needs to get it fixed so it can pass inspection. I'm hoping this one won't fall through too. I've encouraged him to NOT tell his mother the address and that if she's going to babysit for him that she can meet him at a nearby business or something-- like the vet's office. Because if she sees how much storage space he has with the workshop and barn she will be constantly dumping stuff there.
Whats a modem? Is that the same thing as the Wi-Fi?
Just started the first fire of the season. Pup keeps running off with kindling out of the kindling bucket, thinking I'm bringing him in sticks. Ha.
Took husband in for an EKG and a visit with his heart doc and his heart med problems. Picked up pharmacy and since Dollar Tree is next to Walgreens, went in and filled a cart. Just got all that put away. It's cold and very, very windy and has been rainy all day. Well, I guess 41 degrees isn't all that cold, but with the wind, it feels it.
Just started the first fire of the season. Pup keeps running off with kindling out of the kindling bucket, thinking I'm bringing him in sticks. Ha.
Took husband in for an EKG and a visit with his heart doc and his heart med problems. Picked up pharmacy and since Dollar Tree is next to Walgreens, went in and filled a cart. Just got all that put away. It's cold and very, very windy and has been rainy all day. Well, I guess 41 degrees isn't all that cold, but with the wind, it feels it.
I had our stove on today also for a little while , it was low 40s in the morning but then warmed up to around 60

but BAD weather coming in a few days
so, no heart issues today, but I didn't take dog for a hike, son did. I was too busy, processed a bunch of collards and kale to go into the freezer. Plus picked a ton of tiny little super hot peppers. I have so many , I left the green ones on there and just picked the red ones.

Had to call one of my credit card companies to pay the bill over the phone, since it got here a day AFTER it was due. That's never happened before...I wonder if it was the credit card company or the mail . There should have been other bills here by now also , but nothing in the mail but junk. I wonder if companies really want to push everyone online and no longer pay in the mail.
I will pay it over the phone before I do it online. Too much of a hassle.
@sonya123 I’m glad your heart seems to be doing better. Terrified me when you spoke of it because of what I went through. I had never had a problem with mine, then had some serious heart palpitations, said I’d get it checked out when I came back from my trip. I almost died on my trip and was gone for 6 weeks instead of a week. My mitral valve had ruptured unbeknownst to me, until it was nearly too late.
I use hawthorn berry solution, it’s actually a brandy, and a very small daily dose. Highly recommended for heart health. Plus one daily dose of something else.
There are a couple of other vitamins highly recommended for heart health too. Just something to consider.
Trip to town to get 3way switches, 14g electrical wire and a sheet of half inch plywood to start the dreaded stairway lighting re-do. The landing on the L-stairs needs a little work also. The old landing is 50yr old particle board, needs replaced before someone falls through it. At least the price of plywood has come down. Wanted marine grade but they didn’t have it. Regular plywood was $25 a sheet. They wanted an arm and a leg for 14-2 wire though, almost $2 per foot.

Got a few groceries then lunch at the mexican place. Filled up my truck on the way out of town.
With snow in the forecast I prepared the tractor for a long winter's nap. Ran stabilized gas for 10 minutes and pulled the battery to put on a trickle charger.

My brother helped get the new battery in the side by side. My right arm is getting better but I am not going to risk reinjury.

High 50s and sunny here today - and it was a banner day - a full year after I took it down and moved it, I finally, finally, started putting plastic on the greenhouse my Beloved built for me! It has hurt my heart to see it standing there, unused and incomplete, but other tasks always got in the way and I needed some uninterrupted time to study on it and figure out how to make the adjustments and repairs. The end walls didn't travel well, especially since they were just stacked against the side of the shed all last winter.
When I saw the sunrise and checked the weather, I knew today had to be the day, so I took the day off work and got at it. I used every bit of the nine hours and thirty one minutes of daylight given for today, and I can hardly move my right arm, but I got almost all of the repairs done, finished installing the purlins and tightened all the bolts, got the end walls as square and plumb as I possibly could, put in two ground anchors, and got the overhead plastic on. Then I sat down and cried for a bit. Such a stark difference from when we built it together.
Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow but I hope to get a chance to put plastic on the endwalls, and I have to glue and reinforce the lower part of the south door. I think I have enough wiggle wire left to secure the roll up portions of the sides at either end, and then it will be snugged up for the winter. At long last, and just in time, as it looks like this extended Indian summer is about to break.
High 50s and sunny here today - and it was a banner day - a full year after I took it down and moved it, I finally, finally, started putting plastic on the greenhouse my Beloved built for me! It has hurt my heart to see it standing there, unused and incomplete, but other tasks always got in the way and I needed some uninterrupted time to study on it and figure out how to make the adjustments and repairs. The end walls didn't travel well, especially since they were just stacked against the side of the shed all last winter.
When I saw the sunrise and checked the weather, I knew today had to be the day, so I took the day off work and got at it. I used every bit of the nine hours and thirty one minutes of daylight given for today, and I can hardly move my right arm, but I got almost all of the repairs done, finished installing the purlins and tightened all the bolts, got the end walls as square and plumb as I possibly could, put in two ground anchors, and got the overhead plastic on. Then I sat down and cried for a bit. Such a stark difference from when we built it together.
Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow but I hope to get a chance to put plastic on the endwalls, and I have to glue and reinforce the lower part of the south door. I think I have enough wiggle wire left to secure the roll up portions of the sides at either end, and then it will be snugged up for the winter. At long last, and just in time, as it looks like this extended Indian summer is about to break.
View attachment 167695
It looks AWESOME! Glad you took the day off! A lot of hard work well done! Hugs for doing it alone!💗
Monday November 18th 2024

Lots of play and cuddles with
the Cats 🥰 today and my Dane Girl also 🥰

Laundry...relaxing ....reading things

My sister phoned me and friend Lisa did phone me today 😊

35f very dark at 9.30 pm

Hope all have / had a nice day and nice evening

Here some relaxing something for you ....... 🤗🥰
Hope you will enjoy it ...........

Whats a modem? Is that the same thing as the Wi-Fi?
Modem= modulator/demodulator that translates the internet signal. It's the device that plugs in to the satellite from inside. Not sure what the newer ones look like, but mine looks like this:

No LEDs on mine to indicate if its on or off. The cables plug in to the bottom of it and it sits flat. It also serves as a router/wifi so perhaps that's what you meant by the wifi. It gets very warm so I put a fan under it.

Went over to the house friend is buying. He wanted to fix the electrical and any issues the inspector might flag as an issue. I was going to look in the attic for him (friend was afraid to go in there) but when I started climbing the wooden folding ladder it made some noises that made me change my mind. Don't think it will hold my weight. Going to keep it folded up and use a different ladder. I want to see if I can identify load-bearing walls and check to see if all the HVAC vents are connected properly.

Discovered the problem with one of the bathroom doors is that it is on crooked so it hits the to on one side and needs to be straightened out.

Brother and I helped my friend change out several outlets. Called out when the tester turned off as he was flipping breakers, handed him tools and new outlets to put in, used phone as a flashlight to help him see. Spent a couple of hours over there. We went to go outside and it was pouring rain. We couldn't hear it from inside the house.

He said the seller lives in TX and is waiting on some paperwork from the bank. She (the seller) said she hasn't received the paperwork yet. Hopefully they can get the ball rolling soon and my friend won't have wasted a bunch of $$$ fixing up a place he can't get. He already wasted $700 on a previous place on just the inspection and the selle reneged. I don't think this seller will renege but I'm worried the loan might not go through. They were pre-approved but it needs to be finalized.
Modem= modulator/demodulator that translates the internet signal. It's the device that plugs in to the satellite from inside. Not sure what the newer ones look like, but mine looks like this:
View attachment 167709
No LEDs on mine to indicate if its on or off. The cables plug in to the bottom of it and it sits flat. It also serves as a router/wifi so perhaps that's what you meant by the wifi. It gets very warm so I put a fan under it.

Went over to the house friend is buying. He wanted to fix the electrical and any issues the inspector might flag as an issue. I was going to look in the attic for him (friend was afraid to go in there) but when I started climbing the wooden folding ladder it made some noises that made me change my mind. Don't think it will hold my weight. Going to keep it folded up and use a different ladder. I want to see if I can identify load-bearing walls and check to see if all the HVAC vents are connected properly.

Discovered the problem with one of the bathroom doors is that it is on crooked so it hits the to on one side and needs to be straightened out.

Brother and I helped my friend change out several outlets. Called out when the tester turned off as he was flipping breakers, handed him tools and new outlets to put in, used phone as a flashlight to help him see. Spent a couple of hours over there. We went to go outside and it was pouring rain. We couldn't hear it from inside the house.

He said the seller lives in TX and is waiting on some paperwork from the bank. She (the seller) said she hasn't received the paperwork yet. Hopefully they can get the ball rolling soon and my friend won't have wasted a bunch of $$$ fixing up a place he can't get. He already wasted $700 on a previous place on just the inspection and the selle reneged. I don't think this seller will renege but I'm worried the loan might not go through. They were pre-approved but it needs to be finalized.
Yep that sounds like the gizmo that I have. I put it in the window in the fur shed. I didn't have enough cable to reach the house from the Starlink mount. It all seems to be working fine, I can even make phone calls from the house now.
Started drizzle rain mid afternoon Monday.. Now at almost 1am it is still raining steadily.. Forecast to continue through some time Wednesday.. A bit less than an inch of rain at late news time tonight.. Temps are to be up a bit now, but are to drop a lot by sometime Wednesday..

Out today to get mail, bananas, and eggnog.. Once or twice a fall I make a half cup of strong instant coffee and half eggnog.. It is good, but just a cup or two is enough per year..
Still feeling a bit tender around the middle part of my upper sternum and ribs but have a whole lot more movement comparison to last week and find it easier to get out of bed got notified by the RAA assigned assessor that both mine and the other party's vehicles are both written off however I've got a funny feeling that the other person of whom has yet to divulge his insurance details if any is already planning to get his vehicle's damage repaired despite it being written off

I rung up RAA claims spoke to them about assessors determination and got them to make a note for their total loss team that under no circumstances is the other party to contact me directly when he is contacted by the insurance team this allows for

1. The claim to be finalized and both parties to be properly compensated for damage/loss instead of the one demanding a favorable outcome walking away with everything whilst I'm left without anything despite having top tier cover

2. Avoid it spilling over legal action or police intervention because other party is demanding direct compensation for repairs instead of going through the insurance process

The RAA staffer assured me I will get my payout despite it being an accidental rear end incident once they have received a copy of my blood alcohol certificate I should be mobile again very shortly
today getting barn ready to put the animals in , weather looks to be bad starting maybe this afternoon. It's going to rain and then get really cold and maybe snow in a few days
We put all the breeding goats and bucks together yesterday. So far no injuries. The buck we put in was too busy saying hello to the other girls . The little one that went over the fence and got banned to the big goats tried to get in on the action too and was promptly headbutted by a girl....lol, goats are funny
No other major plans today
Got up, worked out, cleaned up, went to work, came home, watched for a moment as they decorated the common areas for Thanksgiving, collected a couple packages and the mail, got into a debate over sweet potato pie vs pumpkin pie with a security guard who clearly has eaten a lot of pies but could still have probably thrown me across the room, went to the apartment, did some dishes, deleted all the messages on the machine without listening to any of them, looked for something to drink, said screw it and decided to make an old fashioned, turned on some music and have been sitting her drinking and surfing ever since. Soon I have to make dinner and listen to the lady about her day while not offering any feedback or advice.

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