What's everybody doing today?

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we are supposed to go get a hay bale today but it looks like it is going to rain more, hope we don't get stuck in the mud where we get it
I guess we can put a tarp on it, it's stored under a roof. We don't usually get 1 bale at a time, but they don't deliver, and everyone that does deliver is out and we need a few more bales. So one at a time it is I suppose before that's gone too ( we still have some but need more since it is only December)
Need more wood already too, wow, crazy weather this year
Not sure if the animals are going out or staying in. It's cold and rainy but not freezing. I might put the sheep out
We're having decent weather for this week...highs in the 40's and 50's, lows in the high 20's. Not too shabby.
Have a loaf of nine grain cooking, ready to do my outside chores. Lots of laundry doings today. Need to go into our little town, gas up one of the trucks, mail the Christmas cards, and stop at the amish store. Will start on another shelf cleanup in food storage. Christmas is coming fast! Talked to our son, and he and his gf are coming in by train early morning next Monday. Only a week away! I am so looking forward to seeing him. And meeting the lady he's so taken with.
It's snowing again this morning. Supposed to snow all day today and tomorrow, probably another foot or so expected. This morning I'll snow blow our pathways then plow the road. I'll need to dig out the snow plow for the tractor first. Then I need to get the big snowblower out of the barn for the side by side. Might put the tracks on too.
It's snowing again this morning. Supposed to snow all day today and tomorrow, probably another foot or so expected. This morning I'll snow blow our pathways then plow the road. I'll need to dig out the snow plow for the tractor first. Then I need to get the big snowblower out of the barn for the side by side. Might put the tracks on too.
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Make stilts for the dog!!! Or maybe doggie snow shoes!!🤔😉
It's snowing again this morning. Supposed to snow all day today and tomorrow, probably another foot or so expected. This morning I'll snow blow our pathways then plow the road. I'll need to dig out the snow plow for the tractor first. Then I need to get the big snowblower out of the barn for the side by side. Might put the tracks on too.
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Beautiful. Can we come to your house for Christmas? They're saying 80 degrees here. :(

Uh, after you plow, of course. ;)
Beautiful. Can we come to your house for Christmas? They're saying 80 degrees here. :(

Uh, after you plow, of course. ;)
Sure come on up. It doesn't seem right that some places have 80 degree temps. I just tried to drive the side by side down to pump house and slid off the road and got stuck. We're still getting heavy snow, hasn't stopped since yesterday. We're also getting poor ground definition today and that makes it hard to see where the road is.
Went to the skin Dr this morning. More possible skin cancer. This is getting old. I'm still doing radiation for one on my hand. They took two biopsy's and burned about a dozen spots off. Now I look like I have monkeypox, just in time for Christmas. After all the stuff in my life that's tried to kill me, I'd better not die from skin cancer!

Wear sunblock kids.
Sure come on up. It doesn't seem right that some places have 80 degree temps. I just tried to drive the side by side down to pump house and slid off the road and got stuck. We're still getting heavy snow, hasn't stopped since yesterday. We're also getting poor ground definition today and that makes it hard to see where the road is.
LOL - Thanks we would almost take you up on that. I'd love a few days in the snow. Keyword there is "a few," like maybe three. :D
Wow, that'd be a bit much snow for me. I like being outside as much as possible. Got to almost 50 today for a short time. I'm sure we'll get snow at some point, last year we were walloped at Thanksgiving.
You sound like me, UserName, had a biopsy, but mine was negative. I do go in each year and have spots burned off. Usually on my face and arms. I have freckles, too, but the spots that have to go have a shiny flakey look to them.
Not much happening here....wrapped more presents, went into town, cleaned off a food storage shelf, that one had different salts and the weird spices. Emptied the dehydrators of northern beans, sealed those up, and then filled the dehydrators again. Almost time for dinner and a Christmas movie.
We're looking for a steak house like that too. The nearest steak house for us is about 100 miles north. Its in an old bar in a small river town. Before the covid scam hit they made a great pepper steak. Then they couldn't get fresh beef any more. I even offered to give them one of our steers, but couldn't do it because government rules, blah, blah, blah. The wife wants to go back up there for Christmas dinner. They still make great prime rib sandwiches, we'll see if their doing the pepper steak again.
I have yet to find a good prime rib place ..
More craziness at work today. I don't know how some people manage to put their trousers on in the mornings, the lack of brain cells and common sense in the public I work with is discouraging.
Took some time this afternoon to go up and see my Mom. Thankfully she's looking better and was up and bathed and dressed. Still tires very quickly. Took her some turkey and ham and squash that I had portioned up so she can have some good dinners. Also picked up my kayaks from her yard and brought them home to store in the shed for winter.
I had a bit of a good surprise, apparently the new garage door opener has a motion detector in it. I was walking the dog and when we came back up the light clicked on as soon as we got to the garage. Pretty cool feature.
Warm today, in the 40s, but I didn't get a chance to do any outside chores. Oh well, they'll still be there later.
Trying to get to work today turned out to be a stressful adventure...

It's been snowing pretty good since last night..truckie has about a foot on the hood so far..I just dug truckie out for tomorrow. I should have took it today but Subie usually does pretty good so I took a chance.

Just getting to town was hairy..Subies honey slid a few times even with all wheel drive..the snow is heavy,thick on the road n wet.

So I stop to get a few bags of chickie feed..I figure the weight will help..and it did some..then the plow rolls by heading north so I'm thinking yea! Get behind the plow all the way up to the mill..home free..

In just 10 minutes later, as I'm back on the road..it's doesn't even look plowed anymore..

So I head up..seriously debating my decision to drive Subie today..pull over in the chain up area before the first uphill part n say..ok..let's go.

I got all distractions off n just focusing on keeping Subie on my side..kinda..it's slick but I've got momentum..slow is pro..
I come upon the first semi stopped dead in the road..it started sliding ..he got it stopped but his hind end was a bit in the downhill lane. He had a fish n game guy helping him. I had to stop n loose my momentum but I'm really thinking crap..this is barely half a mile up ..about 9 miles to go...yikes..
Then about a half mile about that 2 semis are in the ditch heading up ...

A deputy was dealing with that just as a train of vehicles are comming down..he was making his way towards me already and gets on my passenger side out of the road. I tell him to hop in if someone gets squirrely..n thankfully no one did. Everyone was crawling down the mountain slow..it was slick.

So after that traffic passes..he asked where I'm headed n I tell him the mill..he said conditions are worse up the mountain and even in all wheel drive it might not be good. I tell him I'm ready to turn around when it can be done safely..wrecking my car isn't worth it and it's been squirrely enough already..

So I eventually get turned around with the deputy help n get back to town n home. I don't like flaking on my shift but it's just not worth it to risk wrecking.

Plus I still have to get home ..with more snow expected and get down my unplowed long county road at 1am..
Nope..nope nope nope no!! I really dislike driving in this..
The first Pic is the two semi trucks that you really can't see..just the deputy rig..the middle Pic is the first semi with the fish n game guy helping him n direct traffec..the 3rd Pic is Truckie that I shoveled n dug out to take tomorrow to work..
Gah..I hope it isn't worse..


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Trying to get to work today turned out to be a stressful adventure...

It's been snowing pretty good since last night..truckie has about a foot on the hood so far..I just dug truckie out for tomorrow. I should have took it today but Subie usually does pretty good so I took a chance.

Just getting to town was hairy..Subies honey slid a few times even with all wheel drive..the snow is heavy,thick on the road n wet.

So I stop to get a few bags of chickie feed..I figure the weight will help..and it did some..then the plow rolls by heading north so I'm thinking yea! Get behind the plow all the way up to the mill..home free..

In just 10 minutes later, as I'm back on the road..it's doesn't even look plowed anymore..

So I head up..seriously debating my decision to drive Subie today..pull over in the chain up area before the first uphill part n say..ok..let's go.

I got all distractions off n just focusing on keeping Subie on my side..kinda..it's slick but I've got momentum..slow is pro..
I come upon the first semi stopped dead in the road..it started sliding ..he got it stopped but his hind end was a bit in the downhill lane. He had a fish n game guy helping him. I had to stop n loose my momentum but I'm really thinking crap..this is barely half a mile up ..about 9 miles to go...yikes..
Then about a half mile about that 2 semis are in the ditch heading up ...

A deputy was dealing with that just as a train of vehicles are comming down..he was making his way towards me already and gets on my passenger side out of the road. I tell him to hop in if someone gets squirrely..n thankfully no one did. Everyone was crawling down the mountain slow..it was slick.

So after that traffic passes..he asked where I'm headed n I tell him the mill..he said conditions are worse up the mountain and even in all wheel drive it might not be good. I tell him I'm ready to turn around when it can be done safely..wrecking my car isn't worth it and it's been squirrely enough already..

So I eventually get turned around with the deputy help n get back to town n home. I don't like flaking on my shift but it's just not worth it to risk wrecking.

Plus I still have to get home ..with more snow expected and get down my unplowed long county road at 1am..
Nope..nope nope nope no!! I really dislike driving in this..
The first Pic is the two semi trucks that you really can't see..just the deputy rig..the middle Pic is the first semi with the fish n game guy helping him n direct traffec..the 3rd Pic is Truckie that I shoveled n dug out to take tomorrow to work..
Gah..I hope it isn't worse..
Don't you carry tire chains in your vehicles? There is nothing worse than driving on wet snow/ice and chains are the only thing that helps. Our snow is usually powder dry up here, even though we're well below freezing, this snow is wet. It plugs up my snowblower and makes it useless. It finally stopped snowing about an hour ago but it's supposed to start up again soon.
Spent the day cleaning up after a month of reno work. The laundry and storage rms were a mess! It’s safe to walk in both rooms now. Spent a lot of time on the laundry, got clothes folded or hung up and out of the way. They kept getting piled up and covered with a tarp. I cleaned all the shelving too, moved all the detergents into the ‘like new’ cabinet above the washer. Still need to mop but at least the floor is ready to mop.

The garbage company used to park a dumpster every other month at a cross roads near here. It was for people to take big items like boxes or old funiture for disposal. I guess they quit doing it. Now I’ll have to haul a couple pickup loads 30 miles to the dump. Then pay extra… Guess I’ll get the trailer out from the shed. Need to clean out the storage rm, lots of worthless junk in there. Might need to make two trips. Need to clean out the shop too. Got a literal ton of scrap metal I need to take to the metal recycle place, at least it’s in a pile ready to load on a trailer and they’ll pay me for it.

No plans but tv...
Don't you carry tire chains in your vehicles? There is nothing worse than driving on wet snow/ice and chains are the only thing that helps. Our snow is usually powder dry up here, even though we're well below freezing, this snow is wet. It plugs up my snowblower and makes it useless. It finally stopped snowing about an hour ago but it's supposed to start up again soon.
I do in my truck...I keep chains plus a tow chain in it.
In the Subaru..you cant put on chains. There isn't room between the tire and tire well for chains. I have good quality aggressive mud n snow tires on Subie that are only 2 years old.
But today roads kicked us in the teeth.
This snow is wet , slushy and alot of it today..
By now I'm sure the road is icy too..
I'm at the point where missing a day to potentially save my vehicles from carnage ..and maybe myself is worth it more than to pushing it to make it into work. It won't be the mill buying me another car if it gets wrecked and blue book value on them both is a joke.
But they both run good , in good shape n will last a few more years if I can help it...know what I mean..
I do in my truck...I keep chains plus a tow chain in it.
In the Subaru..you cant put on chains. There isn't room between the tire and tire well for chains. I have good quality aggressive mud n snow tires on Subie that are only 2 years old.
But today roads kicked us in the teeth.
This snow is wet , slushy and alot of it today..
By now I'm sure the road is icy too..
I'm at the point where missing a day to potentially save my vehicles from carnage ..and maybe myself is worth it more than to pushing it to make it into work. It won't be the mill buying me another car if it gets wrecked and blue book value on them both is a joke.
But they both run good , in good shape n will last a few more years if I can help it...know what I mean..
That makes sense. Even studded tires don't help much on slushy roads. I have no problem driving on ice or snow packed roads, but slush is the worst thing there is to drive on. Glad you made it home safely. I'm sure other people didn't make it to work in those conditions either.
Went to a city council meeting this evening. At the end of the meetings, citizens can go to the microphone if they have something to bring up. I went to the microphone and told them what I was doing to bring women veterans together so they can develope comraderies among themselves. I told them about the lady who runs the Clay County Dept. of Veteran Affairs and that I suggested she get women veterans together. She likes the idea and is following through with it. I suggested everyone listening to the meeting there and via internet that if they know any women veterans, they should go have a chat with the lady who runs the Clay County Dept. of Veteran Affairs. It went over pretty well. Hopefully it brings out a lot of women veterans because they have been ignored for way too long.
Dropped kids to work, car is for MOT tomorrow so splashed out on a car wash- normally do it myself, stocked up on dog meal, books back to library, post office. Paid bills, dropped of stuff at charity shop - bit by bit having a clear out. Back home to write up a literature review for my thesis.This will be going on for 3 years- just warning ya :D it may appear in rant section lol.
Have a good day all!
got the hay bale yesterday, it's a 5x5 so the guy had to put it on the truck lengthwise. We did manage to tip it up and off the truck. Looks like nice hay. Every farmer except the one close to us that delivers and it out is OLD. These people are all over 80 most likely. Who is going to farm when they are gone? There seem to be no or few young farmers. Well except the Amish and they are mostly furniture and shed builders around here and only farm enough to provide for themselves

today going to put all the animals out, it is warm out ( close to 50) and not freezing for the first time in a month. Did start a fire in the kitchen, it's actually colder in the house than outside. We have decent insulation somehow and it takes a while for outside to match inside.
Have to call some places and ask where the bills are. Lately I have not been getting our bills on time. I am not sure if it is the companies not sending them, or the mail delivering them late. Maybe they are trying to force everyone to pay online ( so someone can hack into your bank account or credit account)

Need to split some more wood and stack it.
I'm not in any hurry to go work outside. We have very thick frozen fog this morning. Supposed to get more snow sometime today too. I'll go out later and dig out the snow plow and mount it on the tractor. I've got a lot of cleanup to do around the house and barn. Then I'll move the big snowblower out of the barn with the side by side and do an oil change on it and make a couple passes on the road.

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