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A rainy day is perfect for inside work. Found a fireplace insert on sale that will fit the Hobbit Hole nicely. Ordered same.

Limited-time deal: Giantex 28.5" Electric Fireplace Insert, Wall Recessed/Mounted, Freestanding Fireplace with Remote Control, 3 Color Adjustable Flames, 2 Modes Heat, 8 H Timer, 5 Brightness Settings, 750/1500W Heater https://a.co/d/di1uYh9

It has some silly color options we will never use but The Princess approved.

Did some carpentry and will find some replacement blades for my oscillating tool.

survived doctor and shopping...
Doctor says I have archillis tendonitis and something called haglunds deformity, all from walking too much and wearing the wrong shoes and I should also lose some weight. I still have to go get a x ray at some point and he showed me some foot brace/sleave that might help.
So we'll see
I need to start swimming again to lose weight I think. He mentioned you lose weight fast if you actually do aerobic type of exercise, not just walking doing physical labor. No duh....I used to do step aerobics and run, but can no longer do that. He also suggested some phyical therapy which I might try. Overall decent visit, AND the nurse got my blood out on the first try! He also didn't try to make me get any vaccine or sell me any more pills so maybe I was wrong about him ( I didn't like him last time I went).

Cooking now, husband put sheep in the barn since it is pouring again, or was a few minutes ago
Just got in from clearing the road. Made a pass up to the pump house too. It's pretty unusual for it to be above freezing in December, but it's nice to see the sun out, and even nicer to be able to work without gloves, snow boots or a heavy coat on. We're going down south tomorrow and pick up some feed and a load of groceries. There's a store down there that has a Henry's boy size .22 lever action on sale. If they still have one in stock I might pick it up for the grandson.
Watched 4 fighter jets fly over going from Kessler Air Force base in Biloxi, MS flying to Houston.
Hmmm. :oops:
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survived doctor and shopping...
Doctor says I have archillis tendonitis and something called haglunds deformity, all from walking too much and wearing the wrong shoes and I should also lose some weight. I still have to go get a x ray at some point and he showed me some foot brace/sleave that might help.
So we'll see
I need to start swimming again to lose weight I think. He mentioned you lose weight fast if you actually do aerobic type of exercise, not just walking doing physical labor. No duh....I used to do step aerobics and run, but can no longer do that. He also suggested some phyical therapy which I might try. Overall decent visit, AND the nurse got my blood out on the first try! He also didn't try to make me get any vaccine or sell me any more pills so maybe I was wrong about him ( I didn't like him last time I went).

Cooking now, husband put sheep in the barn since it is pouring again, or was a few minutes ago
You doctor is A JERK!! Lose weight, you should have punched him in the face!! 😮🤔🙁😮😮☕
Amazon drivers around here all use their personal vehicles. There's a depot of some sort in town, amazon quietly bought up an empty grocery store, blacked out all the windows, and put barriers up so no one cut through the parking lot anymore. Then a year later one small, dark sign in the parking lot has a series of numbers and "Amazon". All very mysterious, but I think that's where the local drivers go pick up packages for delivery. Usually it's someone in a smaller car, wearing an amazon vest, so the guy in the big truck really took me by surprise.

Was busy with chores and work all day, but now I don't feel like I really accomplished anything. Though I did get the external keypad for the new garage door opener set up and mounted on the door frame. Now if a friend is going to stop by and walk the dog for me, I can just give them the code instead of hiding a key somewhere. Also washed the sheets and put the quilt and blanket out on the line to air. The wind changed direction a lot and we had a few tiny snow showers. Told my mom the bedding smells like wood smoke and snow now, and she said tonight I'll dream that I'm in the Hundred Acre Wood. I like that idea! I could really use a night of good dreams and solid sleep.
Amazon drivers around here all use their personal vehicles. There's a depot of some sort in town, amazon quietly bought up an empty grocery store, blacked out all the windows, and put barriers up so no one cut through the parking lot anymore. Then a year later one small, dark sign in the parking lot has a series of numbers and "Amazon". All very mysterious, but I think that's where the local drivers go pick up packages for delivery. Usually it's someone in a smaller car, wearing an amazon vest, so the guy in the big truck really took me by surprise.

Was busy with chores and work all day, but now I don't feel like I really accomplished anything. Though I did get the external keypad for the new garage door opener set up and mounted on the door frame. Now if a friend is going to stop by and walk the dog for me, I can just give them the code instead of hiding a key somewhere. Also washed the sheets and put the quilt and blanket out on the line to air. The wind changed direction a lot and we had a few tiny snow showers. Told my mom the bedding smells like wood smoke and snow now, and she said tonight I'll dream that I'm in the Hundred Acre Wood. I like that idea! I could really use a night of good dreams and solid sleep.
A pot of honey may help.

Took my brother to return his sleep study equipment. He had to fill out more paperwork. Went to Samsclub to grab some stuff. Got some pants on clearance for friend since he's always getting holes in his. These are supposed to be tear resistant. We'll see if they last. He was very happy and said they fit perfectly.

Cooked for Mom, cleaned the hallway and just broke up a cat fight. Mewlatto did his usual trolling and slapped Gravy Jones. Gravy wasn't having it though and proceeded to kick the stuffing out of Mew. Biscuits saw a fight happening and decided to jump into the fray biting both Mew and Gravy. Gravy got mad and turned on Biscuits (who normally gets along with him) and Mew escaped while they went after each other. Then Snugglebum jumped in and started beating both of them up. Biscuits ran away and that left Snugglebum and Gravy fighting. I got them apart but Gravy jumped back on. Brother came in and pulled Gravy away but Snugglebum was still trying to go after him and got mad at me for grabbing him to pull him back, but he didn't bite or scratch. Both were huffing and puffing afterward. Snugglebum is currently sitting on my plastic drawer set and Gravy just crawled into my lap. His right ear took a beating.
Well this morning I ended up making 8 stops 🤪. Way too peopled out. The elusive gumdrops were the prey. Finally found some! Making gingerbread houses Sunday.
Got the tree put up so that’s done. Also got the bedding changed and the Christmas quilt put on the bed.
Now to clean up the house before folks show up on Christmas.
Well this morning I ended up making 8 stops 🤪. Way too peopled out. The elusive gumdrops were the prey. Finally found some! Making gingerbread houses Sunday.
Got the tree put up so that’s done. Also got the bedding changed and the Christmas quilt put on the bed.
Now to clean up the house before folks show up on Christmas.
Ha spice drops! They are husband's favorites, and I'm always hunting for them. Our local little store usually has them, but not always. They sell them in the smaller plastic boxes from bulk.
Went to Walmart (ugh) and boy was it busy. Filled a cart there, and then on to Aldi to fill a cart there. I don't expect to go to the bigger town's stores till after Christmas. Took forever to put it all away, and still have stuff that needs to be lugged downstairs. Neighbor came by with all her kids and brought a blueberry coffee cake.
You doctor is A JERK!! Lose weight, you should have punched him in the face!! 😮🤔🙁😮😮☕
why? He is right. I am about 25 lbs more than I was when we moved here and 30 lbs more than my perfect weight. This is what doctors should tell their patients instead of just trying to push pills on them.

When I was in the waiting room some woman walked in with what I assume was her son. They were both really really overweight, I mean probably hundred pounds. She could barely walk and used a walker thing. I heard her age since they asked , and she was only a few years older than me and looked like she was 20 years older. And the son, that's so sad to see. When she went in ( before me), he fell asleep and snored!! In the middle of the day. Just sad....

When I saw that I already had that thought in my mind that I need to take my weight loss a little more serious.
why? He is right. I am about 25 lbs more than I was when we moved here and 30 lbs more than my perfect weight. This is what doctors should tell their patients instead of just trying to push pills on them.

When I was in the waiting room some woman walked in with what I assume was her son. They were both really really overweight, I mean probably hundred pounds. She could barely walk and used a walker thing. I heard her age since they asked , and she was only a few years older than me and looked like she was 20 years older. And the son, that's so sad to see. When she went in ( before me), he fell asleep and snored!! In the middle of the day. Just sad....

When I saw that I already had that thought in my mind that I need to take my weight loss a little more serious.
I picture you as fit and trim! And yes, extra weight is hard on the body as we get older!
Today I have to treat one of our goats for hoof issues. It's not hoof rot, but the skin is starting to look sort of red and weird in between her toes and above the hoofs. We have seen this before, it's when the ground doesn't dry for weeks and it's muddy. So I spray a copper sulfate solution on it until it goes away. Thinking about wrapping her hoofs too at least for a day. ( I Just wrap paper towels around them, and secure with duct tape LOL, they don't like it, but it is affective
We trim their hoofs regularly but this happens sometimes in winter anyway

Also rest of animal care, clean the barn again and put out hay

Did chop some wood yesterday, it needs to be stacked before it rains again, or snows. Looks like snow tomorrow

then house stuff, somehow even without the market I am still way behind on things.
Need to get the party started here soon (ha). Chores to do and husband to take care of, and I need to pick up little granddaughter at her school in the other town by 11. I'll bring her home for lunch and then we're going to the Amish school's Christmas program this afternoon. So many of her cousins and our neighbor kids will be in it, I look forward to it each year. Then to pick up the prime rib we ordered for Christmas eve dinner from the small local place. Probably get some of their good cheese while I'm there, and also check the mail.
Yesterday was fairly busy. Walked first.
Took DH to doc appt about 40 miles away, then to a newer salvage grocery store.

Today, will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Spray weeds.
Pick up lunches and deliver to shut ins. Lunches are from Catholic Church.
Take my friend to local grocery.

I have a fairly unbelievable story here. Three months, ago my cholestrol was 213 and the doc was very concerned. Put me on a statin which I took for about a week and a half before I started hurting all over. For the rest of the three months I took Red Yeast Rice supplement.
Here's the unbelievable part- yesterday's lab work showed cholestrol reading of 154. That seems like a big drop for three months! All numbers are in line now. I think that red rice yeast really works! In research I did, there was an article that said not to take it with the statin as it would make the statin too effective. What?
Yesterday was fairly busy. Walked first.
Took DH to doc appt about 40 miles away, then to a newer salvage grocery store.

Today, will walk first.
Walk dogs.
Spray weeds.
Pick up lunches and deliver to shut ins. Lunches are from Catholic Church.
Take my friend to local grocery.

I have a fairly unbelievable story here. Three months, ago my cholestrol was 213 and the doc was very concerned. Put me on a statin which I took for about a week and a half before I started hurting all over. For the rest of the three months I took Red Yeast Rice supplement.
Here's the unbelievable part- yesterday's lab work showed cholestrol reading of 154. That seems like a big drop for three months! All numbers are in line now. I think that red rice yeast really works! In research I did, there was an article that said not to take it with the statin as it would make the statin too effective. What?
I've read that too! Make sure you read books and not just Google stuff! I've found Google to not be so honest when it comes to natural remedies!!
Woke up with the glands in my throat swollen up and my blood glucose levels triple what they should be. Apparently I'm in for another round of illness. I don't actually feel that bad so I'm not sure what's going on. My blood glucose levels often tell me I'm getting sick before I actually feel sick. We'll see what happens...
Yesterday I went to the doctor for an c-ray to be sure the stent hasn’t shifted. I get the stent out Christmas Eve. This recovery has been very easy.

All done and ready for Christmas. It will just be Hubby and me so no big deal.

Today I’ve been cleaning the house. I couldn’t stand all the dog hair anymore. Dusted ceiling fans, too.
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I’m trying to get re-accumulated to a normal schedule after working 3rd shift, but still just on call to deal with Michigan snow…

It sucked! I agreed to try it, with knowledge of how hard 3rd shift is. I filled the position as I agreed to on a temp bases. Thankfully they managed to hire another person for the job. But…. Still puts me in hard place…. Looking for more permanent work on a normal schedule.

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