What's everybody doing today?

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Tried the water today. No good. They’re not sure if some of the water is going down into the lung or just getting hung up in the congestion. They’re going to schedule him for another test with an x-ray type scan to see what is actually happening. When we got to the hospital he was walking with the physical therapist. Brother is going to get him up after lunch and before we leave.
Are they giving him ice to suck on and get his mouth muscles working again? My Pa had a trac tube for a couple days then struggled for several days with swallowing. They had to put that thickener in it until he could swallow again. Just needed time for swelling and irritation to subside and muscles to get loosened up again. Continued prayers 🙏
It's a beautiful sunny day here today. Yesterday the snow slid off the solar panels so we'll be making electricity today. We'll do our chores after breakfast then I'll start working on the new shop building. It should warm up to the mid 20's today, perfect working weather. It looks like we'll have good weather until Friday, temps in the teens and 20's, then more snow.
We need to get a lot more snow. We only have about 2 feet on the ground right now, plus a lot of ice. Yesterday when I stopped to open our lower gate I almost fell on the ice.
I've been reading some posts here where some people bring their chicken waterers inside the house to thaw out. We have never done that no matter how cold it gets. In winter we use these rubber tubs for water. In the morning we just turn them over and stomp on the bottom and all the ice comes out. Then we just fill with fresh water. Occasionally in real cold temps we may do this twice a day, but generally once a day is enough. We do the same for the horse only with a bigger tub. No need to make more work out of it than there needs to be.
Are they giving him ice to suck on and get his mouth muscles working again? My Pa had a trac tube for a couple days then struggled for several days with swallowing. They had to put that thickener in it until he could swallow again. Just needed time for swelling and irritation to subside and muscles to get loosened up again. Continued prayers 🙏
They’re waiting for the md to get back to them on the ice. His tongue is still pretty swollen.
Looks nice to me. Your driveway is what a hundred feet or so? And the main road looks clear. It also looks like a good day to stay inside by the fire.
It's only 50 ft, but 12 1/2 inches of snow was more than my poor little snow thrower was designed for. We usually don't get enough snow to justify a REAL 2 stage self propelled snow blower.
I've been reading some posts here where some people bring their chicken waterers inside the house to thaw out. We have never done that no matter how cold it gets. In winter we use these rubber tubs for water. In the morning we just turn them over and stomp on the bottom and all the ice comes out. Then we just fill with fresh water. Occasionally in real cold temps we may do this twice a day, but generally once a day is enough. We do the same for the horse only with a bigger tub. No need to make more work out of it than there needs to be.
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I use the rubber buckets for the donkey during freezing weather! They are indestructible!!
I use the rubber buckets for the donkey during freezing weather! They are indestructible!!
Yep, they are great. The cattle water is another matter. I have an 8 foot diameter water tank and I use a heavy steel bar to chip through the ice. In cold weather it might freeze a foot thick. After breaking the ice I take it out and refill. The cattle have learned to drink their fill before it freezes up again.
Home from work. Went to Walmart before work, nice and quiet, they were trying to stock the store! Guess the pre storm panic buying has been going on for days!! Got a few things like extra milk and bacon!! Going to take a 10 minute power nap then I'll get firewood up to the house, get the generator and cords ready, shovels, etc.! I'll watch the forecast change back and forth from snow to ice!!🙄 I think the weather people would be better off flipping a coin than trying to guess!!
Yep, they are great. The cattle water is another matter. I have an 8 foot diameter water tank and I use a heavy steel bar to chip through the ice. In cold weather it might freeze a foot thick. After breaking the ice I take it out and refill. The cattle have learned to drink their fill before it freezes up again.
Most of the time I can break the ice in Buddy's trough. He does like a nice warm bucket of water though! 🙄He also likes to be at the tar out of the empty rubber buckets!! A nice drink and entertainment, what more can a donkey ask for?!
Just packing up for my next work trip.... We should finish there around the 25th and then we'll head to Phoenix for a bigger project..

Well, shoot, Mang... If'n you're gonna take the 8 (vs going back up N to the 10..) Lemme know.. If you end up passin thru Town, here (and I'm not away, Myself, on work-duties..) I'll be More than happy to treat ya to some Fine Local Grub and a Coupla Frosty Pints.. :cool: Keep me posted.. 👍

Had my furnace maintenance today. The tech that was the " helper" did the work. He spotted a few issues with the install. He indicated the work would be no charge. He did mention the lead tech was no longer with the company.

He will let me know when the parts come in.

Off to Lowes for 2 more floor jacks. They were around $50 each a few years ago. Now over $100 each.

Just sitting now with no plans for this evening.


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Happy Dance, completely debt free as of midnight last night… first time in more years than I care to remember. Now I can switch banks and reorganize my finances. Already did the research and picked up assorted paperwork from the new bank. Ready to pull the trigger...

Finished the painting phase of my projects this morning then cleaned and reorganized tools, tool rm and assorted equipment. Ready for assembly, no hurry. It’ll still be cold out for the next few days so I’ll work at a leisurely pace.
Putting an intake muffler on my air brush compressor. It's so loud I can't use it as much as I like. A piece of 3 inch PVC 6 inches long. I'll try to put 5 chambers but at least 3. Bought an etcher for sand blasting the brass. Making the cabinet out of cardboard boxes. There's a nice benchtop model but no place to put it! With the cardboard I can put it up on the shelves. Next month is all about casting. Getting a small electric furnace and stuff to make my own green sand. I've got plenty of projects to pour so I won't be getting bored until 4th of July!
Started emptying out an upstairs closet that used to be a closet for photo albums, but had become a closet for everything. Some boxes were moms that I need to go thru, alot of junk little granddaughter threw in there, and some stuff of moms that my Florida sis wanted but needs to ship home. Ugh. Round one of it down anyway. Maybe tomorrow will be more.
Started emptying out an upstairs closet that used to be a closet for photo albums, but had become a closet for everything. Some boxes were moms that I need to go thru, alot of junk little granddaughter threw in there, and some stuff of moms that my Florida sis wanted but needs to ship home. Ugh. Round one of it down anyway. Maybe tomorrow will be more.
It feels good to get that kind of stuff sorted and gone through then gone - then you know you will never have to do it again. Well, if you do have to clean out the closet, it will be totally different stuff at least.
Well, shoot, Mang... If'n you're gonna take the 8 (vs going back up N to the 10..) Lemme know.. If you end up passin thru Town, here (and I'm not away, Myself, on work-duties..) I'll be More than happy to treat ya to some Fine Local Grub and a Coupla Frosty Pints.. :cool: Keep me posted.. 👍

I'll be out on the west side of Phoenix, out around Buckeye and Surprise. Not sure how all the travel is going to play our, but if there's a chance to make it work, I'll take you up on the offer!
Touching down in the Vegas airport for a quick minute on my way to Ontario. Won't even have enough time to drop a $20 bill in the one armed bandits at the airport. It's a short hop to Ontario from here and then it'll be time to fight the L.A. outbound traffic on I-10 headed out toward Palm Springs...
Just came in from working on the new building. Had to chip a lot of ice off the lumber. Got the siding up on the north side and started putting 3/4" plywood on the inside back wall. I'm framing in a couple windows on the west wall. When that sun goes down the temperature drops fast. I'm about frozen down to the bone.
Putting an intake muffler on my air brush compressor. It's so loud I can't use it as much as I like. A piece of 3 inch PVC 6 inches long. I'll try to put 5 chambers but at least 3. Bought an etcher for sand blasting the brass. Making the cabinet out of cardboard boxes. There's a nice benchtop model but no place to put it! With the cardboard I can put it up on the shelves. Next month is all about casting. Getting a small electric furnace and stuff to make my own green sand. I've got plenty of projects to pour so I won't be getting bored until 4th of July!
I would enjoy following a thread on the casting project. My brother purchased a furnace crucibles etc at a yard sale and gave it to me.

Metal casting would be a valuable skill if things got funny.

Thank you

It'll be good when it's done. Maybe tomorrow. After that is the linen closet, and it's a mess, and it's all on me. I'm a sucker for thrift store linen.
Just got the call there's no school tomorrow. Little granddaughter has had the longest Christmas break in history.
Cleaned out closets are like clear work benches.

They beg to be filled like a vacuum.

Happy Dance, completely debt free as of midnight last night… first time in more years than I care to remember. Now I can switch banks and reorganize my finances. Already did the research and picked up assorted paperwork from the new bank. Ready to pull the trigger...

Finished the painting phase of my projects this morning then cleaned and reorganized tools, tool rm and assorted equipment. Ready for assembly, no hurry. It’ll still be cold out for the next few days so I’ll work at a leisurely pace.
Tuesday January 7th 2024
10f right now
Still Winter
Lucky 7 🙃 lol

Well..yesterday Monday I went for right shoulder x rays and blood tests
and went after to do a bit grocery..then hit the road back home 👍

And today I take it cool and doing some clean up

At 8.pm just sipping a glass of Shiraz I deserve it
Besides .. not much ..just dropped 6 heavy bag loads of cat litters
in garbage bin

I dont know why but I feel like if its weekend ... 🤓
Anyway .... have a great evening and a nice night

I have a thought for our lost friends 😘


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