What's everybody doing today?

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Worked on the shelf project. Took a pencil, marked the center line for first shelf and the height. Choose locations of the 2 wood supports on each side of center. The cinder block wall isn’t perfectly flat, especially where bottom row of block meets the slab. Took a chisel and knocked off rough spots, excess mortar/cement so supports will fit flush.. or at least better. Decided to add a piece of rubber from an old inner tube to the bottom edge of the 2x8 supports. Stapled then glued them in place. This will prevent slippage and act as a moisture barrier. Slab area next to the sump pump basin tends to be moist, water will even seep during big rain storms. The glue needed to dry so I called it a day, watching tv tonight.
I caught my husbands chest cold :rolleyes: And my head feels funny like I already took cold medicine and have medicine head :dunno:
I added extra vit D and zinc when the hubby got sick but I must've waited a bit too long
I was up early and had coffee and went right back to bed again.
Chest felt very slightly burning when I breathed in, now I have a cough so I'll take and expectorant.
He's feeling much better now so thats something
Gotta figure out something for supper
Probably not gonna do much today
Ugh. That is no fun at all. I hope you get feeling better soon.

Saw the news about Bacpacker and was crying this morning while trying to read through posts. Went back to sleep and woke up around 2pm. Got up and cooked for Mom and then resumed cleaning the living room. Finally got rid of that stupid bottle pit. Now I need to vacuum up the carpet. Mom hadn't realized how much of the bottle pile I'd cleared up until she saw me cleaning today. It was harder cleaning up around her desk because there were some things she wanted to keep that had fallen off her desk.

Need to get some "after" pics once I've rested more. It was dark by the time I finished and I got my brother to haul the bags out. Pile was too big to add more to so he made a bonfire. Will have to burn more later.

I'm currently resting under some cats.
Ugh. That is no fun at all. I hope you get feeling better soon.

Saw the news about Bacpacker and was crying this morning while trying to read through posts. Went back to sleep and woke up around 2pm. Got up and cooked for Mom and then resumed cleaning the living room. Finally got rid of that stupid bottle pit. Now I need to vacuum up the carpet. Mom hadn't realized how much of the bottle pile I'd cleared up until she saw me cleaning today. It was harder cleaning up around her desk because there were some things she wanted to keep that had fallen off her desk.

Need to get some "after" pics once I've rested more. It was dark by the time I finished and I got my brother to haul the bags out. Pile was too big to add more to so he made a bonfire. Will have to burn more later.

I'm currently resting under some cats.
Good job Z. Sounds like you got a lot cleaned up.
Good job Z. Sounds like you got a lot cleaned up.
Thanks. After I get more pictures I'm going to post them. I do want to see if I can find a vacuum and get up a bunch of the little paper bits and stuff. Not sure where the vacuum disappeared to. Might have to resort to using the shopvac for some of it.

Just changed Mom's cannula and am probably going to sleep soon.
Lovely 'slow' morning here. Husband is on a different job in a house so he can't start before 8, so he did all my outdoor chores before he left, and had the fire going. So I got up an hour later to a warm house and full wood baskets, which was lovely. Continuing a room by room clean and furniture moving in preparation for my visitors - the spiders have a field day here, so many cobwebs that appear overnight! After that, working on my thesis- I've 15% of my word count done, which I'm happy with. Started knitting a new jumper also, in a mossy green recycled wool.
Hope you are all safe, well and warm!

Cold getting worse but the expectorant is helping to break it up and be more productive.
Slept in till 5:20 this morning
Haven't had a cold in years so this version must be a doosey

Wind chill is 7 this morning. Black ice and snow drifts over the roads in spots.
As far as I know hubby isn't going anywhere. I'm certainly not.

I'm not even sure about supper right now.

I'm not even worried about anything getting done today. Heck with it
@Tommyice hasn’t been on since yesterday. Hoping her dad is doing better 🙏
Thank you guys for noticing. It was a busy day yesterday. It was a good day yesterday. Tuesday Dad had the setback with failing his water by mouth test and spent the rest of the day in a depressive sleep. But yesterday, they lessened his nebulizer treatments so that was good (means his congestion was lower). We got him in the chair for most all of the day. Physical Therapist was in and had him walking. He walks (using the walker) without assistance. PT guy is there just for company.

He was supposed to get a Barium Xray to test the epiglottis was working properly sending air to the lungs and food/water to the belly and not the other way around. That was cancelled. The speech therapist came in and did another test. First small ice chips, then water all while holding onto his neck to check swallowing function. Water was an issue then she gave him thickened apple juice and he made a great effort to make it work (he loves his apple juice). Then the big gun test came out--applesauce! He handled them pretty well but she's schedule the barium xray today to confirm that it's all good. Surgeon came in and was pleased with the progress but told him he needs to do good with the xray. If all goes as planned after the xray, the feeding tube comes out of his nose and he gets to swallow liquids and pureed things. But most importantly, he comes home!!!!!

Fingers crossed that all goes well and we can bring him home this weekend
Pretty mad at myself. A big part of the fittings I ordered for the muffler are wrong size! Have the right ones coming. I have slotted angle iron I can make a rolling base for a sand blaster cabinet. It's not that big so can roll it into an open spot, if I can make an open spot! Should have bought one when I had the chance. Was around $120 now over $200! Unless I get a deal it's cardboard! I can use epoxy resin to harden it. A whole lot cheaper! 35f to 60f today, calling for 32f and 54f on Sunday!
Yesterday, was interesting. Took friend to eye doc appt and shopping. Went to get on the interstate to come home and van died. Left lane of busy intersection. Yikes! Called dispatch and requested an officer for assistance and then Triple A. Towed it to dealership and they should have a diagnostic today. They gave me a loaner, which I am grateful for!

Today, am staying home except for walking.
Make dehydrated sweet potato slices for dogs.
Make some kind of muffins.
Not much else.

Started knitting a new jumper
That is so pretty!
Yesterday, was interesting. Took friend to eye doc appt and shopping. Went to get on the interstate to come home and van died. Left lane of busy intersection. Yikes! Called dispatch and requested an officer for assistance and then Triple A. Towed it to dealership and they should have a diagnostic today. They gave me a loaner, which I am grateful for!

Today, am staying home except for walking.
Make dehydrated sweet potato slices for dogs.
Make some kind of muffins.
Not much else.

That is so pretty!
Sorry to hear that Snappy, thank goodness no one hit you!! And thank goodness for the loaner!! Did you buy it from the dealership??
So far I've drank coffee, fed critters, drank coffee, fed the wood stove, drank coffee!! Hubby put on the local news so we can watch all the wrecks! Once again, putting salt water on the roads days before ice does not work! DFW is full of wrecks already and the precip hasn't been falling over there long! We are now getting snow and sleet, pictures soon!!
Snappy, Glad you're ok. Having a vehicle die in the middle of the road really sucks. I've had it happen to me 3 times.

Friend heard back that the appraisal yesterday was good & he's going to try to close on the house today. He'll have to figure out what to do about laundry since he's not taking his old washing machine and dryer with him and new place doesn't have them. His wife doesn't want a dryer but I think she'll miss having one. She has a phobia of dryer fires. Also doesn't want MIL to come over and do her laundry there. Lack of dryer will prevent that.

Thinking of seeing if they can get a ventless washer dryer combo and not tell the Mom that it dries too. LOL.

I'm supposed to go over later to help move stuff.
so ...Ranger dead, truck dead....had to carry water buckets down the road for the animals
Tank in barn frozen too, so the buckets had to have hot and cold water in it ( usually we just take hot down to the barn and fill with the tank )
I have 1 cucumber and 2 mangoes left , plus a bag of carrots and potatoes, that's it for fresh food and we can't go anywhere now.
We of course won't starve , have plenty of food, but nothing fresh , just frozen or canned
I am starting to feel like this is what a real survival situation sort of would look like . You can't go anywhere
Only thing left is our house water to freeze, if that happens we will be screwed. Hopefully it will warm up before that happens

we have fed half a 50 lb bag of sunflower seeds to the birds outside . How do they survive in winter like this if nobody feeds them? Any idea? We have about 30 of them at each feeder at any time , all sorts, funny thing is seeing the big woodpecker hang on the birdfeeder. He is way too big for that thing. Some of the other larger birds ( ground doves?) are eating what falls on the ground
I'm just hanging out in the desert by the North end of the Salton Sea, waiting to go to work. Some of our equipment hasn't been delivered here yet. It's supposed to be here this morning. We are catching some of that wind that is blowing up the Los Angeles fires and the sand is blowing everywhere. Compared to home, the temperature is nice though. It's good to be able to work outside in shirt sleeves in January for once...
sonya, sounds about like my luck. Hoping your house water won't freeze. Stay warm!

Just had some breakfast but couldn't finish it so I made Princess happy. Trying to motivate myself to look for the vacuum but starting to feel a tad nauseous. Will give it about 30min and then look for stuff again.
We just have one truck down. Won't come out of park. The mechanic guy will come on over when the weather clears. Husband is going a bit stir crazy and we may get more snow, so I'm going to get cleaned up, put the truck in 4 wheel drive, and take him into town (our little town). He won't get out, but it's a change of pace. I need to go to the post office and have stuff mailed, and stop into the amish grocery. Not sure if either are open, but I can check.
We just have one truck down. Won't come out of park. The mechanic guy will come on over when the weather clears. Husband is going a bit stir crazy and we may get more snow, so I'm going to get cleaned up, put the truck in 4 wheel drive, and take him into town (our little town). He won't get out, but it's a change of pace. I need to go to the post office and have stuff mailed, and stop into the amish grocery. Not sure if either are open, but I can check.
Post office may be closed.... Carter

So the pups got their first experience with snow. There's a couple inches on the ground now, and at first they were very wary of what was coming down and what was on the ground. But that soon passed. They began chasing each other, digging the snow, eating the snow. The Luna (the female) started running around the backyard like a maniac, running around the pool, time and time again, enjoying the feel of the snow on her feet! She'd chase Chess (the male) all over the place, running, jumping, etc. She absolutely loves it, he not as much. They are now in ... she's exhausted!!!!
We just have one truck down. Won't come out of park. The mechanic guy will come on over when the weather clears. Husband is going a bit stir crazy and we may get more snow, so I'm going to get cleaned up, put the truck in 4 wheel drive, and take him into town (our little town). He won't get out, but it's a change of pace. I need to go to the post office and have stuff mailed, and stop into the amish grocery. Not sure if either are open, but I can check.
Post offices are closed for Jimmy Carter today 🙄🙄🙄

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