I just want to remind everyone that we set our clocks UP this coming weekend.
Just an FYI for ya all
Just an FYI for ya all
With the cold winter we have had, it just seems way too early for the time change this year.I just want to remind everyone that we set our clocks UP this coming weekend.
Just an FYI for ya all
No change in my state.I just want to remind everyone that we set our clocks UP this coming weekend.
Just an FYI for ya all
Rub it in.....No change in my state.
Good to hear that the storm missed you @timmie.
@Peanut no the people in that area with 6 mins warning had not a hope and I heard on the news that most don't have storm shelters either. Surely the people giving out the warnings had more warning than the 6 minutes they gave the residents ? or do they happen that fast there. We normally get 1 - 2 hours of warning with ours over here about a severe storm front coming and enough time to batten down the hatches.
That is so dangerous! No wonder the death count was so high.
Is there a problem with digging a hole in the yard and building a root cellar / storm cellar? We had one when I was growing up. We played in it on hot summer days. I know the water table can be one issue.
The ones in South Dakota that I was around were dug into the ground, like a small basement, then concrete poured. I never fully got how the ceiling of the shelter was built so that it supported the dirt. The dirt was mounded over the top, creating a hill of sorts that was great for children to ride their bikes over, and more. I'd bet that some got some water in them, but I never saw any that did.In a very flat area your storm cellar ends up being a small pond during spring rains. People who can afford it build an above ground shelter and have loads of dirt hauled in to cover it. Where I live it's hilly country. It's easy to find a slope to dig a storm shelter into.
Get better soon @Terri9630 and asthmatics as you know are more likely to get bronchitis and pneumonia than other people unfortunately. Take care and rest up when you can because as you know it can get worse. Yes I am an asthmatic too but just allergic asthma for me when there is smoke, change of seasons, high pollen counts and of course dust storms which are abounding here at the moment with the drought. At the moment we are seeing regular red dust storms here. I was a severe asthmatic as a child but it has got far better since adulthood, oops wait did I say I was as adult.
No. We looked at cloudcroft but didn't find anything we liked.Cloudcroft?
I have the same problem at work...people bringing in their sick children. Some are shocked that they have to leave work and pick them up. A couple of them have been constipated terribly yesterday and today. Just guessing that their diet is garbage. Three year old Sebastian came in my office yesterday complaining his butt hurt. Gave him a pillow to sit on in class. He kept telling me to text his mom that his butt hurt. Another one today came in with pullups on. We don't do pullups or diapers. Turned out she was constipated and mom gave her lots of prune juice. We found that out later. Just finished a 2 week round of colds and mild fevers. Lysol is our friend.
Never been in a tornado, but plenty of earthquakes growing up in California. The Northridge quake had us all sleeping downstairs for a week with all the aftershocks. I was pregnant at the time, and getting the kids rounded up and maneuvering the staircase was not fun for us.
Had my last late day at work today...tomorrow I go in early and leave mid afternoon and then vacation!!
@Bacpacker and Peanut thanks for clarifying your weather warning systems and how they work. In Australia we take any severe storm warning as truth and prepare accordingly. Better to be prepared than perish as our severe storm warnings can turn into tornadoes as well.