What's everybody doing today?

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Started off the day with DH putting on a load of washing and hanging it on the clothes line. I deep cleaned the bathrooms and toilet and DH vacuumed the home and swept all the floors and the back veranda off as it had leaves all over it. Got a good 10 hours sleep after putting up the darker curtains in the bedroom yay ! , we had both been waking because of the light coming through the window and the cat doing a good impression of romping like a herd of wilderbeast.

Tonight's dinner was porridge. Shortly we will fold up 3 loads of washing and put it away and strip the bed and make it with clean sheets.
Went to senior Church banquet yesterday. Elvis got down on one knee and sang to me .
Felt so bad for my friend...they were burglarized last night again...they live in town but also have a farm about ten miles out...they got a call from a neighbor that a strange truck and trailer were at their place (and the neighbor took photos). She called the police...but..no one was out at this time so they gave her a number to call to an officer which she did....to no avail...he told her to wait till today and make a list of stolen items...she has been out there since early morning...they even disassembled their tractor, stole all her cast iron ware, and had broken into all the buildings....I would have been so angry, but I would not have waited...I would have gone out and confronted them if I could catch them in time or shoot out all their tires....
Took everything out of 4 of the upper kitchen cabinets.
Washed down all the shelves, then reorganized each cabinet.
Dishes are now by the stove on the right over the coffee pot.
Left side of stove cabinets has all the baking items and spices.
Big double cabinet over the blender, bread box has all the canned vegetables.
Now can do proper inventory of that cabinet and see I just need peas, mixed vegetables, diced tomatoes, instead of hit and miss.
Cabinet over by refrig.will be for plastic containers and lids.
Another set of cannisters will go in there too.
Canisters hold, 15 bean soup(1 gallon ), rice, popcorn, teabags.
Just have the three small cabinets to go through yet.
The ones over the refrig., the sink, and stove.
Hopefully those can be condensed down too.
Or gotten rid of stuff.
Have 1 cabinet over by refrig that has 2 empty shelves.
Still have to do up dishes, but going to rest and drink coffee for awhile.
Still need to run to Dollar Tree for cake icing for donation cake.
Still need to go to local grocery store they're having 10 pound meat sale.
Want to pick up a couple of packages of leg quarters for $5.90 a bag.
10 pounds of bacon for $15.00, which I will spend the evening dividing up into portion sizes for me.
Got little odds and ends to finish up before bed tonight.
But ought to sleep good, or be too tired one or the other.
Strawberry has tried to follow me up the ladder a couple of times today.
That didn't work out to well for her, so she's pouting now.
Got butcher block cutting board ready on the table for when I bring those leg quarters home.
Food saver is set up too.
So hopefully won't take long to get everything squared away.
Went to Dollar Tree got everything I needed from there.
Also started on oldest son's lady youngest daughter birthday present.
Got her a couple of puzzles, press on nails, hair do clips.
She will be four a week from Sunday.
Don't really know her, but do know she likes turtles, Disney Princess stuff.
Puzzles are Sesame Street, Trolls. Nails are trolls. Maybe I got the bag right it's purple.
Went to the local grocery store's 10 pound meat sale.
Very let down.
Chicken leg quarters had more freezer burn ice on them than chicken in bag.
Bacon had been thaw and refrozen it had ice crystals through out the meat.
Should have gotten about 35 meals total got whole lot less maybe 15 or 20.
So disappointed. Won't waste my time, money or energy on the next meat sale.
Going to take nap, rest then make blueberry cobbler and carrot cake up for Special needs kids annual soup and chili dinner.
Pretty tired.
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Well, deep subject I know.
My nap turned into 6.5 hours sleep.
Finally ate supper about midnight.
But my house smells amazing this morning.
Just got to icing 2 8x8 square cakes.
The blueberry cobblers are in the oven now.
Along with the pork chops and scallop potatoes, mushrooms, sweet mini peppers(red, yellow, orange and green) instead of making rue, decided to use leftover Alfredo sauce instead. Baked my cornbread at the same time. Then will deliver the cakes and cobblers, go out to lunch with cousin it's her birthday.
Drinking coffee, resting while everything bubbles along.
Washing up dishes as I go so that job will be done too.
Need to run to laundry mat get that done before the snow, ice hits this evening.
Will definitely be ready for a nap hopefully this afternoon.
Spikedriver you be careful out there.
Stay safe .
Not a darn thing I should have. Well, we did take the kid/her older dog and the pup to the flea market. Lots of odd things there for her to see, took it like a champ except for the scooter. She's never seen a chair move by its self before. People actually saw her harness and didn't try to play with her. I'm a bit surprised.
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Finished the last three upper cabinets this afternoon.
The ones over the refrig, sink and stove.
Two of those three are empty.
The ones over the stove and refrig.
Plan on starting on the bottom cabinets next week.
Maybe Monday afternoon, after I get laundry done at laundry mat.
Planning on resting tomorrow.
Got several meals cooked up.
So won't have to worry about that, no hungry again.
Walked about 3000 steps today just going up and down ladder.
Kinda tired tonight and Strawberry thinks she's neglected for the last several days.
I took my walk around town this morning as they were setting up for the local Mardi Gras Parade and festival. Stopped to visit a little. After home chores, got dressed and went to funeral at Church, then helped serve meal to family afterwards. Came home and hard boiled eggs for me for the week. Cleaned in kitchen a little and haven't done much else but watch tv with DH.
Drinking coffee, resting for awhile.
Already been outside clearing path for Strawberry to go take care of her business.
Sorted laundry, so in a bit will go clean off car so I can go get that done.
Just about got enough money saved to get portable washer, then will have to save for dryer.
Will pick up doctor's prescription for portable washer and dryer Wednesday of this week.
Estelle's daddy is trying to talk me into watching his lady's youngest daughter.
Not happening, her parents don't spank and this Granny does.
Told them put her daycare, do her a world of good.
I will watch Estelle, but not girlfriend's youngest daughter or any of them for that matter.
If she puts her in school's daycare ( pre-k) program all 3 children will be in school and she can take school resources( cop job) job.
Work days, be home with kids at night, get everybody on the same schedule.
Their house chaotic no schedule everything is willy nilly, not good.
Son has cut down on Estelle's visits over there, he finally saw her children's true behavior.
It was not pretty. Youngest daughter bit her brother hard enough it drew blood.
Mom stopped bleeding, said oh well that's how she is sometimes when she doesn't get her way.
Not with my grand daughter's safety it isn't.
Now her kids gets shuffled here there and yonder.
Had to calm down the oldest. She is moving into an RV park tomorrow (until she finds a better place) and they JUST called to inform her that her dog can't be left alone for more than 2 hrs a day. We made the reservations 3 weeks ago! Told her he can stay here until we work something out. Then she called back in tears because her glasses broke. She is blind without them and most of her stuff is here so she doesn't know where her old ones are.

Kids...... I'm going to go back to enjoying the flu now.

Thanks. Hubbys running over with a pair of her sisters glasses for today and after I take the youngest to the hospital tomorrow I'm going to take her back to where she got these and see if they still carry that frame. If they do then we'll get that for now. I'm definately going to look at that link for spares.

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