What's everybody doing today?

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Most welcome @Tank-Girl and I don't bounce as well as I used to either but on the rare times I have come down hard fortunately I haven't broken anything as I have huge sturdy bones but I do get whopping great bruises. As you get older you work out easier ways to do things than you did when you were younger and also before you sustained injuries or had health related problems.
All I have done today is take Aninja to doc for her rabies shot. Was told teeth will need to be cleaned, but ok for now--just the back ones have any build up of tarter. Peanut goes next week for shot. Will be making turkey bacon wrapped chicken breasts, maybe stuffed with something, not sure what yet. Also updating password list and already took eBay photos for DH. Yesterday was laundry day, so done there!

Made chicken breasts stuffed with a little cream cheese and cheddar and spices. Turned out great! Also made a weeks worth of scrambled eggs to go with ham for DH.
Been working too many hours. Drove in the driveway yesterday after work (6:30) just to grab granddaughter to take her to her Heritage Girls meeting. Tonight, home again at 6:30. Need to be in at 8 tomorrow, but don't think I have to work too late, so I can cook dinner near dinnertime, and not at o dark thirty in the morning, like I have been. Talked to my cousin today, and we're very excited about our trip in a week and a half. Nephew and his wife will be coming from Oklahoma and staying with us the weekend, youngest daughter will be coming in on Amtrak during the week and driving back with us. So, my favorite cousin and I are planning our get togethers and meals together. I've been asked to do a couple of breakfasts, so I'll start planning. Our chickens are laying like crazy, so lots of eggs will be brought. Last breakfast I did, I made Wright's bacon from Sam's Club and it was devoured and dried beef in white sauce over biscuits. I need to go to Sams before we leave and buy more bacon. Gun Show here this weekend...we'll see if we make it.
I've just done two loads in my new washing machine and I'm stoked!

30 litres to wash and 30 litres to rinse each load and the spin cycle has the clothes almost dry!
Beyond happy and I didn't have to cheat death to get it done!
Pity I didn't remember to buy a new washing basket to go with my new washing machine and new clothes pegs.
*face palms*
Went to grocery today . bought 4 boston butts for 99 cents a pound. 1-cut in half. 3 sliced into pork steaks. Mother wanted 2 of the steak ones , so I spent about 1-1/2 hours trimming the fat off for her. Put it into ziplock bags and brought it home to make deer sausage with.
Round 2 of today is I made half of the curtains for the food storage room and hung them. The other 2 we have cut out will go into the bedroom and we will move the paris print ones from there into the lounge room. The curtain fabric I had for the food storage room is darker and will block out more light in the bedroom and the curtains from the bedroom will brighten up the lounge room a bit as there is a lot of dark wood there. I also forgot that there is another window in the lounge room and didn't have enough fabric left to do curtains for both windows in there.
Doctor appointment got cancelled by Transportation.
They refuse to drive on black ice.
I'm glad. So will reschedule Neurology appointment.
Had multiple car crashes already on highway this morning.
All schools across county cancelled.
They are now going into June.
Weather has been really strange so far this year.
Maybe instead of 9 snows, we're having 9 back to back ice storms instead.
Everybody take care today.
Tank-Girl congratulations on your new washing machine.
Amish Heart- you work to hard, have fun on your vacation.
Sewingcreations 15- bummer about the curtains, but I'm sure you'll figure something out.
By the way, I don't remember if I told you but Congratulations on your home purchase.
Beings I have unexpected morning at home.
Will be sticking my head into bottom kitchen cabinets cleaning crap out.
I'm sure Nosey Nellie(Strawberry) will be right beside me helping or hindering me.
While I pull everything out, clean shelves, rearrange items for better access.
Sitting here drinking coffee right now.
Strawberry is on my bed rolling around.
Tank-Girl, I too am checking into a portable wash machine .
Washed the towels and dried them
Did up the dishes
Added sulfur to my blueberry bushes
Pruned my arctic kiwi vine
Pruned my raspberry plants and planted the cuttings in a raised bed that won't grow any kind of veggies for some reason no matter what I add to the soil. Maybe they'll sprout and I can fill that bed with berries after a time
Still have to fold the towels and put them away
But first I'm heading out to sit in the sun and play with the pups
Been to Wal*Mart, got Strawberry's food, phone card etc.
Spent less than $100.
Got everything put away.
Got Pork Roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, green beans, corn and mushrooms going in pressure cooker canner.
Rents paid, most of the bills too.
Going to rest for a while then get busy with cabinets.
Got to take trash out still.
Strawberry is stretched back out on my bed.
Thanks @MoBookworm1957 about the congrats on the new house :) .

With the curtains the company I ordered the fabric off only had half the amount I wanted and sent me that as they were out of stock. It is fine and I will be able to patch a piece of co-ordinating grey fabric to the piece I have left for the storage room small window so the patterned fabric will just be a trim but will match in. The bedroom I have enough fabric I purchased for both windows. The lounge room I still have some of the same Paris fabric left to do the other window by patching a piece of co-ordinating plain fabric to the top and having the bottom a trim of the Paris fabric so all the windows will look the same with the same fabric when I move the bedroom curtains in there. Sometimes you just have to think outside of the square to accomplish things and use problem solving skills. Fortunately I have a good stash of plain coloured fabrics to do it with.
Been to Wal*Mart, got Strawberry's food, phone card etc.
Spent less than $100.
Got everything put away.
Got Pork Roast, potatoes, carrots, onions, green beans, corn and mushrooms going in pressure cooker canner.
Rents paid, most of the bills too.
Going to rest for a while then get busy with cabinets.
Got to take trash out still.
Strawberry is stretched back out on my bed.
Strawberry gets her own phone card? You spoil that dog!
Beings I have unexpected morning at home.
Will be sticking my head into bottom kitchen cabinets cleaning crap out.
I'm sure Nosey Nellie(Strawberry) will be right beside me helping or hindering me.
While I pull everything out, clean shelves, rearrange items for better access.
Sitting here drinking coffee right now.
Strawberry is on my bed rolling around.
Tank-Girl, I too am checking into a portable wash machine .

I got a twin tub model and I'm loving it!
At the moment I'm washing a set of queen sized sheets and pillow cases and and it's coping with the load really well.
We also have a really old twin tub as a back up here we keep here @Tank-Girl and it comes in mighty handy for when our usual washing machine breaks or you want to dye clothing too. You can't kill the twin tubs with a big stick.

I believe it!
This twin tub looks like a dinky toy but the construction seems fairly sturdy and the motors for the agitator and the spinner seem to be powerful
enough to get the job done without straining.
What more could you want?
Plus it's small enough to fit in my bathtub or shower cubicle so I don't need to drag it outside.
@Tank-Girl and you can also put a water catching bucket under the drain hose to collect grey water for the garden to water plants or lawns with too. We use to put a bucket on a garden trolley and wheel it out into the yard and water the ornamental flowers with as well as the lawns. The trolley takes the backwards and forwards walking out of the equation. You can also water any vegetables that aren't root vegetables or have fruits touching the ground with the grey water without a problem such as corn, tomatoes, fruit trees and the like. Just make sure you use biodegradable washing liquids and use the water within 24 hours.
Round 1 of today is DH started off with removing wire from the last garden enclosure. While he was doing that I was sending pictures of fabrics I have in stock to a lady who wants to buy an eye mask off me to see if she likes any of the patterns on them. I then wrote up my new months budget in our expense book and paid the monthly interest on our home loan as the bank takes out the minimum payments each fortnight via direct debit.

Then into the sewing room where I made the second curtain for the storage room by patching some grey material to the top of it and it turned out well and hung it up. Looks so much neater and nicer in there than venetian blinds that don't work. DH also took down the blinds in there yesterday so we could hang the curtains.
Round 2 of today is I finished sewing both of the curtains for the bedroom from the same fabric as the storage room ones and they are now hung up on the curtain rods. I then put on a load of washing and hung it on the clothes line and DH brought it back in while I was sewing the curtains.

Tonight it will be washing the dishes, cleaning the benches and maybe changing the sheets on the bed for clean ones so the dirty ones are ready to be washed tomorrow.
Slept good last night and got 8 hours of sleep ( yay!)
saw the first robin in the yard this morning. we have at least one mating pair that comes back every year
Making peanut butter cookies today
Have some laundry to get washed up
Plan on sitting outside in the sun after lunch. Its the last sun until monday since we're looking at snow ( 2-4in) tonight into friday and then rain on saturday and then more snow sunday into monday
So March is coming like a lion hopefully it'll go out like a lamb lol
Still haven't decided whats for dinner
Hubby has a cold. started with a runny nose and sore throat and now its moving into his chest. Dosed him with some mucinex today and he went to work ( took it with him).
For the last 2 nights I've been dosing him with niquil ( sp?)
Both my double jaffle iron and my camp toaster turned up in the post today!


I also discovered that the immutable laws of jaffledom also apply to me!
I MUST butter the outside of the bread before closing the iron or it WILL stick.
As me how I found out.
The hard way. As usual.

Also I should have brought the jumbo jaffle iron but it's all good I'm still happy with it.
Lots of jaffle iron omlettes and stuffed french toast for me!

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