Im bummed the weekend is almost over was great!
Friday night I got caught up alittle but on news..I felt I had to lay down and relax so I had a star wars marathon until the wee hours of sat am..
I got up later sat than I wanted, around 10 but since the weather was crappy I put my rain jacket on and walked the dog anyways, forgot my rain pants tho..and my legs were soaked by the time we rolled home..
he had fun, the dog I mean so It's ok.
Hopped on the treadmill for 2 miles , and after taking a shower it was inside cleaning and projects until about 7. I had a toasty fire going and listening to news and last minute I got invited to ladies night at my buddies ranch. She forgot to text me earlier that the gals are getting together at her ranch down the road for wine and munchies.
So , off I go to join the local ladies night and spent a few hours chatting with my pals.
I shared my intro to my book im writing for feedback. It was well received and I made it clear I want brutal honesty. It's my intention for my book to be a success and I needed a honest opinion of the flow and content from folks I respect. I stoked it was well received and will be amending a few areas they suggested I probably need to fix. Overall it was cool to hear it read aloud as it's flow sounded mostly as I intended it to read.
Today, dispite getting up early I feel like I didn't get enough done. I took the dog for his walk before church. After church I headed to one of my gal pals house for lunch and half of us that were there the night before were at her place, a different ranch down the road. Since Ive been on a crazy work schedule I haven't had time to socialize much, but now I feel I need to reconnect a bit. I didn't get all that I wanted done but really enjoyed visiting with the gals and hubbies over a fine meal today.
I only stayed a few hours so I could get back to chores and since the weather was crappy again Im not to worried about all the fencing and outdoor stuff I have to do...Ill get to it when its nice.
I am really stoked to just be working a 8 hour shift again..I hope it stays this way for at least a little but..I need this break.
Oh my goat finally had her babies. A boy and a girl..My co-worker came out with his daughers to look and they want them..It's their first livestock ever since they are from the city and they are pretty stoked about it. They live fairly close by so I can help them fine tune any needs and education tips on goats. His teen daughter want to be a vet and has been preparing for them already. They were just interested in one at first but learned they don't do well alone and are wanting to keep both and will fix the male. The female will be eventually a milking goat but she will have her brother for company. It's a win win..