What's everybody doing today?

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I just found some "popcorn butter" at the Dollar Tree. I have powdered and canned butter from emergency Essentials.
Got the trailer scrubbed out and the carpet cleaned. Had 7 large totes of stuff to organize and put back in there. Flooded my chicken runs so they could hunt mice. It's fun to watch. Even got husband out there on a patio chair to watch. Filled the dehydrator again. Ready to go down to the school and measure fence posts and go to Lowes to be ready for fence repairs in the morning. Grandson just left to spend the night at a friends house. He will come back high on sugar with no sleep at all tomorrow.
Started off the morning with scripture study together. This afternoon being family home day here for us today we made a batch of queen chocolate chip biscuits and juiced a 3kg bag of oranges we got quite cheaply on special and had a glass each and put the rest of the 1.25 litres in fridge to have over the next few days.

Just about to wash the dishes, clean the benches and wipe them and put them away.
I'm up dressed of sorts.
Drinking coffee.
Reading forums.
Crocheting on either dang shawl which may get turned in to old fashion baby blanket.
Daughter in law and YS(youngest son) hasn't picked up Christmas shawl from last year yet.
So haven't started tapering this year's shawl down yet.
Might just make it into baby blanket instead.
Whatever it ends up to be it will be pretty.
Round 1 of today is that I have soaked the dish brushes and cloths in peroxide mixed with hot water and a tad of dishwashing to clean them up a bit which I do regularly and gets rid of the germs and got on a loaf of bread in the breadmaking machine which is now ready.

Went down into the gardens and we have removed the final posts from the grapeyard vineyard and only have one to chop in half with the chainsaw as we have a tap connected to that at the bottom. Then back inside as it is a little warmer and I stain removed some clothing and got a load of dark coloured clothing on in the washing machine and hung it out to dry on the clothesline and used the grey water from the washing machine to water potted ornamental flowers and fresh water to water the fruit trees and herbs.

Shortly we will have some lunch with me having avocado and vegemite sandwiches and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
I've been messing with the clothes washer all day. First it would fill, then been giving me error codes. Looked it up and it said limited water. The machine was full... So I unplugged it for a while, works with the computer so why not?? It did 2 loads with no problem. Then it would start to fill and stop. Different code that's not in the manual. Unplugged it again. I'm on the 2nd load so :dunno:. The wind storm and power outages may have fried it. I don't want to buy another one before we move!!
Hope it keeps going for you @Terri9630 at least until you move. Electonics can be fickle sometimes and different things work with different machines. Probably want to have all your electronics hooked up to surge protectors as we do here which stops the surge from electricity hitting your electical appliances. We have regular brownouts here and was told by a friend that we would need the surge protectors before we moved. So far so good and nothing is fried yet so they are good.
@Terri9630 , I hope your young one is better today! And your washing machine too!

Saturday, I cleaned bathrooms and dusted, then put down a little fertilizer in newly tilled garden. Saturday night, I watched huge wind and rainstorm wash most of fertilizer away.

Sunday--garden drying out--glad I hadn't planted yet. Church in the morning, than Walmart for a couple of starts to plant that I hadn't found at local store, A little more stocking up shopping, home to hard boil some eggs, set up my vitamins for the next month and then picked up a friend for Church in the evening. Watched a little tv afterwards.

Today. have laundry going, about to make up some french onion soup mix (no msg), will cook chicken in instant pot and will work on raking up garden this afternoon when it warms up (and before it turns to cement).

We are going to do a very low spend month starting to day, so we can pay off the one credit card. Don't like debt!
Read a work email this morning that was sent out late Friday evening. "We" are equipping a new customer Monday (That's today!). There is a few details on my end that I can't complete until we have an Installer on location. So I asked a simple question that wasn't include in the email. Work has me always bouncing in and out so my question is critical, "What time is the Installer scheduled to be at the customer's?" Three hours later, still no reply to my question.
Made Dr. appt this morning thinking the normal for VA 3-6 months.
Shock of all shocks, got appointment for this afternoon.
Just going to clinic in next town over so will be driving myself.
Have done absolutely nothing besides make Doctor's appointment.
Drank a pot of coffee or pretty close to drinking the whole pot.
Don't worry it's half caff which is a bummer.
Strawberry is chunky, found out last night when she laid down on me and refused to walk any further.
I was winded when we got home.
So she gets fewer treats for here on out.
She's pouting cause I'm breaking them into quarters.
She has boney behind though.
Will take out trash when get ready to go to doctor.
Got a dab of dishes to do up.
Need to vacuum maybe this afternoon when I get back.
Got to water raised beds so at least my green beans have a chance.
Dropped off letter to locale HUD office.
Grand daughter pulled up most of tomato seedlings to smell flowers.
Saved 6 and they don't look well.
Strawberry is laying out in the sun enjoying it.
Everybody have a good day, evening, afternoon or night in your neck of the woods.
Today is tax day....
@GrannyG I work at a financial institution. We are slammed today. I’m on hold w/ HQ and it’s the lunch hour for most so I’m browsing the forum while I wait.
This weekend was cold and blustery. I have beds to work and planting to do but did very little outside. Today I’m back in the cubicle and it is gorgeous out!
Work and now it's time to get the animal chores done. I went to the post office to mail a paperback I liked to my nephew in Oklahoma. (of course, a prepper book). It was a two inch paperback in a manilla envelope. The post guy said the cheapest way to mail it was $9.40. Wow. Then added, unless I know what it is. Well, I told him it was a paperback book. No note. Nothing else. He said I could mail it book rate for $3.65, it would take a week, and it would be subject to being opened for random inspection. What the heck?''
I paid the $9.40, but it made me mad.
Went to Doctor's appointment.
Went to Alidi's which was across the street from the VA clinic.
Strawberry still has boney behind, she is sitting with her back to me pouting.
When she came in she got a carrot stick instead of the Milk bones .
Imagine my surprise when my air conditioner came on this afternoon.
I turned it off and down. It's supposedly 75* little bit windy, but not like it has been in the last few days.
Giving myself the day off. Not doing much.
Did polish my fingernails when got home from doctor's.
There's always tomorrow to do something.
Yesterday-Sunday I did the usual. Breakfast then dishes then laundry. While that was washing I helped hubby set up the scaffolding on the one end of the house. He's off this week and he's going to put up new siding and install a new window. The one we have now was from a remodel job way back in the 80's and a real PIA to clean it. This one tilts in to clean so will be much easier ( and it might get done more often lol). After that I dried and folded the laundry.Then I made supper and set the coffee pot

Today I made breakfast. Did dishes. Took a shower. Made stuffed sweet peppers and got them going in the crockpot for supper. Went with the hubby to recycle some metal. Got a good price. Made lunch
I did some cleaning and now since we ate I'm cruising the net.
Still have to put the extra peppers in the fridge and set the coffee pot
Took vacation last week to do some stuff, taxes, Dr. fishing trip, plant berries, etc. Today back to work. Walked in to 400 + emails, about half of which got deleted right away, but still had to go thru them. Try to get caught up on some things I left hanging and figure out what all my crew needed. Worked over 1.5 hours and still not ready for tomorrow. LOL

Got home and worked with my plants I have potted up waiting to plant. Probably mow tomorrow night. Meant to Friday but it's rained all weekend.
Took vacation last week to do some stuff, taxes, Dr. fishing trip, plant berries, etc. Today back to work. Walked in to 400 + emails, about half of which got deleted right away, but still had to go thru them. Try to get caught up on some things I left hanging and figure out what all my crew needed. Worked over 1.5 hours and still not ready for tomorrow. LOL

Got home and worked with my plants I have potted up waiting to plant. Probably mow tomorrow night. Meant to Friday but it's rained all weekend.

Your email sounds like my husbands.
Round 1 of today is woohoo got paid this morning and then promptly got rid of it putting money into our bills, grocery and bank emergency kitty account but DH gets paid tomorrow so that is fine :) . I also paid the property water bill from our bills account we put aside money into each fortnight, which was very low compared to what I thought it would be and when the council catches up with us amalgamating the blocks on our next bill we will get a credit and only pay one water charge instead of 2 for two blocks.

Then I sat down as DH wanted me to work out how much money we will have spare at the end of the month to put towards our ceiling insulation batts which I did and we will be so very close to being able to buy the batts at the end of this month or early next month. Then we will have to crawl around in the ceiling cavity and put them in.

While I was doing all that DH went to the post office and picked up our bulk order of staples we ordered from a wholesale site on the internet as well as the new battery for my laptop which is dying a natural death. He also sharpened the chainsaw chain so it is ready to use tomorrow to cut up the salvaged wood for winter firewood that is no good from the grapevine destruction.

Currently working out how many garden beds we can put in and water with our current amount of water available and dumped the clean rinsing water from the bread making pan onto one of the star jasmine plants in the yard so it has a bit of water.
Round 2 of today is that we have changed the battery in my laptop with the new one that came today and it is much much better thank goodness. The old one was from full charge emptying in 30 mins or less of charge the new one I am getting about 2.5 hours of use per charge from my estimates. The putting the battery in the laptop not so simple in an Asus as you have to pull the whole darn thing apart to get to the battery and then of course it never goes back together again properly with everything floppier than before. While we had it open we cleaned out all the dust out of it as well as we may as well service it too as it is out of warranty. Good news is it is working but I really hate modern appliances where they deliberately make your life difficult in servicing it yourself rather than paying a technician to do it for you and pleased to say with determination everything is possible almost to repair.

DH then gave himself a haircut and I trimmed the back for him with the new set of hair clippers we purchased last week and DH was sad putting the pair he had for 20 years in the bin. He also watered the potted plants with either grey water from the washing machine or fresh town water and I watered some of the star jasmine with rinsing water from the breadmaker pan and an orange juice bottle I rinsed out.

Both just had nice warm showers and in our jammies for the evening. Dinner will be stirfry mince and homegrown garden vegetables.
Well so far today I made breakfast then helped hubby tear off the old siding on the house

Then I made our lunch and made a lemon poke cake and washed up the dishes form both meals.
We had to put plastic on the inside of the old window to keep any bugs out while we took it out. I had to beat on the darn thing from inside with a piece of 2x2 and a mallet to get it loose enough to come out. lol I always hated those windows. They were really hard to clean and the cranks weren't working correctly after all these years. But they were free and at that time we took all the free we could get to build the house.

Finally have the new window in. I went down and got the mail while hubby cleaned up. He's going into town because the rest of the siding came in today and he needs to pick it up.

He still needs to finish the inside trim for the window but its in and air tight.
Now I just need to heat up some leftovers, clean up the dishes and set the coffee pot.
Glad we can get this done. Paying off the mortgage has given us the money to work on getting the house fixed up
had the grand daughter today.
We have played outside most of the day.
Made lunch of grilled cheese, grapes and apple juice.
we went back outside after lunch played in the herb garden.
she's a mighty fine hole digger almost as good as Strawberry.
Granny blew bubbles, she and Strawberry chased them, laughing, giggling, running.
All of sudden she squats, horrified look came on her face.
Her little face crumbles like she's going to cry.
She wet her training pants. Told her it was okay, Granny didn't know she had them on.
Got into clean dry training pants, dry leggings off we go chasing bubbles again.
Lesson learned Granny check these things before we go outside to play.

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