What's everybody doing today?

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What a day...my new purple martin house came in this week, so we began the assembly...LOL..OH MY....two old fogies trying to get it together...the hole was dug, the first big pole put in, then cemented...now has to dry before we put the other parts up....the large plastic gourds snapped together, but I was afraid they could come apart...so taped them some with clear gorilla tape...ran out of tape for the last two so used flex clear tape...could not get the scissors apart...LOL...we tried a dozen times to get the plastic bird to attach...kept losing the tiny parts...finally flex taped it...LOL...hubby says he loves to do assembly required projects for me..NOT….but tomorrow it will go up...if we are lucky.....
Well so far today I made breakfast then helped hubby tear off the old siding on the house

Then I made our lunch and made a lemon poke cake and washed up the dishes form both meals.
We had to put plastic on the inside of the old window to keep any bugs out while we took it out. I had to beat on the darn thing from inside with a piece of 2x2 and a mallet to get it loose enough to come out. lol I always hated those windows. They were really hard to clean and the cranks weren't working correctly after all these years. But they were free and at that time we took all the free we could get to build the house.

Finally have the new window in. I went down and got the mail while hubby cleaned up. He's going into town because the rest of the siding came in today and he needs to pick it up.

He still needs to finish the inside trim for the window but its in and air tight.
Now I just need to heat up some leftovers, clean up the dishes and set the coffee pot.
Glad we can get this done. Paying off the mortgage has given us the money to work on getting the house fixed up

Nice window WV. Even nicer view out of it. Your going to enjoy that. Congrats on getting the mortgage finished.
Round 1 spent the morning trying to find my car keys which DH put down somewhere and then finally he found them in the laundry where he put them as he plugged in the extension cord to cut his hair outside.

That done we went and cut up all the posts and timber that was no good from the grapeyard vineyard for firewood. Boy is that stuff seasoned as we blunted one chainsaw chain on our small chainsaw before we moved to our big oh ah one which did the rest of the job easily. We then stacked it on a wooden pallet we had to use for the first of our firewood for this winters wood when it gets cold enough.

Set the grey water tank off and watered half of the backyard lawns with the water as DH attached a hose nozzle on the end of it so we can walk around and water the lawns with it as the other sprinkler we got kept blocking up all the time with bits and pieces. I also watered 2 mature bottle trees in the backyard with the greywater too. We are trying to keep the lawns green as it is so dry here we think it will give us a little break if we get bushfires in our area.

@WVDragonlady good to hear of another woman who is not delicate and can wield 2 x 2's when needed to get the job done :) and congratulations on paying off your mortgage. We are looking forward to that too even though we only got ours in December and who said I am impatient :D .
Working on cleaning the kitchen.
Got a few groceries to put away.
Have to get step stool out for those items.
Wiping off door knobs and light switches.
Don't think I have my little helper today so might actually get something done.
If I can find my get up and go, it went somewhere without me.
Won last night at Bingo.
Won enough to play next week and pay for ride to the VA on Friday.
Strawberry is still pouting about her snacks crack down.
Going to vacuum while she's outside, dang she came inside too quick.
Going to have grilled cheese sandwich on flour tortilla's cause that's what I have for lunch with apple, orange, grapes and coffee.
Might have time for a nap this afternoon.
Will work on Christmas gifts, but not hard.
Everybody have a good day ,afternoon,evening where ever you are in the world. Stay safe.
Round 1 this morning is DH moved the remaining downed posts from the vineyard into the leanto shed and chopped the post with the chainsaw just above where the tap was mounted on it and chopped the base of the mulberry tree out that was amongst the star jasmine at the side of the house and was growing so high it was touching the roof of the house. In the next few days we will drill holes in it and poison it so it doesn't grow back. He also stain removed some clothing and got a load of washing going prior to that and I got one on after and we both hung out our loads on the clothes line to dry.

We moved the potted fruit trees, herbs and ornamental plants off the cement at the side of the house into the garden beds where they will get more sun now they have matured a bit.

Might try shortly do get my weekly deep cleaning done of the bathrooms and toilet for the week a day early.
Did breakfast for myself and brunch for the hubby. He wanted to get finished the siding. He only had a few more pieces to do ( the top most).
I picked my first pan of spinach and I'll be having some for lunch in a salad
Hubby just loaded the last of the metal to recycle and is taking it into town.
Also has to stop at the post office
After lunch I have to do the dishes up
I have some more large containers to clean up and get ready for planting in about 3 weeks or so
Hubby wants to get the new window in the other bedroom wall done this weekend. We'll see since I'm seeing theres a 50% chance of rain all weekend
We still have the back of the house to put new siding on and then the front where the sunroom and front porch is located

The 2 sides we've done so far
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Chores this morning, then work till late. Granddaughter is at an ROTC intro meeting for next school year, grandson practicing flute, Husband at an awards ceremony for our youngest daughter. Top in her class in PharmD. Wish I could of gone, but work got in the way. Husband's surgery scheduled for May 10th, and it'll be tricky. Not happy about it. Meds messed with prostate, which messed up his bladder and kidneys. The man only has one working lung as it is. Trying not to worry about it. Last time they tried surgery, they backed out of it because of his breathing. He's feeling positive about it this time, but not me.
Our school is open tomorrow...Easter egg hunt and Easter goodie party. We'll send a bunch of little ones home sugared up
Round 1 of today is that I vacuumed my car and DH cleaned the windows and damp dusted inside and washed it. While he was washing the car I swept the garage out and got rid of the cobwebs, red dust, spider eggs and dead spiders we sprayed earlier. The car and garage now sparkle. On the way back from the garage I also swept down one cement path down the side of the house to get rid of dust and leaves.

Tonight's dinner was bacon and egg sandwiches and dessert was ice cream.
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Blessings..the sun is shining...the grackle just serenaded me as I stepped onto the porch...the hyacinths have the most beautiful fragrance as they have bloomed ….waiting for martins to discover the new bird house gourd house we put up...strawberries ripening...ate two of them yesterday..Mmmmm….squash is up....onions doing great....just so blessed....the trees are full of new green leaves and the mesquites are out....even scissortails sitting on the lines …..spring is here.....
Went to VA today for Doctor's appointment.
Left at 0800 hours got home just after 1130 hours.
I was done at0915 hours but was waiting on another older Veteran.
Got a new CPAP machine.
This one weights about 2.5 pounds compared to the 10-15 pound one I had.
It's smaller than my CD/ Alarm clock.
Have it all set up ready to go for tonight.
My toothache is finally gone.
Dentist found chipped piece of tooth up there.
Took tweezers pulled it right out.
Have to make another appointment for new dentures in July.
Got my letter for a 2 bedroom apartment down in HUD from my new shrink, that I went to on Monday.
It was in the mailbox when I got home today.
Hopefully will get letter for Strawberry next week.
She's my seizure/ anti depression/emotional support dog.
She has been with me since 29th of December 2014 @ 0830 hours.
My first old shrink got hit by a city bus, healed up, came back to say good bye.
Second shrink lied to me, sorry won't go to doctor Can't trust.
The one Monday is the third one I've had.
Had the 1st one.had for more than 15 years.
Second didn't last 6 months.
I like the last one. I think I will keep him.
My Seizure doctor is retiring in July.
So in May will be meeting new seizure doctor.
That's everything I know which isn't much.
Amish, will be keeping your family in prayers during your husband's surgery.
I cut back all of the rose bushes. They were wild and woolly and looked really bad. I took my new loppers and just cut everything down to about a foot tall. I'm kind of hoping they all die because I'm not a real fan of the thorns. I have torn 3 T shirts just driving by on my lawn tractor. My luck they will all thrive and be even bigger than before.
Totally wiped out after preschool Easter party. Do you know the public schools call it Vernal Holiday?
Old man cat is on my lap, and I need to kick him off so I can do chores.

Not down here. We had today off for Good Friday and Monday off for Easter Monday. Also known as "sugar rush day so the teachers don't want em back yet."
Round 1 of this morning is that we have vacuumed, damp dusted and cleaned the inside windows of the AWD and washed it and cleaned the windows on the outside too and we used the cleanish water from that to water star jasmine and potted plants in the yard too. DH also went down to the local shop to pump up one of the tyres as our battery operated one doesn't go over 35 PSI unfortunately but it is good for doing the smaller tyres with.

About to start reading our scriptures for church tomorrow.
@Terri9630 and @Amish Heart we will be putting up with the childrens sugar rush tomorrow at church as they hand out quite a few easter eggs there too and some go into hyperactive mode there as some of them have an intolerance to sugar. Oh what fun and I am glad I am not nursery leader anymore but ward secretary instead and I can now walk away and be oblivious to it all :) .

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