Getting grandson off to camp this morning for a week. He's going to Boy Scout camp in Colorado, snow hiking. Going out to breakfast, then to Sams. Then sitting down and going over the full price offer we got in for the school late yesterday. But there's a lot of closing gimmees and stuff in it. Funny, I gave the wanna be buyer the tour myself, with his agent and our agent sitting around. Then I suspect his sent his wife over for a tour yesterday, telling me she had a grandson and was interested in enrollment. Not for sure, but I think she just wanted to see what the inside looked like. At a glance, it looks like they want all of the furniture, and some of our décor. Makes my job easier, I guess, not clearing that part of it out. They want more space for their work with developmentally disabled adults. So, hopefully this goes through, and he wants a 45 day close, which is half of the usual business 90 day.