What's everybody doing today?

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Have a great day @Meerkat and remember no-one can fix the world and those in it. We can just live peaceful lives and keep away from the mad people and political events.

I agree. I just seem to be an addict for bad news. I think it is boredom?:dunno:.

Anyway I'm trying to get off the elevator that goes all the way to hell about politics . :huh:
Drove 62 miles to a doc appt. for DH set up through VA's consult so it is closer than 100 miles one way. They sent us to an old address so by the time we arrived we would miss the appt. at the correct address in another town. I hate it when my time or money is wasted but it taught us that we not only need to confirm appts., but to confirm their address apparently, also. We will work on setting something else up tomorrow.
Another day in the gardens today and we continued moving more cubic metres of soil to level out and back fill the area at the back of the property to fill in where the creek had eroded it from previous floods. We have now got about another third to go and we will be finished. Both our arm muscles are killing us.

I put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine which we had part of for lunch for sandwiches.

Shortly we will both damp dust the entire house as being so dry and in drought here the fine dust is everywhere. Tonight's dinner we have decided will be porridge made from our stored oats and probably tinned fruit for dessert.
Drove 62 miles to a doc appt. for DH set up through VA's consult so it is closer than 100 miles one way. They sent us to an old address so by the time we arrived we would miss the appt. at the correct address in another town. I hate it when my time or money is wasted but it taught us that we not only need to confirm appts., but to confirm their address apparently, also. We will work on setting something else up tomorrow.

Snap seems it takes more effort to do much anything anymore.

This morning I've got a lot done. Dusting, rearranging furniture, vacuuming , mopping,etc.etc.etc.
Still have much to do like damp rag dusting my books I took out of library that needed a good cleaning.
Yesterday I wasted the morning driving to another state to go to Sam's club and back since I don't have one here close to me. Spent the afternoon putting things away and breaking down the meats I bought and freezing some of the berries I bought. Still have the sweet peppers to chop and freeze for the winter. Mine are doing good but only the green ones are ready and I've been picking and freezing those. My reds are just now growing. Hopefully I'll get some before frost hits ( geesh lol) I'm saving one pack of peppers to make stuffed peppers on sunday

Today I picked up the new coffee maker I ordered at walmart and then went to the local grocery store. They had their 80/20 ground beef on sale for $2.49lb so I bought $40 worth. Started on the packs of meat to break down and vacuum seal. Any meat under $3 a pound is a good deal here
Somehow or other I cut my arm and was bleeding but didn't know it until I noticed blood on my pants and wonder where it came from. It doesn't hurt and I don't remember hitting it so I have no idea how it happened o_O

Have some laundry to get to tomorrow and I'll more than likely have to turn on the ac since its supposed to heat up again
If you pay that much for glasses, why don't you just get lasik? I did and I highly recommend it.
Can't. Lasik can fix my nearsightedness but i need prism in my lenses to correct my focus. Lasik can't do that. Now at age 46 I need bifocals as well and no-line bifocals adds over 100 to the price. I also went with a higher grade of lenses and coatings because 3 of my last 4 pairs from cheapo stores went bad and had the coatings fail. I can't even see through my last pair anymore because they look like they have 1000 tiny scratches (it's called "crazing") and also look like there's a coating of dried baby oil on them. I'm done with s----y cheap glasses.
Can't. Lasik can fix my nearsightedness but i need prism in my lenses to correct my focus. Lasik can't do that. Now at age 46 I need bifocals as well and no-line bifocals adds over 100 to the price. I also went with a higher grade of lenses and coatings because 3 of my last 4 pairs from cheapo stores went bad and had the coatings fail. I can't even see through my last pair anymore because they look like they have 1000 tiny scratches (it's called "crazing") and also look like there's a coating of dried baby oil on them. I'm done with s----y cheap glasses.

I understand now Spike. My friend has same problems. Her glasses cost lots too.
Ran errands with cousins, looked at propane heaters for the farmhouse. Had lunch with my cousin, and planned the upcoming family reunion. Loaded up our pickup with straw bales and organic wheat and oat for home on Saturday. Also 12 lbs of fresh ground hamburger (Jersey meat), lean. Going to the Menno Manor to visit Mom, Aunt Sylvia, and Uncle Melvin, then off to meat another cousin for supper.
Slow day.
Notary for my pension.
Stop at the mechanic so the wife could make an appointing for her car.
Bank. Wife put money in and I took money out.
Church, help unpack, organize and pack school supplies for annual back to school give-a-way.
Lunch at a small mom & pop bakery in the next town.
Take a nap.
Gather eggs and let the ladies free range.
File online report with ATT. Local tower been down for 3 days.
Sorry for disappearing again. I had a lot on my plate to get done before we take Roo to my folks house for a week. That trip was even pushed back a week because my mom's lead for her pacemaker came loose and they had to re-position it. Now I am getting laundry done so I can finish packing Roo's suitcase for that trip (we leave on Saturday to drop her off.).

I spent the last two days getting my lesson plans for all of August done. This included all photocopying for the month. I want the first month of homeschool to be as smooth as possible. I have one last chore for school and that is buying the bits and bobs for the lessons like magnets and paperclips. I figure Juju and I can get that done while Roo is at my folks so we don't have to run out the first week of school to get it all.

I have been trying to incorporate some school/learning elements into our routine since school let out in May. Roo completed the Barnes and Noble summer reading challenge (last month) so I started a reading caterpillar to encourage her to keep reading. For every book she completes and passes a quiz on we add a segment to the caterpillar. So far she only has 2 segments but they were more advanced books (Secret Garden etc and she is only 7.)

I have a lot of laundry to get done before we go besides Roo's. Our oldest cat is peeing on the laundry is we don't put it away asap. I personally think she is being a stinker because she is old and we have a new kitten. K wants to toss her outside and leave her there. I told him we will think about it if we first eliminate all the reasons she could be acting out first. Cat pee is no fun.

Not to mention all the BS related to the public school that was dumped on us. I don't want what I post about that here to be used against me if it should be found and linked to us IRL.
I'm turning my internet off today. I feel a strong urge to save more money and continue to pay extra on our mortgage. So I will go to the library when I can and keep up with you guys. I have enjoyed the knowledge and hope everyone realizes their dream also. Ours is to get this place paid off in the next 2 years before hubby retires.
Good Luck timmie!
Great timmie!
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Had my MRI again yesterday.
Not doing it again without being sedated.
Got paid yesterday, paid all the monthly bills today.
Got a bit of money in savings, checking and in my wallet.
New to me Fiat is full of gas again.
Had the grand daughter today, she was full of p & V.
She and Strawberry decided to test Granny's last nerve by checking out the acoustics of the apartment.
She also tried to brush Strawberry's teeth with her toothbrush.
Her and Strawberry get to running on tile floors, sometimes it's hard to stop from sliding around.
No carpet here. Haven't decided whether I will get area rug for winter or not.
Got my first electric bill for the new apartment less than half what I paid at the old apartment so difference will go into savings account.
Electric bill old place: $70
Electric bill new place:$30
Gas bill for water heater $5
Renter's insurance went down also about $55 month
Still got about 3 boxes, 2 totes left to put away.
Then everything will be put away.
Mainetance man hung another clothes bar in both closets today, so will be able to empty and hang up uniforms, winter coats etc.
Lunches and suppers are fixed for the next several days.
Dishes are done.
Now will start fine tuning kitchen cabinets, so I can find things like dishes would be nice.
Started hanging pictures and such on the walls, starting to feel like home.
Sorry for disappearing again. I had a lot on my plate to get done before we take Roo to my folks house for a week. That trip was even pushed back a week because my mom's lead for her pacemaker came loose and they had to re-position it. Now I am getting laundry done so I can finish packing Roo's suitcase for that trip (we leave on Saturday to drop her off.).

I spent the last two days getting my lesson plans for all of August done. This included all photocopying for the month. I want the first month of homeschool to be as smooth as possible. I have one last chore for school and that is buying the bits and bobs for the lessons like magnets and paperclips. I figure Juju and I can get that done while Roo is at my folks so we don't have to run out the first week of school to get it all.

I have been trying to incorporate some school/learning elements into our routine since school let out in May. Roo completed the Barnes and Noble summer reading challenge (last month) so I started a reading caterpillar to encourage her to keep reading. For every book she completes and passes a quiz on we add a segment to the caterpillar. So far she only has 2 segments but they were more advanced books (Secret Garden etc and she is only 7.)

I have a lot of laundry to get done before we go besides Roo's. Our oldest cat is peeing on the laundry is we don't put it away asap. I personally think she is being a stinker because she is old and we have a new kitten. K wants to toss her outside and leave her there. I told him we will think about it if we first eliminate all the reasons she could be acting out first. Cat pee is no fun.

Not to mention all the BS related to the public school that was dumped on us. I don't want what I post about that here to be used against me if it should be found and linked to us IRL.

Glad to hear from you Grimm, and think it is great your homeschooling. Things have changed too much last few years.
My daughter home schooled her son for first 5 years. She hates him being back in public school with all the violence and all. But she has to help with her 4 grandkids who has addict for mother. Thank Goodness she got fixed after the last one and they are healthy. The whole family pays when addiction happens. But she is in treatment now.

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