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A couple of days ago I had a booting issue with my Dell. Dell tech support corrected the problem.

Last night all the USB ports on my pc stopped working. I lost the use of the mouse and keyboard. I was on the phone with Dell until I went to bed about 3am without the problem being solved.

This morning I was on the phone starting around 11am with Dell. 4 hours later the problem is solved, but Win10 ended up resetting it’s self to restore point about 8 weeks ago.

All the 100’s of hours I’ve spent reorganizing the 100K plus plant photo’s I’ve taken has been wiped away. The photos are still there but like they were before I started working on them.

The 5 programs I either purchased or down loaded for free are gone. All the work involved with them was wasted.

I’m angry! :cry:

I'm so sorry Peanut.
Had long lost daughter that I haven't seen since Christmas come by and stay the day. I drug her to Lowes with me to get lots of cinderblock to put under my stock tanks to raise them up to my level for planting. Then we mucked around in the yard, with essential oils, and just gabbed. An old friend who is a local firefighter here stopped in and was so happy alot of our kids and grandkids were over...we had a great time remembering old times. Husband and I are going to the pub for supper and a pint. Youngest agreed to babysit.

AND not a dollar spent!

The car situation has been bugging me so I decided to get back in the foot well to take another look.
I took my phone to take pictures of the shape and part number stamped onto it to make sure I got the right one when I ordered it on pension day.
Then I noticed that there was no resistance in the actual switch to deactivate it.
It was going through a hole on the brake peddle arm.
No stopper!
Then I had a closer look at the little bits of nothing in the foot well and I saw what looked like a broken rubber stopper with a bayonet fitting.
I got all the pieces fitted together and yep, that was exactly what it was.
So I went upstairs and got an Australian 5 cent piece which is slightly larger than the hole and a strip of duct tape and made my own stopper.
It works!
Making sure the brake lights came on when I wasn't in the car was an issue but I jammed my waking stick against the brake peddle
and wedged it against the hand brake lever.
That worked!
The brake light is off when the car is turned off and the brake isn't depressed.

I fixed it!
I took off both rear brake light assemblies to checked the brake light bulbs and they're fine.

More money to buy seeds now!

AND not a dollar spent!

The car situation has been bugging me so I decided to get back in the foot well to take another look.
I took my phone to take pictures of the shape and part number stamped onto it to make sure I got the right one when I ordered it on pension day.
Then I noticed that there was no resistance in the actual switch to deactivate it.
It was going through a hole on the brake peddle arm.
No stopper!
Then I had a closer look at the little bits of nothing in the foot well and I saw what looked like a broken rubber stopper with a bayonet fitting.
I got all the pieces fitted together and yep, that was exactly what it was.
So I went upstairs and got an Australian 5 cent piece which is slightly larger than the hole and a strip of duct tape and made my own stopper.
It works!
Making sure the brake lights came on when I wasn't in the car was an issue but I jammed my waking stick against the brake peddle
and wedged it against the hand brake lever.
That worked!
The brake light is off when the car is turned off and the brake isn't depressed.

I fixed it!
I took off both rear brake light assemblies to checked the brake light bulbs and they're fine.

More money to buy seeds now!

Yeeaaah! Victory! Great job!
That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that poor lady half to death! I managed not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)
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That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that lady half to death! I manage not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)
GASP! Peanut!!! Glad this had a happy ending for you with driving. EDited to add: not that you've stopped driving. Just relieved you didn't wreck!!!
That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that lady half to death! I manage not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)
one of those days. Hope tomorrow is better my friend
That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that lady half to death! I manage not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)
Scary! Glad it turned out okay!
One more day off today, but I do need to go into the school for just a half hour of work. Need to go to Lowes for some cupboard hinge parts, fill up about (6) 5 gallon water jugs at the water place, figure out a design for the duck area, plant some spinach seed...and then the regular stuff for work this week: make some salad in a jar lunches, get the laundry caught up and the floors cleaned.
Pressure canning the potatoes I got for Valentine's Day into french fries! We have out of state company coming Sat. afternoon and I will make Thanksgiving type dinner so I have to go over recipes and see if I need to buy anything. Glad to finally get the turkey out of the top (and only) freezer so I have a little more room!

I have that Civilian response class Sunday afternoon and feel I have to go. I did text the fellow and asked if they had a big response, would they do another class. No response from him yet.
My day started out crappy, literally. I didn’t sleep well, the last time I went back to bed was around 4:30. I flushed the toilet first. It over flowed. I spent the next 20 minutes cleaning the bathroom, nothing like the smell of clorox in the morning!:rolleyes:

I printed out a note with big letters and left it on Dad’s kitchen table… “Do not flush your toilet… There is something wrong with the pipes or septic tank”! (The house is a duplex, 3 bdrm 2 bath upstairs, 3 bdrm 1 bath downstairs.)

When he got up he dealt with it, called a septic tank pumping company. The tank had gotten clogged with TP and grease somehow. :dunno:

When I got up at noon I booted my computer, only it didn’t boot (still under warranty). I called a friend who looked up the Dell tech support number. I was on the phone with them for an hour. They finally corrected the problem. I hate win10, it has automatic updates enabled. My computer tried to do an update from Dell when I booted and got hung up. :angie:

The part of the day I saw was nasty, miserable and raining (not to far from homesteader33). The only highlite was dinner, a nice ribeye.

At least it ended well, take care.
That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that poor lady half to death! I managed not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)

You might look into getting Ubuntu operating system. It is a Linux OS that I have been using for decades. You can run it on a dual boot with Windows, like I did to start, but after a short time I took the Microsoft software off and never looked back. The OS is free, it doesn't spy on you, it updates when you say it is ok, and all the software you need is also free open source software. There are three computers in my house running Ubuntu.
Pressure canning the potatoes I got for Valentine's Day into french fries! We have out of state company coming Sat. afternoon and I will make Thanksgiving type dinner so I have to go over recipes and see if I need to buy anything. Glad to finally get the turkey out of the top (and only) freezer so I have a little more room!

I have that Civilian response class Sunday afternoon and feel I have to go. I did text the fellow and asked if they had a big response, would they do another class. No response from him yet.

Our company is coming tomorrow instead of Sat. so after I got the potatoes in the the pc, I made cornbread for dressing and ran to the store for the few things needed.
That was scary! I’m so annoyed with my pc I went to town. It started raining and the next thing I knew I was hydroplaning. I went off onto the shoulder but kept it out of the ditch. Then I went back across the center line. I was meeting another vehicle. :eek:

I scared that poor lady half to death! I managed not to hit her. When I got to town I stopped at the sonic and had a milk shake and some tots. It didn’t resolve any issues but I felt better!

Good news… at home when I booted my pc all my folders were back to the way they were yesterday. Bad news, it means the OS is corrupt. I backed every thing up on thumb drives. If it crashes so be it! At least I have a fresh copy of everything important. :)

So glad you didn't collide, Peanut!
You might look into getting Ubuntu operating system.

@SheepDog :D Does it look like this? When these problems started on 12jan I picked up another drive and made an Ubuntu disk. I'm in the middle of sorting and re-filing 1000's of plant photos. I don't want to switch over until I finish. Then my pc will have 2 drives. I'll disconnect windows and run ubuntu and keep the window drive as a backup.

This dell is also still under warranty, as long as it is Dell is going to fix it. ;)

Ubuntu (1)_v1.png
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Not really. The doc had to debride (scrape) the Achilles tendon and to do that he had to lift the tendon then re-anchor it. I guess that it takes a little while for that anchor to seat in and for it to be strong enough to not come out. Not sure but that's what I think. I'd share a picture, but I don't what to gross anyone out. My foot is still bruised. But al that said, I've not had very much discomfort at all.
Not really. The doc had to debride (scrape) the Achilles tendon and to do that he had to lift the tendon then re-anchor it. I guess that it takes a little while for that anchor to seat in and for it to be strong enough to not come out. Not sure but that's what I think. I'd share a picture, but I don't what to gross anyone out. My foot is still bruised. But al that said, I've not had very much discomfort at all.

Hubby didn't have to do that thank goodness. When the Doc got in there he found it was just the bone spur causing the issues. He said his foot felt so much better right out of surgery.
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Drove through the wind to take the kids "pet" goat to my preferred vet in the next county. He had a huge abscess that the local vet wasn't making progress with.

Took my meds when I got home and the bottle didn't look right. I KNOW I've been taking the meds right, I write it down when I take it so I'm sure, and found the pharmacy gave me 5 pills to many.