Do they have drone delivery service?![]()

Do they have drone delivery service?![]()
No calls yet today for house showings, and the house is clean. So I'm headed out to work on the garage. The kids were hoping that we'd have to leave for awhile because they heard on the radio that it's donut day at Krispie Kream and everyone gets a free one. Husband headed out for pulmonary rehab, then will get out of Albuquerque by afternoon before the fun begins again tonight.
It seems like everyone is hushing it all up so it'll go away. Police tactics are: using teargas, blocking the freeway, and completely blocking off Central and the whole university area from car traffic. Still, the motorcycles got in. They are not reporting exactly which businesses are trashed. There's a gay nightclub there that was trashed, and the owner said that he is not angry at the protestors, just the rioters. They're still not saying which gun store was looted. I'm sorry I packed our scanner. It's in a pod somewhere.
I’ve decided I’m going to learn more about scanners and buy one.
...Mom has been in a bad mood past few days. Having temper tantrums over nothing. Blowing up over minor things. Screaming at me over stuff I have no control over. ...
I’ve decided I’m going to learn more about scanners and buy one. I have a scanner app on my phone but Herve gone to a channel that isn’t listed on it during this. It was very helpful the first night knowing what was going on. Last night was harder without it.
If I'm not mistaken most police comms are now done thru a trunking system thatv.akes it hard to impossible to monitor. There are some trunking. Capable scanners on the market, not sure how effective they are.
@Peanut Our issue here is 2 officers for a 500 square mile area.
If I'm not mistaken most police comms are now done thru a trunking system thatv.akes it hard to impossible to monitor. There are some trunking. Capable scanners on the market, not sure how effective they are.
I think that people who are in recovery are more likely to use again when there is stress in their life.So far just family circus on phone call.
Seems courts want granddaughter to only work at night so she can attend their 'counseling' early day.So how can she find baby sitter or nursery for 4 kids working nights?
She has been in treatment them counseling completely clean drug tested for 10 months now. This is second go round she left first treatment after a few months. This time she was passenger in a stolen car and drugs .Now she is away from the kids father who is still out doing his thing and no lockup.
On a more positive note, the 3 yr old says the funniest grown up type things that make us laugh.Tarzan keeps dressing himself with pants pulled up to his chest.
class from 7-11 am. Then job at drive thru from 2:30 - 1 am. Gets home around 2 am.
So the 5 weekdays she is busy from 7 am till about 3 am.
How in the hell is this lack of sleep good for getting off drugs and getting kids back,who will watch them?
Are you familiar with Melodie Beattie and her book, "Co-dependent No More"? It is available in a free pdf download. There is also a workbook that I just found. I read and studied this book more than 30 years ago, but I think, it is like a bible for people who live in chaos. It needs to be read and studied over and over.Meerkat, that is adorable! I hope the kitty has a home now.
Mom has been in a bad mood past few days. Having temper tantrums over nothing. Blowing up over minor things. Screaming at me over stuff I have no control over. She had a tizzy in the truck & would not STFU about the mirror falling out of her hairbrush that she left in the truck. She was trying to blame me for it being missing. I told her "You shouldn't have left it in the truck". It's on the passenger side so I'm the driver & don't mess with that side, but she wouldn't let it go. She then found several other things to kvetch about. She was angry that I'm tired all the time-- but it's not like I want to be tired all the time. I'm hoping she'll calm down soon.
Took her for her doctor's appointment & she was thinking we were going to be late- claimed she tried to get me to leave earlier-- I was waiting for her to say she wanted to go but she never said "Let's go now". She has this thing where she doesn't communicate & expects people to read her mind & then is mad that we aren't mind readers & blows up about it. Hit just about every red light on the way & had a vehicle come to almost a complete stop in front of me in the fast lane so it could get in to the turn lane (which is a continuous turn lane and exists so people don't have to stop in the fast lane).
Brother came along because he needed to drop something off at UPS office.
Eye doctor didn't even see Mom til an hour and 20 minutes after her appointment time. So we sat waiting for her for that long.
The whole time all my brother did was gripe about her and how much she gripes. I had to bite my tongue bc I didn't want to get into an argument about how entitled & spoiled he is when he whined about how he shouldn't be expected to lift a finger around the house bc he has a job (although he's currently not working) and how Mom wanted him to clean up after himself and do chores in exchange for getting free food, free internet, free cellphone, free rent, free utilities, etc. But only thing he mentioned was rent & food. Said he was willing to pay rent if it meant he didn't have to do any chores-- but if he doesn't have to do chores, by default it ALL falls on me. So, I sat there while his entitled lazy butt whined without even thinking about the fact that my mother rejected his offer bc she knows I can't do all of it by myself due to my health. He moved on to trying to lecture me about how I need to do more & claimed he did stuff when he was unemployed even though he didn't. I started tuning him out and when he didn't pick up on it and wouldn't STFU, I started loading Youtube on my phone.
He does not get that millions of people work AND do their fair share of chores. But he never did his chores even when not working.
On the way home we stopped by my friend's house to drop off something he'd forgotten in my truck. There was some drama going on bc his grandfather (who had been told the day before he was no longer welcome over, was not allowed to see my friend's daughter, & needed to stay tf away) was parked in my friend's driveway hogging the whole thing so nobody else could park (including my friend who was on his way home from work). The day before the grandfather had rolled up while my friend was with me, laid on his horn until people went outside to tell him to stop, & started demanding to see my friend and my friend's daughter. The little girl was having a temper tantrum at the time & had my friend's pregnant fiance very upset. The horn blowing made her more upset so she told the old man that now was not a good time & the girl was misbehaving & not listening to anyone & to come back later. He didn't accept that so he got verbally abusive with her & swore at her until she started crying. She called my friend sobbing hysterically about it so when my friend got home, he called the grandfather to tell him he'd lost his visiting privileges by being an a-hole.
My friend was very angry when he saw the old man there. He was trying to get them to let him take the little girl to Walmart but he doesn't have a booster seat, is a lousy driver (had a few wrecks), & doesn't even have a driver's license. He crashed with the girl in the car so he's not allowed to drive anywhere with her & now she's not even allowed to go near his vehicle bc he got her in the car & drove off with her w/o permission (knowing it was prohibited by her parents) & had her in the front seat w/ no seat belt on.
Sadly, the old man can't get the police to help since they give him preferential treatment. He's the brother-in-law of the former chief of police so they let him get away with stuff. My friend is ready to pick up and move somewhere else where the grandfather can't find him bc he's so aggravated by the man.
He waited until the grandfather left to go back home. Parked in the next door church's parking lot & waited. Old man left in a huff.
Oh, almost forgot I went to Samsclub to grab some stuff & my brother came in so he took awhile looking for stuff. He did load it into the truck and helped unload, but I'm exhausted. The heat does not agree with me.
I think that people who are in recovery are more likely to use again when there is stress in their life.
...Seems courts want graandaughter to only work at night so she can attend their 'counseling' early day...
Former career I had a State Inspector that wanted to watch me run the daily mandated tests. Because of work scheduling I ran the tests at 8 AM. She lived 15 minutes away and didn't start her day until late morning, she wanted me to changing my scheduling to suit her. I told her no. For some reason she never did like me after that. :lil guy:
My bet is at 10yo it's not a trunking g scanner. Those are newer. And like Sentry pointed out very expensive. With the encryption being used they really aren't worth it for most areas.BacP we have a scanner but its at least 10 years old, don't know if it even still works. Not sure what kind it is either.
We just heard local police on it.
Have any ideawhat kind it may be?
While in the Navy I shared a townhouse with a roommate. He was also navy. His girlfriend had issues neither he or I knew about.
My parents sent me a mail order “Stop Smoking Kit”. The day it arrived I sat in the livingroom and opened it. At the top of the included booklet it said “Do not attempt if there is unusual stress in your life.”
I read it then looked into the kitchen were the FBI was camped out. It turned out my roommate’s girlfriend was wanted for questioning by the feds. Her husband was a Maryland mob guy wanted for stealing $300K worth of pharmaceutical drugs from a rail car in Bethesda. My kitchen table was covered by recording equipment and other fed gear. They wanted the girlfriend to set up her hubby on the phone and get him to admit anything.
I read the instructions again… “Do not attempt if there is unusual stress in your life.” I laughed, tossed the kit in the trash and went out for dinner. I love irony! This was funny! View attachment 43631View attachment 43632
I wasn't trying to diminish your family situation. When I read your post that memory popped into my mind. It was 40 years ago, I've forgotten most of the details. I do remember going into work one morning (on the destroyer), my senior chief called me aside after quarters and asked if something was wrong. I guess it was on my face. I told him what was happening... he said "go home and deal with this, call me if you guys need something". My roommate had been stationed on my ship a year earlier and senior chief knew him too.
In the end the feds got what they wanted. They left, the girlfriend vanished and I moved. I didn't need that crap in my life.![]()
We use both both digital and analog radios. The digital we use for most normal radio traffic, large events, critical incidents, and anything "tactical" . The analog we use for stuff that is pretty much not even worth listening too, like parking enforcement stuff or working parades/funerals. You can buy digital scanners but they are very expensive. The digital radios we use are all run through base stations and trunking repeaters and they are now all encrypted, so if you don't have the encryption methods and codes you aren't going to hear anything. The entire country is slowly moving over to this type of system.
Very helpful! I’m not tech savvy so I guess that’s the end of that thought![]()