Lots of kids now are learning to do thingsthey never even thought of before,so if there is a silver lineing to this maybe its our kids doing more useful things.
talked on phone off and on this morning as usual. Daughters routine with her grandkids got on my nerves and I kinda yelled at her to get those 3 kids away from the phone, she kinda yelled back, so I quickly apologized realizing she had enough to deal with ,so she said alls fine. Haven't talked ot son this week at all or other daughter who we think may have a drinking problem and can't take any 'advice'

.from me whatsoever. I did hear she has used more dissapline on the two boys lately which now are 8 and 12, guess there's nothing like a good hangover to see they have a problem. I do hope she doesn't let it get too bad.There fathher died in a car wreck and their mother 'my 30 yo grandaughter is in prison and just refused parole meeting or whatever that means. The other 11 grown grands are doing great just had a problem with 2 so far and one with 4 kids is also doing fantastic for past 8 months now.Suppose to get back her kids mext month.which daugher will sure be celebrating!
This isolation is making us nuts too.
We work a little each day towards the fall growing season.