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I am disappointed~ went to take recycling in. They no longer take plastic, don't take glass of any color in this town, so essentially only take veggie cans (we have very few) and cardboard/newspaper. I brought it to work and put it in the garbage. It's messed up.
It's too expensive to try and recycle most anything except metals.
It's too expensive to try and recycle most anything except metals.

I didn't know that. But if you could see parts of the oceans aand seas now dying iy may be worth it. I think the bottom line is the dollar. Many reefs around the world are either dead or dying. So are the springs and aquaifers,what will we leave for next generation?I know my grandkids will never see what I saw, what few dives I took. It was very beautiful now its totally gone. Kinda makes you think it is what paradise would look like. Then you have people killing sea mammals that keep it in ballance.Peopel eat animals and thats a good thing but sometimes we go overboard .

Am Packing POD #5. Taking a break, because it's hot out. Husband is on a doctor teleappointment. Am working the twins...they are good helpers. Tomorrow is the septic and well inspection, and the next day is the house inspection. Washing machine broke last night (of course it did), so we ordered a new to us used one (that stays with the house) that'll arrive Thursday. 13 more days.
It's too expensive to try and recycle most anything except metals.
Yea, I know. It's just a combination of things: this is a very lib. town that thinks they are "earth friendly" blah blah blah and not only do they make it very difficult to recycle but now do so little. The other part is I have kept and washed the items to recycle - what a waste of time and effort. We make very little garbage and some of my purchasing is based upon the packaging. I actually like Earth so am just trying to do my part.
(We make maybe 1 veggie bag of garbage per week - maybe 2 weeks.)
Yea, I know. It's just a combination of things: this is a very lib. town that thinks they are "earth friendly" blah blah blah and not only do they make it very difficult to recycle but now do so little. The other part is I have kept and washed the items to recycle - what a waste of time and effort. We make very little garbage and some of my purchasing is based upon the packaging. I actually like Earth so am just trying to do my part.
(We make maybe 1 veggie bag of garbage per week - maybe 2 weeks.)

" liberalism is a mental disordr" M.S. had it right. Take a good look at what libs drive ,wear and buy, Most of it is opposite what they preach. Very few try to live on sustainable farms or cities. It is mostly we conservatives who take less and give back more than they do.

We figured out that recycling went the way of the dicky bird a few years ago. We quit using blue bin pick up out at the road due to critters, wind and the garbage guys scattering crap all over the road and ditches.

When we started taking our trash straight to the dump instead, we found out that they didn't take glass in recycling. The blue bin glass was being taken to a big dump out of the public's line of site and mind. At first they kept paper and plastic separated in the recycling bins, then they started telling us not to bother, the recycling plants have people to sort it later. Yeh, right,

We realized recycling is just another virtue signaling scam. We try to buy as little packaging as possible. We burn as much stuff as we can and since we are on a farm, we have zero kitchen waste. We take about one small personal bag of garbage to the dump every two months.

We also take a contractor bag of garbage filled by us picking it up out of ditches, and now that the national parks have locked their garbage cans up due to covid, we carry a trash bag and pokey picking sticks with us on our hikes to help clean up after the 'nature lovers'.

We do what we can, but it isn't enough.

We figured out that recycling went the way of the dicky bird a few years ago. We quit using blue bin pick up out at the road due to critters, wind and the garbage guys scattering crap all over the road and ditches.

When we started taking our trash straight to the dump instead, we found out that they didn't take glass in recycling. The blue bin glass was being taken to a big dump out of the public's line of site and mind. At first they kept paper and plastic separated in the recycling bins, then they started telling us not to bother, the recycling plants have people to sort it later. Yeh, right,

We realized recycling is just another virtue signaling scam. We try to buy as little packaging as possible. We burn as much stuff as we can and since we are on a farm, we have zero kitchen waste. We take about one small personal bag of garbage to the dump every two months.

We also take a contractor bag of garbage filled by us picking it up out of ditches, and now that the national parks have locked their garbage cans up due to covid, we carry a trash bag and pokey picking sticks with us on our hikes to help clean up after the 'nature lovers'.

We do what we can, but it isn't enough.

Klem I agree its all a gimmick and all is greed. But then if nto for greed we would live in a third world,toobad we can't have both ambition and morals too.:dunno:
It's too expensive to try and recycle most anything except metals.
As part of my ongoing clearing out of the yard, I had a scrap guy come and pick up a couple grills and some other metal scrap. He told me that the price he gets for metal now is $50 a ton. I don't know what it was before, but to him, this was really not good.

America used to send many recyclables to China, but with the trade situation, China is not accepting any now. Evidently glass and plastic recycling is not worth us having any of that in the U.S. now.
I think manufacturers should have to accept their packaging back and they should be responsible for it. They of course wouldn’t go for it but we’d be a lot better off.
They would put that cost back to customers, which it should be.

Neighbor develops properties and sometimes sells them, sometimes rents them out. Sometimes he does projects for other people. The dumpsters in our alley often had construction trash in them, sometimes from the neighbor, sometimes from people who drove through, dropped their trash and went on their merry way. Now we have rolling bins, large bins with wheels for our trash, which are not supposed to be kept in the alley, but kept on our property until trash day. Neighbor tells me that now when he has projects, he has to include the cost of disposal of materials.
We ride our golf cart around the dirt roads and pick up cans. We use grabbers. Something about dirt roads and the lake equals beer cans. We smash them and store them in barrels at our shop. We have neighbors stop us and say swing by my place I have a bag full of cans. We always tell them we are doing community improvement. We just enjoy being outdoors.
I think manufacturers should have to accept their packaging back and they should be responsible for it. They of course wouldn’t go for it but we’d be a lot better off.

Any product with their logo on the packaging can be recycled through Terracycle. A lot of it is the normally non recyclable tetrapak (the lined paper cartons for things like soy milk etc).
Most people do not realize just how hard it is to recycle most items. There are hundreds of different plastics and different colors. Some can be mixed together and others cannot. Glass is not all the same though usually can be just separated by color. All this is very labor intense so it costs money. Even when separated it still has to be cleaned which is quite another process.
I am disappointed~ went to take recycling in. They no longer take plastic, don't take glass of any color in this town, so essentially only take veggie cans (we have very few) and cardboard/newspaper. I brought it to work and put it in the garbage. It's messed up.
We used to sort and take in recycle of all kinds. Slowly they stopped taking certain things till it was useless to even try. Sure hate that’s what it’s come to. Thought that was just a CA thing.
We have our own recycler in our community. A lady down the road has a son who is... whats the PC term for not very bright, retarded. He's never been able to hold a job. He's probably 50 years old... Anyway, all he does is walk the roads picking up cans... people who have cans put them out for him sometimes.
I am getting ready for work wishing it was Friday. I am so over the Covid BS.
Not sure if you are in WA or OR but I’m right there with ya! Hubby saw a meme last night “It could be worse. You could live in WA state.” Guess where we live- yep. Our governor is a lobotomy surviving demon. - sorry.
She must be related to ours.
Our recycling had an area in our village that we had to pay for to build, and it was only open hardly ever. Then came the mandatory recycling bins after the center closed. So we pay for a big rolling recycling bin, a separate fee from our garbage bin. If you don't want it, you have to pay for it anyway. They pick up the recycle bin every other week. And the garbage once a week.
Busy day ahead of me (and some of it already behind me). Besides work and my new ventures, I am going to grind up some round and chuck for some smoked hamburgers and start prepping for a lot of grilling, smoking, and a picnic on the 4th of July. Our community is still having both a parade and a fireworks display, so I am sure we will be attending both. My girls are also now making teddy bears so I need to run to the craft store and pick up more supplies for them. It started out as a project to make one for a friends birthday, now they have made like 5-6. The boredom of COVID-19 has been really good for my kids who are now baking, playing outside, sewing, etc. more than ever.
It is interesting what some kids are doing now. Our old dogs get taken by the kids to the ditch each day to go for a swim. Grandson has taught himself electric guitar, and has learned magic (our son was a magician), both granddaughters haven been writing letters ALOT. I go through a book of stamps a week with what they send out. The girls learned to decorate paper and make their own envelopes. They have also been reading like crazy. I suspect that they would of made crafts, too, but that stuff is packed. They bake our desserts. And they are soooo excited when their uncle comes home from work, or their aunts or 2 brothers come to visit. They are loving visiting.
Lots of kids now are learning to do thingsthey never even thought of before,so if there is a silver lineing to this maybe its our kids doing more useful things.

talked on phone off and on this morning as usual. Daughters routine with her grandkids got on my nerves and I kinda yelled at her to get those 3 kids away from the phone, she kinda yelled back, so I quickly apologized realizing she had enough to deal with ,so she said alls fine. Haven't talked ot son this week at all or other daughter who we think may have a drinking problem and can't take any 'advice':D:peace:.from me whatsoever. I did hear she has used more dissapline on the two boys lately which now are 8 and 12, guess there's nothing like a good hangover to see they have a problem. I do hope she doesn't let it get too bad.There fathher died in a car wreck and their mother 'my 30 yo grandaughter is in prison and just refused parole meeting or whatever that means. The other 11 grown grands are doing great just had a problem with 2 so far and one with 4 kids is also doing fantastic for past 8 months now.Suppose to get back her kids mext month.which daugher will sure be celebrating!

This isolation is making us nuts too.
We work a little each day towards the fall growing season.

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