What's everybody doing today?

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Well hubby and I stacked 3 tons of wood pellets in the pellet shed this morning so thats ready for winter. Fella said that there may not be none to have later in the year because of the lockdown so nothing was manufacturing them for those months so there will be a lull in production.
Had to put up a fence around my large raised bed as some critter has done eaten part of 2 sunflowers and now started on my green bean plants. It also striped one tomato plant down to 1inch but left the others alone. weird critter. have no idea what it is because I see no tracks of any kind
Went into the larger town with hubby and got gas ( $1.99 gal with discount from grocery store points). Filled up my Toyota FJ Cruiser and 2 -5 gallon gas cans
Picked up our supper
Hubby is off all this coming week and he plans on starting to replace the roofs of 2 of his sheds with metal roofing
Drivin an hour or so to buy a large animal trap. Cant find the size local. Good excuse for a road trip though.

What kind of trap you need? I order steel traps and conibears online, nobody carries them anymore. The only local place I know that has steel traps only carry #1's and 1.5's and those are way over priced. Lots of places here carry livecapture traps, they are easy to find.
then use new processor to shred zucchini for bread and what is left to pressure can.

New food processor did not work at all. I returned one about 3 days ago, ordered a bigger one which arrived yesterday and returned it today. I've got to have something that is big enough and works!

So, no zucchini bread today. I will use old processor if I can get the blade on it and shred zucchini tomorrow. The center spindle is cracked and it's almost impossible to get the blade on it lately.

And while I was doing the return at Walmart, I went to re-stock hydrogen peroxide and they had zero bottles of either size! Found it at Dollar General for $1 (big bottle) and got a few.
I'm giving my daughter some gentle reminders to sweep the kitchen floor, like she was supposed to have done this morning while I was at the store. It's now 2pm and hasn't been done and the reminders are about to get a lot less gentle...:waiting:

As my kids grow out of the spanking age, I like to be creative with their consequences. My current favorite is having them watch old TV shows with me and then having them write a short paper on what they learned from the episode. A few episodes of CHiPs and suddenly behaving within acceptable standards seems like a really good idea to them.
That's a good one. Grandson had to write out ten Bible verses about lying once. If one of the three wrong another, I make them apologize, then do something nice and unexpected for the sibling. A common punishment around here is doing extra chores...all by yourself. Arguing and name calling gets you sent to your room. And a granny lecture. I tell them I want a peaceful house, and won't settle for anything less. We are working on not wrestling. Twin granddaughter...is 15 now. It is not ladylike to take her twin brother down, even though she can.
That's a good one. Grandson had to write out ten Bible verses about lying once. If one of the three wrong another, I make them apologize, then do something nice and unexpected for the sibling. A common punishment around here is doing extra chores...all by yourself. Arguing and name calling gets you sent to your room. And a granny lecture. I tell them I want a peaceful house, and won't settle for anything less. We are working on not wrestling. Twin granddaughter...is 15 now. It is not ladylike to take her twin brother down, even though she can.
I was laughing about the granddaughter. Didn't want you to think it was about the other stuff. Hope you understand.
What kind of trap you need? I order steel traps and conibears online, nobody carries them anymore. The only local place I know that has steel traps only carry #1's and 1.5's and those are way over priced. Lots of places here carry livecapture traps, they are easy to find.

I have 2 live capture traps and have caught coons and possums in them. But since this most recent coon capture, he tore the big trap up and it's not triggering like it should, keep losing bait without the trap closing. Found Rural king has a larger trap 15x15x42, but local store was out, thus the hours drive. Much nicer trap than my other 2. It's setting and waiting right now. Better trigger system as well.
Picked up a couple boxes of .308, 180Gr ammo, some pickling spices, and canning tools the wife needed to replace. Also got 2 boxes of pint jars, and a shooting rest. Hope it works well. It was $20 cheaper than I normally see them. Work for handguns, rifles, even with magazines hanging down.
Stopped at a resturant on our way home, first time we went in and ate since the CV crap started. Had some killer crab cakes.
Tilled all the garden last night and plan to hoe it all tomorrow.
Went up to Abq and spent way to much. We bought a new 14ft dump trailer.
Work trailers are tough to shell money out for but they usually pay for themselves many times over by the amount of work they save.

This morning I worked on a quilt for some young friends who are expecting their first child. Hubby worked so took him some lunch. On my way home, stopped at HD and picked up some plants (several on clearance already) to fill in some pots that didn’t grow. Came home, parked on lawn so I could wash car. Unloaded plants. Went inside and prepared 2 of the 4 batches of cookies for next weekend. Went out washed the car, planted all but 2 plants, and weeded a ton. Went and picked up hubby because his pickup is freaking out. And here’s the exciting part- we went and ate at my favorite restaurant for the first time since before all this started 😁. Yay!
So far this morning I've watered my containers on the back deck
Got a shower
Had hubby cut 6 inches off my hair into a bob ( so much cooler and it was free)
Now I have to make our breakfasts ( bacon egg and cheese sandwiches)
today I plan to strip the bed and wash the sheets
After those wash the towels
I'm going to make a lemon cake today
And after that take it easy and watch a movie and read
Have to decide what to make for supper yet
This covers all of my plans for today.

Strawberry and my plans got changed yesterday.
Had grand daughter yesterday.
She got here about 9 and didn't leave till 3.
But we did our semi normal for us on weekends.
We cooked, cleaned,let Strawberry out several times.
Making hobo packets for dinner tonight.
Will be getting those together shortly
Sipping coffee right now.
Strawberry has been out and walked before the thunderstorm hit.
Working on new quilt block.
Still have to go get watermelons, get them cut up for grand daughter's birthday tomorrow.
She wants watermelon instead of cake and ice cream.
Will be making up fruit tray for birthday.
Leftovers will stay at my house for me.
Will do long video shortly and watch Church on you tube.

Will use old processor if I can get blade on) to shred zucchini for bread and to PC the rest.
Need to hang an outdoor thermometer and bring in some pint jars from shed.
That's about it for today. Still have plenty of pot roast and smoked pork chops, so not cooking except for zucchini bread.
Like Phisdeaux said about wearing the weather... up here today it's like wearing hot wet blanket... Their calling for chance of severe thunderstorms this afternoon so no motorcycle ride today. Hoping to stay inside in the cool most of day. I started working on cleaning up my office last night and need to finish up some of that and then gonna work on some planning for this coming years Cub Scout activities. We had the Pack's graduation yesterday (finally) that had been delayed due to Coivd so the boys that made their ranks were recognized and given their badges. This was a really rough year as we couldn't meet since early March so we had to rely on parents to work with their kids and finish their requirements. That went about as well as I expected. We only had 9 of the 40 registered boys come yesterday which was pretty disappointing. We were to have 11 but 1 was sick and one got grounded though his brother was there. I'm hoping that this Covid and the massive cost increases hitting us this year don't prove to be the death nail for our Pack. We normally we take the summers off but since many of us fully expect our ******* governor to lock stuff down again in the fall again we're going to try to keep things going thru July and August with some hikes, a fishing outing and a couple other get togethers. To me it only makes sense also since there are lots of activities needed for some of their badges otherwise not easily done between Sept and May like planting a plant or garden or doing swimming activities.

If I get done with that all early enough I might try to get out in the garage and start straightening up that mess also. I've been doing some different home improvement projects over the last few months and tools didn't all get put back where they go, I have the back corner packed full of boxes and other junk from the work that needs burnt but I hadn't had time when the weather was right to burn it along with the huge brush pile. They're calling for rain thru the week so hoping if we get some without the wind I can light it all off one of these evenings.

Then hopefully we'll all chill out after supper. If the weather cooperates maybe we'll all go spend some time in the pool or if it decides to storm might find a movie for us to all watch. Wife said something about a new Trolls movie on Netflix the kids might like.

Everyone have a blessed day!
Too much news so decided to celebrate the doom so Mr.Meer and I are having a little parry. Music dink and leaving the stockaide with going anywhere.

Popped a dark beer and he is having a Jim Bean [ he isout of the good stuff] and Sprite, no Coke .Cold mug and a igarett.
Not sure what will do later. Rightnow just drinking an anti depressant.

I TRIED TO EDIT THIS POST, BUT it kept erasing letters so I left it before my beer got warm. It was nice to have a drink ,we had one each then had to get busy.
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Spent Friday packing up dining room. Saturday I canned tomatoes, cream peas and pinto beans. I mowed with tractor Saturday morning near new house site. Sunday Church and mowed some more. Question. One of my pressure canners would not build pressure last month. I ordered a new gauge and gasket. Works like a charm. Can't bring myself to throw others away and wonder if I should keep them. Easy enough to order more, but I struggle with tossing anything. Did go to dollar store after church to pick up a few extra supplies. No sign of limits. Stocked up a few weeks ago on canning lids after putting all my empty jars together and discovered I had 30 cases. Dread moving all this stuff but not complaining as I am blessed to have what I have. Electric company to come in morning to start running electric lines to site. Husband meeting with guy to line out septic. Well can start being drilled when we get electric. People need to check road to see if they can get in road with the double wide. Guy also needs to come to set up pouring piers. I will be at work. Husband supposed to have post op appointment with hernia surgeon tomorrow but have to cancel due to rush on getting things together. We got dog pen staked and chicken pen. House to be delivered mid July. New owners have furniture to be delivered end of July. Hope it all goes smoothly.
Strange that Fedex delivered my Christianbooks.com order today but I got 2 of the 3 books I ordered for Roo's schooling. Now I just have to get some more binders and dissect the books for easy photocopying. (I buy teacher's guides that come with reproduction rights on worksheets) The third book is on backorder and I hope to have it before August when we start the school year.

Trying to finish going through all the boxes from the November move. Slowly I am getting the last of the boxes sorted and unpacked. So far a ton of stuff is sitting in the garage to got to the Goodwill when they open up again.

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