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Found out at work that my 2 guys that have been out are due back Monday. 3rd guy is recouping from surgery. My one remaining tech in that shop is happy. he's been wearing himself out last 2 weeks.
Also got a directive from lab director that starting tuesday everyone at the lab has to start wearing mask when around others. I requested a medical clearance due to whatever I had back in the winter. Still not back to 100% and don't want the mask, don't believe it helps anyway and we have no one on site, never have with the virus. Medical called me back tonight with a partial answer. I need a release from my Dr, I also have to submit to weekly Covid testing. I don't know what to do with this now??????
I'd like to ask everyone pray that I make the right choice with this.
Found out at work that my 2 guys that have been out are due back Monday. 3rd guy is recouping from surgery. My one remaining tech in that shop is happy. he's been wearing himself out last 2 weeks.
Also got a directive from lab director that starting tuesday everyone at the lab has to start wearing mask when around others. I requested a medical clearance due to whatever I had back in the winter. Still not back to 100% and don't want the mask, don't believe it helps anyway and we have no one on site, never have with the virus. Medical called me back tonight with a partial answer. I need a release from my Dr, I also have to submit to weekly Covid testing. I don't know what to do with this now??????
I'd like to ask everyone pray that I make the right choice with this.

My goodness BacP hubby and I will pray that you do.
Found out at work that my 2 guys that have been out are due back Monday. 3rd guy is recouping from surgery. My one remaining tech in that shop is happy. he's been wearing himself out last 2 weeks.
Also got a directive from lab director that starting tuesday everyone at the lab has to start wearing mask when around others. I requested a medical clearance due to whatever I had back in the winter. Still not back to 100% and don't want the mask, don't believe it helps anyway and we have no one on site, never have with the virus. Medical called me back tonight with a partial answer. I need a release from my Dr, I also have to submit to weekly Covid testing. I don't know what to do with this now??????
I'd like to ask everyone pray that I make the right choice with this.
Will certainly send up a prayer. I think it varies by state but you might check Fed site (I have it saved at work). They can’t ask why you have medical exemption and you don’t have to provide proof. Will check Monday and let you know if it’s St or fed.
I work at a DOE facility. Different rules apply on site. Our medical director is the final word on it and I am supposed to find out more detail Monday. I'm still interested in anything I might be able to use however.
I'm going to try and start working from home again, at least to the extent I can. I have 2 big projects on the books that are due. One should finish up early August, the other late August. I have to be there several day to close those out and make sure everything is working right.

Thanks to you all for the prayers.
Hey BP,
You think about it ,
Pray about .
Whatever you feel is best and are at peace with .

I can't wear the mask ,like you, breathing problems , and heart problems.

KY, just mandated mask today.

I'll wear it to church, I'll wear it in stores, for very short periods.
I don't like it, but I just try to go along.

Prayers for your decision.

You we're Meer. Thanks

I have been checking my O2 levels since back when I was sick, at the time it was usually 85-88% sometimes as high as 92%. Now days I'm usually 94-96%. Last Monday when I went to Dr I had to wear a mask for about 20 minutes waiting to see the Dr. When they took my O2 it was 84%...in 20 minutes. I don't think my Dr will have a problem giving me a release. But I am highly suspect of getting tested, Weekly in particular. About all we do is work and stay around here. Grocery store, gas station, etc. Otherwise we stay home.
Husband has the same problem, not breathing well with a mask on. He is lucky if he hits 90. He uses oxygen at bed (3 liters) and some during the day if he's moving around. We found he can't wear an N95 at all. He loosely can wear a surgical mask for short periods of time. They kind of hang open at the sides. Dumb, really, because they don't protect from Covid handing open like that, but we've been on wear mask mandate since March, so he does.
You we're Meer. Thanks

I have been checking my O2 levels since back when I was sick, at the time it was usually 85-88% sometimes as high as 92%. Now days I'm usually 94-96%. Last Monday when I went to Dr I had to wear a mask for about 20 minutes waiting to see the Dr. When they took my O2 it was 84%...in 20 minutes. I don't think my Dr will have a problem giving me a release. But I am highly suspect of getting tested, Weekly in particular. About all we do is work and stay around here. Grocery store, gas station, etc. Otherwise we stay home.

BacP that O2 is low. What did Dr say? I don't know and I worry for you and that testing especially every week.Not giving advice but I don't trust them.Too much control ovr us all now. Since this new round is out now too makes it suspicious,imo. Rumor has it while back the test were infected ' but that sounds conspiratorial 'plus all this anger and greed I don't trust testing or testors. But you realize your discussing with a paranoid self imprisoned person.We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers till you make a deciion.
Thanks, BacP, but at least he doesn't have to wear a mask all day while working. Just if he is out. I don't even know if I could stand wearing one all day working, and I breathe just fine. Weekly testing would be a pain in the butt. Don't know about where you live, but here...you can get in line at 5 am and it's still a 3 hr wait. Husband was tested a few weeks ago (it was neg) because he needed to go in for some shots and it was required. We are scheduled to go to the Denver hosp at the end of the month for more procedures and he'll have to be tested before going. They approved me coming in, because I have to help him with getting around and I was surprised that I'm not required to have the testing done, just a morning temp. That'd be awful to be tested weekly
Husband has the same problem, not breathing well with a mask on. He is lucky if he hits 90. He uses oxygen at bed (3 liters) and some during the day if he's moving around. We found he can't wear an N95 at all. He loosely can wear a surgical mask for short periods of time. They kind of hang open at the sides. Dumb, really, because they don't protect from Covid handing open like that, but we've been on wear mask mandate since March, so he does.

Amish sorry about your hubby,. As I said we pray for my cyber family here each night. Known many here for years and all are good people.:huggs:
I don't trust the testing either Meer. That is my biggest worry I guess.

Since we don't know and they don't seem to be too convincing either why get tested if you ain't sick or have signs of it. Once tested positive they take more control than they already have. And of course I may be wrong. I sure don't want to to lead you in wrong direction or put worry on you.I hear beets can bring up your O2 oxigenate the blood but not sure I'll check it out more and see.May be more hype?:dunno:I do deep breahing and that helps my black lungs from over 50 years of smoking.
Today we slept in or rather I tossed and turned for hours last night and then finally went to sleep.

We got up and had a few hot chocolates and then turned the tank taps on so that it is running from both tanks equally on the tanks stand and checked the grey water pump which is fine after we thought it wasn't running. DH put on a loaf of bread in the bread making machine.

I took out the blueberries that needed using out of the freezer to thaw out to make our blueberry pie and we had some lunch once the bread was ready. DH washed the dishes and cleaned the benches and I wiped dry the dishes and put them away.

Did some reading up on the Spanish Flu and some sites with uses for natural items in prepping too which was interesting.

Just finished making the blueberry pie filling and DH made the pastry and it is now in the oven cooking, yum :) . Dinner tonight will be the other half of our mince and vegetable stir fry with homegrown broccoli, sweet potato, carrots and green beans.
@Amish Heart sorry to hear that you DH is having trouble breathing through the masks and gratefully he only has to wear them whilst out and not all the time which is good. Those surgical masks are even hard to breathe through.

Glad you are able to go to the hospital with him for his medical tests though and good that your DH has tested negative.
Will certainly send up a prayer. I think it varies by state but you might check Fed site (I have it saved at work). They can’t ask why you have medical exemption and you don’t have to provide proof. Will check Monday and let you know if it’s St or fed.

It is the same here in Canada. An employment lawyer set the government bozos straight on that point, and now they have been forced to advertise this fact.
This also applies to entry to any commercial business. They cannot ask for proof or refuse entry if you claim an exemption. If they do, and it is later found that you have a problem, they can be liable under the privacy laws.

I am going to claim the exemption when I drive my bus this fall. I don't feel it is safe to wear a mask while driving under those conditions. If they mandate a flu shot, I will have to quit. I don't think they dare do testing; they wouldn't be able to keep the buses on the road with all the false positives.

The flu shot is a huge concern. They are testing an RNA shot now, and the testees are expounding on how wonderful they feel and that they have tested positive for anti-bodies. This is a shot that changes one's RNA! A few months does not make it safe. Tell that story to the thalidomide babies.

I would also have a problem with testing, because.of their wonderful track record as well. Not sure what Bacpacker can do about that except maybe consult a lawyer.
Busy day today. Need to: pick up a uhaul trailer, turn in my post office box keys, bring bags to the thrift store, return all the cable tv boxes and remotes, and daughter is picking up old man cat to live with her. Friend coming by to pick up a queen bed we don't want, and to help our son with take down of chicken coops. Our son has a ton to pack and move. He only started on his stuff yesterday, and he is moving locally, not out of state with us. I suspect grandsons will be helping today, so I am putting a pork roast for sandwiches in the slow cooker and that'll be the last of the cooking around here. Worked on loading the last pod in the heat yesterday, and everyone is tired.