What's everybody doing today?

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I found my wallet this morning... under dead weeds down by the pole barn where I was bush hogging. I looked with a flashlight after dark last night but didn't see it. Now I don't have to get a new drivers license or VA ID. The cards... a good thing. Every year to 18months I change all the account numbers on my cards and get new ones anyway. I still have a couple more calls to make and now I know some stranger didn't walk off with my wallet, piece of mind on that count.
I found my wallet this morning... under dead weeds down by the pole barn where I was bush hogging. I looked with a flashlight after dark last night but didn't see it. Now I don't have to get a new drivers license or VA ID. The cards... a good thing. Every year to 18 months I change all the account numbers on my cards and get new ones anyway. I still have a couple more calls to make and now I know some stranger didn't walk off with my wallet, piece of mind on that count.
What a relief. Replacing all those cards is a pain. What about a wallet with a chain attached to a belt loop?
Daughter lost hers once. It came in the mail a couple days later. Evidently if you find a wallet or purse, you can drop it in a mail box and if your address is in there somewhere, post office will get it to you.
I don't carry folding money in my wallet anyway, just plastic and id's. I always have backup plastic available... So... I wouldn't put a big chain on my wallet. It's trim and slim, can be kept in any pocket. 20 years ago pickpockets were the worry when I traveled all the time. Now it's card readers, the reason I have backup plastic. I used to always have backup cash available, still do, just not as accesable.

In an emergency I can make one phone call and lock all my carry cards. If I have time I can lock them piecemeal.
I don't carry folding money in my wallet anyway, just plastic and id's. I always have backup plastic available... So... I wouldn't put a big chain on my wallet. It's trim and slim, can be kept in any pocket. 20 years ago pickpockets were the worry when I traveled all the time. Now it's card readers, the reason I have backup plastic. I used to always have backup cash available, still do, just not as accesable.

In an emergency I can make one phone call and lock all my carry cards. If I have time I can lock them piecemeal.
I remember when mama visited ehr uncle in nirsing home workers kept taking his petty cash. So sshe bought him a wrist purse,never got his money again. Don't know why I thought of this lightbulb
Darn... lost my wallet a few hours ago. I either left it on the counter at a store where I bought off road diesel or lost it off the tractor when running the bush hog here at home. ...

A while back wife came home crying her purse was missing. Last time she saw it, it was in the Wal-Mart grocery cart. She drove back to Wal-Mart. Homeless looking employee that collects the carts and returns them to the store found the wife's purse and turned it into the store's manager.

We are at Dairy Queen. I'm paying for our order as the wife looks for a table. The table she found didn't meet her standards so we found another table. Done eating, we're getting ready to leave and wife askes me if she had brought her purse in with her? I found it on the seat at the table of her first choice.
I found my wallet this morning... under dead weeds down by the pole barn where I was bush hogging. I looked with a flashlight after dark last night but didn't see it. Now I don't have to get a new drivers license or VA ID. The cards... a good thing. Every year to 18months I change all the account numbers on my cards and get new ones anyway. I still have a couple more calls to make and now I know some stranger didn't walk off with my wallet, piece of mind on that count.

They make wallets that fit in your front pocket. Harder to lose that way I'm thinking
Inlaws like to travel overseas. They were on a crowded bus, standing room only, holding onto the loops. He had his wallet in his front pocket. It was stolen and he didn't know it until they got a phone call on their cell asking about a suspicious purchase about 5 minutes later.
Wife is doing great. The pain is gone. She's up and about.

She's a little weak. But feeling pretty good.
We just had supper together.
I went and got her a cheeseburger and fries.
I ate her chefs salad and potato soup.
I will be bringing her home tomorrow.

Thanks to all for your prayers and concern.

:great: news Jim.
I used to wear this belt when traveling. I could easily hide a few $100 bills inside it. Don't wear it anymore. As far as my thin wallet... When traveling I always have one item of clothing with a button pocket.

The real defense is situational awareness, always pay attention. I was 99.98% sure I didn't leave my wallet on the store counter. But the possibility did exist so precautions were necessary.

Glad your wife is feeling ok Jim.

Belt (3)_v1.jpg
Here's what I did today!!!

After weeks of delays, my new backup well pump was finally installed! It's hand-operated and is at 180 feet right above my big pump (a 240-volt one-hp submersible).

It's really simple, just a little steel cylinder with a check-valve pulled up with a steel wire in a 3/4" PVC pipe. I can pump about 1-1/2 gal/min for about a half-hour until my back starts to ache! If the electricity ever goes out, it'll provide drinking/cooking/washing water for my family.

I've always worried about what would happen if the electricity went out in a SHTF scenario, like maybe an EMP. Not any more (at least as far as potable water is concerned). This could be a life-saver for us, and the total cost (installed) was only $355.

HERE are some pictures of the installation earlier today.
Got up had my coffee.
Went 30 miles to get oil and filter change on car.
Drove by church to let pastor know how wife is.
Drove by my local gun shop that was closed.
Got back home in time to shell a couple gallon of peas that my SIL picked for me.
Had some air fried wings.
Went to big town , to visit wife, got there early , went to Academy Sports and bought a new pistol.
Stopped by Harbor Freight , shopped 20 minutes , didn't buy anything.
Went to hospital to visit wife, had to wait in line 15 minutes to get in.
Visited with wife from 5:15 till 8:15.
Drove home 35 miles , fed the dog.

I'm done.

Other than goin to work I wear pants or short like cargo or camo types that have the double button pocket on the legs. Billfold and phone are always in them, I hate having anything in my back packets, always feel like I'm sitting crooked and makes my back ache after a while. But unless I'm going out somewhere I just leave it in the house, or a locked cabinet at work.
Jim, glad the wife is feeling better. Hopefully tomorrow is even better.
Another busy week at work, but seems like most everything coming up is on target to get completed on schedule. Got home and loaded trash, off to the dump, stopped by tractor supply for a few things, then picked up burgers for supper. Got back home, ate, and went out and mowed till dark thirty.
Had to get some work done on the truck this week, had a fuel leak that I thought was dry rot on the filler neck hose. Turns out that and both lines with the fuel pump feed and return had all been chewed on by mice. Holes all the way into 2 of the hoses. Got that fixed and it's runnin good now. Glad thats over.
@snappy1 Wish it was due to such. I don’t think I’ve had 8 hours sleep in the last two nights combined. Late night phone calls with horrible news. Last night about 9pm they went in and told Dad (Pa) he had to have all his teeth pulled. Then he called Mom crying because it’s just more and more. They didn’t get mom on the phone or anything. I was livid! The night before they told him he needs a new heart valve. We had already requested not to tell him things before bed. He hasn’t slept in a week. This is a man who’s never stayed in a hospital before. He had scope down esophagus and in artery today and no bad news. They will do his teeth tomorrow morning then a couple days later the heart valve. Then it will be escape plan time.
Today after work, I assembled 10 more drawers and got them installed in the kitchen. As things are starting to move faster now, I looked at the plans, started gathering all the fronts and drawer assemblies, posted the plans for each wall on the fridge and started doing a count..... I ended up 4 drawer fronts short and 2 cabinet doors over, each part has my PO # on it, the PO on the extra doors is 2 digits off mine... They are the same color as my stuff, but I went with shaker and these things are just slabs.... I'll someone some place is scratching their head saying, where are the drawers for these fronts.....
Oh well, the drawer fronts are to go on the island, which I was planning to install last (I havn't even made the base yet), we have time to correct the situation. But on thinking about those doors, they would make nice trim on the island ends, they're 2 inches wider and 12 inches taller. They would work nice, giving me extra room for the outlets I was thinking about adding to the ends.... Lemons always precede lemonade ;)

Hope to get up and go grocery shopping around 6 tomorrow morning, so I guess I best call it a night. :)
Why pull his teeth, LL?
No band camp tomorrow, but grandson has volunteered to do some hourly work for a lady. We'll see how he does. He has a hard time doing chores at home, but the opportunity to earn $$ is something he's interested in, so I hope he does a good job. Almost done with phase one of the basement. Need to house clean.
They were evidently the primary cause of bacterial infection in his system and caused “vegetation” on heart valve. They said he only had a couple teeth that weren’t bad. He hadn’t been to a dentist since he was probably 18-20 years old. Mom goes but Dad wouldn’t. His teeth didn’t appear bad but I guess he knew they were.
They were evidently the primary cause of bacterial infection in his system and caused “vegetation” on heart valve. They said he only had a couple teeth that weren’t bad. He hadn’t been to a dentist since he was probably 18-20 years old. Mom goes but Dad wouldn’t. His teeth didn’t appear bad but I guess he knew they were.
Sometimes medical people are so ignorant. Telling him and you this kind of stuff at bedtime is as ignorant as can be.
I have heard that keeping your teeth up will also keep your health up. Having dental care was one of the things that my mother's parents decided they would do for us after my mother's death. It was a habit that we developed from a young age, but I learned later that many people only go to the dentist when they have a problem.
Got up had my coffee.
Went 30 miles to get oil and filter change on car.
Drove by church to let pastor know how wife is.
Drove by my local gun shop that was closed.
Got back home in time to shell a couple gallon of peas that my SIL picked for me.
Had some air fried wings.
Went to big town , to visit wife, got there early , went to Academy Sports and bought a new pistol.
Stopped by Harbor Freight , shopped 20 minutes , didn't buy anything.
Went to hospital to visit wife, had to wait in line 15 minutes to get in.
Visited with wife from 5:15 till 8:15.
Drove home 35 miles , fed the dog.

I'm done.


Busy, busy, busy , Jim
They were evidently the primary cause of bacterial infection in his system and caused “vegetation” on heart valve. They said he only had a couple teeth that weren’t bad. He hadn’t been to a dentist since he was probably 18-20 years old. Mom goes but Dad wouldn’t. His teeth didn’t appear bad but I guess he knew they were.

Glad they are getting his bad teeth out.A bad tooth killed my favorite writter on humor'Lewis Grizzard'. He even wrote a book about it " They Took Out My heart And Stomped The Sucker Flat.
Yes, it is true about your teeth being a conduit to infection in the heart. If you don't take good care of your teeth, infection can travel through the bloodstream right to the heart with poor results.
LadyLocust, I'm sorry they are so unprofessional, giving him bad news at night with no support. Idiots.
Phideaux, must be a good place the Mrs. is in, they quickly took care of her.
Prayers for all in need tonight.
About midnight I got rid of a pesky critter the dog has been barking at for the past 4 nights. A raccoon, actually 2. We had harvested all the figs we needed and gave all that was wanted by neighbors...

Normally I wouldn't mind a wild critter eating food I don't need. But... in about 5 days the figs will be gone and this nightly conga line of raccoons will have not figs to eat. The only thing near the fig trees they might then try to eat... my chickens!

So I killed one and injured another... hopefully they'll stay gone.
Well today is starting out fun... Woke up a 3AM thinking about fixtures for drawer pull placement, how to address the missing drawer front island issue, evolved into exactly where do I place the island (looks different than what the wife and son planned) to allow her IV bag to sit on the island and allow her to reach most of the countertop. Then I got to thinking about mounting a jump seat on the end of the island so when she tires out she can just sit down.... maybe I'm over thinking this thing, my head hurts... ;)

Did get the grocery shopping done, hit one store for produce and fresh food, came home put it away and then went out to get my wife's favorite ice-cream, she is very picky about her ice-cream and it has gotten hard to find.

Well it is now break time, think I will fix some oat meal (I wanted to stop at McD’s but just couldn’t bring myself to do it).

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