@Spikedriver Thought you were finished in WI??? Bet it's good to be home.
@snappy1 Forgot to mention yesterday, we've had good luck with Lem products.
@phideaux Be careful, wife might see some detail that will lead to a new family room
@Amish Heart By next spring you'll have your yard whipped into shape. It all takes time.
Sorry, I've been a little distracted the last few days. Talked to Pa this morning. Reasonably good news. They have identified the bacteria causing the infection / vegetation on his heart valve. It is typically found in drug users so they are baffled and still don't know the source. (He is an old rancher - he doesn't even like aspirin let alone drugs.) They are pretty confident that it can be treated with a specific very strong antibiotics as opposed to an operation or a myriad of other scary options. When I spoke with him this morning, he sounded sooo much better, more optimistic, relieved, and stronger. They will have to keep him for 3-4 days which he wasn't thrilled about but isn't arguing because he knows he needs to. He was concerned because we can't visit and he doesn't have any clothes. I assured him we would bring him clothes before he needed them

Still don't know the results of the CV test - I'm sure we'll learn more as the day progresses. Thank you again for all the prayers - ever grateful!