What's everybody doing today?

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Today, I got a lesson on the power of prayer. Last night I prayed that we would have the strength, motivation, and comittment to get a lot done tomorrow.
I woke up from a sound sleep at 04:00 final prep and painted a wall, cleaned my brushes to the sun rise.
Then I assembled and installed 7 drawers and 6 shelves before taking a break to do church...
After church I changed back into work clothes, cleaned out enough boxes to cover 3 card tables, did 2 loads of laundry and 3 loads of dishes, then when I was almost worn out, I spilled in the living room, so I cleaned the carpet.....

Well, it it 20:30 and all I'm praying for is a good night's sleep.... ;)
Good day today.
Wife's seems to be slightly better than yesterday.

I just hope this continues.
Too many visitors today, I just wanted to rest.
Kids stopped by stay over an hour.
Guy came to pick up a gun, stayed over an hour.
Friends from church came by and stayed couple hours.

We are both tired.

Is it bedtime yet?

Jim, I hope your wife gets better soon.

Haven't been getting much sleep. Couch is uncomfortable and friend's baby still cries all night.

Friend is exhausted. Between work and the baby he's being run ragged by his grandfather. Old man woke him up after he finally got to sleep. Old man wakes us up hollering for our friend at all hours.

I was sick last night and throughout the day. Think it was something I ate. I also have kidney stones acting up again.

Really hope we get power back soon. I miss my own bed.
I know all about kidney stones, the last one I past was over 1/8", I called it a rotorooter, I stopped having stones after I went to a blood type diet, I also stopped taking vitamin pills that were bound with calcium after hearing a friend say that his stones were caused by a calcium binder in the vitamin C he was taking.
As annoying as it was to find a huge mess, I admit I was somewhat amused when I found out it was raccoons who were responsible. The raccoons still haven't figured out (or just don't care) that we are home now & keep coming in. My brother corned the pair of them in the pantry earlier. One of them was out and about and reared up when he saw me. A part of me wishes I could tame them because I love animals.

Jim, I hope you get more rest & am glad your wife was able to get up on her own.

Viking, I'm glad your kidney stones stopped. I'll have to look up a blood type diet. Mine are caused in part because I take synthroid for hypothyroid. I used to drink a lot of tea but I have cut back & drink water, but I haven't been drinking as much water lately so I think it triggered them.

There was some drama while I was away. Since our power came back on & we were going home, my friend told his grandfather he needed to find new living arrangements. He can't leave his 90lb fiance to tend to the baby and to his grandfather while he's at work. Plus the grandfather is extremely verbally abusive to her when he thinks no one else can hear it. He thinks women exist only to serve men. To make a long story short, he argued with my friend about leaving, then made threatening & nasty remarks to the fiance, accused the fiance of cheating on my friend w/ a mutual friend, & implied he was going to try to get my friend's mother to kick them out of the house. My friend broke a closet door and told the old man to get the hell out. The old man got dressed, put on his ankle braces, put on his shoes, got in his wheelchair and my friend & another mutual friend got him down the stairs. I mention these details because the old man claimed he was incapable of dressing himself, putting the braces, socks, & shoes on by himself. He would call my friend at 6am and have him come over to his house to make him help him while pretending he couldn't do it. Mind you, he'd been offered a hotel fully paid by his insurance company but he said he didn't want to go bc "There might be n***ers" at the hotel. Aside from treating people like servants & being nasty to the fiance, he urinated all over the place, ruined the mattress, ruined the carpet, wiped his behind w/ a towel (the crap would not come out of it after multiple washes), left food wrappers & banana peels on the floor which attracted ants, made messes, and ordered my friend to clean it up, and generally harassed all of the guests who passed by constantly wanting them to do stuff for him.

When he realized they weren't going to let him come back, he started apologizing (but I think it was only to avoid consequences). The old man is no longer staying there but he's been driving by multiple times and glaring at the house. I joked that it's the offline version of "hate watching". Did I mention he's a stalker? Stalks my friend all over. Used to drive by his ex's place to see if he was there to get his daughter, drove by places he knows the grandson visits, & where he works. When he worked in town the old man would go to his workplace and demand he drop what he was doing & leave work to come do something for him. Tried that a few times at the casino but my friend told security not to let him in anymore. My friend now has his number blocked. He's not planning to cut him out of his life, but he doesn't want him living there anymore. The man's oldest son moved out of town and got a house with very high steps & no ramp specifically to keep the father from visiting him. He ran the middle son to death (son literally died of a heart attack partially from the stress the man caused). Youngest son is a druggy and only wants the $ and properties. He hates the old man but is trying to get him to write everyone else out of the will & leave everything to him. But he wouldn't let the old man stay with him or help him out despite not having a job or kids or any responsibilities.

Ok, that ended up being a long story. LOL.

So, the bad news first: Parquet floor in the kitchen is absolutely wrecked beyond repair & the piston pump to pull water into the cistern crapped out. It worked the night before but by morning it was toast. Not sure what happened. Several of the breakers had red. Called my friend to check and he flipped them and pressed them in & the red went away but pump was still broken. Maybe the motor burned out. We're going to dry a new D-box switch to see if that is the problem just in case. Friend said if we can find replacement motor he can change it out, but I am not sure how to find one. I googled the model # and brand but found nothing. The floor is bubbled up and when you step on it, it goes down and pops up in another spot. It was kind of fun for a bit pretending it was a moving surf board or something.

Good news: I think my fridge and freezer can be salvaged (but not sure). I got a lot of cleaning done. I didn't get all the stuff off the floor but I cleared a good path, got rid of a lot of old cardboard boxes that had broken apart, found my mom's missing engagement ring, & my brother actually complimented my work. Not sure why he was so surprised bc I've done a lot of cleaning in the past & he hardly ever cleans so I'm constantly cleaning up after him. But, got it cleaned up enough that we could get Mom to her room. Still need to clean in front of the microwave, stove, and sink, but at least we can walk through without tripping now. The AC is working so it's nice and cool. My bed is comfy. I can use my computer again. And my cats are piled on me because they missed me. They are normally cuddly, but they are extra cuddly. I normally only let a few of the cats in, but they were lonely so I left my door open.
Cell phone. Last week I posted problems with my cell phone. ATT Tech support was very good at troubleshooting. Bad battery or corrupted programing. I decided to spend $400 to get the new version of my iPhone 8. I placed my order online with ATT. Two days later (Friday) I get a email from FedEx that my new phone was delivered. I open the front door, no phone. I looked under the porch chair cushions, no phone. Perhaps when FedEx said it was delivered they meant dropped off at the Post Office for the final leg?

Saturday I get a email from ATT that my new phone was delivered. Checked the mail box, no phone. Checked the front porch, under cushions, under chairs, in and under the bushes, on the house roof, no phone.

Today (Monday). Call FedEx, got a automated Bot. Bot asked for tracking number...package was delivered on 9/18 anything else the Bot can do for me? I press "0" and get a human. Explain the package was NOT delivered, FedEx will check into it.

I call AT&T at the number on their web sight. Mark (from India) took all my information. Mark said all the information is now in their system and I need to call 800-866-1514 to start a claim. Johnathan took all my information and transferred me to "Customer Care". ? answered, asked for my telephone number and transferred me to "Customer Care". Crystal answered, took all of my information and told me I need to call "Customer Care" at 800-331-0500. I asked Crystal when I call the number what option should I choose? She said there would be no options to choose a person would answer the phone. I call 800-331-0500 and I get the ATT version of FedEx's auto bot. To bypass the worthless Bot I try pressing "0". It worked call was forward to 800-463-0500 and a John answered. I explain to John he was the 5th person in this long chain of calls and was he "Customer Care"? John hesitated before answering "yes". John took all of my information, generated a second phone to be shipped to me, generated emails to me for confirmation and it appears my quest for the holy iPhone replacement could be successful. Time will tell.

While I was spending the morning on the phone with ATT, FedEx left a voice mail. FedEx recommends I contact the Shipper (ATT).

Any bets when the right FedEx employee sees the thief inquiry my original order is retrieved and mysteriously appears on my front porch? Then I have the hassle of dealing with ATT to return it...
As annoying as it was to find a huge mess, I admit I was somewhat amused when I found out it was raccoons who were responsible. The raccoons still haven't figured out (or just don't care) that we are home now & keep coming in. ...

You might want to stop the coons ingress before proceeding with your planned remodeling projects.
Today started out , not so good.
Wife got up but has been very sick , nauseuas , this morning.
Don't know why.
So been babysitting her so far.

Another house came on market ,in my town , yesterday, little blonde brick , no garage , but I think I can build one.
Got to get in touch with listing agent, and get some questions answered and your the inside.
They enclosed the carport and did a good job.
Lots of the older houses in my area have done this.

Got to get the wife settled down , then get in touch with agent.

That's about it for today , no more advertising guns for a few days.
Need a break.

Gotta run to the bank and cash a check.

In early August I ordered a nice hummingbird feeder from Walmart. Turned out to actually be from a vendor for Walmart. Was shipped quickly by UPS. Tracked it and UPS drove past my house and delivered it to the post office. Fine, we went to the post office and they said I had no package. Fine, it was hardly an emergency. I just waited several days and rechecked at the post office. No package. Emailed vendor and they promptly shipped another which we received (at the post office). A month later we went to Post Office to get our mail. Lady asked if we were expecting a package. I recognized the box, it was the 1st hummingbird feeder. Either UPS or post office had placed a second label on the box that completely covered both the vendor and my address. A bar code was visible and when scanned it did show our address. So we now have two new feeders. Wasn't worth sending back to the vendor and too late to use this year.
You'll be ready for next year, @hiwall
They're still showing up here. I expect to see them until next month.
What is with the incompetency with mail?!
I had a notification in the mailbox to pick up a piece of mail at the post office. Notification said no one answered door. Not likely since there is always someone here!
You'll be ready for next year, @hiwall
They're still showing up here. I expect to see them until next month.
What is with the incompetency with mail?!
I had a notification in the mailbox to pick up a piece of mail at the post office. Notification said no one answered door. Not likely since there is always someone here!
Isn't it crazy? Is there a reason that mail and deliveries should be messed up (thinking some kind of conspiracy or scheme to change USPS and others)?

I get bank statements in hard copy that come early in the month. This month, I never got them. Where did they go? Who has them?
In January, I ordered two different genealogy documents. Never got them. Emailed one person whom I was working with on this. Yep, they got my check and mailed it. Where is all the information about my g grandfather's land holdings in Nebraska? It would have been a large envelope, many pages, of zero value outside of my family. The other envelope would have been copies of a birth and death certificates of my grandfather's half brother who died as an infant. No one knew abut him until I read through old Nebraska newspapers online and found the announcement of his death, written in Czech, btw. Sent for the information same day as the other. I've never gotten it. January, before COVID. Lost, but where? Pay the state of Nebraska for another set? It was already an error on their end, and I had responded to them sending a death certificate of someone who was not the person I had asked for.

Why is there so much incompetency in this world?

Got my new internet set up on Saturday. Tech was not going to come into the house, according to the person I talked to while making appointment. Tech HAD to come into house to set up internet. No longer have voice mail on home line, but I still have service, which should have been turned off. I suppose there is more incompetency and I may have to spend a couple more hours trying to get my landline shut off. I am sure I will be charged for every minute they leave it on!
Isn't it crazy? Is there a reason that mail and deliveries should be messed up (thinking some kind of conspiracy or scheme to change USPS and others)?

I get bank statements in hard copy that come early in the month. This month, I never got them. Where did they go? Who has them?
In January, I ordered two different genealogy documents. Never got them. Emailed one person whom I was working with on this. Yep, they got my check and mailed it. Where is all the information about my g grandfather's land holdings in Nebraska? It would have been a large envelope, many pages, of zero value outside of my family. The other envelope would have been copies of a birth and death certificates of my grandfather's half brother who died as an infant. No one knew abut him until I read through old Nebraska newspapers online and found the announcement of his death, written in Czech, btw. Sent for the information same day as the other. I've never gotten it. January, before COVID. Lost, but where? Pay the state of Nebraska for another set? It was already an error on their end, and I had responded to them sending a death certificate of someone who was not the person I had asked for.

Why is there so much incompetency in this world?

Got my new internet set up on Saturday. Tech was not going to come into the house, according to the person I talked to while making appointment. Tech HAD to come into house to set up internet. No longer have voice mail on home line, but I still have service, which should have been turned off. I suppose there is more incompetency and I may have to spend a couple more hours trying to get my landline shut off. I am sure I will be charged for every minute they leave it on!

Seems landlines are about to become a thing of the past. Not so sure that is a good thing.We still have a landline.Bank statements in the mail.but for how long, don't know.Our internet i hooked up to phone company and don't want satilite or cable heard nothing good about either.
A young friend said she was expecting 2 items thru fedex and dhl early in Sept. She said she saw the trucks at the post office for FedEx and DHL.
Two weeks in she called. Companies sent her same items, which she got, from us mail, was supposed to be delivered thru fedex and dhl!
? A few days later both items (the original packages) arrive thru US Mail, after having been shipped to local post office from FedEx & dhl.
Sounds just like hiwall's experience with the hummingbird feeders.
I guess this belonged in the RANTS thread!
Today started out , not so good.
Wife got up but has been very sick , nauseuas , this morning.
Don't know why.
So been babysitting her so far.

Another house came on market ,in my town , yesterday, little blonde brick , no garage , but I think I can build one.
Got to get in touch with listing agent, and get some questions answered and your the inside.
They enclosed the carport and did a good job.
Lots of the older houses in my area have done this.

Got to get the wife settled down , then get in touch with agent.

That's about it for today , no more advertising guns for a few days.
Need a break.

Gotta run to the bank and cash a check.

Pedialyte is good for grown-ups too. Will also help keep her hydrated.
Pedialyte is good for grown-ups too. Will also help keep her hydrated.

Yes it is and if I remember it puts back the electrolites we lose. My cousin lost her electrolites and had major heart attak was dead for 30 minutes, she was taking diet pills that was the craze at the time in the 80s.She is ok now with meds and pacemaker.
Gatoraide next best thing:dunno:,imo.
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I know all about kidney stones, the last one I past was over 1/8", I called it a rotorooter, I stopped having stones after I went to a blood type diet, I also stopped taking vitamin pills that were bound with calcium after hearing a friend say that his stones were caused by a calcium binder in the vitamin C he was taking.

Hi Viking! I take Magnesium citrate 800 mg a day and vitamin B6 which is supposed to bond to calcium oxalate before it forms a stone. I have no idea if that is true, and can't remember where I read it, but have had no big problem in a couple of years. I had 4 stones at once - 2 in ureter- in the mid 90's and had lithotripsy for them. Passed 4 since then. The biggest was 7 mm long. No fun and glad I haven't had any recently.
Had a guy come by to give an estimate on putting insulation in our attic, because it looks like the 1908 stuff is still in there. Went to town to drop off little granddaughter's painted log stool at the grade school. Went to the post office and the Amish/Menno store. Took a drive and saw a cool gun range and a campground not too far from us. Going to a home dairy/meat/cheese place up the road in a little bit. Husband is on a clear liquid diet today for an appt tomorrow. He isn't happy.
Today was a "work day" so was attached to the computer and the phone except for 3 breaks and lunch.... During each of the breaks I would place a box of food or cooking utensils next to the island for the wife to wipe off and put away.

After work we sat down and mapped out a menu for the next 2 weeks, this helps me know what we need.

Then I went out and harvested and cleaned some carrots, potatoes, beets, and turnips, all but the beets will go into tomorrow's stew.

Then I grilled dinner.

After supper the wife said, "This Kitchen project is a lot of work... I'm pooped"

I couldn't agree with her more.....

Hey @Ned and Amish, wanted to let you know.... when we were still at MSP I talked about transplanting carrots during the thinning. Some of them did fine, but a lot ended up with twisted main roots (I promised that I'd let you know how it went), I think that if I was going to do it again I would use a sheet of paper towel to align and space all the roots to avoid the problem.

I need to finish weatherizing my new raised bed top frames and install them. I noticed this morning that there was a nice frost on the cars and if I want to keep the crops growing till December I need to get the tops on quickly.

On a sad note; after my evil nemesis the squirrel tangled with the hornets, I think he is gone for good… and I had a new recipe for Squirrel Buffalo Wings…..

Sometime in the next two weeks I will have to drain my rain water collection and storage system, a few years back I forgot to do the bypass and drain the collection lines, every single pipe and valve had to be replaced.

Well, it’s been a full day… Hope tomorrow is a good one…
Today was a "work day" so was attached to the computer and the phone except for 3 breaks and lunch.... During each of the breaks I would place a box of food or cooking utensils next to the island for the wife to wipe off and put away.

After work we sat down and mapped out a menu for the next 2 weeks, this helps me know what we need.

Then I went out and harvested and cleaned some carrots, potatoes, beets, and turnips, all but the beets will go into tomorrow's stew.

Then I grilled dinner.

After supper the wife said, "This Kitchen project is a lot of work... I'm pooped"

I couldn't agree with her more.....

Hey @Ned and Amish, wanted to let you know.... when we were still at MSP I talked about transplanting carrots during the thinning. Some of them did fine, but a lot ended up with twisted main roots (I promised that I'd let you know how it went), I think that if I was going to do it again I would use a sheet of paper towel to align and space all the roots to avoid the problem.

I need to finish weatherizing my new raised bed top frames and install them. I noticed this morning that there was a nice frost on the cars and if I want to keep the crops growing till December I need to get the tops on quickly.

On a sad note; after my evil nemesis the squirrel tangled with the hornets, I think he is gone for good… and I had a new recipe for Squirrel Buffalo Wings…..

Sometime in the next two weeks I will have to drain my rain water collection and storage system, a few years back I forgot to do the bypass and drain the collection lines, every single pipe and valve had to be replaced.

Well, it’s been a full day… Hope tomorrow is a good one…
Like I said on the other side...

No matter how careful I was while transplanting carrots, they all ended up wonky.


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