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- Feb 12, 2020
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Got woken up by cats around 9 (I racked out from exhaustion after all the cleaning and having to load up mom's stuff). No cold food in the house & nothing to really cook. Got kept up last night by the raccoons battling with the dogs. Watched one of my dogs jump up on the counter to chance a raccoon that jumped up there to get away from her. Raccoon scared one of my cats by swatting at her near the sink. She ran and peed in a food bowl (that had food in it). Raccoon later went over and ate the peed on food. I keep hearing the coons battling with the dogs. Definitely need to find a way to keep them out. There are 3 at least. A smaller one was the one who got up on the counter. My brother claimed one of the larger ones swatted at him and growled when he tried to pull the dog away so the coon could go back outside. He said he punched the raccoon (but he tends to exaggerate).
Looks like we will have to fix the back door sooner rather than later. Will be a pain to clear the weeds, vines, and stuff in the way. May need a new hedge trimmer bc I can't find the charger for the battery for mine & they don't seem to sell them anymore.
Went to town and had my friend go with me to Tractor Supply looking for the float switch D-Box. He changed that out & it still didn't work. I noticed there was a junction box getting rained on after the tin on the lean-to got blown up and twisted. I pushed it back in place (it's not secured) so it is covering the junction box so it should stay dry now. Looks like the motor burned up on the piston pump. Found one listed as "new" on Ebay with money back guarantee if it doesn't work. It's the same frame size, rpm, voltage etc as my current motor.
Went to a local place to get fried chicken since there's nothing to cook. Got Burger King for Mom. I May need to use bottled water to clean the fridges out so we can start getting cold food in there. Turned the cold to max in fridge and freezer to kill the larva & bugs that got in. Gonna suck cleaning it all out, but it has to be done.
I'm thinking of covering up the hole in the back door to keep raccoons out and opening my bedroom window to let the cats out. I can let the dogs out when they need to go.
Looks like we will have to fix the back door sooner rather than later. Will be a pain to clear the weeds, vines, and stuff in the way. May need a new hedge trimmer bc I can't find the charger for the battery for mine & they don't seem to sell them anymore.
Went to town and had my friend go with me to Tractor Supply looking for the float switch D-Box. He changed that out & it still didn't work. I noticed there was a junction box getting rained on after the tin on the lean-to got blown up and twisted. I pushed it back in place (it's not secured) so it is covering the junction box so it should stay dry now. Looks like the motor burned up on the piston pump. Found one listed as "new" on Ebay with money back guarantee if it doesn't work. It's the same frame size, rpm, voltage etc as my current motor.
Went to a local place to get fried chicken since there's nothing to cook. Got Burger King for Mom. I May need to use bottled water to clean the fridges out so we can start getting cold food in there. Turned the cold to max in fridge and freezer to kill the larva & bugs that got in. Gonna suck cleaning it all out, but it has to be done.
I'm thinking of covering up the hole in the back door to keep raccoons out and opening my bedroom window to let the cats out. I can let the dogs out when they need to go.