What's everybody doing today?

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Yes! Use whipping cream before it expires to make butter. We used to be near a Trader Joe's when we lived in New Mexico. They sell a boxed shelf stable whipping cream that can also be turned into butter

I use to get this when we lived in the cabin. It was nice having all that shelf stable food in the basement so we didn't need to spend the 2 hours driving down the mountain.

Funny thing is now we live in the town at the bottom of that same mountain we use to go shopping. Little horse and livestock community.
Sundays are generally G-daughters and we watched Disney and worked with legos.


Today I was called by Lowe's to ask questions to ensure I had ordered the correct furnace for my son's place. I had to double check the circuit diagram to clarify questions about having proper service to run the furnace. Then I dropped off a return to Amazon where they sent a $35 hand rail instead of the case of #10 dried chicken. THEN I was able to to back to the remodel project.

The concrete we put in last week can be seen in the distance in the photo below.


I am pleased with how that turned out. This was one minor screw up where I had missed a 2X2 spacer that had fallen in behind the form. We can fix that when it comes time to pour the floor. We then moved the forms to be able to extend the concrete knee wall under the floor above.


That lead into a brain storming meeting to figure out how we are going to fill the forms with concrete. My brother is hoping the concrete can be poured in from the ends and shaken down to fill the center. Having been the one filling the forms and working the concrete, I am not convinced. We will try to use a demo-hammer to vibrate the forms and convince the concrete to flow toward the center. As a "plan B" we cut a hole in the floor just inside the first floor.


We can use that hole to dump the concrete from the floor above. That is a last ditch solution since it will require man-handling the 50 plus pound buckets up from the cement mixer in the basement. My brother said he would tough that out if needed. As a "Plan C" we can mount the winch in the ceiling joist and use it to lift the buckets from the basement. I generally yield to my brother since he has been doing remodeling full time for ages and I have only done it in my spare time. But anytime I am looking at a lot of work, I try very hard to cheat any way I can do so. I am a fan of power tools and gravity provided I can use to make my life easier.

Tomorrow is going to a challenging day one way or another.


Today was Roo's school picture day. We got on the road early and were on our way home before our appointment time. Fast and easy. Juju wanted her picture taken like last year but they were only doing the students and not siblings this time (damn flu-like virus! ;) ). The spring is when we can have siblings take pictures.

I grabbed some lemons and ginger on our way home for Honey Lemon Ginger Cough Syrup. I bought 5 lemons and had to clean out a quart jar to use them all. But I'd rather have too much than too little once the cold season starts. I will make some elderberry syrup when I can find a good deal on fresh or dried berries.

Cleared off the hearth. It gets cluttered with books when we stop using it in late spring. The girls think it is a place to sit and read and never put their books away. With the temperatures cooling down it is just a matter of time before we will be using the fireplace.

Leftovers for dinner tonight. There is still some chili and meat sauce in the fridge. I'll make a pot pie with the leftover turkey tomorrow.

Once I can dig out my 1980s salad shooter I'll start working on a batch of laundry detergent. I need to grate the Zote and I hate doing it by hand.
Sundays are generally G-daughters and we watched Disney and worked with legos.

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Today I was called by Lowe's to ask questions to ensure I had ordered the correct furnace for my son's place. I had to double check the circuit diagram to clarify questions about having proper service to run the furnace. Then I dropped off a return to Amazon where they sent a $35 hand rail instead of the case of #10 dried chicken. THEN I was able to to back to the remodel project.

The concrete we put in last week can be seen in the distance in the photo below.

View attachment 51700

I am pleased with how that turned out. This was one minor screw up where I had missed a 2X2 spacer that had fallen in behind the form. We can fix that when it comes time to pour the floor. We then moved the forms to be able to extend the concrete knee wall under the floor above.

View attachment 51701

That lead into a brain storming meeting to figure out how we are going to fill the forms with concrete. My brother is hoping the concrete can be poured in from the ends and shaken down to fill the center. Having been the one filling the forms and working the concrete, I am not convinced. We will try to use a demo-hammer to vibrate the forms and convince the concrete to flow toward the center. As a "plan B" we cut a hole in the floor just inside the first floor.

View attachment 51702

We can use that hole to dump the concrete from the floor above. That is a last ditch solution since it will require man-handling the 50 plus pound buckets up from the cement mixer in the basement. My brother said he would tough that out if needed. As a "Plan C" we can mount the winch in the ceiling joist and use it to lift the buckets from the basement. I generally yield to my brother since he has been doing remodeling full time for ages and I have only done it in my spare time. But anytime I am looking at a lot of work, I try very hard to cheat any way I can do so. I am a fan of power tools and gravity provided I can use to make my life easier.

Tomorrow is going to a challenging day one way or another.



You can rent a pump and have it pumped in using long tubes. K is a concrete superintendent on the NFL building out in L.A. so I have seen tons of videos he has taken when the concrete was poured.
You can rent a pump and have it pumped in using long tubes. K is a concrete superintendent on the NFL building out in L.A. so I have seen tons of videos he has taken when the concrete was poured.
Good suggestion Grimm. There is one of those running at least once a week on the hill on the other side of the valley from us. We used to be out beyond the edges of the suburbs but what was once a coal company was sold and now the suburbs are crawling closer to us. Funny aside... They have signs up selling new homes advertising "wonderful view". Sure it is a wonderful view looking from their to our place but not as pleasing as what it used to be for us. I remeber when they cut down all of the tress and channeling Tree-beard "Some of those trees were my friends!"

But our project is not large enough to justify the pump.

But thank you for the suggestion!

Laundry day here, too. Fourth load in right now. Went into town to a Dollar Tree and stocked up on random stuff. Also picked up 10# of Murano sugar for cousin there. Went to our little town's Hardware Store and bought a Lithium 12V (Millers Battery). All the rage here. Lighter, too. Will get that hooked up to charge on our solar set up. Went to lunch with husband. I guess today is Columbus Day. Wasn't celebrated in New Mexico because it was racist. They have indigenous peoples day today. Kansans were surprised at that. Plumber coming by so we can order the stuff for the handicapped bathroom going in next month.

Mike Rowe says today is Columbo's Day! Best detective in the world. Just one more thing!
Laundry day here, too. Fourth load in right now. Went into town to a Dollar Tree and stocked up on random stuff. Also picked up 10# of Murano sugar for cousin there. Went to our little town's Hardware Store and bought a Lithium 12V (Millers Battery). All the rage here. Lighter, too. Will get that hooked up to charge on our solar set up. Went to lunch with husband. I guess today is Columbus Day. Wasn't celebrated in New Mexico because it was racist. They have indigenous peoples day today. Kansans were surprised at that. Plumber coming by so we can order the stuff for the handicapped bathroom going in next month.
There are 14 or 15 states that celebrate Indigenous people's day, South Dakota being one. That kind of surprised me, except that there are so many Native people there. Many people who live around Native people do not care for them, or in some instances, are afraid of them.

This is the most bizarre: Colorado just decided to not do Columbus Day, but to have Mother Cabrini Day! This was snuck in and not once was it on the news to alert people. Mother Cabrini must had done something good, but, so have many other people. Well, why not Zebulon Pike Day?

Or Stapleton Day? Well, not Stapleton Day because he was a member of the KKK and the land that was Stapleton Airport, then developed into the Stapleton Neighborhood has been renamed as Central Park. Just as ridiculous! It is not central, and it is no park! Many businesses that had the Stapleton name have changed their name. Okay.

So much of this is nuts! Why not think it through?

Someone I know is Lakota, and said that Columbus was a murderer and rapist. Probably was. Honestly, I never really got why Columbus or many others are viewed as such heroes to have their own "day." And same Lakota man said that Columbus landed in the Bahamas?

Too much hero worship of people who are not really heroes. As a young child, I always had to look really hard at such people. All the girls were crazy about Elvis. Why? I never figured it out.
Guess I should have posted this in the rant section!
Went for a few groceries in the little town, needed chicken feed also. Duh! Been buy layer pellets at TSC for a long time. Sometime this summer the "DuMor" brand changed all their packaging, totally different look.

The last month I kept thinking my chickens were turning into little pigs! They were eating a lot more feed than they used to. Today I realized the 50lb bags of DuMor feed I was buying were no longer 50lbs. They weigh 40lbs! Duh! No wonder the chickens were going through bags of feed more quickly.

I really need cataract surgery! :rolleyes:
Mom went to her Dr today. They had planned to do her procedure on the 19th. But Dr looked at her leg from where they did the artierorgram and thinks she has an infection. Gave her an antibiotic and having a ultrasounds on it tomorrow. See Dr again next monday. Always something, but glad they caught it before she went for the procedure.
There are 14 or 15 states that celebrate Indigenous people's day, South Dakota being one. That kind of surprised me, except that there are so many Native people there. Many people who live around Native people do not care for them, or in some instances, are afraid of them.

This is the most bizarre: Colorado just decided to not do Columbus Day, but to have Mother Cabrini Day! This was snuck in and not once was it on the news to alert people. Mother Cabrini must had done something good, but, so have many other people. Well, why not Zebulon Pike Day?

Or Stapleton Day? Well, not Stapleton Day because he was a member of the KKK and the land that was Stapleton Airport, then developed into the Stapleton Neighborhood has been renamed as Central Park. Just as ridiculous! It is not central, and it is no park! Many businesses that had the Stapleton name have changed their name. Okay.

So much of this is nuts! Why not think it through?

Someone I know is Lakota, and said that Columbus was a murderer and rapist. Probably was. Honestly, I never really got why Columbus or many others are viewed as such heroes to have their own "day." And same Lakota man said that Columbus landed in the Bahamas?

Too much hero worship of people who are not really heroes. As a young child, I always had to look really hard at such people. All the girls were crazy about Elvis. Why? I never figured it out.
Guess I should have posted this in the rant section!

Roo's history book says Columbus landed on San Salvador Island during his first expedition. I looked and it is in the Bahamas.
Went for a few groceries in the little town, needed chicken feed also. Duh! Been buy layer pellets at TSC for a long time. Sometime this summer the "DuMor" brand changed all their packaging, totally different look.

The last month I kept thinking my chickens were turning into little pigs! They were eating a lot more feed than they used to. Today I realized the 50lb bags of DuMor feed I was buying were no longer 50lbs. They weigh 40lbs! Duh! No wonder the chickens were going through bags of feed more quickly.

I really need cataract surgery! :rolleyes:
They did the same thing to ice cream a few years ago. A 1/2 gallon isn't.

I've been doing alot of painting, and the paint cans are not gallons anymore. And so the 5 gallons are not 5 gallons, either, they are now 5 of the "not a gallons".
DuMor Feed has had 40lb bags for at least a year, Peanut. I've been getting feed local, and it's 50#. But they are going through 100# a week easy right now. I pick dandelions by the bucket load and throw those in there, too. And sprouted sunflower and kitchen scraps
Wow, Ben, can't believe how much your granddaughters have grown!
They did the same thing to ice cream a few years ago. A 1/2 gallon isn't.

DuMor Feed has had 40lb bags for at least a year, Peanut. I've been getting feed local, and it's 50#.

I hate when "they" do things like this... When I buy feed I'm usually buying for several different kinds of critters, sometimes 10-12 bags of feed, ranging from 25-50lbs each. I didn't notice they pulled a fast one.

The only reason I noticed today another guy in line had a low cart stacked with bags of feed. The DuMor 16% bag he had was different looking than mine, different packaging. I looked closer and noticed his were 50lb bags but mine were 40lbs ea. They need to post signs with clearer numbers. A TSC they have tiny little tags on the metal frames. If I'm not wearing my glasses I can't read them.
Sadly there isn't a Rural King withing 100miles of here. Until a few years ago I bought feed at the feed mill. They ground up grains for feed. I could order any grain or mixture I wanted. I could have minerals or supplements added. I could get a wide range of feed ground and mixed to order for just about any kind of critter.
Sundays are generally G-daughters and we watched Disney and worked with legos.

View attachment 51699

Today I was called by Lowe's to ask questions to ensure I had ordered the correct furnace for my son's place. I had to double check the circuit diagram to clarify questions about having proper service to run the furnace. Then I dropped off a return to Amazon where they sent a $35 hand rail instead of the case of #10 dried chicken. THEN I was able to to back to the remodel project.

The concrete we put in last week can be seen in the distance in the photo below.

View attachment 51700

I am pleased with how that turned out. This was one minor screw up where I had missed a 2X2 spacer that had fallen in behind the form. We can fix that when it comes time to pour the floor. We then moved the forms to be able to extend the concrete knee wall under the floor above.

View attachment 51701

That lead into a brain storming meeting to figure out how we are going to fill the forms with concrete. My brother is hoping the concrete can be poured in from the ends and shaken down to fill the center. Having been the one filling the forms and working the concrete, I am not convinced. We will try to use a demo-hammer to vibrate the forms and convince the concrete to flow toward the center. As a "plan B" we cut a hole in the floor just inside the first floor.

View attachment 51702

We can use that hole to dump the concrete from the floor above. That is a last ditch solution since it will require man-handling the 50 plus pound buckets up from the cement mixer in the basement. My brother said he would tough that out if needed. As a "Plan C" we can mount the winch in the ceiling joist and use it to lift the buckets from the basement. I generally yield to my brother since he has been doing remodeling full time for ages and I have only done it in my spare time. But anytime I am looking at a lot of work, I try very hard to cheat any way I can do so. I am a fan of power tools and gravity provided I can use to make my life easier.

Tomorrow is going to a challenging day one way or another.



Thats really coming along ,glad you had a nice visit with the grands.
Mom went to her Dr today. They had planned to do her procedure on the 19th. But Dr looked at her leg from where they did the artierorgram and thinks she has an infection. Gave her an antibiotic and having a ultrasounds on it tomorrow. See Dr again next monday. Always something, but glad they caught it before she went for the procedure.

Sorry to hear that Bacp but thank goodness they did catch it before the surgery.Always in our prayers.
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood.
As of yet no police, no State Patrol, no Sheriff's department has graced my neighborhood.
Dang, spoke to soon.
Here they come, along with ambulance up the hill.
Oh, well.
Been moving furniture all day.
Just about moved all the furniture in the living room.
Have decided to change stuff around a bit.
One thing led to another, mainly Strawberry laying in bay window,
And grand daughter hiking a leg to join her up in the bay window.
So now trying to block both from getting into bay window, but still having the light, breeze.
Probably will be sore tomorrow.
Sure hope all that scooting, tugging on the furniture counts as exercise.
Had grand daughter from 0930 to noon today.
She's a corker.
There are 14 or 15 states that celebrate Indigenous people's day, South Dakota being one. That kind of surprised me, except that there are so many Native people there. Many people who live around Native people do not care for them, or in some instances, are afraid of them.

This is the most bizarre: Colorado just decided to not do Columbus Day, but to have Mother Cabrini Day! This was snuck in and not once was it on the news to alert people. Mother Cabrini must had done something good, but, so have many other people. Well, why not Zebulon Pike Day?

Or Stapleton Day? Well, not Stapleton Day because he was a member of the KKK and the land that was Stapleton Airport, then developed into the Stapleton Neighborhood has been renamed as Central Park. Just as ridiculous! It is not central, and it is no park! Many businesses that had the Stapleton name have changed their name. Okay.

So much of this is nuts! Why not think it through?

Someone I know is Lakota, and said that Columbus was a murderer and rapist. Probably was. Honestly, I never really got why Columbus or many others are viewed as such heroes to have their own "day." And same Lakota man said that Columbus landed in the Bahamas?

Too much hero worship of people who are not really heroes. As a young child, I always had to look really hard at such people. All the girls were crazy about Elvis. Why? I never figured it out.
Guess I should have posted this in the rant section!
I f you read Columbus’s journal, he was - well, awful! He stole 8-9 year old native girls to sell back in Europe as they fetched the best prices. He was also unkind to Native Islanders and I’ll just leave it at that. I don’t celebrate him.
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood. As of yet no police, no State Patrol, no Sheriff's department has graced my neighborhood.

Is this a new place for you? I thought you moved some time ago? I must have missed a post, more likely miss-read... my cataracts aren't a problem at distance but reading is hit or miss.
Yesterday, we got the final trim pieces installed, so (except for 2 light switches the wife wants changed because of their color) my part of the kitchen is done!!!

I am getting ready to close the lids on my growing boxes; I will spray all the plants with B.T. to keep the caterpillars from coming back. My growing boxes are like little greenhouses and I discovered that if you have caterpillars take hold in the greenhouse they can wipe out your plants in a heartbeat...

The tomatoes are still producing slowly and it's expected to get back to 70 by this weekend, so I will let them keep going as long as possible.

I need to find time to clean out my containers for my indoor growing station, would like to get some greens going as soon as possible...
Had a good laugh this morning when I read my e-mail....my Apple ID has been locked...LOL..Well, good luck on that one with my Trac phone...then I could not order from AmaZon as they had locked my account, and needed more info...LOL...then my PayPal account could not be used until I updated..LOL..which I do not use or have...these scammers are really trying...besides, I got a call last week that I have 2.5 million $$ waiting on me as soon as I get my info to them...LOL....MAKES MY DAY !!!!!!
I'm celebrating 8 months of isolation with a couple beers without tomato or V-8 juice:(, forgot to order it everytime. I don't really like whisky that much. But like bloody Marys more than straight beer.Plus this beer is out of date in December.Already threw enough in compost pile so don't want to waste anymore.
Outside weather is coming up so may be able to work outside soon and get the heck out of this house.
Meantime I'll politic and listen to music.
Hang in there, Meer. I don't think I'd throw out the beer. I'd drink it or make beer bread or something.
Husband was on the phone forever, then ended up emailing anyway, when we got notice that I supposedly filed for unemployment in New Mexico. They were using an address different than where I lived, and a checking acct to directly deposit it into. Heard back this afternoon that they would mark it as fraud and not pay it out. Scammers. Went to my favorite cousin's today and watched the load up of 32 milking Jersey cows. They are on their way to Texas, and their banking acct is alot bigger. It costs more to keep them than what they are paid for the milk. They kept 12, but half of those will be milk mamas for some Angus calves that were just bought ($300), and will be sold at butcher weight for a profit. The others will be kept for milk for immediate family. I made 1/2 lb butter today, a qt of buttermilk, kept a gallon to drink, and the chickens got the skim leftover. JayRod, the fabulous cat that he is, brought us a big ol rat on the porch. Good cat. He can have some cream after he finishes eating the rat. Nice to have a ratter around. Husband says he won't bother him anymore now that he's earning his keep, and it's ok if he sleeps on the porch rocker. Family that just got home from Indiana for a funeral appears to possibly have Covid. One is the cousin contractor that will be doing our addition next month. Hope they get well soon. Have the dehydrator filled with chopped cabbage.
My wife got a call from a nephew who lives a few miles away. He’s been cleaning out the loft over his garage. He found several 12ct cases of bale-top quart Ball canning jars and wanted to know if we wanted any. We went down and took a look. A few were a bit rusted up, but for the most part they were all in fine shape. We took 7 dozen and left him with about that many to offer to other people.

We do a bunch of dry canning and the rubber seal rings are pretty easy to find, so we ordered a couple cases and spent the day cleaning jars and tops. He couldn’t understand why we’d want that many 50 y/o jars…. One man’s trash, etc…
Is this a new place for you? I thought you moved some time ago? I must have missed a post, more likely miss-read... my cataracts aren't a problem at distance but reading is hit or miss.
No, I haven't moved.
Not moving to new apartment.
Didn't have enough fluid income, fought to keep Strawberry as my service dog.
Supposely my credit score wasn't high enough.
My credit score is 750 or there about.
My lawyer is looking into discrimination charges.
5 other disabled veterans with service animals were denied also.
For almost the exact same reasons.
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