What's everybody doing today?

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Went to Sams after work today. Stocked up on a bunch of stuff. Most everything was in stock, except for TP and Paper Towels. Only 2-3 pallets of each and limit of 1 ea per customer. Also the TP packages are probably 25% smaller and cost is the same or a little higher. Think I may go by again and buy a pack, take it to the car, go back and buy another.

Also talked to mom tonight, her ultrasound showed no blood clot.
Glad for your mom, backpacker. Blood clots are a pain. Husband's had them a number of times. Then you have to be on a blood thinner, or those injections and then no surgery for you for awhile.
Our area is short on gallon size ziplocks. Aldi was out, Sam's was out. I'm not out yet, but like to have a bunch of backup. Did stock up on socks, though.
They had a good deal of gallon and quarts ziplocks, freezer and storage types. No sandwich or half gallon sizes.

We are glad she had no clot. Dr didn't think so, but wanted to be sure. Mom is very relived. If the anitbiotics do there thing she may be ready to go by Oct 26
Glad to hear she’s doing relatively well. Prayers of course-
Also, I was just thinking of getting a few more freezer bags. I wash and reuse them so don’t go through a lot, but like to have reserve. I did get a few extra rolls of seal-a-meal bag(s).
Anybody heard from Jim?
Amish- that’s a cat I’d keep around. Rats are awful!
Snap - sorry to hear your friend died. 😕
I drove over to Portland area today. Didn’t go through, but skirted it for obvious reasons. I was curious as to how many Biden signs vs Trump signs I’d see. None! No signs at all for any office. I didn’t go cruising residentials but could see down streets etc. It was weird.
Simple suppers since I’ve been getting home after supper time. Hopefully tomorrow will be a little shorter day - we’ll see.
Another long day today...

Doctors appointments this AM (all the labs from my transplant look fabulous and they dropped my prednisone to 20mg from 30mg (originally was 70mg right after the transplant). The goal is to get it to 5mg maintenance dose.

Got the email that the pistol I ordered showed up at the gun store, so went to fill out the 4473 and start the background check process.
Took 2 hours to get that done! Only two guys working the counter and I was 5th in line when I got there.

Leftovers for dinner and an early night for me...
Went to Sams after work today. Stocked up on a bunch of stuff. Most everything was in stock, except for TP and Paper Towels. Only 2-3 pallets of each and limit of 1 ea per customer. Also the TP packages are probably 25% smaller and cost is the same or a little higher. Think I may go by again and buy a pack, take it to the car, go back and buy another.

Also talked to mom tonight, her ultrasound showed no blood clot.

Good news BacP. Glad your moms ok.
My wife got a call from a nephew who lives a few miles away. He’s been cleaning out the loft over his garage. He found several 12ct cases of bale-top quart Ball canning jars and wanted to know if we wanted any. We went down and took a look. A few were a bit rusted up, but for the most part they were all in fine shape. We took 7 dozen and left him with about that many to offer to other people.

We do a bunch of dry canning and the rubber seal rings are pretty easy to find, so we ordered a couple cases and spent the day cleaning jars and tops. He couldn’t understand why we’d want that many 50 y/o jars…. One man’s trash, etc…

Good find, our poblem is finding lids now.
Thanks you all! She was actually my sister in law, but more like a friend. My step brother that she was married to, doesn't speak to me. Probably would not have known if her sister hadn't messaged me on facebook. Families...

Fed dogs and then walked this morning. I love walking later! Ran to local grocery for sale and then made scrambled eggs for the week. The rest of the day will pretty much be picking up limbs and branches out of the yard from the storm. Nice day for it though!
Found my salad shooter and grated the Zote. It is older than Juju so it crumbled to dust. I normally let it sit out to dry before tossing the grates in the food processor. The dusty powder works better in the washer. But the age of the Zote will reduce my chore by a few days as it takes time to dry out before going in the food processor. I have all the ingredients for three big batches but I will only make one today. I have my bucket cleaned and waiting for the large batch.

I am making turkey and dumplings for dinner with the leftover turkey and old freezer veggies. Yummy.
We poured more concrete yesterday and came very close to a blow out. But we scrambled fast and propped up the form and it held. With only about 10 bags of concrete left ...

I went to Lowe's today to order another pair of palettes for delivery next week.

The rest of the day will be filled with doing research for The Princess that involves looking for tech (retired engineer/physicist/architect so it is my job) related investment possibility that could perform well if Biden wins. I think it would be easier to pour a few tons of concrete that trying to find that needle in the haystack.

We painted the doors to the cupboard on Monday, I hung them before work this morning.

Tonight we are having spaghetti, much of the sauce came out of the garden or last hunting season, the only thing store bought was the Italian sausage she blends with the meat for flavoring.

I am trying to figure out if I can transplant my basil to a container in the house. I also noticed 3 small tomato plants that I would love to keep going.

At lunch I looked up some primitive archery equipment (possibly a takedown bow) as I learned that there is now a primitive hunting season; Limited to side hammer muzzleloaders and primitive bows. I may need to order some new musket caps for my Hawkins 50, will take it to the range in November to be sure I can still shoot it... or at least hit what I am trying to shoot with it...
Now gotta get crackin' on my learnin'
Hot here today.
snappy, sorry about your sister/friend.
Grimm, turkey and all that sounds mighty yummy right about now.
@Sparky_D so glad to hear everything is going smoothly for you post-surgery. Getting the prednisone down is big thumbs up.
@Bacpacker that's great news about your mom. I bet she was relieved.
I kept a number of tomato plants alive in the house last winter. Not so lucky with basil, though, but I have some in the kitchen right now, so I'll try again. Went to Lowes in the bigger town and bought paint for the inside of the milkhouse, and for the outside white fencing. Cousin's son in law came by today to bring some new 16 ft fenceboards that we needed to replace a few broken ones. Gave him the buttermilk I made yesterday, because he loves it, and I really don't. Grabbed some lunch at the Freddies in town, picked up chicken feed (I get 50# of crumble for $9 here, Peanut). Need to make dinner earlier tonight...granddaughter has work, and grandson has Bible study at the Menno church here. We'll be picking up and dropping off, but at least it's not far. School bus should be arriving any time....
Finally! A couple of weeks ago the surgery coordinator at the VA told me my surgery had been approved. She said the surgery coordinator at the civilian hospital would call me with my details. I never heard from her.

I got that lady on the phone today. My surgery is on 10nov. I have to have a covid test with the results when I check in for the surgery that morning. No problems…

I booked my hotel which is 2 blocks from the hospital. It’s the hotel I used last time but it's been purchased by Hilton. Their hospital rate is $30 a night higher but still reasonable. So, I got my room booked for 2 nights.

Everything is set. I just hope there is no election unrest still going on. The hotel, hospital and VA are downtown in a major city. The largest medical school within 500 miles is also downtown and 3 blocks away… so there is a slight risk of demonstrations. Heavily armed with room service at a 4 star hotel… now that’s a good way to spend a riot!
We leave for Phoenix early tomorrow morning for wife's eye specialist appointment. Likely will have stay overnight down there and return Friday. It's about 250 miles each way and they said her appointment would last 2 to 3 hours and I had to wait outside. Supposed to be about 100* there tomorrow.
How is your car's air conditioner?

@Bacpacker , what a relief.

Came home from a house sitting job. Have a dog to walk tomorrow and one to take to the dog park on Friday. Was supposed to have a dog over the weekend, but had weird vibes from the owner from the git go and today she cancelled. No problem here. I am now free to work in the yard, mail seeds, declutter and clean the front porch and deck for winter.

All of the men from South Dakota who lost their lives in Vietnam are having state bridges named after them in South Dakota. Today was a ceremony for the one man who gave his life from my home county. It was recorded by his niece and shared on my h.s. group via YouTube. His only sister spoke, as his two surviving brothers knew they could not, but they contributed to her talk. His name was Daniel and shortly after he died, in 1968, a young man from my hometown won a talent program singing, "Oh Danny Boy," in his memory. Same man, now in his 60's, sang it again today for the program. Due to the internet, I was able to watch the whole program on YouTube and use up some tissues. Danny was a very handsome man, with many talents, and a prankster. Some of his friends from h.s. were at the ceremony today.
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@Bacpacker , what a relief.

Came home from a house sitting job. Have a dog to walk tomorrow and one to take to the dog park on Friday. Was supposed to have a dog over the weekend, but had weird vibes from the owner from the git go and today she cancelled. No problem here. I am now free to work in the yard, mail seeds, declutter and clean the front porch and deck for winter.

All of the men from South Dakota who lost their lives in Vietnam are having state bridges named after them in South Dakota. Today was a ceremony of the one man who gave his life from my home county. It was recorded by his niece and shared on my h.s. group via YouTube. His only sister spoke, as his two surviving brothers knew they could not, but they contributed to her talk. His name was Daniel and shortly after he died, in 1968, a young man from my hometown won a talent program singing, "Oh Danny Boy," in his memory. Same man, now in his 60's, sang it again today for the program. Due to the internet, I was able to watch the whole program on YouTube and use up some tissues. Danny was a very handsome man, with many talents, and a prankster. Some of his friends from h.s. were at the ceremony today.

Great Story about Daniel's family and the bridges.
They did the same thing around here, for fallen soldiers, not just Vietnam. My dad has signs where the 4 lane crosses the creek that bordered his families property. Probably not 100 yards from where the old house sat. The state had a nice ceremony when they went in. Me and several cousins were there. They also made an extra sign for me to keep. I've got it hung in my reloading area of the basement.
Great Story about Daniel's family and the bridges.
They did the same thing around here, for fallen soldiers, not just Vietnam. My dad has signs where the 4 lane crosses the creek that bordered his families property. Probably not 100 yards from where the old house sat. The state had a nice ceremony when they went in. Me and several cousins were there. They also made an extra sign for me to keep. I've got it hung in my reloading area of the basement.
It is possible that it isn't just Vietnam. I would think that would be more like it.

Edit, yes it is for veterans who died in combat.
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I spent the morning doing some reloading and puttering in my shop. After lunch I watched the last day of the confirmation hearing for judge Amy Coney Barrett. The democrats are imploding! They can't touch her. She remained poised, congenial, cooperative (to the extent that was professionally acceptable and remained on top the whole time. She is going to be an excellent justice on the supreme court for decades.
OK Donald, just four more to go! ;)
We were dry canning some rye flour and caraway seeds in regular mouth jars today using the Food Saver jar sealing attachment and our V3425 Food Saver. We couldn’t get a single jar to seal. I pulled out the Harbor Freight brake bleeding pump, drew 20” of vacuum on the guage and every jar sealed with the first try… quicker & simpler. We love our Food Saver, but for jar sealing, there’s definitely a better way.
@Bacpacker , what a relief.

Came home from a house sitting job. Have a dog to walk tomorrow and one to take to the dog park on Friday. Was supposed to have a dog over the weekend, but had weird vibes from the owner from the git go and today she cancelled. No problem here. I am now free to work in the yard, mail seeds, declutter and clean the front porch and deck for winter.

All of the men from South Dakota who lost their lives in Vietnam are having state bridges named after them in South Dakota. Today was a ceremony for the one man who gave his life from my home county. It was recorded by his niece and shared on my h.s. group via YouTube. His only sister spoke, as his two surviving brothers knew they could not, but they contributed to her talk. His name was Daniel and shortly after he died, in 1968, a young man from my hometown won a talent program singing, "Oh Danny Boy," in his memory. Same man, now in his 60's, sang it again today for the program. Due to the internet, I was able to watch the whole program on YouTube and use up some tissues. Danny was a very handsome man, with many talents, and a prankster. Some of his friends from h.s. were at the ceremony today.
Can you put up the video? I really like that song.
We were dry canning some rye flour and caraway seeds in regular mouth jars today using the Food Saver jar sealing attachment and our V3425 Food Saver. We couldn’t get a single jar to seal. I pulled out the Harbor Freight brake bleeding pump, drew 20” of vacuum on the guage and every jar sealed with the first try… quicker & simpler. We love our Food Saver, but for jar sealing, there’s definitely a better way.
There sure is an easier way. I just went through this - did this and am back in business :)
Hose attachment bypass
"A wise man (woman) goes into his store house and brings forth treasures both old and new." ( I think that is proverbs)

Proverbs is full of good information for living a good life, chapter 31 speaks about "A wife of noble character, it's a scripture we use when people we are talking to about prepping say we are just being hoarders, prepping is not hoarding, it's common sense and there has been numerous times that by things we have stored, we've been able to help others in need.
Proverbs is full of good information for living a good life, chapter 31 speaks about "A wife of noble character, it's a scripture we use when people we are talking to about prepping say we are just being hoarders, prepping is not hoarding, it's common sense and there has been numerous times that by things we have stored, we've been able to help others in need.
Ditto that!

The Princess fits that chapter to a T.

"She considers a field and she buyeth it."

You would not believe how much work I have had to do because she bought another field. ;)


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