What's everybody doing today?

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Glad you're safe, Clem. That's a lot for a roll of butter, Backpacker. Was it a one lb roll, or two? I totally forgot to grab raw milk when I left my cousin's place today. We stopped in for raisin cream pie and coffee after Sams Club, and to pick up milk. Went home with a bag of tomatoes, and will have to get milk tomorrow when we do the chickens. We'll drink one gallon, and the other three are for butter.
Glad you're safe, Clem. That's a lot for a roll of butter, Backpacker. Was it a one lb roll, or two? I totally forgot to grab raw milk when I left my cousin's place today. We stopped in for raisin cream pie and coffee after Sams Club, and to pick up milk. Went home with a bag of tomatoes, and will have to get milk tomorrow when we do the chickens. We'll drink one gallon, and the other three are for butter.

It was two lbs. But yeah it was high. But we like it and don't have many options on where to get it.
Zanne glad you made it through okay and didn’t loose everything like some.
Amish I can’t even imagine having kids in school this year- poor things. I wonder how much they are learning.
Having a little bit of a rough time over here. I learned yesterday that it’s the year of the rat in Chinese culture and that historically speaking YotR is when the awful things in history have occurred. This makes sense to me right now. I don’t usually follow Chinese culture but know their new year is in February so I’m guessing that’s when all this BS might end. I can hope- right?
Not liking where we are but can’t do anything about it so need to get something figured out in my head how to live here and somehow be happy. I’m usually pretty optimistic but guess I must be in a slump. Sorry to be so glum 🍂
Feeling for you, LL. I didn't do well in a slump. Needed to move. Now I wish our kids would follow because I do miss them. But New Mexico's covid numbers went from the high 100's when we left to now over 800 a day. Things were bad and oppressive when we left, and more so now. Maybe they'll get sick of it and come up here for awhile.
Amish raisin creme pie is excellent, but it is an acquired taste. Peanut butter pie was also offered, and that disappears quickly. I don't know much about the Chinese calendar, but JayRod the cat can continue celebrating by bringing us more rats.
Today I did shopping! Found disinfectant cleaning wipes... SCORE!!! limit 1 :( Prices here just keep doubling.... it's crazy. 5 grocery bags $200.. I did notice a couple of things that I thought was funny, they had Pumpkin stacked 4 high on 2 shelves, only 2 cans deep? It's like if we stack it up high no one will notice that there is actually only 2 flats of cans there :dunno: The people at the checkout have gotten all freaky about handling bags for bagging groceries, they sell paper, but if you bring your own bags you have to fill them yourself? They said that with the COVID-19 numbers up they can't handle peoples bags any more. It's like they were all calm and now they are afraid...7 months after the fact? dancing chicken

Went to home depot to get some screws to attach new pulls to old doors on the cupboard so the kitchen would have all matching hardware. Need to make wire bottom bins for storing onions and potatoes in the kitchen. While I was there I got some hooks, some lawn bags, and they had 2 types of disinfectant cleaning wipes, no limit. I got 2... I also got some potting soil, I plan to transplant a couple of baby tomato plants I saw the other day.

On a health note: Before COVID-19 and working from home, I would walk about 6 miles a day as part of my commute and I had an exercise area that I would use for about 20 minutes a day (that got buried under construction stuff). So I have been sitting, eating, and drinking..... Not a good formula. And I sort of ignored taking my vitals.... Until yesterday....
Weight's up 20, Blood pressure's up 15, Glucose - OMG-WTH!! - we're in big trouble
I guess I need to get back on a healthier routine before a doctor comes at me with a needle..... :cry:

I hope everyone else is doing a better job of taking care of themselves....
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Today I did shopping! Found disinfectant cleaning wipes... SCORE!!! limit 1 :( Prices here just keep doubling.... it's crazy. 5 grocery bags $200.. I did n...

..... :cry:

I hope everyone else is doing a better job of taking care of themselves....

I have had similar concern about what I will do to stay in shape after I finish the digging and concrete. Carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work are not going to be enough. There is a limit to how many more huegelcultures I can dig..

I may have to resort to springs streams dams and bridges.. If The Princess will let me. ;)

I have had similar concern about what I will do to stay in shape after I finish the digging and concrete. Carpentry, plumbing, and electrical work are not going to be enough. There is a limit to how many more huegelcultures I can dig..

I may have to resort to springs streams dams and bridges.. If The Princess will let me. ;)


Shovels and bags are great exercise .Just don't over do it.:woo hoo:
Was going to go pick up chickens this morning, but my cousins already picked them up! So when we got there, most were already done. We finished them up and pieced them, pack them in ziplocks and put in the ice chests I brought. I brought lunch for everyone, so we sat down for hamburger soup and rolls. Grandson and granddaughter are at work, little granddaughter is playing with the barn cats (JayRod and Kev), husband is napping. I need to get the food saver out and package the chicken pieces. Tomorrow is a deacon ordination, and it'll be found out at church tomorrow. Everyone around here is anxious to see who will be chosen in the draw.
Well today went okay. I checked the raised bed that I put the new top on and the carrots and beets are all showing new growth, the inside of the top has moisture so all is well. The I checked two beds I planted with winter spinach and lettuce, they are all sprouted with plants now being about 1 1/2 inches high... I was able to cut a new set of ends for one more new top, hopefully I will get it installed after church. It would be nice if we could start harvesting baby spinach by Thanks Giving.
Continuing to marvel over Peanut's dug up findings. Out of control stories and nobody's doing much about it, as far as we can tell. Seriously think of sending your stories to several friends of mine and see if they run it on freak book. They tend to leave the one person alone and don't remove his stuff. Probably because it seems so unbelievable.
Pulled a muscle in my back Sunday, gave myself a concussion on Tuesday. Its been a painful week.
My week was messed up too but no injuries. Things come in threes, so was the third one your truck? I hope you are doing better from the concussion; apparently you weren't taking it too easy on yourself with the pulled muscle if you got a concussion!
My week was messed up too but no injuries. Things come in threes, so was the third one your truck? I hope you are doing better from the concussion; apparently you weren't taking it too easy on yourself with the pulled muscle if you got a concussion!
I'm perfectly fine with counting the truck as #3!
I was watering my house plants. Stepped backwards off the foot stool right onto my roomba. Roomba, and my foot, went right out from under me. Head bounced off the floor tile....
Pulled a muscle in my back Sunday, gave myself a concussion on Tuesday. Its been a painful week.

I pulled a muscle in my upper back this week. Not sure if it was trimming roses, picking up branches from the storm or picking up the full pressure canner. Took a muscle relaxer this morning and intend to take it easier today.

Already fed the pups and made rice to add to their food for the week. Going to Church and Walmart for a few items. Should walk dogs later this afternoon. That's about it, I hope!
Good afternoon, HCL! Took my kid to church this morning. I haven't been going very much since Covid started, but I was really glad I went today. It was a great service.

Came home, made Maid Rite sandwiches, and started watching some **** tube with her. She got bored and started messing around with her old Lego set. Now we're both on the floor putting Legos together! :LOL:

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