Today I did shopping! Found disinfectant cleaning wipes... SCORE!!! limit 1

Prices here just keep doubling.... it's crazy. 5 grocery bags $200.. I did notice a couple of things that I thought was funny, they had Pumpkin stacked 4 high on 2 shelves, only 2 cans deep? It's like if we stack it up high no one will notice that there is actually only 2 flats of cans there

The people at the checkout have gotten all freaky about handling bags for bagging groceries, they sell paper, but if you bring your own bags you have to fill them yourself? They said that with the COVID-19 numbers up they can't handle peoples bags any more. It's like they were all calm and now they are afraid...7 months after the fact? dancing chicken
Went to home depot to get some screws to attach new pulls to old doors on the cupboard so the kitchen would have all matching hardware. Need to make wire bottom bins for storing onions and potatoes in the kitchen. While I was there I got some hooks, some lawn bags, and they had 2 types of disinfectant cleaning wipes, no limit. I got 2... I also got some potting soil, I plan to transplant a couple of baby tomato plants I saw the other day.
On a health note: Before COVID-19 and working from home, I would walk about 6 miles a day as part of my commute and I had an exercise area that I would use for about 20 minutes a day (that got buried under construction stuff). So I have been sitting, eating, and drinking..... Not a good formula. And I sort of ignored taking my vitals.... Until yesterday....
Weight's up 20, Blood pressure's up 15, Glucose - OMG-WTH!! - we're in big trouble
I guess I need to get back on a healthier routine before a doctor comes at me with a needle.....
I hope everyone else is doing a better job of taking care of themselves....