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I wonder what's wrong with it? Heating element going out maybe? Do coffee makers have a part called a heating element? Wish I knew how to fix it for you. Mom bought a few coffee machines but they are too tall to fit on the counter & not block the cabinet doors. She's got 2 still in boxes & wants me to set one of them up. I will have to find a spot with one of the higher cabinets & set it up in such a way that cats can't knock it down. Which means it will probably be on the other side of the microwave.
I'm about to go see if anyone in the household is up & wants to go to the store with me.
Fixed the coffee pot temperory.
Grand daughter poked button Granny.
So will make coffee for tomorrow.
At least she told me she poked the pretty button.
She turned off the second switch.
She was helping Granny.
Go figure.
Wife and I took a road trip to the mountains today. Very crowded at certain points, but overall much less traffic than I expected. Ended up doing close to 200 miles and a good part over 4000' elevation. The leaves arent peak color yet, but getting close. It was beautiful. I'll try and share a few pics later this week. The wind when TS delta blew thru knocked off some of the leaves.
We both had our birthdays in the past week. This was a perfect day to get out and celebrate a little.
Back to work tomorrow.
Fixed the coffee pot temperory.
Grand daughter poked button Granny.
So will make coffee for tomorrow.
At least she told me she poked the pretty button.
She turned off the second switch.
She was helping Granny.
Go figure.
I suspect one of mine did the same thing but didn't fess up. We figured it out.

"If you weren't supposed to push it,it wouldn't be a button."

Hello everyone and things have been all go here as we got a phone call on Thursday to say DH's brain aneurysm surgery is on the 26th of October and we have to be in a town a fair way away on the 22 nd so he can have another brain scan before the operation on the 23 rd. We will be away from home from the 22nd to the 3rd of November and then back home again after staying in accommodation.

To that end since I was last on I have filled in 1 storm water trench where the dirt subsided, DH has sprayed the lawn for weeds and mowed and whipper snipped, we have split and stacked 10 rows of 3 x 1.5 mt high ironbark firewood piles and stacked them, I have planted capsicums, beans, sweet corn, and we have harvested lots of sweet potatoes and broad beans the beans are now blanched and frozen for the freezer. We have cut most of the ironbark firewood branches that fell during the drought and I have also stacked those in the firewood shed. We bulk cooked lots of lovely brownies and double chocolate muffins and had some after cooking and froze the rest some of which will go with us on our long 3 hours trip to the hospital.

DH has done 5 large mowing and weeding jobs for clients, I have had my teeth checked and cleaned, the cat went to the vet for her yearly vaccinations today. We purchased a full ramp for the trailer and had it fitted so the ride on lawn mower is easier and safer to get on and off the trailer. DH has pressure cleaned the whole outside of the home and concrete paths after I scrubbed the paths with vinegar to get off the algae. I have sorted, swept, organised and put away all the gardening tools neatly the tank stand gardening shed.

I have got pj's and button up shirts for DH for his hospital stay along with hospital/doctor approved undies as DH puts it :). Fortunately I did all the grocery shopping early too and topped up supplies again.

Phew just cooking a lovely ham, egg, silverbeet, garlic and vegie quiche and a chocolate magic mix pudding for the next couple of days while we are at home.
My washer is acting up. Stops part way through the cycle. Unplugged it to see if that will reset the monster motor machine. Fingers crossed. I thought I had gotten a 3 year warranty on it but they say no and I can't find my paperwork!
Don't feel like takin' it down to the crick. No, I wouldn't, there is no creek.

Is it a front loading machine? Mine will do that when the filter is clogged. On mine you have to remove the front bottom panel to get to it. Of course the directions on how to clean the filter were taped to the back of the cover panel so if it wasn't for you tube I would have never found it.
I unplugged it to clear it, even though no codes showed up, plugged it back in and ran a self-clean cycle. It made it through that fine. Now doing a small load and so far so good.
It is a top loading. When they delivered it they didn't have an owner's manual for me. :(
I forgot about using white vinegar, @Sewingcreations15 AND by the way, it certainly is good to see you back here! You are gone long periods of time more recently and it doesn't seem right when you're not posting.
Sounds like you have a nice supply of tasty foods ready to go with you.
Most brain surgeries are done with the patient conscious. Is that how your dear husband will be operated on?
Our kitty is overdue for her vaccinations but she hasn't been feeling so great. We saw more improvement with her today, but she is no longer wanting to eat her kibble, so we switched her over to canned since she wouldn't eat at all if we didn't.
Cleaned out the freezer, @Grimm thank you for the reminder.
I unplugged it to clear it, even though no codes showed up, plugged it back in and ran a self-clean cycle. It made it through that fine. Now doing a small load and so far so good.
It is a top loading. When they delivered it they didn't have an owner's manual for me. :(
I forgot about using white vinegar, @Sewingcreations15 AND by the way, it certainly is good to see you back here! You are gone long periods of time more recently and it doesn't seem right when you're not posting.
Sounds like you have a nice supply of tasty foods ready to go with you.
Most brain surgeries are done with the patient conscious. Is that how your dear husband will be operated on?
Our kitty is overdue for her vaccinations but she hasn't been feeling so great. We saw more improvement with her today, but she is no longer wanting to eat her kibble, so we switched her over to canned since she wouldn't eat at all if we didn't.
Cleaned out the freezer, @Grimm thank you for the reminder.
So good that it is running again. I think that some user manuals are available online now.
So good that it is running again. I think that some user manuals are available online now.

Our washer has a reset sequence. Unplug, replug, open lid six times. Works everytime it quits on us. We just bought this one less than 3 years ago but the electrical in the last rental house was bad and blew the previous washer AND did some damage to this one. I have a single outlet surge protector on all of our large appliances now because of it.
Our washer has a reset sequence. Unplug, replug, open lid six times. Works everytime it quits on us. We just bought this one less than 3 years ago but the electrical in the last rental house was bad and blew the previous washer AND did some damage to this one. I have a single outlet surge protector on all of our large appliances now because of it.
I have known of people who lost several appliances in one go around with an electrical surge.
@Bacpacker Happy belated birthday to you and Mrs. Glad you were able to go for a drive 🍁🌻🍂
@phideaux Glad to hear from you. Wish it was better news. God’s hanging on to you 💕
@Sewingcreations15 Good to hear from you. Prayers for for both of you as DH goes through surgery. Will be waiting for an update and a good Tabatha cat story- she cracks me up.
@Patchouli Glad your washer is working. I don’t like spending money on things like washers and iron, clutches - you know, the not fun stuff.
@MoBookworm1957 At least it was an easy fix. You’ll have a great story to remind her of when she’s older 💖
I drove to Spokane and back today. Tomorrow I drive to Looneyville (Portland) and back. I should sleep well. It always amazes me how sitting and doing almost nothing is so tiring (I know it’s mental fatigue from watching out for goofballs).
@Patchouli thank you and DH will be operated on whilst under anesthetic so will be unconscious during the operation and they will be clipping 2 aneurysms during the operation that we know about so far. They are doing another scan before the operation to make triply sure there is no more.

Hoping your cat starts eating shortly and glad you got your washer going.

We are still not back at church yet since the lockdown in March as they were renovating our chapel. Wouldn't you know it they are going back on the 25th but we will be waiting for DH's hospital admission and will be not going to church for about a month until after he is feeling better. Doing sacrament at home still.

They said Tabatha is the perfect weight, has the softest fur they have ever seen and they did a bit of a clean on her back teeth.

Thank you @LadyLocust hoping all goes well and confident it will and nice to know you are praying for us :) .
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Pots are easy and convinant. But the last one we had Hamilton Beach cost about $60 don't make coffee hot enough so it cools off too soon. We started boiling water in a pot and it stays hot now. Put coffee in a filter and pour boiling water over it 'presto'pun ' instant scalding coffee and no messy pots to clean.

I'd never go back.
We have an electrical kettle that boils water in a few minutes. It's stainless steel & sits on a base. We just pick it up off the base once it boils the water & pour it in to whatever we need it for. Mom likes instant coffee so I can pour some into a measuring cup to give her the desired amount of liquid. I use it for boiling the water for making some hamburger helper stuff that calls for hot water.

There is a term for your mother's behavior. It is called narcissism. Narcissists favorite people? Other narcissists! Narcissistic parents often have at least one child who never does anything right, even when they do, and they are the family scape goat. There is often at least one child who is favored above all others and never does anything wrong, even when they do. They are the golden child. The golden child in families is usually male and the scape goat is usually female, but this is not 100%.
That pretty much sums up her behavior during my childhood. She always favored my brother & I was her least favorite. He was the golden child & I was the 2nd girl. I was her personal punching bag (proverbially-- although she did hit me a lot and would smack me in the face with a wooden spoon when she was angry). The more she hit me the more stubborn & defiant I got bc I was only picking up her anger. I remember one time she chased me up a tree and was throwing rocks & sticks at me trying to knock me out of it. She wasn't used to exercise so she gave up after a few minutes and went inside. She only hit when she was angry. Apparently her parents were stingy with praise as well & for some reason rather than learning from that, she didn't give praise- at least not to me. Good thing my dad was around to counter it. My brother doesn't seem to realize how spoiled he was & bc he was the favorite, it hits him especially hard now that he's no longer the favorite. He stopped doing what mom wanted so she started taking out her anger on him (verbally). She rarely hit him. Sometimes she would hit me when she was angry at him when we were little. She tries to gaslight me and deny it happened, but my siblings do remember most of it too. She has apologized for some things & she does say "thank you" sometimes. She didn't say "thank you" until she was in her 60s & never apologized until then either. I've forgiven her though. She holds on to anger over things that happened over 50 years ago & it's not healthy. I will remember things, but it takes a lot for me to hold a grudge or stay angry. I found it's healthier to just let it go and move on. I just don't have the energy for it.

I ended up having a sour stomach & didn't go to the store as planned. Will try to go tomorrow.
Here I am 2am in ER again.

Another tachycardia event with my heart . It started about 10:30 pm Monday night, daughter brought me to ER.

Ty hey had to shock my heart again . It was running wide open at about 165 rpm

I'm resting now. Will be spending the night.

Well I went about 5 months this time.

Now I got to get home to take care of wife.

I'll sure be glad when 2020 ends.

You take care of yourself Jim... call if you need anything. You have my number!

I appreciate that .

But you know I got 3 daughters and 6 grandkids within 4 miles of me.
They may have to help with the wife a little now.
Although, once they get the old ticker back where it should be...I feel pretty good ..
Well good.😊

Hi, colleagues! Dawn is doing much better. She can smell and taste about half of the dinners I make and hasn't had any shortness of breath, which is the best news. She still has a mild headache and is weak as a kitten still, but he worst has appeared to have passed. she should be back to normal by the end of the week, which is a good thing, because...

...I now have it! I am symptomatic, but mostly it is fever/chills/nausea, and have been very tired for the last 3 days. Fortunately, no loss of taste/smell or difficulty breathing, which is a great thing (so far), since I did have COPD.

Yesterday morning, as we're just sitting on the couch feeling crappy, I heard a knock on the door, and looked out to see a couple of Mormon missionary sisters at the door. I turned out that both of them had tested positive the previous month, but wore masks anyway, and had come to "check up" on us and to "just say hi". Dawn (this is such a woman thing) was kind of embarrassed about the state of the house, but they said that was why they were there and tore into the place like the proverbial white tornado. They changed the sheets and made the beds, dusted and vacuumed, picked up about 250 kilograms of used Kleenex, and heated up some HOMEMADE chicken soup they had brought from somewhere.

I thanked them and said I thought that chicken soup was the traditional Jewish get-better meal, but the older one said they checked with the Bishop and he said it works on sick Pagans, too!!! They asked if there was anything else they could do, and I said they could finish trenching a line for the electrical cable out to the east pasture. They actually believed me for a minute. Anyway, we compromised on their taking a couple dozen eggs.

You don't see this kind of neighborliness in the city. Bear in mind that these kids (both are twenty and this is their first gig away from home) weren't interested in 'converting' us. They knew our religious persuasion, and they also know that we tend to feed missionaries dinner and they just like hang out with us.

Life is good.
Here I am 2am in ER again.

Another tachycardia event with my heart . It started about 10:30 pm Monday night, daughter brought me to ER.

Ty hey had to shock my heart again . It was running wide open at about 165 rpm

I'm resting now. Will be spending the night.

Well I went about 5 months this time.

Now I got to get home to take care of wife.

I'll sure be glad when 2020 ends.

Prayers going out for you Jim and Mrs. Jim.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Happy belated birthday Backpacker and Mrs. Backpacker.
Glad you got to go for drive.
Sewing Creation 15, will be saying extra prayers for you and Mister.
Patch, glad the washer is acting right.
Well it's good news for the coffee pot is chortling along this morning.
Neb, grand daughter is 3 and loves to help Granny.
She told me the button wasn't pretty anymore wasn't glowing.
Her daddy was upset with her.
But I wasn't to much.
Because she watches me like a hawk, does things just bout like I do things.
So one day when she's here I will let her push the button on the coffee pot for me.
She told her dad one time to put 2 scoops in coffee pot because that's what Granny does.
She was just talking good.
I got my size 4 boots back on.
My left foot went in like nothing was wrong with it.
Still got bone spur on heel, 1 broken bone on side of foot.
Heard talking in house last night, nobody lives here but me and Strawberry.
Got up to check the place.
Furby decided that 2 am was a good time to start talking again.
Something must have vibrated for Furby to wake up.
Everybody have nice day.
Had the same ER doctor and nurses again. They tried everything to not have to shock me. Didn't succeed.

They're calling me the Eveready Bunny here at the hospital.
Takes a beating , keeps on tickin.

3rd time this year....

I'm praying for good health and healing for both you and your wife. Getting older sure has its challenges, health wise. I always wonder what God is trying to tell us, or is he telling us anything? Is he nudging you to move? We know you have that on your mind. Best to you!
Here I am 2am in ER again.

Another tachycardia event with my heart . It started about 10:30 pm Monday night, daughter brought me to ER.

Ty hey had to shock my heart again . It was running wide open at about 165 rpm

I'm resting now. Will be spending the night.

Well I went about 5 months this time.

Now I got to get home to take care of wife.

I'll sure be glad when 2020 ends.


My mom was having this same type of cardiac events before she got her pacemaker. Still wish she didn't get the damn thing but she is better for the most part. I think she has had 3 surgeries to fix the pacemaker and she has had it less than 2 years. Before she was only having procedures every 12 months or so. At least they catch the issues with the pacemaker fast.
I'm praying for good health and healing for both you and your wife. Getting older sure has its challenges, health wise. I always wonder what God is trying to tell us, or is he telling us anything? Is he nudging you to move? We know you have that on your mind. Best to you!

Maybe he's telling me not to move????
I don't know.
Right now I just need to be available to take care of my wife.

This is very bad timing.

My mom was having this same type of cardiac events before she got her pacemaker. Still wish she didn't get the damn thing but she is better for the most part. I think she has had 3 surgeries to fix the pacemaker and she has had it less than 2 years. Before she was only having procedures every 12 months or so. At least they catch the issues with the pacemaker fast.

I've had a pacemaker/defib for 6 years and never had a problem with it.
Mine is set to pace at 40 bpm, and fire defib at 188 bpm.

They are talking about changing those numbers s.
My battery still has 5 more years life in it.

If it starts pacing , or firing, that shortens the battery life.

Just went down for an Echo cardiogram. EF is 35.

Waiting .

Just got a call from my wife.

The neurosurgeon called her with results of the MRI yesterday.

We were expecting them to say they seen nothing.
Well.....the only vertebrae she has left unbroken is L2, L3, and L5.

L2and L5 are fractured. They are gonna cement L3 also , setting up for 6th surgery since August.

Hopefully that will take care of her pain.

Now I gotta get back

You guys are going through it Jim. Other than our prayers, let us know what we could do to help.

I appreciate that.

But this is really a one man job..
We just take care of each other as best we can
Nobody can really do anything .

All the outside projects are done for the year.

I been cooking a little. Been picking up our food.
Cleaning house...oh...feeding them cats. Rehoming Doogan was a good thing.

Thanks BP and Peanut.
I know you would do your best to help , as I would you guys.

We are gonna get through this.

Pulled out the last 2 of the 5 gallon buckets from where K stashed them in the garage. One had rancid flour and the other has sealed and safe sugar. That makes 2 buckets full of sugar and 2 empty ones. I will load one with dried beans/lentils and I am not sure of the other empty one. Normally I'd say flour but I am keeping that in the deep freeze for now. I already have a bucket of rice but I can always fill another one with rice!

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