What's everybody doing today?

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I'm the proud mom of two Eagles. They say it matters on a resume. Eagle ceremonies can be interesting.
@Terri9630 at least you didn't break anything when you fell.
@Angie quick recovery to your cousin.
Went to church; they said sing if you want but keep your mask on.
Watered my outside flowers which I am not sure where to plant at this point. Wanted to take doge for a walk but she didn't want to go. Cat is doing a little better. Appetite returned. Meowing and rubbing against my shins etc., but mostly lying around more than usual.
Listening to some MoTab. Stephen Stills.
Trying to stay cheerful.
After church I got one of the raised bed new tops installed and painted, will need to wait a day to add covering material. The wood on the third bed is still serviceable, so I put new plastic covering material on it. So by tomorrow night my 3 primary raised beds will be covered and ready to go into winter.... The lettuce and spinach will keep growing slowly all winter, I hope the parsley is able to do the same. I noticed 9 garlic are up in one bed so they may be spring garlic this year, they are kitchen cloves that sprouted, so I planted them :) Will have to go back to the health center tomorrow to pick up meds for the wife....
Eating and sleeping mostly today.
Seems every time I sit down, I go to sleep.
Have had grand daughter several times this week.
Seems everyone who watches her is sick right now.
Only two people who aren't sick is grand daughter and myself.
Don't know if I have her tomorrow yet.
Hopefully not, want to do laundry instead.
Watching TV, resting.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
Weather is getting cooler.
I have a friend that has been in declining health for years. He is currently hospitalized. His wife called and asked us to go the their house to get some of his meds and could I bring them to the hospital. It will be a six hour round trip. I'll get back home about 3 AM. Absolutely yes.

Wife calls from their house, there's a misunderstanding, they don't need the meds until tomorrow. Which means I'll be driving during the day, good because I have the tendency to want to go to sleep when it's dark
Surprised the hospital is letting him bring in his own meds. That's a big no everytime husband has been hospitalized. I've had to sneak in OTC stuff, like foot cream and eye drops because they want to provide everything from the hospital.
Meds is what I'm told. I'll know the facts when my wife returns from their house.
Wow! Y’all be careful. No more of this watering plants and trimming roses - too dangerous. Take care and heal quickly 💕
Seems we will get 5 day of autumn. It’s supposed to be above freezing through Tuesday then freeze Wednesday night and chance if snow Saturday 😲. I got the tomatoes pulled today, mowed one last time and cleaned some things up until the wind started in again.
Will be on the road for the better part if the next 2 days. Will be nice when that slacks off.
I'm perfectly fine with counting the truck as #3!
I was watering my house plants. Stepped backwards off the foot stool right onto my roomba. Roomba, and my foot, went right out from under me. Head bounced off the floor tile....
Yikes, I hope the truck is the third as well. I hope you have a great week, Terri.
I'm the proud mom of two Eagles. They say it matters on a resume. Eagle ceremonies can be interesting.
@Terri9630 at least you didn't break anything when you fell.
@Angie quick recovery to your cousin.
Went to church; they said sing if you want but keep your mask on.
Watered my outside flowers which I am not sure where to plant at this point. Wanted to take doge for a walk but she didn't want to go. Cat is doing a little better. Appetite returned. Meowing and rubbing against my shins etc., but mostly lying around more than usual.
Listening to some MoTab. Stephen Stills.
Trying to stay cheerful.
Are your flowers in pots now? I brought a bunch of potted stuff in. Not sure if it will survive, but a pot of nasturtiums has continued to bloom. They were old seeds when I put them in the pot and I wasn't sure if they would sprout at all, so I am glad to have them blooming in the house.
I believe that becoming an Eagle Scout is helpful for developing good character. I have cousins who are Eagle Scouts. They are great citizens, something our country seems to be lacking in these days.
Wife is still struggling with pain in lower back, going for ANOTHER MRI today , and I'll be donating blood again to the labs.


I hate to hear it too and really hope she gets better soon. It has been a tough go for you both this past year along with the crazy world events. 🙏. Isolation is really getting to us now as time goes by.
Mo, I hope little punkin' britches being around other possibly sick people doesn't pass it off to you.
Me too.
So far little big grand daughter and I are the only ones not sick.
Don't have her today as of yet.
Probably not till Friday, I can hope.
Should be doing laundry, nope cooking instead.
Trash day is tomorrow so clean out stuff from refrig.
Got 9 quarts of fresh vegetables, turkey breast soup simmering on the stove top.
All fresh vegetables that needed used up is in the pot of soup.
Hmm, have never put brussels sprouts in vegetable soup, but they needed used up so in they went.
Got a dab of dishes to do up.
Finish dusting out floors.
Then will sit on my behind, crocheting on Baby Reign's Christmas blanket.
About a third done with it so far.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
Might have to make bread to go with my soup.
I shall ponder about that for awhile.
Jim, I hope your wife gets better soon.

Its been cooler out here but I've been catching up on some much needed sleep. Got a little grocery shopping done yesterday but the store is still cleared out of stuff we normally get. Made burgers & of course my mom "thanked" me by saying "Why did you overcook my burger?" It was medium rare-- still pink on the inside but she has to criticize rather than appreciate. But, that's just the way she always has been. My brother & I have said that if one of us found the cure for cancer she wouldn't express pride, she would instead find ways to criticize-- like "why did it take so long?" or "why didn't you make it better?" My brother said the burger I made for him was perfectly cooked. He likes his burgers medium rare.

I was finally able to get logged in to try to put in a repair request for my landline. Password had been changed for some reason & I suspect account hacking (which I'll get back to in a moment). Website said there was already a known issue & that lines should be fixed by the 21st. But the odd thing was, it said something about a secondary account linked to ours that had a completely different unknown e-mail & a completely different phone number (not even in the same state). When the landline is working again, I will have to call them & talk to them about that. I wonder if it is why our landline bill went up. We'd previously linked the landline to the cellphone to bundle for a discount & the landline bill had been around $40. Now it's almost $70. The cellphone bill was supposed to go down but instead it went up so we will have to talk to them about that. It wouldn't give me an itemized breakdown of the cellphone so I wonder if someone else snuck a line on to our plan without permission. But when we were upgrading the plan, a 4th phone was not mentioned.

I think I will miss the silence of phones not ringing once it's back on though. We'll be getting tons of political calls. All of us have voted already. Pretty sure we will get random robo calls for stuff & surveys too. I try not to be rude to people taking surveys. I don't like it when alleged charities call though. I say alleged bc some of the ones calling are not legitimate. I had one where they called more than once per day every day & threatened to call 10x a day every day unless I pledged $ to them (after I told them to take me off their call list). I told them that I was recording the call & they could hear from my lawyer about harassment & the calls stopped.

I need to go to some stores in Alexandria today to restock on some frozen food.

For now I'm just sitting here with my dog, who has buried herself under blankets she stole from my bed.
I wonder what's wrong with it? Heating element going out maybe? Do coffee makers have a part called a heating element? Wish I knew how to fix it for you. Mom bought a few coffee machines but they are too tall to fit on the counter & not block the cabinet doors. She's got 2 still in boxes & wants me to set one of them up. I will have to find a spot with one of the higher cabinets & set it up in such a way that cats can't knock it down. Which means it will probably be on the other side of the microwave.
I'm about to go see if anyone in the household is up & wants to go to the store with me.
I wonder what's wrong with it? Heating element going out maybe? Do coffee makers have a part called a heating element? Wish I knew how to fix it for you. Mom bought a few coffee machines but they are too tall to fit on the counter & not block the cabinet doors. She's got 2 still in boxes & wants me to set one of them up. I will have to find a spot with one of the higher cabinets & set it up in such a way that cats can't knock it down. Which means it will probably be on the other side of the microwave.
I'm about to go see if anyone in the household is up & wants to go to the store with me.
I probably zapped it.
I do that sometimes.
And it's just at 6 months old.
Coffee pots are used hard here.
Going back through the forums.
Catching up on some while I sit here crocheting Christmas.
Hope to be completely done making Christmas by Thanksgiving.
If not sooner.
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Filled another cleaned 5 gallon bucket. Since this is for my in house pantry closet I used a bucket liner and filled it with bags of powdered sugar. I have a large stash of it because I make our birthday cakes instead of buying them. Homemade buttercream is sooooo much better than icing in a can or store made. With Roo's birthday on the 28th I know I will be using a bit so having a bucket set up is nice. I'll buy a few more bags the next time I go to the store.

Rewashed a bucket I washed last week. It had dirt and crud under the sealing ring for the gamma lid and it had to be removed. Once the ring was off it was easy to clean it properly. Once it is dried I'll fill it and put it away. Grabbed a few more buckets from the garage and found one with really old corn meal in it. I thought we had fed it all to the chickens back when Juju was a baby! I tossed the corn meal since the bucket wasn't sealed. I will be washing that bucket later and lining it for sugar or brown sugar for the in house pantry. I have 3 buckets after that to clean and fill before any new buckets can or will be bought.

You live and learn when it comes to food storage and I think I have a better understanding of what we will and can eat in regards to stored foods.
It will be a sad day today.:cry:
My coffee pot is trying to go belly up.
Fresh pot of coffee is cold.
It just finished perking.
At least I got 2 pots of coffee out of it this morning.
Was thinking about the third.:cry::cry:.
So will have to pull myself together and get another coffee pot.

Pots are easy and convinant. But the last one we had Hamilton Beach cost about $60 don't make coffee hot enough so it cools off too soon. We started boiling water in a pot and it stays hot now. Put coffee in a filter and pour boiling water over it 'presto'pun ' instant scalding coffee and no messy pots to clean.

I'd never go back.
We played hosts to the G-daughters this week-end. I t gives mom and dad a chance to no have to keep the girls entertained and gives grampa a chance to teach them they can get by just fine without smart things and tablets. Of course making brownies with Gramma helps.


Since today was a rain day and I do not have more concrete until tomorrow, I spent the day harvesting copper and hardware from a pile of dead fans. I have plans/dreams of some day cast my own metal and since copper has a nice low melting point, I plan to start with that.


Another batch to add to the pile.


Tomorrow I should be back to the remodel project since I have 2 more palettes scheduled to be delivered and I need to move it down into the basement.


We played hosts to the G-daughters this week-end. I t gives mom and dad a chance to no have to keep the girls entertained and gives grampa a chance to teach them they can get by just fine without smart things and tablets. Of course making brownies with Gramma helps.

View attachment 52039

Since today was a rain day and I do not have more concrete until tomorrow, I spent the day harvesting copper and hardware from a pile of dead fans. I have plans/dreams of some day cast my own metal and since copper has a nice low melting point, I plan to start with that.

View attachment 52040

Another batch to add to the pile.

View attachment 52041

Tomorrow I should be back to the remodel project since I have 2 more palettes scheduled to be delivered and I need to move it down into the basement.



Cute kids Ben, my grankids alway laughed when I taught them how to bake,said I took it over instead of letting them do it.
Where do you get all that copper?
Jim, I hope your wife gets better soon.

Its been cooler out here but I've been catching up on some much needed sleep. Got a little grocery shopping done yesterday but the store is still cleared out of stuff we normally get. Made burgers & of course my mom "thanked" me by saying "Why did you overcook my burger?" It was medium rare-- still pink on the inside but she has to criticize rather than appreciate. But, that's just the way she always has been. My brother & I have said that if one of us found the cure for cancer she wouldn't express pride, she would instead find ways to criticize-- like "why did it take so long?" or "why didn't you make it better?" My brother said the burger I made for him was perfectly cooked. He likes his burgers medium rare.
There is a term for your mother's behavior. It is called narcissism. Narcissists favorite people? Other narcissists! Narcissistic parents often have at least one child who never does anything right, even when they do, and they are the family scape goat. There is often at least one child who is favored above all others and never does anything wrong, even when they do. They are the golden child. The golden child in families is usually male and the scape goat is usually female, but this is not 100%.
My washer is acting up. Stops part way through the cycle. Unplugged it to see if that will reset the monster motor machine. Fingers crossed. I thought I had gotten a 3 year warranty on it but they say no and I can't find my paperwork!
Don't feel like takin' it down to the crick. No, I wouldn't, there is no creek.

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