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This is only my second year of DIY hydroponics and I am using what I was able to get at HD, a 50/50 mix of Miracle-grow All Purpose and Vegetables & Herbs or Tomato plant food. I use 3 tablespoons of each disolved in 5 gallons of water, then I fill my containers from that...
View attachment 52207+View attachment 52208 or View attachment 52209

I am sure there are better formulas out there, I was just trying to match some of the chemistries I was reading about, with what I could easily find.

I will top-off with the same mixture between the first and second crop, then after the second harvest I dump the remaining liquid in one of my raised beds or the flower bed out front, anyway any remaining value is absorbed by other growing spaces...

I wash all of my containers with dish soap and hot water and have them sitting in que for the next available space (I was able to get my containers with lids for under a dollar each, and each container can grow 2 large plants). I am using 2 and 3 inch baskets. I am just using seed starter soil in them, I line each basket with a single layer of TP so the soil stays in the basket but the roots can grow down into the water easily. I gather up the soil as I harvest plants and move it to the garden when I have enough of it.

My wife gets medicines twice a week, it is packed in a box lined with 1 inch thick sheets of styrofoam, so I am cutting those sheets into floats to support my 2 inch baskets. I am hoping it will reduce the maintenance a lot... Just start them, harvest and repeat... That would be soo much easier than checking the water levels and trying to add water without over filling or making a mess....

Anyway, this is my experiment for this winter... I have to have something to tinker with or I am just not a happy camper. ;)

I'm sure that will work, and I bet you'll like growing with hydroponics too. :thumbs:
This is only my second year of DIY hydroponics and I am using what I was able to get at HD, a 50/50 mix of Miracle-grow All Purpose and Vegetables & Herbs or Tomato plant food. I use 3 tablespoons of each disolved in 5 gallons of water, then I fill my containers from that...
View attachment 52207+View attachment 52208 or View attachment 52209

I am sure there are better formulas out there, I was just trying to match some of the chemistries I was reading about, with what I could easily find.

I will top-off with the same mixture between the first and second crop, then after the second harvest I dump the remaining liquid in one of my raised beds or the flower bed out front, anyway any remaining value is absorbed by other growing spaces...

I wash all of my containers with dish soap and hot water and have them sitting in que for the next available space (I was able to get my containers with lids for under a dollar each, and each container can grow 2 large plants). I am using 2 and 3 inch baskets. I am just using seed starter soil in them, I line each basket with a single layer of TP so the soil stays in the basket but the roots can grow down into the water easily. I gather up the soil as I harvest plants and move it to the garden when I have enough of it.

My wife gets medicines twice a week, it is packed in a box lined with 1 inch thick sheets of styrofoam, so I am cutting those sheets into floats to support my 2 inch baskets. I am hoping it will reduce the maintenance a lot... Just start them, harvest and repeat... That would be soo much easier than checking the water levels and trying to add water without over filling or making a mess....

Anyway, this is my experiment for this winter... I have to have something to tinker with or I am just not a happy camper. ;)
Are you monitoring and controlling the pH?

I had written previously about working with a PHD that figured out that carefully controlling the pH of drip irrigation could double the yield of all kinds of plants. He had me visit a test farm where he had automated all of the chemistry. He told a story that the holding pond that collected all of the water from the farm would swing during the day as sunlight would stimulate algae growth during the day. Getting the pH under control made the difference.

I had enough "drama" in the army.
Also when I worked for Wal*Mart too.
Trust me there is always "drama" at Wal*Mart.
I kinda shy away from "drama" now.
I like boring. It is safe

Today I worked my brother to (drumroll please) put in more concrete.

My brother mixed while I filled the forms. I had to crawl on my knees and heft the buckets over the form while under the existing floor.

I called him a 1/2 hours ago to thank him for beating the h@ll out me after I took 2 ibuprofen.

Nobody said boring is easy.

She loves it here. Hangs with the chickens and the barn cats alot. Is getting along well with Levi, the neighbor kid. Loves her teacher, and her class of eight. Is running around more, which is good. She came to us very overweight. Losing a bit of the sass that would come out of her mouth, because she got tired of getting extra chores because of the sass. Ha. Has two best friends at school now.
Strawberry has been walked several times.
I have walked several times.
Sitting around crocheting on Miss Reign's Christmas blanket.
And one of the others too.
Cooked several times, cleaned up the kitchen.
Tried to take a nap on the couch this afternoon.
Strawberry didn't let that happen.
Couldn't get settled enough to do anything for any length of time.
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Mo, you're awesome. I'm sure your "boring" lifestyle and activities runs circles around me! I find it interesting to read daily schedules from y'all. Right now I can't sleep. Supposed to get up in 5 hours, head off to work after that. Be there a few hours, come home, eat, relax for a few minutes not hours, study as long as I can, hopefully get out to the stores for a few things in camping dept. Come home and study more.
I voted Wednesday. 🇺🇲
Sleep is over rated right now.
I'm going to be nosy.
What are you studying for?
Hope you ACE it.
@phideaux Sounds like they have a good plan for you- doable. Now let’s get Mrs fixed up and we’re in good shape for winter 💕. Then no more of the antics- got that 💖
@Neb I’ll be the kid: Are you done yet? How ‘bout now? It’s dark in there. Why does cement smell like that? Can I put my hand print in it? 😂. For reals, a fun thing to do would be to put a message in a bottle, then put the bottle along the side of the wall so it can be seen but not extracted from the wall. Would bug the dickens out of some folks. Yea, I’m ornery like that 😁
@Amish Heart That’s so awesome that GD is doing so well!
@MoBookworm1957 Maybe it’s because I’ve had enough “excitement” in my life that I didn’t care for, but I prefer boring. I like routine and steadiness. Many folks today have become accustomed to being entertained - and have to have the last entertainment “one-uped.” It’s interesting talking to one upers. For me it becomes a bit of a game to see how many comments or situations they can one-up. I know- I’m not very nice 😉
I drove a short trip today, about 3 hrs. There was a chance I was going to have to do the 9 1/2 hr trip again tomorrow but it’s put off until Monday. Cold here too. Snowed in the mountains yesterday. I’m not quite ready for that yet.
She loves it here. Hangs with the chickens and the barn cats alot. Is getting along well with Levi, the neighbor kid. Loves her teacher, and her class of eight. Is running around more, which is good. She came to us very overweight. Losing a bit of the sass that would come out of her mouth, because she got tired of getting extra chores because of the sass. Ha. Has two best friends at school now.
that's what I was hoping to hear. You saved her life. I hope that she is realizing that maybe the sass isn't necessary and it's not just because of the extra chores that she's not as sassy. Ingrain a decent sense of respect into her heart. Can't hang out with all those Amish all the time and not be affected by it!
:heart/flower and pie.
Mo, I messaged you. Okay, I'm studying to get book learnin's! Working toward an associate's online.
I know a couple of people that say they have never heard of the word, "sass" or "sassy."
Sleep might be over rated. So is food.
I like those, too, but I can't eat them before bedtime.
Oh, and hey! Halloween is coming up! It's not celebrated here, and it's on a weekend, so I told grandkids I'll have a surprise for them. Thought I'd sneak up on them and throw candy at them. And hide it all over in one of the big barns. Right before dark. I bought a big bag of candy bars that I like.
I like those, too, but I can't eat them before bedtime.
Oh, and hey! Halloween is coming up! It's not celebrated here, and it's on a weekend, so I told grandkids I'll have a surprise for them. Thought I'd sneak up on them and throw candy at them. And hide it all over in one of the big barns. Right before dark. I bought a big bag of candy bars that I like.
So if you hide each candy bar on a snap trap, the kids could have fun tripping them. Bonus if you forget where you hid them, you can let the rats find them.

My friend in the hospital isn't doing too well. Doctors said it's time to call in the family, he isn't expected to make it. It's been a twenty year plus fight for him and he's looking forward to his eternity home.

Since his wife been with him at the hospital she hasn't been able to rake the leaves or mow their yard. I'll be doing that for them this afternoon when it warms up.

Got the word last night that my friend died. His family was able to spend time with him.

He was clear minded and was giving family info on his bank accounts and passwords (which IMHO should have been compiled in advanced and placed in a known secured location).

He had asked me if I would be available if his wife needed help, I said yes. She's thinking of moving out of state to be closer to their children.

Our friends are dying . Now I'm beginning to understand my Dad's obsession with the obituaries.
The hospital released me today , in the care of myself.

Felt much better when I got home , after a 2 hour nap.

I've got an appointment with a Electrophysiologist on Thursday morning , that comes once a month from Nashville , Vanderbilt.
He may want to do an oblation.

Whatever it takes. Getting hit with a bazillion volts ain't fun.

Thanks to everybody for the prayers and concern.

I don't understand. Isn't that some kind of a prayer or religious offering or something?
Our friends are dying . Now I'm beginning to understand my Dad's obsession with the obituaries.

At our age we are losing many friends and family.

I only have one lifetime friend left.
Only because he's a doctor , has he survived .

They call it life cycle.

Will be trying to put the new PTO shaft on the tractor/bush hog mower today.
Then going to Sirloin Stockade for late lunch.

Wife will go if the pain pills are working.

Still haven't heard from surgeon, to schedule wife's surgery.

Y'all have a great late summer day. Low 80s today.
Lemme know if I can help.

At our age we are losing many friends and family.

I only have one lifetime friend left.
Only because he's a doctor , has he survived .

They call it life cycle.

Will be trying to put the new PTO shaft on the tractor/bush hog mower today.
Then going to Sirloin Stockade for late lunch.

Wife will go if the pain pills are working.

Still haven't heard from surgeon, to schedule wife's surgery.

Y'all have a great late summer day. Low 80s today.
Lemme know if I can help.


Don't be over doing it Jim , you don't need no more shock treatments.👍
@phideaux Sounds like they have a good plan for you- doable. Now let’s get Mrs fixed up and we’re in good shape for winter 💕. Then no more of the antics- got that 💖
@Neb I’ll be the kid: Are you done yet? How ‘bout now? It’s dark in there. Why does cement smell like that? Can I put my hand print in it? 😂. For reals, a fun thing to do would be to put a message in a bottle, then put the bottle along the side of the wall so it can be seen but not extracted from the wall. Would bug the dickens out of some folks. Yea, I’m ornery like that 😁
@Amish Heart That’s so awesome that GD is doing so well!
@MoBookworm1957 Maybe it’s because I’ve had enough “excitement” in my life that I didn’t care for, but I prefer boring. I like routine and steadiness. Many folks today have become accustomed to being entertained - and have to have the last entertainment “one-uped.” It’s interesting talking to one upers. For me it becomes a bit of a game to see how many comments or situations they can one-up. I know- I’m not very nice 😉
I drove a short trip today, about 3 hrs. There was a chance I was going to have to do the 9 1/2 hr trip again tomorrow but it’s put off until Monday. Cold here too. Snowed in the mountains yesterday. I’m not quite ready for that yet.

You ring?:fun fun::dancing:😆
@phideaux Sounds like they have...

@Neb I’ll be the kid: Are you done yet? How ‘bout now? It’s dark in there. Why does cement smell like that? Can I put my hand print in it? 😂. For reals, a fun thing to do would be to put a message in a bottle, then put the bottle along the side of the wall so it can be seen but not extracted from the wall. Would bug the dickens out of some folks. Yea, I’m ornery like that 😁

That is a great idea!

When the girls are visiting on Sunday, I will get them to write the notes and put them in an mason jar. We still have some wall left for me to embed the jar.


Just got the call from Surgeon.

We shoulda went thru ER again...they do surgery next day.

Now , it's pre-op Nov 2nd and , surgery Nov 11th.

That's almost 3 more weeks of pain.

Do what we gotta do.

Might ask to be put on a cancelation list incase there is an opening between the 2nd and 11th. Probably won't happen, but there's always a chance.