Get better soon @The Lazy L and get lots of sleep when you can 
Bought 15 bags of cypress mulch for my front flower beds. Maybe our son will come help spread it. The grand girls will enjoy planting in the garden.
I'm going to have to gird my loins and get this lawn tractor going.
The grass is over 2 foot tall even with both flocks loose in the yard.
I now have two Eastern Brown snakes living under the floating slab of my lean-to laundry
and they're not in a good mood coming into ...ahem......winter.
Yeah...Johny's got company.
The last thing I want is to step on one of them.
Did I mention how much I HATE mowing?
It's the reason why I brought a huge lawn tractor that cost more then my first car.
It's a pity the dealership uses really poor quality batteries.
My daisy chained batteries didn't go so well.
I used the lead from my genset that is designed to recharge solar battery banks.
The leads and clamps got very hot and started smoking.....yikes!
New plan.
I've had a very close look at the cut off switch under the seat and I believe I can
jury-rig it so I don't have to have the old, useless battery in the battery well and keep the larger
car battery in the foot well.
This process is prob. going to involve a gross weight of electrical tape and a lot of muttered prayers
and appeals for forgiveness for slips of the tongue.
I HATE unreliable machinery and while I do have the ability and nouse to fix issues I bitter resent having to.
I pay large amount of dollars on the front end in an effort to side step issues and then.......![]()
YAHHHH!! I got it going.
I leave it run for a while to get it warmed up and to get the fluids flowing.
I'm so happy I worked out how to by-pass the under-seat cut off so now I can just let it run without having to sit on it.
The cut off was a pain in the bum because I'm 5'2 and my legs aren't long enough to have the break pedal pushed all the way down to the
floor and sit on the seat with enough force to disengage the under seat cut off.
I have the seat pushed as far forward as I can and I did look to see if there was room to bring the seat forward on it's frame by drilling new bolt holes
but there just isn't enough meat on the lugs to make any difference.
When the SHTF the world will be held together with 10 gauge plain fencing wire and duct tape.
Is it gonna be ok? How'd you manage that?More clean up ...
Worked with the horses, then ponies.
Smashed the crap out of hand .![]()
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Is it gonna be ok? How'd you manage that?
View attachment 5380
@Tank-Girl I knew you could get the tractor working, well done
@Andi glad your hand will be alright, if you have any Arnica cream there whack that all over it of course gentlyand it should draw out the bruising and take down the swelling a bit.
@Tank-Girl that is going to take some time to shift, you doing it by wheelbarrow or tractor ?. We get manure in 3 cubic metre lots and just that is tiring. You are probably like us though with all the activity your weight, blood pressure nor your stamina would be problem
. How long have you got to get that accomplished ?.
I'm jealous. I don't have anything yet. Being able to give to the friends and neighbors is so awesome. Just something very cool about saying hey I grew this myself and I want you to be able to enjoy it as well. Such a cool community type thing and passing it on is the ultimate of what growing is all about. Good on ya @Sewingcreations15 . Shows your kind heart and good character.....Today we picked 32 cucumbers (about 16kg) from the gardens and used 8 for juices and also picked few strawberries which we ate. We fertilised the vegetable, herb and berry gardens with a tonic of seasol and put urea around the corn, strawberries and silverbeet for a nitrogen boost. I texted a friend and she took around 12 for her to make pickles and another friend lives 2 doors up from them so they took 4 and we have texted another friend at church and she wants 2. The excess we will take to church tomorrow to give away.
While we were at it we weeded 2 x 9 x 2mt garden beds and also picked all of the lovely French Lavender in the gardens and hung them upside down to dry and separated the dried buds off the other lavender we had hanging and put them in a jar.
DH vacuumed the whole house and I deep cleaned the toilet and bathroom for the week. Tonight's dinner will be the other half of our homemade pizza and some ice cream and maybe fruit for dessert.
We have a teenager coming over to put our garden cart together either this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon. This morning, we are going to TSC for goat minerals, O'Reilley's for my window shield wipers and Kroger for boneless chicken breasts--cheap. It is almost time to make dog food again and we need some for us too. EBay photos so I can get the 3 items listed, I wrote drafts for yesterday.
Working with my husbands horse ...
and just a little bruised.
It happens sometimes. (but I won in the end, that's what matters.)
That's awesome...It would be great if everyone could do that.....Some just can't and some just won't. But then there is people like us......Life is good.Thanks @Dutchs who'd have thought planting about 12 cucumber plants would produce that many cucumbersand they are still producing. Seriously good to have some nice cool cucumbers to eat during up to 30 oc days though and good to bless others with our abundance. We choose those who we know struggle financially and are mostly on pensions to give our excess produce to and those who spend a lot of time helping others, and other than that take the rest to church. So far our cucumbers have been stretched across 8 families including ours with ample for all concerned.
I hope you feel better quickly! You should probably have a little snowbird time every February in the south, somewhere sunny and warm.Sitting here whining and snivelling to my lovely bride about how miserable I feel with this bug I am battling