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I just battled some kind of bug and won. Because of my eye surgery in the big city on the 10th I began dosing fairly heavy with my herbal arsenal a few days before that. And I continued afterwards because any trauma is a shock to the body. Any surgery is trauma. My arsenal includes several antivirals, antibiotics and most importantly plants that boost my endocrine system.

I’d been to town several times in the past week exposing myself to what ever this bug was… Friday morning I woke up but didn’t feel quite myself, something was off. By early afternoon I began to feel the early symptoms of the flu. I increased my herbal dosages to the max recommended.

I used to tell folks I’d gone more than a decade without getting the flu or a cold which isn’t quite accurate. I’d contract the flu but it’d only last an hour or so before my body fought it off.

This bug was different… it was nasty, the more I fought it the more it fought back. I had horrible bone and body aches, severe headaches. By noon on Saturday I was still holding my own but barely. Saturday evening it attacked my lungs, coughing my head off, difficulty breathing.

I didn’t get to sleep until about 5am this morning. When I woke it was gone, my body had successfully fought it off but it took 48hrs. I don’t know if it was an early variant of the flu or covid. Covid tests are so inaccurate there is no point in taking one so I’m left to guess.

I’m going to keep throwing my herbal arsenal at it until at least Thursday

Endocrine, Endocrine, Endocrine, can’t say it enough. With my endocrine and immune systems firing on all cylinders I can fight off about anything. Wrote about adaptogens here… Crossvine

The flu that spoiled my 12-year run without the flu I wrote about here… Sleeping in a chair in the ICU night after night and bad hospital food will do it every time. The Flu

I will add that this year I’m ready for the flu season or covid, far more prepared than last winter... I spent the summer making tinctures of antivirals, antibiotics and even the big gun! Boneset, 4 quarts. I made tinctures of everything I could find and plenty of it.
Wife and I went to Costco yesterday, when she went to grab a cart it was dripping wet from anti-covid spray, I went off on the gal checking member cards, told her I felt that all the spraying of carts and counters is going to give people cancer from breathing all the vapors, I was kind when I asked for a towel to wipe the cart, she acted like we were blocking others from coming in, We may just give up going to Costco, maybe I'll go up to the counter where you renew membership and drop our cards on the counter and say we quit. Believe me, those carts at the front looked like they just went through a car wash, only they were sticky wet. And here's another wonderful thing, Kate Brown, our Night Hag governor, says we can't have anymore than 6 people in our homes for Thanksgiving. We have a new saying here in southern Oregon, "If it's brown, flush it down." Oh, we hope you all have a great Thanksgiving.
@Patchouli Hydroxychloroquine & Chloroquine has been effective in treating 1000's of people with covid this year. Last spring the herb "boneset" was also effective, especially in treating the pneumonia that accompanied covid. The pneumonia was what actually killed so many, not covid. What do these three have in common besides covid? All 3 were also effective treatments for “malaria”. This summer I dug through my limited library, especially older books and journals looking for other treatments for malaria before big pharma. The one that stood out was a plant named “Bidens”. I tinctured 3 quarts. Covid itself is treated just like the flu, dozens of different plants can fight the flu. I tinctured a few more of those that I haven't tinctured in the past.
@viking that's awful. We will have at least 14 here. Really? Who would I have left out? You will find a way to have a Happy Thanksgiving!
@Peanut thank you for useful information. I really need to get back into my herbal studies. I also wish I lived where there were more medicinal and health mushrooms growing. It gets too hot here. I remember you talking about "Bidens".
Were you able to access any information online at the one university you were referring to recently?
Were you able to access any information online at the one university you were referring to recently?

What universities make available online (in limited form) is their current curriculum. What I'd like to have access to, like at Vanderbilt University, is the books and records in the basements from the 1800's when plants were in common usage and the only thing available at the pharmacy.

If I wanted current data I can call up my doctor. For a couple years I was able to dig through the old basements at Vandy. Amazing information not available online...
That is terrible...I know some states are telling people to have Thanksgiving zoom together. That's not Thanksgiving. There will be nine of us for sure, and possibly three add ons. 'Company is still here...yesterday we took a walking tour of our place, and the weather was great. Drove down to the lake near here and pitched rocks, then when out for ice cream in the bigger town. Today is breakfast at the Amish restaurant. Shopping in our town (thrift store, Amish discount grocery, and Christian store), and a visit at my cousin's farm because she wants to meet them. Expecting a call from the Health Dept to check on kids. They have two more days on quarantine, but we took them to the lake and for ice cream yesterday anyway. They weren't around any people except us, even there. They are fine.

MIL for her Birthday party. Someone(s) threw an egg and spattered all over the rear car window. Home washed egg off the car and pull the garbage cart out of the garage before putting the car away.


Wheeled the garage cart out to the road side for pickup. I had all the wastepaper baskets emptied Saturday but wife had filled one half full, carried that out to the roadside and place it in the garbage cart.

Outside temperature isn't agreeable to me so I'll be puttering around inside today.

Finally figured out how to remove "Dashlane" from the computer. YouTubes on different tree stump removal methods, nap, fix my lunch more puttering around until we meet at the church for a drive-by Birthday celebration for a member that is having their 90 Birthday. Get the mail, supper and maybe a pre-bedtime nap.
@Patchouli Hydroxychloroquine & Chloroquine has been effective in treating 1000's of people with covid this year. Last spring the herb "boneset" was also effective, especially in treating the pneumonia that accompanied covid. The pneumonia was what actually killed so many, not covid. What do these three have in common besides covid? All 3 were also effective treatments for “malaria”. This summer I dug through my limited library, especially older books and journals looking for other treatments for malaria before big pharma. The one that stood out was a plant named “Bidens”. I tinctured 3 quarts. Covid itself is treated just like the flu, dozens of different plants can fight the flu. I tinctured a few more of those that I haven't tinctured in the past.

According to some the best med once it gets in the lungs are the steroid in the nebulizers. And instead of blowing out the lungs with ventilators usse them.:dunno:.
Most of us don't know or have the plants to make the herbals with.I know just in past 20 years most of our wild plants and weeds have disappeared.When we moved here 24 yr ago maypops aka passion flower and other wild plaants were plentiful, haven't seen a single one in over 15 years now.Musadines, plums,poke salet and most others are GONE!I did see soem poke salet a couple years ago but none lately.
That is terrible...I know some states are telling people to have Thanksgiving zoom together. That's not Thanksgiving. There will be nine of us for sure, and possibly three add ons. 'Company is still here...yesterday we took a walking tour of our place, and the weather was great. Drove down to the lake near here and pitched rocks, then when out for ice cream in the bigger town. Today is breakfast at the Amish restaurant. Shopping in our town (thrift store, Amish discount grocery, and Christian store), and a visit at my cousin's farm because she wants to meet them. Expecting a call from the Health Dept to check on kids. They have two more days on quarantine, but we took them to the lake and for ice cream yesterday anyway. They weren't around any people except us, even there. They are fine.

did the kids skim any rocks across the water? We use to do that to see whos rocks skims the most jumps.
Bees, where are all the bees, @Meerkat ?
Bees keep plants going. Everybody uses the poisons to keep other insects away but it kills bees too.
I rarely see bees here now. Found a dead bumblebee on the driveway a couple weeks ago.

This is true and even more scarier than the missing plants. Who was it that said when the Monarch butterfly dies its over for us all, Einstein?Haven't seen many of those lately either.But bees are really disappearing especially bubble bees are seen rarely here now,maybe a couple a year,two hang here and watch us all day ,we think they are drones.:confused:.While I wash didhes they float in kitchen window and watch, then we go o nporch and they hang there.:ghostly:very unusual. Never knew bubble bee to be so nosey.
Wish I lived next door to @Peanut .

I bet he could get my wife to normal in short order.

She went thru a healing weekend. Doc ( my best friend) has treated her over phone , we have followed his instructions to the letter.
Now wife's BP and diarrhea is normal again. Going to his house today to pickup some special chicken noodle soup with enhanced electrolytes and protein. Suppose to keep her improving , also some potassium.

We are excited that she is doing better. Been there before, so holding our breath .

She is doing much better , just very very weak.

Looking forward to the day she feels like feeding HER cats. They were jumping on the back door this morning.uuuggghhh.

Wish I lived next door to @Peanut .

I bet he could get my wife to normal in short order.

She went thru a healing weekend. Doc ( my best friend) has treated her over phone , we have followed his instructions to the letter.
Now wife's BP and diarrhea is normal again. Going to his house today to pickup some special chicken noodle soup with enhanced electrolytes and protein. Suppose to keep her improving , also some potassium.

We are excited that she is doing better. Been there before, so holding our breath .

She is doing much better , just very very weak.

Looking forward to the day she feels like feeding HER cats. They were jumping on the back door this morning.uuuggghhh.


Great news and like you I hope this improvement continues. I haven't ben feeling that good lately either but I think most of mine is cabin fever. I get bad moods, then ok moods but not many good moods as awhile back. Maybe its the seasonal changes. :dunno: .
Haertag, I'm so sorry about your mom. :-(

Grimm, that's an interesting line of work. Better when you're the one in control. I don't like/trust people enough to ever do something like that.

Ben, hopefully the door will stay dry until it can be pained.

I'm a bit distracted. Just got a call from my best friend. He called the gp like I suggested & she freaked out when he told her about his eye. She said he should have been taken to the hospital immediately but EMTs didn't want to take him bc they were full of Covid patients. She said it sounded like a stroke in his eye & he needed to see a doctor urgently. She made a bunch of calls & found the one place that had an opening today. I have to pick him up in a couple of hours as he can't drive since he can't see out of his left eye. He didn't give details to his boss, but he told him he was scared of what was going on with his health & he'd message him later but that he's unable to drive & had talked to doctors. The GP kinda threatened to kick his a$$ if he didn't go get his eye looked at.

My brother wants to come along for moral support (he also wants Chinese food). The plan is to stop at the Chinese place after the appointment.

Raccoons got in last night & knocked more stuff down. Mom tried to pick something up and fell. I heard a noise & thought it was cats fighting. Went out and heard her screaming my brother's name. I checked on her and went and got him. Thankfully she's lost weight so it was easier for him to pick her up. She'd gotten in to a sitting position. All of the guides say to roll on your knees if you fall but she has bad knees so she can't get up on them. One or more of the raccoons got under the bed in the front room. Dogs were going berserk over it.
The one that stood out was a plant named “Bidens”.
Well, that was an unfortunate coincidence. LOL

Walked first.
Did pet chores.
Called about my Tattler lids that were ordered on Oct. 11th. Lady said they would get them shipped today and they did. Makes me wonder when or if I would have gotten them if I had not called.
Laundry is done for the week.
Ran to store for old bananas. I get them cheap as I take a loaf to employees.
I will make some banana bread this afternoon for friends.
The fun was cut short since my brother had to run due to VFC distractions. The weather stripping around the basement door was finished and the basement was nice and cozy with my propane space heater running.

Work on replacement of the rotted out beams in one corner of the house. The wall was lifted...


Using a farm jack...


And the remnants if the beams cleared away. The following image shows the damage.


There was nothingness in that corner. We should be back it tomorrow. We will have to cut down larger boards since 100 years ago, lumber was actually the size it claimed to be.

So now it is time to fuss with Legos and see if I get onto the last tote.


K helped pack up all the Halloween decor and put the totes back in the garage. The goal is to get out the Christmas decor for the next weekend. To do that we need to finish the evac totes and put away the camping totes. I have plenty of room in the camping totes to pack ALL our gear without any extra storage. I noticed that one of our stoves was dirty so I had to clean it. We used it once during a blackout in the cabin but I made sure to clean it then before putting it away. Not sure how it got food grease on it but it will be clean when it gets packed up again. The last of the camping gear is washing the sleeping bags so they go in to the tote clean and fresh.

I have been purging things we don't need or have a use for as I go. We should be ready to move if needed at the end of our renewed 2 year lease in 2022. The goal is to buy our homestead at that time but we have said we will not settle for second best so if we have to rent another year or two we will.
Work on replacement of the rotted out beams in one corner of the house. The wall was lifted...

I know where a nice red oak log is, 3ft+ in diameter at the butt and about 35ft long, straight as an arrow. It's been down a year, seasoned really well. It'd make some fine foundation beams... Shame, it'd be a 2500 mile round trip. It bugs me to no end when I see logs like this cut up for firewood or worse, left to rot.
I know where a nice red oak log is, 3ft+ in diameter at the butt and about 35ft long, straight as an arrow. It's been down a year, seasoned really well. It'd make some fine foundation beams... Shame, it'd be a 2500 mile round trip. It bugs me to no end when I see logs like this cut up for firewood or worse, left to rot.
We dropped a dozen or so trees like that to plant an orchard. I had hoped to purchase a Harbor Freight saw mill but my priorities and budget never let that happen. They have been on the ground for 7 or more years so I don't have high hopes for them now. Bummer!

But I have been subscribed to 2 YouTube channels that have saw mills. They have processed some old logs and got decent boards. I may try an Alaskan Saw Mill when my life lets me build the bridges I have dreams of building on The Ridge.

A person is allowed to dream.

did the kids skim any rocks across the water? We use to do that to see whos rocks skims the most jumps.
When I was growing up I lived next to a bay and all my friends and I skipped rocks to see how many skips we could get, after I pulled a muscle in my right arm, I'm lucky to even throw a rock, my how time changes and I realize just how great it was to be a kid, the only thing I didn't like about being young was not having girlfriends, other than the one I had at 16 and I don't even tell my wife about that.
We dropped a dozen or so trees like that to plant an orchard. I had hoped to purchase a Harbor Freight saw mill but my priorities and budget never let that happen. They have been on the ground for 7 or more years so I don't have high hopes for them now. Bummer!

But I have been subscribed to 2 YouTube channels that have saw mills. They have processed some old logs and got decent boards. I may try an Alaskan Saw Mill when my life lets me build the bridges I have dreams of building on The Ridge.

A person is allowed to dream.


Buddy of mine had a Wood Mizer and got hired out to do custom sawing for people as much as he would work. I see folks going down the road pretty regular towing one. I'd love to get one, dad has 2 acres of Tulip Popular trees, several 30-40" diameter 3' off the ground. I'd bet they range up to 80-100' tall or better. There are probably 20-30 of them. I wouldn't take a guess has much lumber there would be in them. I'd love to cut them up and make a timber frame house and barn from them.
Then I'd need somewhere to store the wood while they all dried.

Glad to hear that news Jim. So happy for you guys.
Tonight, I started a lighting project, my unfinished basement has a mix of old used tubes and bulbs, I am planning to upgrade to all LED tubes... but the mounting screws that came with the new lights were junk, I am replacing but ran out of the right size screws after just 16 feet.... Will have to make a run to HD in the morning for a couple boxes of screws.

My sifter box that I use for the garden is falling apart, I am planning to rebuild it over the holiday. Wife started laughing, she remembers me making it to fill my first rased beds, that was 20 years ago, wood just don't hold up like it should.... I will be making the new one using 2X6 framing and splitting the 2'X3' box so I can use it over a barrel without spilling a lot.... I will keep the side rails a little long so I can still use it accross a 4' bed if I need to. The 1/2" open framed wire was rubber coated and it is still holding up well...

I checked the raised bed boxes after work, they are doing well. The last bed that I made the new top for and just put in concrete mixing trays to keep the weeds down, now has lettuce up, still waiting on the spinach. Each morning I am excited to see what has sprouted at the growing station over night. I am finding having the garden log helps me keep track of how long thing are taking.

I found a bunch of mites on my pepper plants, so I sprayed them today. I had notices some browing leaves, but then at lunch I saw that there were just swarms of black and white spots on the new growth... I moved the pot away from the growing station, I don't want those things on my shelves.

I had 2 weeks of vacation planned between now and the first of the year, so far people have scheduled meetings on 4 of the 10 days and I have had to change my plans to cover....

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